►Nbase_routines | This module contains all the low-level base routines e.g., all debug, control, and low-level communication routines |
Cbaseroutinesfinalise | |
Cbaseroutinesinitialise | |
Ccomputationalnodenumbersset | |
Cdiagnosticssetoff | |
Cdiagnosticsseton | |
Cextract_error_message | |
Cextracterrormessage | |
Cflag_error | Flags an error condition |
Cflag_warning | Flags a warning to the user |
Cflagerror | Flags an error condition |
Cflagwarning | Flags a warning to the user |
Coutputsetoff | |
Coutputseton | |
Crandomseedsget | |
Crandomseedsset | |
Crandomseedssizeget | |
Croutine_list_item_type | Contains information for an item in the routine list for diagnostics or timing |
Croutine_list_type | Contains information for the routine list for diagnostics or timing |
Croutine_stack_item_type | Contains information for an item in the routine invocation stack |
Croutine_stack_type | Contains information for the routine invocation stack |
Ctimingsetoff | |
Ctimingseton | |
Ctimingsummaryoutput | |
Cwrite_error | Flags a warning to the user |
Cwritestr | Flags a warning to the user |
►Nbasis_routines | This module contains all basis function routines |
Cbasis_collapsed_xi_set | Sets/changes the collapsed Xi flags for a basis |
Cbasis_evaluate_xi | Evaluates the appropriate partial derivative index for the specificied basis function at a Xi location |
Cbasis_gauss_points_calculate | Evaluates the list of gauss points and weights for a given basis type and order |
Cbasis_interpolate_gauss | Interpolates the appropriate partial derivative index of the elements parameters for basis function at a Gauss point |
Cbasis_interpolate_local_face_gauss | Interpolates the requested partial derivative index(ices) of the element parameters for basis function at a face Gauss point |
Cbasis_interpolate_xi | Interpolates the appropriate partial derivative index of the elements parameters for basis function at Xi location |
Cbasis_interpolation_xi_set | Sets/changes the interpolation type in each Xi direction for a basis |
Cbasis_lhtp_basis_evaluate | Evaluates the Lagrange/Hermite/Fourier tensor product basis function for the given basis |
Cbasis_number_of_xi_set | Sets/changes the number of Xi directions for a basis |
Cbasis_quadrature_order_set | Sets/changes the order of a quadrature for a basis quadrature |
Cbasis_quadrature_type_set | Sets/changes the quadrature type for a basis |
Cbasis_type_set | Sets/changes the type for a basis |
Csimplex_cubic_evaluate | |
Csimplex_linear_evaluate | |
Csimplex_quadratic_evaluate | |
►Nbinary_file | This module handles the reading and writing of binary files |
Cbinary_file_info_type | |
Cbinary_file_type | |
Cbinary_tag_type | |
Cread_binary_file | |
Cwrite_binary_file | |
►Nblas | This module contains the interface descriptions to the BLAS routines |
CDNRM2 | |
CSNRM2 | |
►Nboundary_conditions_routines | This module handles all boundary conditions routines |
Cboundary_conditions_add_local_dof | Adds to the value of the specified local DOF and sets this as a boundary condition on the specified local DOF |
Cboundary_conditions_set_local_dof | Sets a boundary condition on the specified local DOF |
►Ncmiss | |
Ccmfe_InitFatalHandler | |
Ccmfe_ResetFatalHandler | |
Ccmfe_SetFatalHandler | |
►Ncmiss_cellml | This module is a OpenCMISS(cm) buffer module to OpenCMISS(cellml) |
Ccellml_create_cellml_to_field_map | |
Ccellml_create_field_to_cellml_map | |
Ccellml_field_component_get | |
Ccellml_model_import | |
Ccellml_variable_set_as_known | |
Ccellml_variable_set_as_wanted | |
Cmap_cellml_field_type_to_variable_type | Map a CellML field type to a CellML variable type from OpenCMISS(cellml) |
Cmap_cellml_variable_type_to_field_type | Map a CellML variable type from OpenCMISS(cellml) to a CellML field type |
►Ncmiss_parmetis | This module is a CMISS buffer module to the ParMETIS library |
CParMETIS_V3_PartKway | |
CParMETIS_V3_PartMeshKway | |
►Ncmisspetsc | This module is a CMISS buffer module to the PETSc library |
CISColoringDestroy | |
CISDestroy | |
CISLocalToGlobalMappingApply | |
CISLocalToGlobalMappingApplyIS | |
CISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate | |
CISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy | |
CKSPCreate | |
CKSPDestroy | |
CKSPGetConvergedReason | |
CKSPGetIterationNumber | |
CKSPGetResidualNorm | |
CKSPGMRESSetRestart | |
CKSPSetFromOptions | |
CKSPSetInitialGuessNonzero | |
CKSPSetOperators | |
CKSPSetReusePreconditioner | |
CKSPSetTolerances | |
CKSPSetType | |
CKSPSetUp | |
CKSPSolve | |
CMatAssemblyBegin | |
CMatAssemblyEnd | |
CMatColoringApply | |
CMatColoringCreate | |
CMatColoringDestroy | |
CMatColoringSetFromOptions | |
CMatColoringSetType | |
CMatCreate | |
CMatCreateAIJ | |
CMatCreateDense | |
CMatCreateSeqAIJ | |
CMatCreateSeqDense | |
CMatDenseGetArrayF90 | |
CMatDenseRestoreArrayF90 | |
CMatDestroy | |
CMatFDColoringCreate | |
CMatFDColoringDestroy | |
CMatFDColoringSetFromOptions | |
CMatFDColoringSetFunction | |
CMatFDColoringSetParameters | |
CMatFDColoringSetUp | |
CMatGetInfo | |
CMatGetOwnershipRange | |
CMatGetRow | |
CMatGetValues | |
CMatMumpsSetCntl | |
CMatMumpsSetIcntl | |
CMatRestoreRow | |
CMatSeqAIJGetArrayF90 | |
CMatSeqAIJGetMaxRowNonzeros | |
CMatSeqAIJRestoreArrayF90 | |
CMatSetLocalToGlobalMapping | |
CMatSetOption | |
CMatSetSizes | |
CMatSetType | |
CMatSetValue | |
CMatSetValueLocal | |
CMatSetValues | |
CMatSetValuesLocal | |
CMatView | |
CMatZeroEntries | |
CPCFactorGetMatrix | |
CPCFactorSetMatSolverPackage | |
CPCFactorSetUpMatSolverPackage | |
CPCSetFromOptions | |
CPCSetReusePreconditioner | |
CPCSetType | |
Cpetsc_snesgetjacobian | |
Cpetsc_snessetjacobian | |
CPetscFinalize | |
CPetscInitialize | |
CPetscLogView | |
CPetscPopSignalHandler | |
CSNESCreate | |
CSNESDestroy | |
CSNESGetApplicationContext | |
CSNESGetConvergedReason | |
CSNESGetFunction | |
CSNESGetIterationNumber | |
CSNESGetJacobian | |
CSNESGetLineSearch | |
CSNESGetSolutionUpdate | |
CSNESLineSearchBTSetAlpha | |
CSnesLineSearchComputeNorms | |
CSnesLineSearchGetNorms | |
CSNESLineSearchGetVecs | |
CSNESLineSearchSetComputeNorms | |
CSnesLineSearchSetMonitor | |
CSnesLineSearchSetNorms | |
CSNESLineSearchSetOrder | |
CSNESLineSearchSetTolerances | |
CSNESLineSearchSetType | |
CSNESMonitorSet | |
CSNESQNSetRestartType | |
CSNESQNSetScaleType | |
CSNESQNSetType | |
CSNESSetApplicationContext | |
CSNESSetConvergenceTest | |
CSNESSetFromOptions | |
CSNESSetFunction | |
CSNESSetJacobian | |
CSNESSetNormSchedule | |
CSNESSetTolerances | |
CSNESSetTrustRegionTolerance | |
CSNESSetType | |
CSNESSolve | |
CTSCreate | |
CTSDestroy | |
CTSGetSolution | |
CTSMonitorSet | |
CTSSetDuration | |
CTSSetExactFinalTime | |
CTSSetFromOptions | |
CTSSetInitialTimeStep | |
CTSSetProblemType | |
CTSSetRHSFunction | |
CTSSetSolution | |
CTSSetTimeStep | |
CTSSetType | |
CTSSolve | |
CTSStep | |
CTSSundialsSetTolerance | |
CTSSundialsSetType | |
CVecAssemblyBegin | |
CVecAssemblyEnd | |
CVecCopy | |
CVecCreate | |
CVecCreateGhost | |
CVecCreateGhostWithArray | |
CVecCreateMPI | |
CVecCreateMPIWithArray | |
CVecCreateSeq | |
CVecCreateSeqWithArray | |
CVecDestroy | |
CVecDot | |
CVecDuplicate | |
CVecGetArrayF90 | |
CVecGetArrayReadF90 | |
CVecGetLocalSize | |
CVecGetOwnershipRange | |
CVecGetSize | |
CVecGetValues | |
CVecGhostGetLocalForm | |
CVecGhostRestoreLocalForm | |
CVecGhostUpdateBegin | |
CVecGhostUpdateEnd | |
CVecNorm | |
CVecRestoreArrayF90 | |
CVecRestoreArrayReadF90 | |
CVecScale | |
CVecSet | |
CVecSetFromOptions | |
CVecSetLocalToGlobalMapping | |
CVecSetSizes | |
CVecSetValues | |
CVecSetValuesLocal | |
CVecView | |
►Ncmisspetsctypes | This module contains types related to the PETSc library |
Cpetsciscoloringtype | |
Cpetscislocaltogloabalmappingtype | |
Cpetscistype | |
Cpetscksptype | |
Cpetscmatcoloringtype | |
Cpetscmatfdcoloringtype | |
Cpetscmattype | |
Cpetscpctype | |
Cpetscsneslinesearchtype | |
Cpetscsnestype | |
Cpetsctstype | |
Cpetscvectype | |
►Ncomp_environment | This module contains all computational environment variables |
Ccache_type | Contains information on a cache heirarchy |
Ccomputational_environment_type | Contains information on the computational environment the program is running in |
Ccomputational_node_type | Contains information on a computational node containing a number of processors |
Ccomputational_work_group_ptr_type | !>pointer type to COMPUTATIONAL_WORK_GROUP_TYPE |
Ccomputational_work_group_type | Contains information on logical working groups (added by Robert on 01/04/2010) |
Cmpi_computational_node_type | Contains information on the MPI type to transfer information about a computational node |
►Ncontrol_loop_routines | This module handles all control loop routines |
Ccontrol_loop_get | Returns the specified control loop as indexed by the control loop identifier from the control loop root |
Ccontrol_loop_label_get | |
Ccontrol_loop_label_set | |
►Ncoordinate_routines | This module contains all coordinate transformation and support routines |
Ccoordinate_convert_from_rc | COORDINATE_CONVERT_FROM_RC performs a coordinate transformation from a rectangular cartesian coordinate at the point with coordinate Z(:) to the returned point with coordinate X(:) in the coordinate system identified by COORDINATE_SYSTEM |
Ccoordinate_convert_to_rc | COORDINATE_CONVERT_TO_RC performs a coordinate transformation from a coordinate system identified by COORDINATE_SYSTEM at the point X(:) to the returned point Z(:) in rectangular cartesian coordinates |
Ccoordinate_delta_calculate | Calculates the difference (or delta) between two points in a coordinate system. Discontinuities for polar coordinate systems are accounted for |
Ccoordinate_derivative_convert_to_rc | |
Ccoordinate_systems_type | |
Cd2zx | |
Cdxz | Calculates DX(:)/DZ(I) at X, where Z(I) are rectangular cartesian and X(:) are curvilinear coordinates defined by COORDINATE_SYSTEM |
Cdzx | |
►Ndata_projection_routines | This module handles all data projection routines |
Cdata_projection_label_get | Gets the label for a data projection |
Cdata_projection_label_set | Sets/changes the label for a data projection |
►Ndistributed_matrix_vector | This module handles all distributed matrix vector routines |
Cdistributed_matrix_all_values_set | |
Cdistributed_matrix_data_get | |
Cdistributed_matrix_data_restore | |
Cdistributed_matrix_values_add | |
Cdistributed_matrix_values_get | |
Cdistributed_matrix_values_set | |
Cdistributed_vector_all_values_set | |
Cdistributed_vector_copy | |
Cdistributed_vector_data_get | |
Cdistributed_vector_data_restore | |
Cdistributed_vector_values_add | |
Cdistributed_vector_values_get | |
Cdistributed_vector_values_set | |
Cdistributedmatrix_allvaluesset | |
Cdistributedmatrix_createfinish | |
Cdistributedmatrix_createstart | |
Cdistributedmatrix_dataget | |
Cdistributedmatrix_datarestore | |
Cdistributedmatrix_datatypeset | |
Cdistributedmatrix_destroy | |
Cdistributedmatrix_duplicate | |
Cdistributedmatrix_form | |
Cdistributedmatrix_ghostingtypeset | |
Cdistributedmatrix_librarytypeset | |
Cdistributedmatrix_matrixbyvectoradd | |
Cdistributedmatrix_maxcolumnsperrowget | |
Cdistributedmatrix_numbernonzerosget | |
Cdistributedmatrix_numbernonzerosset | |
Cdistributedmatrix_output | |
Cdistributedmatrix_overridesetoff | |
Cdistributedmatrix_overrideseton | |
Cdistributedmatrix_storagelocationsget | |
Cdistributedmatrix_storagelocationsset | |
Cdistributedmatrix_storagetypeget | |
Cdistributedmatrix_storagetypeset | |
Cdistributedmatrix_updatefinish | |
Cdistributedmatrix_updateisfinished | |
Cdistributedmatrix_updatestart | |
Cdistributedmatrix_updatewaitfinished | |
Cdistributedmatrix_valuesadd | |
Cdistributedmatrix_valuesget | |
Cdistributedmatrix_valuesset | |
Cdistributedvector_allvaluesset | |
Cdistributedvector_copy | |
Cdistributedvector_createfinish | |
Cdistributedvector_createstart | |
Cdistributedvector_dataget | |
Cdistributedvector_datarestore | |
Cdistributedvector_destroy | |
Cdistributedvector_duplicate | |
Cdistributedvector_ghostingtypeset | |
Cdistributedvector_librarytypeset | |
Cdistributedvector_output | |
Cdistributedvector_overridesetoff | |
Cdistributedvector_overrideseton | |
Cdistributedvector_updatefinish | |
Cdistributedvector_updateisfinished | |
Cdistributedvector_updatestart | |
Cdistributedvector_updatewaitfinished | |
Cdistributedvector_valuesadd | |
Cdistributedvector_valuesget | |
Cdistributedvector_valuesset | |
Cdistributedvector_vecdot | |
►Nelectrophysiology_cell_routines | |
Cpow | |
►Nequations_mapping_routines | This module handles all equations mapping routines |
Cequations_mapping_dynamic_matrices_coeffs_set | |
Cequations_mapping_dynamic_matrices_set | |
Cequationsmapping_createfinish | |
Cequationsmapping_createstart | |
Cequationsmapping_destroy | |
Cequationsmapping_dynamicmatricescoeffsset | |
Cequationsmapping_dynamicmatricesset | |
Cequationsmapping_dynamicvariabletypeset | |
Cequationsmapping_residualcoeffset | |
Cequationsmapping_rhscoeffset | |
Cequationsmapping_rhsvariabletypeset | |
Cequationsmapping_sourcecoeffset | |
Cequationsmapping_sourcevariabletypeset | |
►Nequations_matrices_routines | This module handles all equations matrix and rhs routines |
Cequationsmatrices_createfinish | |
Cequationsmatrices_createstart | |
Cequationsmatrices_destroy | |
Cequationsmatrices_dynamiclumpingtypeset | |
Cequationsmatrices_dynamicstoragetypeset | |
Cequationsmatrices_elementadd | |
Cequationsmatrices_elementcalculate | |
Cequationsmatrices_elementfinalise | |
Cequationsmatrices_elementinitialise | |
Cequationsmatrices_elementmatrixcalculate | |
Cequationsmatrices_elementmatrixfinalise | |
Cequationsmatrices_elementmatrixsetup | |
Cequationsmatrices_elementvectorcalculate | |
Cequationsmatrices_elementvectorfinalise | |
Cequationsmatrices_elementvectorsetup | |
Cequationsmatrices_jacobianelementadd | |
Cequationsmatrices_jacobianoutput | |
Cequationsmatrices_linearstoragetypeset | |
Cequationsmatrices_nonlinearstoragetypeset | Sets the storage type (sparsity) of the nonlinear (Jacobian) equations matrices |
Cequationsmatrices_nonlinearstructuretypeset | Sets the structure (sparsity) of the nonlinear (Jacobian) equations matrices |
Cequationsmatrices_output | |
Cequationsmatrices_valuesinitialise | |
►Nfield_io_routines | Implements lists of Field IO operation |
Cchecked_deallocate | |
Cfield_io_component_info_set | Information for parallel IO, and it is nodal base |
Cfield_io_component_info_set_ptr_type | |
Cfield_io_info_set | Information for parallel IO, and it is nodal base |
Cfield_variable_component_ptr_type | Field variable component type pointer for IO |
CFieldExport_CloseSession | |
CFieldExport_Component | |
CFieldExport_CoordinateComponent | |
CFieldExport_CoordinateDerivativeIndices | |
CFieldExport_CoordinateVariable | |
CFieldExport_DerivativeIndices | |
CFieldExport_ElementGridSize | |
CFieldExport_ElementGridValues | |
CFieldExport_ElementIndex | |
CFieldExport_ElementNodeIndices | |
CFieldExport_ElementNodeScales | |
CFieldExport_EndComponent | |
CFieldExport_FieldCount | |
CFieldExport_Group | |
CFieldExport_MeshDimensions | |
CFieldExport_NodeCount | |
CFieldExport_NodeScaleIndexes | |
CFieldExport_NodeValues | |
CFieldExport_OpenSession | |
CFieldExport_ScaleFactors | |
CFieldExport_ScalingFactorCount | |
CFieldExport_Variable | |
CFieldExport_VersionInfo | |
Cgrow_array | |
Cmesh_elements_type_ptr_type | Field variable component type pointer for IO |
Creallocate | |
►Nfieldml_output_routines | Output routines for FieldML |
Cbasis_info_type | |
Cconnectivity_info_type | |
Cfieldml_output_add_field | |
►Nfieldml_types | Types for FieldML |
Cfieldml_io_type | Contains information on the current FieldML parsing state |
►Nfieldml_util_routines | Utility routines for FieldML |
Cfieldml_util_check_fieldml_error | |
►Nfluid_mechanics_io_routines | Temporary IO routines for fluid mechanics |
Carray_base | |
Carray_int | |
Carray_mesh | |
Carray_problem_base | |
Cboundary_parameters | |
Ccoupling_parameters | |
Cdarcy_parameters | |
Cexport_container | |
Cfluid_mechanics_io_read_cmheart | |
►Nhamilton_jacobi_equations_routines | This module handles all Hamilton-Jacobi equations routines |
CFIND_MINIMAX | Calculates minimum and maximum value at array A |
CGENERATE_STATUS_MASK | Calculates status mask for the local nodes |
CHJ_BoundaryConditionsAnalyticCalculate | Calculates the analytic solution and sets the boundary conditions for an analytic problem |
CHJ_EQUATION_EQUATIONS_SET_SETUP | Sets up the Hamilton-Jacobi equation type of a classical field equations set class |
CHJ_EQUATION_EQUATIONS_SET_STANDARD_SETUP | Sets up the standard Hamilton-Jacobi equation |
CHJ_EQUATION_FAST_MARCHING_CALCULATE | Calculates the connectivity and seed values for a Hamilton-Jacobi equation fast marching equations set |
CHJ_EQUATION_FINITE_ELEMENT_CALCULATE | Calculates the element stiffness matrices and RHS for a Hamilton-Jacobi equation finite element equations set |
CHJ_EQUATION_PROBLEM_SETUP | Sets up the Hamilton-Jacobi problem |
CHJ_EQUATION_PROBLEM_STANDARD_SETUP | Sets up the standard Hamilton-Jacobi equations problem |
CHJEquation_EquationsSetSolutionMethodSet | Sets/changes the solution method for a Hamilton-Jacobi equation type of an classical field equations set class |
CHJEquation_EquationsSetSpecificationSet | Sets the equation specification for a Hamilton-Jacobi equation type of a classical field equations set class |
CHJEquation_ProblemSpecificationSet | Sets the problem specification for a Hamilton-Jacobi equation type |
CNUMBER_OF_INPUT_NODES | Calculates to give back the number of nodes from input file |
CVECTOR_VECTOR_PRODUCT | Calculates and returns the VECTOR-VECTOR-prouct of the double precision VECTOR A*B in C |
►Nhelmholtz_equations_routines | This module handles all Helmholtz equations routines |
CHelmholtz_BoundaryConditionsAnalyticCalculate | Calculates the analytic solution and sets the boundary conditions for an analytic problem |
CHELMHOLTZ_EQUATION_EQUATIONS_SET_LINEAR_SETUP | Sets up the linear Helmholtz equation |
CHELMHOLTZ_EQUATION_EQUATIONS_SET_SETUP | Sets up the Helmholtz equation type of a classical field equations set class |
CHELMHOLTZ_EQUATION_EQUATIONS_SET_SOLUTION_METHOD_SET | Sets/changes the solution method for a Helmholtz equation type of an classical field equations set class |
CHELMHOLTZ_EQUATION_FINITE_ELEMENT_CALCULATE | Calculates the element stiffness matrices and RHS for a Helmholtz equation finite element equations set |
CHELMHOLTZ_EQUATION_PROBLEM_LINEAR_SETUP | Sets up the linear Helmholtz equations solution |
CHELMHOLTZ_EQUATION_PROBLEM_SETUP | Sets up the Helmholtz problem |
CHELMHOLTZ_EQUATION_PROBLEM_STANDARD_SETUP | Sets up the standard Helmholtz equations problem |
CHELMHOLTZ_EQUATION_PROBLEM_SUBTYPE_SET | Sets/changes the problem subtype for a Helmholtz equation type |
CHelmholtz_EquationsSetSolutionMethodSet | Sets/changes the solution method for a Helmholtz equation type of an classical field equations set class |
CHelmholtz_EquationsSetSpecificationSet | Sets the equation specification for a Helmholtz equation type of a classical field equations set class |
CHelmholtz_EquationsSetStandardSetup | Sets up the standard Helmholtz equation |
CHelmholtz_ProblemSpecificationSet | Sets the problem specification for a Helmholtz equation type |
CHelmholtzEquation_EquationsSetSpecificationSet | Sets the equation specification for a Helmholtz equation type of a classical field equations set class |
►Nhistory_routines | This module handles all history file routines |
Chistory_filename_set | Sets/changes the filename for a history file |
►Ninput_output | This module handles all formating and input and output |
Cwrite_string | Write a string to a given output stream |
Cwrite_string_fmt_two_value | Write a string, value, string then a value with the values formatted in a particular way to a given output stream |
Cwrite_string_fmt_value | Write a string followed by a value formatted in a particular way to a specified output stream |
Cwrite_string_idx_vector | Write a string followed by a indexed vector to a specified output stream |
Cwrite_string_matrix | Write a string followed by a matrix to a specified output stream |
Cwrite_string_two_value | Write a string, value, string then a value to a given output stream |
Cwrite_string_value | Write a string followed by a value to a given output stream |
Cwrite_string_vector | Write a string followed by a vector to a specified output stream |
Cwritestring | Write a string to a given output stream |
Cwritestringfmttwovalue | Write a string, value, string then a value with the values formatted in a particular way to a given output stream |
Cwritestringfmtvalue | Write a string followed by a value formatted in a particular way to a specified output stream |
Cwritestringidxvector | Write a string followed by a indexed vector to a specified output stream |
Cwritestringmatrix | Write a string followed by a matrix to a specified output stream |
Cwritestringtwovalue | Write a string, value, string then a value to a given output stream |
Cwritestringvalue | Write a string followed by a value to a given output stream |
Cwritestringvector | Write a string followed by a vector to a specified output stream |
►Ninterface_equations_routines | This module handles all interface equations routines |
CINTERFACE_CONDITION_EQUATIONS_GET | Gets the interface equations for an interface conditions |
CINTERFACE_EQUATIONS_CREATE_FINISH | Finish the creation of interface equations |
CINTERFACE_EQUATIONS_CREATE_START | Start the creation of interface equations for an interface condition |
CINTERFACE_EQUATIONS_DESTROY | Destroys interface equations |
CINTERFACE_EQUATIONS_DOMAIN_INTERFACE_INTERPOLATION_ | Sets up the interface equations domain interface interpolation. ! |
CINTERFACE_EQUATIONS_FINALISE | Finalise the interface equations and deallocate all memory |
CINTERFACE_EQUATIONS_INITIALISE | Initialises the interface equations for an interface condition |
CINTERFACE_EQUATIONS_INTERPOLATION_FINALISE | Finalises the interface equations interpolation and deallocates all memory |
CINTERFACE_EQUATIONS_LINEARITY_TYPE_GET | Gets the linearity type for interface equations |
CINTERFACE_EQUATIONS_LINEARITY_TYPE_SET | Sets/changes the linearity type for interface equations |
CINTERFACE_EQUATIONS_OUTPUT_TYPE_GET | Gets the output type for interface equations |
CINTERFACE_EQUATIONS_OUTPUT_TYPE_SET | Sets/changes the output type for the interface equations |
CINTERFACE_EQUATIONS_SPARSITY_TYPE_GET | Gets the sparsity type for interface equations |
CINTERFACE_EQUATIONS_SPARSITY_TYPE_SET | Sets/changes the sparsity type for the interface equations |
CInterfaceEquations_DomainInterpolationFinalise | Finalises the interface equations domain interpolation and deallocates all memory |
CInterfaceEquations_DomainInterpolationInitialise | Initialises the interface equations domain interpolation |
CInterfaceEquations_DomainVariableInterpolationSetup | Sets up the interface equations domain variable interpolation |
CInterfaceEquations_InterfaceInterpSetsNumberSet | |
CInterfaceEquations_InterpolationInitialise | Initialises the interface equations interpolation |
CInterfaceEquations_InterpolationSetFinalise | Finalises the interface equations interpolation set and deallocates all memory |
CInterfaceEquations_InterpolationSetInitialise | Initialises the interface equations interpolation set |
CInterfaceEquations_TimeDependenceTypeGet | Gets the time dependence type for interface equations |
CInterfaceEquations_VariableInterpSetsNumberSet | |
CInterfaceEquationsTimeDependenceTypeSet | Sets/changes the time dependence type for interface equations |
►Ninterface_mapping_routines | This module contains all interface mapping routines |
CINTERFACE_MAPPING_CALCULATE | Calculates interface mapping |
CINTERFACE_MAPPING_CREATE_FINISH | Finishes the creation of interface mapping |
CINTERFACE_MAPPING_CREATE_START | Starts the process of creating the interface mapping for interface equations |
CINTERFACE_MAPPING_DESTROY | Destroys an interface mapping |
CINTERFACE_MAPPING_FINALISE | Finalises the interface mapping and deallocates all memory |
CINTERFACE_MAPPING_INITIALISE | Initialises the interface mapping and deallocates all memory |
CINTERFACE_MAPPING_MATRICES_COEFFS_SET | Sets the coefficients for the interface matrices |
CINTERFACE_MAPPING_MATRICES_NUMBER_SET | Sets the number of interface matrices for an interface mapping |
CINTERFACE_MAPPING_MATRICES_TRANSPOSE_SET | Sets the transpose flag for the interface matrices |
CINTERFACE_MAPPING_RHS_COEFF_SET | Sets the coefficient applied to the interface RHS vector |
CINTERFACE_MAPPING_RHS_MAPPING_FINALISE | Finalises the interface mapping RHS mapping and deallocates all memory |
CINTERFACE_MAPPING_RHS_MAPPING_INITIALISE | Initialises the interface mapping RHS mapping |
CINTERFACE_MAPPING_RHS_VARIABLE_TYPE_SET | Sets the mapping between a Lagrange field variable and the interface rhs vector |
CInterfaceMapping_CreateValuesCacheFinalise | Finalises an interface mapping create values cache and deallocates all memory |
CInterfaceMapping_CreateValuesCacheInitialise | Initialises an interface mapping create values cache |
CInterfaceMapping_LagrangeVariableSet | Sets the Lagrange variable type for the interface mapping |
CInterfaceMapping_MatricesColumnMeshIndicesSet | Sets the column mesh indices for the interface matrices |
CInterfaceMapping_MatricesRowMeshIndicesSet | Sets the row mesh indices for the interface matrices |
CInterfaceMapping_MatrixToVarMapFinalise | Finalises an interface matrix to variable map and deallocates all memory |
CInterfaceMapping_MatrixToVarMapInitialise | Initialises an interface matrix to variable map |
►Niso_varying_string | This module provides an iso_varying_string module, conformant to the API specified in ISO/IEC 1539-2:2000 (varying-length strings for Fortran 95) |
Cadjustl | |
Cadjustr | |
Cassignment(=) | |
Ccchar | |
Cchar | |
Cerase | |
Cextract | |
Cget | |
Ciachar | |
Cichar | |
Cindex | |
Cinsert | |
Clen | |
Clen_trim | |
Clge | |
Clgt | |
Clle | |
Cllt | |
Coperator(//) | |
Coperator(/=) | |
Coperator(<) | |
Coperator(<=) | |
Coperator(==) | |
Coperator(>) | |
Coperator(>=) | |
Cput | |
Cput_line | |
Cremove | |
Crepeat | |
Creplace | |
Cscan | |
Csplit | |
Ctrim | |
Cvar_str | |
Cvarying_string | |
Cverify | |
►Nlapack | This module contains the interface descriptions to the LAPACK routines |
►Nlinkedlist_routines | Only for integer data type for now |
Clinkedlist | |
Clinkedlist_add | |
Clinkedlistitem | |
►Nlists | Implements lists of base types |
Clist_createfinish | |
Clist_createstart | |
Clist_datadimensionset | |
Clist_datatypeset | |
Clist_detach_and_destroy | Detaches the list values from a list and returns them as a pointer to a array of base type before destroying the list |
Clist_detachanddestroy | Detaches the list values from a list and returns them as a pointer to a array of base type before destroying the list |
Clist_initialsizeset | |
Clist_item_add | Adds an item to the end of a list |
Clist_item_get | Returns an item in a list at a specififed position |
Clist_item_in_list | Determines if an item is in a list and returns the position of the item |
Clist_item_set | Sets an item in the list |
Clist_itemadd | Adds an item to the end of a list |
Clist_itemdelete | |
Clist_itemget | Returns an item in a list at a specififed position |
Clist_iteminlist | Determines if an item is in a list and returns the position of the item |
Clist_itemset | Sets an item in the list |
Clist_itersection | Calculates the intersection of two arrays |
Clist_keydimensionset | |
Clist_mutableset | |
Clist_numberofitemsget | |
Clist_removeduplicates | |
Clist_search | Searches a list for a given value and returns the position in the list if the value exists |
Clist_search_linear | Searches a list using the linear search method |
Clist_searchlinear | Searches a list using the linear search method |
Clist_sort | Sorts a list into ascending order |
Clist_sort_bubble | Sorts a list into assending order using the bubble sort method |
Clist_sort_heap | Sorts a list into assending order using the heap sort method |
Clist_sort_shell | Sorts a list into either assending or descending order using the shell sort method |
Clist_sortbubble | Sorts a list into assending order using the bubble sort method |
Clist_sortheap | Sorts a list into assending order using the heap sort method |
Clist_sortshell | Sorts a list into either assending or descending order using the shell sort method |
Clist_subset_of | Checks whether an array is a subset of another array |
Clist_subsetof | Checks whether an array is a subset of another array |
►Nmaths | This module contains all mathematics support routines |
Ccoth | Returns hyperbolic cotangent of argument |
Ccross_product | Calculates the vector cross product of two vectors |
Ccrossproduct | Calculates the vector cross product of two vectors |
Cd_cross_product | Calculates the the vector cross product of A*B in C and the N derivatives, D_C, of the vector cross product given the derivatives D_A and D_B of A and B |
Cdcrossproduct | Calculates the the vector cross product of a x b in c and the n derivatives, dc, of the vector cross product given the derivatives da and db of a and b |
Cdeterminant | Returns the determinant of a matrix |
Cedp | Calculates the elliptic integral of the second kind - E(m) |
Ceigenvalue | Returns the eigenvalues of a matrix |
Ceigenvector | Returns the eigenvectors of a matrix |
Ci0 | Calculates the modified Bessel function of the first kind of order 0 using the approximation of Abromowitz and Stegun |
Ci1 | Calculates the modified Bessel function of the first kind of order 1 using the approximation of Abromowitz and Stegun |
Cidentitymatrix | Returns the identity matrix |
Cinvert | Returns the inverse of a matrix |
Ck0 | Calculates the modified Bessel function of the second kind of order 0 using the approximation of Abromowitz and Stegun |
Ck1 | Calculates the modified Bessel function of the second kind of order 1 using the approximation of Abromowitz and Stegun |
Ckdp | Calculates the elliptic integral of the first kind - K(m) |
Cl2norm | Returns the L2 norm of a vector |
Cmatrix_product | Calculates and returns the matrix-product A*B in the matrix C |
Cmatrix_transpose | Returns the transpose of a matrix A in A^T |
Cmatrix_vector_product | Calculates and returns the matrix-vector-product A*b in the vector c |
Cmatrixproduct | Calculates and returns the matrix-product A*B in the matrix C |
Cmatrixproducttranspose | Calculates and returns the matrix-product-transpose A*B^T in the matrix C |
Cmatrixtranspose | Returns the transpose of a matrix A in A^T |
Cmatrixtransposeproduct | Calculates and returns the matrix-transpose product A^T*B in the matrix C |
Cmatrixtransposevectorproduct | Calculates and returns the matrix-transpose vector-product A^T*b in the vector c |
Cmatrixvectorproduct | Calculates and returns the matrix-vector-product A*b in the vector c |
Cnorm_cross_product | Calculates the normalised vector cross product of two vectors |
Cnormalise | Normalises a vector |
Cnormcrossproduct | Calculates the normalised vector cross product of two vectors |
Csolve_small_linear_system | Solves a small linear system Ax=b |
Csolvesmalllinearsystem | Solves a small linear system Ax=b |
►Nmatrix_vector | This module contains all routines dealing with (non-distributed) matrix and vectors types |
Cmatrix_all_values_set | |
Cmatrix_data_get | |
Cmatrix_values_add | |
Cmatrix_values_get | |
Cmatrix_values_set | |
Cvector_all_values_set | |
Cvector_data_get | |
Cvector_values_get | |
Cvector_values_set | |
►Nmonodomain_equations_routines | This module handles all Monodomain equations routines |
CMONODOMAIN_CONTROL_LOOP_POST_LOOP | Runs after each control loop iteration |
CMONODOMAIN_EQUATION_EQUATIONS_SET_SETUP | Sets up the Monodomain equation type of a Strang splitting equations set class |
CMONODOMAIN_EQUATION_PROBLEM_SETUP | Sets up the Monodomain solution |
CMONODOMAIN_EQUATION_PROBLEM_SUBTYPE_SETUP | Sets up the linear Monodomain equations solution |
CMonodomain_EquationsSetSolutionMethodSet | Sets/changes the solution method for a Monodomain equation type of an Strang splitting equations set class |
CMonodomain_EquationsSetSpecificationSet | Sets the problem specification for a monodomain equation set class |
CMonodomain_EquationsSetSubtypeSetup | Sets up the Monodomain equation |
CMonodomain_FiniteElementCalculate | Calculates the element stiffness matrices and RHS for a Monodomain equation finite element equations set |
CMONODOMAIN_POST_SOLVE | Sets up the output type for a monodomain problem class |
CMONODOMAIN_PRE_SOLVE | Sets up the output type for a monodomain problem class |
CMonodomain_ProblemSpecificationSet | Sets the problem specification for a monodomain problem class |
CMonodomain_ProblemStrangSplittingSetup | Sets up the Monodomain solution |
►Nmulti_compartment_transport_routines | TThis module handles all routines pertaining to (advection-)diffusion coupled to (advection-)diffusion |
CMULTI_COMPARTMENT_TRANSPORT_POST_SOLVE | Sets up the multi-compartment transport problem post solve |
CMULTI_COMPARTMENT_TRANSPORT_PRE_SOLVE | Sets up the multi-compartment coupled transport problem pre-solve |
CMULTI_COMPARTMENT_TRANSPORT_PROBLEM_SETUP | Sets up the coupled diffusion-diffusion equations problem |
CMultiCompartmentTransport_EquationsSetSetup | Sets up the multi-compartment coupled advection-diffusion & diffusion transport equation |
CMultiCompartmentTransport_EquationsSetSolutionMethodSet | Sets/changes the solution method for a coupled diffusion & advection-diffusion equation type of a multi physics equations set class |
CMultiCompartmentTransport_FiniteElementCalculate | Calculates the element stiffness matrices and RHS for a multi-compartment coupled advection-diffusion & diffusion transport equation |
CMultiCompartmentTransport_PostSolveOutputData | Sets up the diffuion-diffusion problem post solve output data |
CMultiCompartmentTransport_PreSolveUpdateAnalyticValues | |
CMultiCompartmentTransport_ProblemSpecificationSet | Sets/changes the problem subtype for a coupled diffusion & advection-diffusion equation type |
►Nmulti_physics_routines | This module handles all multi physics class routines |
CMULTI_PHYSICS_CONTROL_LOOP_POST_LOOP | Executes after each loop of a control loop, ie after each time step for a time loop |
CMULTI_PHYSICS_CONTROL_LOOP_PRE_LOOP | Executes before each loop of a control loop, ie before each time step for a time loop |
CMULTI_PHYSICS_EQUATIONS_SET_SETUP | Sets up the equations set for a multi physics equations set class |
CMULTI_PHYSICS_FINITE_ELEMENT_CALCULATE | Calculates the element stiffness matries and rhs vector for the given element number for a multi physics class finite element equation set |
CMULTI_PHYSICS_POST_SOLVE | Sets up the output type for a multi physics problem class |
CMULTI_PHYSICS_PRE_SOLVE | Sets up the output type for a multi physics problem class |
CMULTI_PHYSICS_PROBLEM_SETUP | Sets up the problem for a multi physics problem class |
CMultiPhysics_EquationsSetSolnMethodSet | Sets/changes the solution method for a multi physics equation set class |
CMultiPhysics_EquationsSetSpecificationSet | Sets the problem specification for a multi physics equation set class |
CMultiPhysics_FiniteElementJacobianEvaluate | Evaluates the element Jacobian matrix for the given element number for a multi physics class finite element equation set |
CMultiPhysics_FiniteElementResidualEvaluate | Evaluates the element residual and rhs vectors for the given element number for a multi physics class finite element equation set |
CMultiPhysics_ProblemSpecificationSet | Sets/changes the problem type and subtype for a multi physics problem class |
►Nnavier_stokes_equations_routines | This module handles all Navier-Stokes fluid routines |
CNAVIER_STOKES_ANALYTIC_FUNCTIONS_EVALUATE | Calculates the various analytic values for NSE examples with exact solutions |
CNAVIER_STOKES_EQUATIONS_SET_SETUP | Sets up the Navier-Stokes fluid setup |
CNAVIER_STOKES_POST_SOLVE | Sets up the Navier-Stokes problem post solve |
CNAVIER_STOKES_PRE_SOLVE | Sets up the Navier-Stokes problem pre solve |
CNAVIER_STOKES_PRE_SOLVE_ALE_UPDATE_MESH | Update mesh velocity and move mesh for ALE Navier-Stokes problem |
CNAVIER_STOKES_PROBLEM_SETUP | Sets up the Navier-Stokes problem |
CNavierStokes_BoundaryConditionsAnalyticCalculate | Sets up analytic parameters and calls NAVIER_STOKES_ANALYTIC_FUNCTIONS_EVALUATE to evaluate solutions to analytic problems |
CNavierStokes_CalculateBoundaryFlux | Calculate the fluid flux through 3D boundaries for use in problems with coupled solutions (e.g. multidomain) |
CNavierStokes_CalculateElementMetrics | Calculate element-level scale factors: CFL, cell Reynolds number |
CNavierStokes_ControlLoopPostLoop | Runs after each control loop iteration |
CNavierStokes_Couple1D0D | Update the solution for the 1D solver with boundary conditions from a lumped parameter model defined by CellML. For more information please see chapter 11 of: L. Formaggia, A. Quarteroni, and A. Veneziani, Cardiovascular mathematics: modeling and simulation of the circulatory system. Milan; New York: Springer, 2009 |
CNavierStokes_CoupleCharacteristics | Check convergence of |
CNavierStokes_EquationsSetSolutionMethodSet | Sets/changes the solution method for a Navier-Stokes flow equation type of an fluid mechanics equations set class |
CNavierStokes_EquationsSetSpecificationSet | Sets the equation specification for a Navier-Stokes fluid type of a fluid mechanics equations set class |
CNavierStokes_FiniteElementFaceIntegrate | Calculates the face integration term of the finite element formulation for Navier-Stokes equation, required for pressure and multidomain boundary conditions. portions based on DarcyEquation_FiniteElementFaceIntegrate by Adam Reeve |
CNavierStokes_FiniteElementJacobianEvaluate | Evaluates the Jacobian element stiffness matrices and RHS for a Navier-Stokes equation finite element equations set |
CNavierStokes_FiniteElementPreResidualEvaluate | Pre-residual evaluation a navier-stokes finite element equations set |
CNavierStokes_FiniteElementResidualEvaluate | Evaluates the residual element stiffness matrices and RHS for a Navier-Stokes equation finite element equations set |
CNavierStokes_PreSolveALEUpdateParameters | Update mesh parameters for Laplace problem |
CNavierStokes_PreSolveUpdateBoundaryConditions | Update boundary conditions for Navier-Stokes flow pre solve |
CNavierStokes_ProblemSpecificationSet | Sets/changes the problem subtype for a Navier-Stokes fluid type |
CNavierStokes_ResidualBasedStabilisation | Update SUPG parameters for Navier-Stokes equation |
CNavierStokes_ShearRateCalculate | Calculated the rate of deformation (shear rate) for a navier-stokes finite element equations set |
CNavierStokes_UpdateMultiscaleBoundary | Updates boundary conditions for multiscale fluid problems |
►Nopencmiss_iron | |
Ccmfe_analyticanalysis_absoluteerrorgetconstant | Get the absolute error of the constant |
Ccmfe_analyticanalysis_absoluteerrorgetelement | Get the absolute error of the element |
Ccmfe_analyticanalysis_absoluteerrorgetnode | Get the absolute error of the node |
Ccmfe_analyticanalysis_integralabsoluteerrorget | Get integral of absolute errors |
Ccmfe_analyticanalysis_integralanalyticvalueget | Get integral of analytical values |
Ccmfe_analyticanalysis_integralniderrorget | Get integral of NID errors |
Ccmfe_analyticanalysis_integralnidnumericalvalueget | Get integral of NID numerical errors |
Ccmfe_analyticanalysis_integralnumericalvalueget | Get integral of numerical values |
Ccmfe_analyticanalysis_integralpercentageerrorget | Get integral of percentage errors |
Ccmfe_analyticanalysis_integralrelativeerrorget | Get integral of relative errors |
Ccmfe_analyticanalysis_output | Output the analytic error analysis for a field compared to the analytic values parameter set |
Ccmfe_analyticanalysis_percentageerrorgetconstant | Get the percentage error of the constant |
Ccmfe_analyticanalysis_percentageerrorgetelement | Get the percentage error of the element |
Ccmfe_analyticanalysis_percentageerrorgetnode | Get the percentage error of the node |
Ccmfe_analyticanalysis_relativeerrorgetconstant | Get the relative error of the constant |
Ccmfe_analyticanalysis_relativeerrorgetelement | Get the relative error of the element |
Ccmfe_analyticanalysis_relativeerrorgetnode | Get the relative error of the node |
Ccmfe_analyticanalysis_rmserrorgetelement | Get the RMS error of elements |
Ccmfe_analyticanalysis_rmserrorgetnode | Get the RMS error of nodes |
Ccmfe_basis_collapsedxiget | Returns the collapsed Xi flags for a basis |
Ccmfe_basis_collapsedxiset | Sets/changes the collapsed Xi flags for a basis |
Ccmfe_basis_createfinish | Finishes the creation of a new basis |
Ccmfe_basis_createstart | Starts the creation of a new basis |
Ccmfe_basis_destroy | Destroys a basis |
Ccmfe_basis_interpolationxiget | Get the interpolation type in each Xi directions for a basis |
Ccmfe_basis_interpolationxiset | Sets/changes the interpolation type in each Xi directions for a basis |
Ccmfe_basis_numberoflocalnodesget | Returns the number of local nodes in a basis |
Ccmfe_basis_numberofxiget | Returns the number of Xi directions in a basis |
Ccmfe_basis_numberofxiset | Sets/changes the number of Xi directions in a basis |
Ccmfe_basis_quadraturegaussxiget | Returns the xi positions of Gauss points on a basis quadrature |
Ccmfe_basis_quadraturelocalfacegaussevaluateset | Sets/changes the local face gauss evaluatoin flag for a basis quadrature |
Ccmfe_basis_quadraturenumberofgaussxiget | Returns the number of Gauss points in each Xi direction on a basis quadrature |
Ccmfe_basis_quadraturenumberofgaussxiset | Sets/changes the number of Gauss points in each Xi direction on a basis quadrature |
Ccmfe_basis_quadratureorderget | Returns the order of quadrature for a basis quadrature |
Ccmfe_basis_quadratureorderset | Sets/changes the order of quadrature for a basis quadrature |
Ccmfe_basis_quadraturetypeget | Returns the quadrature type for a basis quadrature |
Ccmfe_basis_quadraturetypeset | Sets/changes the quadrature type for a basis quadrature |
Ccmfe_basis_typeget | Returns the type of a basis |
Ccmfe_basis_typeset | Sets/changes the type of a basis |
Ccmfe_basistype | Contains information about a basis function |
Ccmfe_boundaryconditions_addconstant | Adds to the value of the specified constant and sets this as a boundary condition on the specified constant |
Ccmfe_boundaryconditions_addelement | Adds to the value of the element constant and sets this as a boundary condition on the specified element |
Ccmfe_boundaryconditions_addnode | Adds to the value of the node constant and sets this as a boundary condition on the specified node |
Ccmfe_boundaryconditions_constrainnodedofsequal | Constrain multiple nodal equations dependent field DOFs to be a single solver DOF in the solver equations |
Ccmfe_boundaryconditions_destroy | Destroys boundary conditions |
Ccmfe_boundaryconditions_neumannsparsitytypeset | Sets the matrix sparsity type for Neumann integration matrices, used when integrating Neumann point values |
Ccmfe_boundaryconditions_setconstant | Sets the value of the specified constant as a boundary condition on the specified constant |
Ccmfe_boundaryconditions_setelement | Sets the value of the specified element as a boundary condition on the specified element |
Ccmfe_boundaryconditions_setnode | Sets the value of the specified node as a boundary condition on the specified node |
Ccmfe_boundaryconditionstype | Contains information on the boundary conditions for the equations set |
Ccmfe_cellml_createcellmltofieldmap | Map a CellML model variable to a field variable component in this CellML environment |
Ccmfe_cellml_createfieldtocellmlmap | Map a field variable component to a CellML model variable in this CellML environment |
Ccmfe_cellml_createfinish | Finishes the creation of a CellML environment |
Ccmfe_cellml_createstart | Starts the creation of a CellML environment |
Ccmfe_cellml_destroy | Destroys a CellML environment |
Ccmfe_cellml_fieldcomponentget | Returns the component for a given CellML field that corresponds to the specified CellML variable ID |
Ccmfe_cellml_fieldmapscreatefinish | Finishes the creation of field maps for a CellML environment |
Ccmfe_cellml_fieldmapscreatestart | Starts the creation of field maps for a CellML environment |
Ccmfe_cellml_generate | Validate and instantiate the specified CellML environment |
Ccmfe_cellml_intermediatefieldcreatefinish | Finishes the creation of CellML intermediate field |
Ccmfe_cellml_intermediatefieldcreatestart | Starts the creation of CellML intermediate field |
Ccmfe_cellml_intermediatefieldget | Returns the CellML intermediate field for a CellML environment |
Ccmfe_cellml_modelimport | Imports the specified CellML model into a CellML models environment |
Ccmfe_cellml_modelsfieldcreatefinish | Finishes the creation of CellML models field |
Ccmfe_cellml_modelsfieldcreatestart | Starts the creation of CellML models field |
Ccmfe_cellml_modelsfieldget | Returns the CellML models field for a CellML environment |
Ccmfe_cellml_parametersfieldcreatefinish | Finishes the creation of CellML parameters field |
Ccmfe_cellml_parametersfieldcreatestart | Starts the creation of CellML parameters field |
Ccmfe_cellml_parametersfieldget | Returns the CellML parameters field for a CellML environment |
Ccmfe_cellml_statefieldcreatefinish | Finishes the creation of CellML state field |
Ccmfe_cellml_statefieldcreatestart | Starts the creation of CellML state field |
Ccmfe_cellml_statefieldget | Returns the CellML state field for a CellML environment |
Ccmfe_cellml_variablesetasknown | Set a CellML model variable as being known (the value will be set from an OpenCMISS field) |
Ccmfe_cellml_variablesetaswanted | Set a CellML model variable as being wanted (the value will be extracted from the model to an OpenCMISS field) |
Ccmfe_cellmlequations_cellmladd | Adds CellML environments to CellML equations |
Ccmfe_cellmlequationstype | Contains information about the CellML equations for a solver |
Ccmfe_cellmltype | Contains information on a CellML environment |
Ccmfe_computationalworkgrouptype | Contains information on a computational work group |
Ccmfe_controlloop_absolutetoleranceset | Sets/changes the convergence tolerance for a while control loop |
Ccmfe_controlloop_controlloopget | Returns the specified control loop as indexed by the control loop identifier from the control loop root |
Ccmfe_controlloop_currenttimesget | Returns the current time parameters for a time control loop |
Ccmfe_controlloop_destroy | Destroy a control loop |
Ccmfe_controlloop_iterationsset | Sets/changes the iteration parameters for a fixed control loop |
Ccmfe_controlloop_labelget | Returns the label of a control loop |
Ccmfe_controlloop_labelset | Sets/changes the label of a control loop |
Ccmfe_controlloop_maximumiterationsset | Sets/changes the maximum iterations for a while control loop |
Ccmfe_controlloop_numberofiterationsget | Returns the number of iterations for a time control loop. If the returned value is 0, that means that the number has not yet been computed |
Ccmfe_controlloop_numberofiterationsset | Sets/changes the number of iterations for a time control loop. If set to 0, it will be computed from time increment and start/stop time |
Ccmfe_controlloop_numberofsubloopsget | Returns the number of sub loops for a control loop |
Ccmfe_controlloop_numberofsubloopsset | Sets/changes the number of sub loops for a control loop |
Ccmfe_controlloop_outputtypeget | Returns the output type for a control loop |
Ccmfe_controlloop_outputtypeset | Sets/changes the output type for a control loop |
Ccmfe_controlloop_timeinputset | Sets/changes the input parameters for a time control loop |
Ccmfe_controlloop_timeoutputset | Sets/changes the output parameters for a time control loop |
Ccmfe_controlloop_timesget | Returns the time parameters for a time control loop |
Ccmfe_controlloop_timesset | Sets/Changes the time parameters for a time control loop |
Ccmfe_controlloop_typeset | Sets/Changes the loop type for a control loop |
Ccmfe_controllooptype | Contains information on a control loop |
Ccmfe_coordinatesystem_createfinish | Finishes the creation of a coordinate system |
Ccmfe_coordinatesystem_createstart | Starts the creation of a coordinate system |
Ccmfe_coordinatesystem_destroy | Destorys a coordinate system |
Ccmfe_coordinatesystem_dimensionget | Returns the coordinate system dimension |
Ccmfe_coordinatesystem_dimensionset | Sets/changes the coordinate system dimension |
Ccmfe_coordinatesystem_focusget | Returns the coordinate system focus |
Ccmfe_coordinatesystem_focusset | Sets/changes the coordinate system focus |
Ccmfe_coordinatesystem_orientationget | Returns the coordinate system orientation |
Ccmfe_coordinatesystem_orientationset | Sets/changes the coordinate system orientation |
Ccmfe_coordinatesystem_originget | Returns the coordinate system orign |
Ccmfe_coordinatesystem_originset | Sets/changes the coordinate system orign |
Ccmfe_coordinatesystem_radialinterpolationget | Returns the coordinate system radial interpolation type |
Ccmfe_coordinatesystem_radialinterpolationset | Sets/changes the coordinate system radial interpolation type |
Ccmfe_coordinatesystem_typeget | Returns the coordinate system type |
Ccmfe_coordinatesystem_typeset | Sets/changes the coordinate system type |
Ccmfe_coordinatesystemtype | Contains information on a coordinate system |
Ccmfe_datapoints_createfinish | Finishes the process of creating data points in a region |
Ccmfe_datapoints_createstart | Starts the process of creating data points in a region |
Ccmfe_datapoints_destroy | Destroys data points |
Ccmfe_datapoints_labelget | Returns the label for a data point identified by a given global number |
Ccmfe_datapoints_labelset | Sets/changes the label for a data point identified by a given global number |
Ccmfe_datapoints_numberofdatapointsget | Returns the number of data points |
Ccmfe_datapoints_usernumberget | Returns the user number for a data point identified by a given global number |
Ccmfe_datapoints_usernumberset | Sets/changes the user number for a data point identified by a given global number |
Ccmfe_datapoints_valuesget | Returns the values for a data point identified by a given global number |
Ccmfe_datapoints_valuesset | Sets/changes the values for a data point identified by a given global number |
Ccmfe_datapoints_weightsget | Returns the weights for a data point identified by a given global number |
Ccmfe_datapoints_weightsset | Sets/changes the weights for a data point identified by a given global number |
Ccmfe_datapointstype | Contains information on the data points defined on a region |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_absolutetoleranceget | Returns the absolute tolerance for a data projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_absolutetoleranceset | Sets/changes the absolute tolerance for a data projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_createfinish | Finishes the creation of a new data projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_createstart | Starts the creation of a new data projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_datapointspositionevaluate | Evaluate the data points position in a field based on data projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_datapointsprojectionevaluate | Starts the evluation of data projection on the geometric field |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_destroy | Destroy a data projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_elementset | Sets/changes the element number for a data point projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_labelget | Gets the label for a data point projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_labelset | Sets/changes the label for a data point projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_maximumiterationupdateget | Returns the maximum iteration update for a data projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_maximumiterationupdateset | Sets/changes the maximum iteration update for a data projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_maximumnumberofiterationsget | Returns the maximum number of iterations for a data projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_maximumnumberofiterationsset | Sets/changes the maximum number of iterations for a data projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_numberofclosestelementsget | Returns the number of closest elements for a data projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_numberofclosestelementsset | Sets/changes the number of closest elements for a data projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_projectioncandidatesset | Set the candidate element numbers and their local face/line numbers |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_projectiontypeget | Returns the projection type for a data projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_projectiontypeset | Sets/changes the projection type for a data projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_relativetoleranceget | Returns the relative tolerance for a data projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_relativetoleranceset | Sets/changes the relative tolerance for a data projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_resultdistanceget | Returns the projection distance for a data point identified by a given user number |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_resultelementfacenumberget | Returns the projection element face number for a data point identified by a given user number |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_resultelementlinenumberget | Returns the projection element line number for a data point identified by a given user number |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_resultelementnumberget | Returns the projection element number for a data point identified by a given user number |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_resultexittagget | Returns the projection exit tag for a data point identified by a given user number |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_resultprojectionvectorget | Returns the projection vector for a data point identified by a given user number |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_resultxiget | Returns the projection xi for a data point identified by a given user number |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_resultxiset | Sets the projection xi for a data point identified by a given user number |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_startingxiget | Returns the starting xi for a data projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojection_startingxiset | Sets/changes the starting xi for a data projection |
Ccmfe_dataprojectiontype | Contains information about a data projection |
Ccmfe_decomposition_calculatefacesset | Sets/changes whether faces should be calculated for the decomposition |
Ccmfe_decomposition_calculatelinesset | Sets/changes whether lines should be calculated for the decomposition |
Ccmfe_decomposition_createfinish | Finishes the creation of a domain decomposition |
Ccmfe_decomposition_createstart | Start the creation of a domain decomposition for a given mesh |
Ccmfe_decomposition_destroy | Destroys a domain decomposition |
Ccmfe_decomposition_elementdomaincalculate | Calculates the element domains for the decomposition of a mesh |
Ccmfe_decomposition_elementdomainget | Returns the domain for a given element in a decomposition of a mesh |
Ccmfe_decomposition_elementdomainset | Sets/changes the domain for a given element in a decomposition of a mesh |
Ccmfe_decomposition_meshcomponentget | Returns the mesh component number used for the decomposition of a mesh |
Ccmfe_decomposition_meshcomponentset | Sets/changes the mesh component number used for the decomposition of a mesh |
Ccmfe_decomposition_nodedomainget | Returns the domain for a given element in a decomposition of a mesh |
Ccmfe_decomposition_numberofdomainsget | Returns the number of domains used for the decomposition of a mesh |
Ccmfe_decomposition_numberofdomainsset | Sets/changes the number of domains used for the decomposition of a mesh |
Ccmfe_decomposition_topologydataprojectioncalculate | Calculates the decomposition topology for data points |
Ccmfe_decomposition_topologyelementdatapointlocalnumberget | Gets the local data point number for data points projected on an element |
Ccmfe_decomposition_topologyelementdatapointusernumberget | Gets the user data point number for data points projected on an element |
Ccmfe_decomposition_topologynumberofelementdatapointsget | Gets the number of data points projected on an element |
Ccmfe_decomposition_typeget | Returns the type of decomposition |
Ccmfe_decomposition_typeset | Sets/changes the type of decomposition |
Ccmfe_decompositiontype | Contains information on the mesh decomposition |
Ccmfe_distributedmatrix_dataget | Get the data array for this matrix on this computational node |
Ccmfe_distributedmatrix_datarestore | Restore the data array for this matrix once it has finished being used |
Ccmfe_distributedmatrix_datatypeget | Get the data type for a distributed matrix |
Ccmfe_distributedmatrix_dimensionsget | Get the dimensions for a distributed matrix on this computational node |
Ccmfe_distributedmatrix_storagelocationsget | Get the row indices and column indices for a sparse matrix |
Ccmfe_distributedmatrix_storagetypeget | Get the storage type for a distributed matrix |
Ccmfe_distributedmatrixtype | A matrix that may be distributed across multiple computational nodes and may use sparse or full storage |
Ccmfe_distributedvector_dataget | Get the data array for this vector on this computational node |
Ccmfe_distributedvector_datarestore | Restore the data array for this vector once it has finished being used |
Ccmfe_distributedvector_datatypeget | Get the data type for a distributed vector |
Ccmfe_distributedvectortype | A vector that may be distributed across multiple computational nodes |
Ccmfe_equations_destroy | Destroys equations for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equations_linearitytypeget | Gets the linearity type for equations |
Ccmfe_equations_lumpingtypeget | Gets the lumping type for equations |
Ccmfe_equations_lumpingtypeset | Sets/changes the lumping type for equations |
Ccmfe_equations_outputtypeget | Gets the output type for equations |
Ccmfe_equations_outputtypeset | Sets/changes the output type for equations |
Ccmfe_equations_sparsitytypeget | Gets the sparsity type for equations |
Ccmfe_equations_sparsitytypeset | Sets/changes the sparsity type for equations |
Ccmfe_equations_timedependencetypeget | Gets the time dependence type for equations |
Ccmfe_equationsset_analyticcreatefinish | Finish the creation of a analytic solution for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_analyticcreatestart | Start the creation of a analytic solution for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_analyticdestroy | Destroy the analytic solution for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_analyticevaluate | Evaluates the current analytic solution for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_analytictimeget | Returns the analytic time for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_analytictimeset | Sets/changes the analytic time for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_analyticuserparamget | Gets the equations set analytic user parameter |
Ccmfe_equationsset_analyticuserparamset | Sets/changes the equations set analytic user parameter |
Ccmfe_equationsset_createfinish | Finish the creation of an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_createstart | Start the creation of an equations set on a region |
Ccmfe_equationsset_dependentcreatefinish | Finish the creation of dependent variables for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_dependentcreatestart | Start the creation of dependent variables for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_dependentdestroy | Destroy the dependent variables for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_derivedcreatefinish | Finish the creation of derived variables for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_derivedcreatestart | Start the creation of derived variables for an equations set. These are used to store any intermediate calculated values, for example stress and strain fields in an elasticity problem |
Ccmfe_equationsset_deriveddestroy | Destroy the derived variables for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_derivedvariablecalculate | Calculates an output field for the equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_derivedvariableset | Set the derived field variable type to be used by a derived variable |
Ccmfe_equationsset_destroy | Destroy an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_equationscreatefinish | Finish the creation of equations for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_equationscreatestart | Start the creation of equations for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_equationsdestroy | Destroy the equations for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_independentcreatefinish | Finish the creation of independent fields for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_independentcreatestart | Start the creation of independent fields for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_independentdestroy | Destroy the independent fields for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_materialscreatefinish | Finish the creation of materials for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_materialscreatestart | Start the creation of materials for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_materialsdestroy | Destroy the materials for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_solutionmethodget | Returns the solution method for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_solutionmethodset | Sets/changes the solution method for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_sourcecreatefinish | Finish the creation of a source for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_sourcecreatestart | Start the creation of a source for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_sourcedestroy | Destroy the source for an equations set |
Ccmfe_equationsset_specificationget | Returns the equations set specification array |
Ccmfe_equationsset_specificationsizeget | Returns the size of the equations set specification array |
Ccmfe_equationsset_tensorinterpolatexi | Evaluate a tensor at a given element xi location |
Ccmfe_equationssettype | Contains information on an equations set defined on a region |
Ccmfe_equationstype | Contains information about the equations in an equations set |
Ccmfe_extracterrormessage | Extracts the OpenCMISS error message |
Ccmfe_field_componentinterpolationget | Returns the interpolation type for a field variable component |
Ccmfe_field_componentinterpolationset | Sets/changes the interpolation type for a field variable component |
Ccmfe_field_componentlabelget | Returns the label for a field variable component |
Ccmfe_field_componentlabelset | Sets/changes the label for a field variable component |
Ccmfe_field_componentmeshcomponentget | Returns the mesh component number for a field variable component |
Ccmfe_field_componentmeshcomponentset | Sets/changes the mesh component number for a field variable component |
Ccmfe_field_componentvaluesinitialise | Initialises the values of a parameter set of a field variable component to a constant value |
Ccmfe_field_createfinish | Finishes the creation of a field |
Ccmfe_field_createstart | Starts the creation of a field |
Ccmfe_field_dataprojectionset | Sets/changes the data projection for a field |
Ccmfe_field_datatypeget | Returns the data type for a field variable |
Ccmfe_field_datatypeset | Sets/changes the data type for a field variable |
Ccmfe_field_dependenttypeget | Returns the dependent type for a field |
Ccmfe_field_dependenttypeset | Sets/changes the dependent type for a field |
Ccmfe_field_destroy | Destroys a field |
Ccmfe_field_dimensionget | Returns the field dimension for a field variable |
Ccmfe_field_dimensionset | Sets/changes the field dimension for a field variable |
Ccmfe_field_dofordertypeget | Returns the DOF order type for a field variable |
Ccmfe_field_dofordertypeset | Sets/changes the DOF order type for a field variable. Note: for contiguous coponent DOF ordering all the components of the field variable must have the same interpolation type |
Ccmfe_field_geometricfieldget | Returns the geometric field for a field |
Ccmfe_field_geometricfieldset | Sets/changes the geometric field for a field |
Ccmfe_field_geometricparameterselementlinelengthget | Gets line lengths from a geometric field given an element number and element basis line number |
Ccmfe_field_geometricparameterselementvolumeget | Gets volumes from a geometric field given an element number |
Ccmfe_field_labelget | Returns the label for a field |
Ccmfe_field_labelset | Sets/changes the label for a field |
Ccmfe_field_meshdecompositionget | Returns the mesh decomposition for a field |
Ccmfe_field_meshdecompositionset | Sets/changes the mesh decomposition for a field |
Ccmfe_field_numberofcomponentsget | Returns the number of field components for a field variable |
Ccmfe_field_numberofcomponentsset | Sets/changes the number of field components for a field variable |
Ccmfe_field_numberofvariablesget | Returns the number of field variables for a field |
Ccmfe_field_numberofvariablesset | Sets/changes the number of field variables for a field |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetaddconstant | Adds the given value to the given parameter set for the constant of the field variable component |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetaddelement | Adds the given value to the given parameter set for a particular user element of the field variable component |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetaddnode | Adds the given value to the given parameter set for a particular user node of the field variable component |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetcreate | Creates a new parameter set of type set type for a field variable |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetdataget | Returns a pointer to the specified field parameter set local data array. The pointer must be restored with a call to OpenCMISS::Iron::cmfe_Field_ParameterSetDataRestore call. Note: the values can be used for read operations but a field parameter set update or add calls must be used to change any values |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetdatarestore | Restores the specified field variable parameter set local array that was obtained with an OpenCMISS::Iron::cmfe_Field_ParameterSetDataGet call |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetdestroy | Destroy a parameter set of type set type for a field variable |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetgetconstant | Returns from the given parameter set a value for the specified constant of a field variable component |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetgetdatapoint | Returns from the given parameter set a value for the specified data pont of a field variable component |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetgetelement | Returns from the given parameter set a value for the specified element of a field variable component |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetgetgausspoint | Returns from the given parameter set a value for the specified element and Gauss point of a field variable component |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetgetnode | Returns from the given parameter set a value for the specified node and derivative of a field variable component |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetinterpolategauss | Interpolates the given parameter set at a specified set of Gauss points for specified element and derviative. When interpolating at multiple Gauss points, if no Gauss points are specified then all Gauss points are interpolated |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetinterpolatexi | Interpolates the given parameter set at a specified xi/set of xi locations for specified element and derviative |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetnodenumberofscalefactordofsget | Gets the number of scalefactor dofs |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetnodescalefactorget | Gets a scale factor for a particular node |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetnodescalefactorset | Sets a scale factor for a particular node |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetnodescalefactorsget | Gets the scale factors for all nodes |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetnodescalefactorsset | Sets the scale factors for all nodes |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetupdateconstant | Updates the given parameter set with the given value for the constant of a field variable component |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetupdatedatapoint | Update the given parameter set a value for the specified data pont of a field variable component |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetupdateelement | Updates the given parameter set with the given value for a particular user element of a field variable component |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetupdateelementdatapoint | Updates the given parameter set with the given value for a particular data point of a field variable component |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetupdatefinish | Finishes the parameter set update for a field variable |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetupdategausspoint | Updates the given parameter set with the given value for a particular Gauss point of a field variable component |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetupdatelocaldofs | Updates the given parameter set with the given values for all local dofs of the field variable |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetupdatenode | Updates the given parameter set with the given value for a particular user node of a field variable component |
Ccmfe_field_parametersetupdatestart | Starts the parameter set update for a field variable |
Ccmfe_field_parameterstofieldparameterscomponentcopy | Copy the parameters from the parameter set of a component of a field variable to the paramters of a parameter set of a component of another field variable |
Ccmfe_field_positionnormaltangentcalculatenode | |
Ccmfe_field_scalingtypeget | Returns the scaling type for a field |
Ccmfe_field_scalingtypeset | Sets/changes the scaling type for a field |
Ccmfe_field_typeget | Returns the type for a field |
Ccmfe_field_typeset | Sets/changes the type for a field |
Ccmfe_field_variablelabelget | Returns the label for a field variable |
Ccmfe_field_variablelabelset | Sets/changes the label for a field variable |
Ccmfe_field_variabletypesget | Returns the field variable types for a field |
Ccmfe_field_variabletypesset | Sets/changes the field variable types for a field |
Ccmfe_fieldml_inputbasiscreatestart | Creates a basis using the given FieldML evaluator |
Ccmfe_fieldml_inputcoordinatesystemcreatestart | Creates the region's coordinate system using the given FieldML evaluator |
Ccmfe_fieldml_inputcreatefromfile | Initialise the given FieldML context using the given FieldML XML file |
Ccmfe_fieldml_inputcreatemeshcomponent | Creates a mesh component using the given FieldML evaluator |
Ccmfe_fieldml_inputfieldcreatestart | Creates a field component using the given FieldML evaluator |
Ccmfe_fieldml_inputfieldparametersupdate | Updates the given field's dofs using the given parameter evaluator |
Ccmfe_fieldml_inputmeshcreatestart | Creates a mesh using the given FieldML evaluator |
Ccmfe_fieldml_inputnodescreatestart | Creates the region's nodes using the given FieldML evaluator |
Ccmfe_fieldml_outputaddfield | Add the given field to the current FieldML context |
Ccmfe_fieldml_outputaddfieldcomponents | Add the given field to the current FieldML context, using only the given components |
Ccmfe_fieldml_outputcreate | Initialise a new FieldML context |
Ccmfe_fieldml_outputwrite | Write the current FieldML document to the given file |
Ccmfe_fieldmliotype | Provides input and output of fields through the FieldML API |
Ccmfe_fields_create | |
Ccmfe_fields_elementsexport | |
Ccmfe_fields_nodesexport | |
Ccmfe_fieldstype | Contains information for a fields defined on a region |
Ccmfe_fieldtype | Contains information for a field defined on a region |
Ccmfe_generatedmesh_basevectorsset | Sets/changes the base vectors for a generated mesh |
Ccmfe_generatedmesh_basisget | Returns the basis for a generated mesh |
Ccmfe_generatedmesh_basisset | Sets/changes the basis for a generated mesh |
Ccmfe_generatedmesh_createfinish | Finishes the creation of a generated mesh |
Ccmfe_generatedmesh_createstart | Starts the creation of a generated mesh |
Ccmfe_generatedmesh_destroy | Destroys a generated mesh |
Ccmfe_generatedmesh_extentget | Returns the extent of a generated mesh |
Ccmfe_generatedmesh_extentset | Sets/changes the extent of a generated mesh |
Ccmfe_generatedmesh_geometricparameterscalculate | Calculates and sets the geometric field parameters for a generated mesh |
Ccmfe_generatedmesh_numberofelementsget | Returns the number of elements in a generated mesh |
Ccmfe_generatedmesh_numberofelementsset | Sets/changes the number of elements in a generated mesh |
Ccmfe_generatedmesh_originget | Returns the origin of a generated mesh |
Ccmfe_generatedmesh_originset | Sets/changes the origin of a generated mesh |
Ccmfe_generatedmesh_surfaceget | Returns a list of nodes belonging to a surface of given type |
Ccmfe_generatedmesh_typeget | Returns the type of a generated mesh |
Ccmfe_generatedmesh_typeset | Sets/changes the type of a generated mesh |
Ccmfe_generatedmeshtype | Contains information on a generated mesh |
Ccmfe_historytype | Contains information about a history file for a control loop |
Ccmfe_initialise | |
Ccmfe_interface_coordinatesystemget | Get the coordinate system of an inteface |
Ccmfe_interface_coordinatesystemset | Set the coordinate system of an inteface |
Ccmfe_interface_createfinish | Finishes the creation of an interface |
Ccmfe_interface_createstart | Starts the creation of an interface |
Ccmfe_interface_destroy | Destroys an interface |
Ccmfe_interface_labelget | Returns the label of an interface |
Ccmfe_interface_labelset | Sets/changes the label of an interface |
Ccmfe_interface_meshadd | Adds a mesh to an interface |
Ccmfe_interface_nodesget | Returns the nodes for a interface |
Ccmfe_interfacecondition_createfinish | Finishes the creation of an interface condition |
Ccmfe_interfacecondition_createstart | Starts the creation of an interface condition |
Ccmfe_interfacecondition_dependentvariableadd | Adds in a dependent variable to an interface condition |
Ccmfe_interfacecondition_destroy | Destroys an interface condition |
Ccmfe_interfacecondition_equationscreatefinish | Finishes the creation of equations for an interface condition |
Ccmfe_interfacecondition_equationscreatestart | Starts the creation of equations for an interface condition |
Ccmfe_interfacecondition_equationsdestroy | Destroys the interface equations for an interface condition |
Ccmfe_interfacecondition_integrationtypeget | Returns the integration type for an interface condition |
Ccmfe_interfacecondition_integrationtypeset | Sets/changes the integration type for an interface condition |
Ccmfe_interfacecondition_lagrangefieldcreatefinish | Finishes the creation of a Lagrange multipliers field for an interface condition |
Ccmfe_interfacecondition_lagrangefieldcreatestart | Starts the creation of a Lagrange multipliers field for an interface condition |
Ccmfe_interfacecondition_methodget | Returns the method for an interface condition |
Ccmfe_interfacecondition_methodset | Sets/changes the method for an interface condition |
Ccmfe_interfacecondition_operatorget | Returns the operator for an interface condition |
Ccmfe_interfacecondition_operatorset | Sets/changes the operator for an interface condition |
Ccmfe_interfacecondition_penaltyfieldcreatefinish | Finishes the creation of a Penalty field for an interface condition |
Ccmfe_interfacecondition_penaltyfieldcreatestart | Starts the creation of a Penalty field for an interface condition |
Ccmfe_interfaceconditiontype | Contains information about an interface condition |
Ccmfe_interfaceequations_outputtypeget | Returns the output type for interface equations |
Ccmfe_interfaceequations_outputtypeset | Sets/changes the output type for interface equations |
Ccmfe_interfaceequations_sparsityget | Returns the sparsity for interface equations |
Ccmfe_interfaceequations_sparsityset | Sets/changes the sparsity for interface equations |
Ccmfe_interfaceequationstype | Contains information about an interface condition |
Ccmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_basisset | Sets the number of elements coupled through a given interface mesh element |
Ccmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_createfinish | Finishes the creation of an interface meshes connectivity |
Ccmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_createstart | Starts the creation of an interface meshes connectivity |
Ccmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_destroy | Destroys an interface meshes connectivity |
Ccmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_elementnumberset | Sets the number of elements coupled through a given interface mesh element |
Ccmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_elementxiset | Sets the element xi values for the mesh connectivity between an element in the interface mesh and an element in a region mesh |
Ccmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_nodenumberset | Sets the coupled node numbers |
Ccmfe_interfacemeshconnectivitytype | Contains information on an interfaces meshes connectivity |
Ccmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_createfinish | Finishes the creation of an interface points connectivity |
Ccmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_createstart | Starts the creation of an interface points connectivity |
Ccmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_destroy | Destroys an interface points connectivity |
Ccmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_elementnumberget | Get the coupled mesh element number that defines points connectivity |
Ccmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_elementnumberset | Sets the coupled mesh element number that defines points connectivity |
Ccmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_pointxiget | Gets the element xi values for the points connectivity between a data point in the interface mesh and an element in a region mesh |
Ccmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_pointxiset | Sets the element xi values for the points connectivity between a data point in the interface mesh and an element in a region mesh |
Ccmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_updatefromprojection | Update points connectivity information with projection results |
Ccmfe_interfacepointsconnectivitytype | Contains information on an interfaces points connectivity |
Ccmfe_interfacetype | Contains information about an interface |
Ccmfe_mesh_createfinish | Finishes the creation of a mesh |
Ccmfe_mesh_createstart | Starts the creation of a mesh |
Ccmfe_mesh_destroy | Destroys a mesh |
Ccmfe_mesh_elementexists | Returns true if the given element is in the given mesh component |
Ccmfe_mesh_elementsget | Get the mesh elements belonging to a mesh component |
Ccmfe_mesh_nodeexists | Returns true if the given node is in the given mesh component |
Ccmfe_mesh_nodesget | Get the mesh nodes belonging to a mesh component |
Ccmfe_mesh_numberofcomponentsget | Returns the number of mesh components in a mesh |
Ccmfe_mesh_numberofcomponentsset | Sets/changes the number of mesh components in a mesh |
Ccmfe_mesh_numberofelementsget | Returns the number of elements in a mesh |
Ccmfe_mesh_numberofelementsset | Sets/changes the number of elements in a mesh |
Ccmfe_mesh_surroundingelementscalculateset | Sets/changes the surrounding elements calculate flag for the mesh |
Ccmfe_mesh_topologydatapointscalculateprojection | Sets/changes whether data points topology should be calculated for the decomposition |
Ccmfe_meshelements_adjacentelementget | Returns the adjacent elements for a given element and adjacent xi direction for an element in a mesh |
Ccmfe_meshelements_basisget | Returns the basis for an element in a mesh |
Ccmfe_meshelements_basisset | Sets/changes the basis for an element in a mesh |
Ccmfe_meshelements_createfinish | Finishes the creation of a mesh elements for a mesh component |
Ccmfe_meshelements_createstart | Starts the creation of a mesh elements for a mesh component |
Ccmfe_meshelements_localelementnodeversionset | Sets/changes a local element's node derivative version for an element in a mesh |
Ccmfe_meshelements_nodesget | Returns the element nodes for an element in a mesh |
Ccmfe_meshelements_nodesset | Sets/changes the element nodes for an element in a mesh |
Ccmfe_meshelements_usernodeversionset | Sets/changes a user node's derivative version for an element in a mesh |
Ccmfe_meshelements_usernumberget | Returns the element user number for an element in a mesh |
Ccmfe_meshelements_usernumbersallset | Sets/changes the element user numbers for all element in a mesh |
Ccmfe_meshelements_usernumberset | Sets/changes the element user number for an element in a mesh |
Ccmfe_meshelementstype | Contains information on a mesh elements defined in a mesh |
Ccmfe_meshembedding_create | Creates an embedding of one mesh in another |
Ccmfe_meshembedding_getgausspointcoord | |
Ccmfe_meshembedding_pullgausspointdata | |
Ccmfe_meshembedding_pushdata | Pushes data from the parent field to the child field |
Ccmfe_meshembedding_setchildnodeposition | Sets the embedded nodes for one parent element |
Ccmfe_meshembedding_setgausspointdata | |
Ccmfe_meshembeddingtype | Contains information on an embedded mesh |
Ccmfe_meshnodes_derivativesget | Returns the derivatives for a node in a mesh |
Ccmfe_meshnodes_numberofderivativesget | Returns the number of derivatives for a node in a mesh |
Ccmfe_meshnodes_numberofnodesget | Returns the number of nodes in a mesh |
Ccmfe_meshnodes_numberofversionsget | Returns the number of versions for a derivative at a node in a mesh |
Ccmfe_meshnodestype | Contains information on a mesh nodes defined in a mesh |
Ccmfe_meshtype | Contains information on a mesh defined on a region |
Ccmfe_nodes_createfinish | Finishes the process of creating nodes in a region |
Ccmfe_nodes_createstart | Starts the process of creating nodes in a region |
Ccmfe_nodes_destroy | Destroys nodes |
Ccmfe_nodes_labelget | Returns the label for a node identified by a given global number |
Ccmfe_nodes_labelset | Sets/changes the label for a node identified by a given global number |
Ccmfe_nodes_numberofnodesget | Returns the number of nodes |
Ccmfe_nodes_usernumberget | Returns the user number for a node identified by a given global number |
Ccmfe_nodes_usernumbersallset | Sets/changes the all user number for nodes |
Ccmfe_nodes_usernumberset | Sets/changes the user number for a node identified by a given global number |
Ccmfe_nodestype | Contains information on the nodes defined on a region |
Ccmfe_problem_cellmlequationscreatefinish | Finish the creation of CellML equations for a problem |
Ccmfe_problem_cellmlequationscreatestart | Start the creation of solver equations for a problem |
Ccmfe_problem_cellmlequationsget | Returns the CellML equations for a problem |
Ccmfe_problem_controlloopcreatefinish | Finishes the process of creating a control loop on a problem |
Ccmfe_problem_controlloopcreatestart | Starts the process of creating a control loop on a problem |
Ccmfe_problem_controlloopdestroy | Destroys the control loop for a problem |
Ccmfe_problem_controlloopget | Returns a control loop for a problem |
Ccmfe_problem_createfinish | Finishes the process of creating a problem |
Ccmfe_problem_createstart | Start the process of creating a problem |
Ccmfe_problem_destroy | Destroys a problem |
Ccmfe_problem_solve | Solve a problem |
Ccmfe_problem_solverequationscreatefinish | Finish the creation of solver equations for a problem |
Ccmfe_problem_solverequationscreatestart | Start the creation of solver equations for a problem |
Ccmfe_problem_solverequationsdestroy | Destroys the solver equations for a problem |
Ccmfe_problem_solverequationsget | Returns the solver equations for a problem |
Ccmfe_problem_solverget | Returns the solver for a problem control loop |
Ccmfe_problem_solverscreatefinish | Finish the creation of solvers for a problem |
Ccmfe_problem_solverscreatestart | Start the creation of solvers for a problem |
Ccmfe_problem_solversdestroy | Destroy the solvers for a problem |
Ccmfe_problem_specificationget | Returns the problem specification array for a problem |
Ccmfe_problem_specificationsizeget | Returns the size of the problem specification array for a problem |
Ccmfe_problemtype | Contains information for a problem |
Ccmfe_quadraturetype | Contains information for a particular quadrature scheme for a basis |
Ccmfe_randomseedsget | Gets the random seeds for OpenCMISS |
Ccmfe_randomseedsset | Sets the random seeds for OpenCMISS |
Ccmfe_region_coordinatesystemget | Returns the coordinate system of region |
Ccmfe_region_coordinatesystemset | Sets/changes the coordinate system of region |
Ccmfe_region_createfinish | Finishes the creation of a region |
Ccmfe_region_createstart | Starts the creation of a region |
Ccmfe_region_datapointsget | Returns the data points for a region |
Ccmfe_region_destroy | Destroys a region |
Ccmfe_region_labelget | Returns the label of a region |
Ccmfe_region_labelset | Sets/changes the label of a region |
Ccmfe_region_nodesget | Returns the nodes for a region |
Ccmfe_regiontype | Contains information for a region |
Ccmfe_solver_cellmlequationsget | Returns the CellML equations for a solver |
Ccmfe_solver_daeeulersolvertypeget | Returns the solver type for an Euler differential-algebraic equation solver |
Ccmfe_solver_daeeulersolvertypeset | Sets/changes the solver type for an Euler differential-algebraic equation solver |
Ccmfe_solver_daesolvertypeget | Returns the solver type for an differential-algebraic equation solver |
Ccmfe_solver_daesolvertypeset | Sets/changes the solver type for an differential-algebraic equation solver |
Ccmfe_solver_daetimesset | Sets/changes the times for a differential-algebraic equation solver |
Ccmfe_solver_daetimestepset | Sets/changes the (initial) time step for a differential-algebraic equation solver |
Ccmfe_solver_dynamicdegreeget | Returns the degree of the polynomial used to interpolate time for a dynamic solver |
Ccmfe_solver_dynamicdegreeset | Sets/changes the degree of the polynomial used to interpolate time for a dynamic solver |
Ccmfe_solver_dynamiclinearitytypeget | Returns the linearity type for the dynamic solver |
Ccmfe_solver_dynamiclinearsolverget | Returns the linear solver associated with a linear dynamic solver |
Ccmfe_solver_dynamicnonlinearsolverget | Returns the nonlinear solver associated with a nonlinear dynamic solver |
Ccmfe_solver_dynamicschemeset | Sets/changes the scheme for a dynamic solver |
Ccmfe_solver_dynamicthetaset | Sets/changes the theta scheme values for a dynamic solver |
Ccmfe_solver_dynamictimesset | Sets/changes the dynamic times for a dynamic solver |
Ccmfe_solver_geometrictransformationarbitrarypathset | |
Ccmfe_solver_geometrictransformationclear | |
Ccmfe_solver_geometrictransformationfieldset | |
Ccmfe_solver_geometrictransformationmatrixset | |
Ccmfe_solver_geometrictransformationnumberofloadincrementsset | |
Ccmfe_solver_geometrictransformationrotationset | |
Ccmfe_solver_geometrictransformationscalingsset | |
Ccmfe_solver_geometrictransformationtranslationset | |
Ccmfe_solver_labelget | Returns the label of a solver |
Ccmfe_solver_labelset | Sets/changes the label of a control loop |
Ccmfe_solver_librarytypeget | Returns the type of library to use for the solver |
Ccmfe_solver_librarytypeset | Sets/changes the type of library to use for the solver |
Ccmfe_solver_lineardirecttypeset | Sets/changes the type of direct linear solver |
Ccmfe_solver_lineariterativeabsolutetoleranceset | Sets/changes the absolute tolerance for an iterative linear solver |
Ccmfe_solver_lineariterativedivergencetoleranceset | Sets/changes the divergence tolerance for an iterative linear solver |
Ccmfe_solver_lineariterativegmresrestartset | Sets/changes the GMRES restart value for a GMRES iterative linear solver |
Ccmfe_solver_lineariterativemaximumiterationsset | Sets/changes the maximum number of iterations for an iterative linear solver |
Ccmfe_solver_lineariterativepreconditionertypeset | Sets/changes the type of preconditioner for an iterative linear solver |
Ccmfe_solver_lineariterativerelativetoleranceset | Sets/changes the relative tolerance for an iterative linear solver |
Ccmfe_solver_lineariterativetypeset | Sets/changes the type of iterative linear solver |
Ccmfe_solver_lineartypeset | Sets/changes the type of linear solver |
Ccmfe_solver_newtonabsolutetoleranceset | Sets/changes the absolute tolerance for a nonlinear Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_newtoncellmlsolverget | Returns the linear solver associated with a nonlinear Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_newtonconvergencetesttypeset | Sets/change the convergence test for a nonlinear Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_newtonjacobiancalculationtypeset | Sets/changes the Jacobian calculation type for a nonlinear Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_newtonlinearsolverget | Returns the linear solver associated with a nonlinear Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchalphaset | Sets/changes the line search alpha for a nonlinear Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchmaxstepset | Sets/changes the line search maximum step for a nonlinear Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchmonitoroutputset | Enables/disables output monitoring for a nonlinear Newton line search solver |
Ccmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchsteptolset | Sets/changes the line search step tolerance for a nonlinear Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchtypeset | Sets/changes the type of line search for a nonlinear Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_newtonmaximumfunctionevaluationsset | Sets/changes the maximum number of function evaluations for a nonlinear Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_newtonmaximumiterationsset | Sets/changes the maximum number of iterations for a nonlinear Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_newtonrelativetoleranceset | Sets/changes the relative tolerance for a nonlinear Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_newtonsolutiontoleranceset | Sets/changes the solution tolerance for a nonlinear Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_newtontrustregiondelta0set | Sets/changes the trust region delta0 tolerance for a nonlinear Newton trust region solver |
Ccmfe_solver_newtontrustregiontoleranceset | Sets/changes the trust region tolerance for a nonlinear Newton trust region solver |
Ccmfe_solver_newtontypeset | Sets/changes the type of nonlinear Newton trust region solver |
Ccmfe_solver_nonlineartypeset | Sets/changes the type of nonlinear solver |
Ccmfe_solver_outputtypeset | Sets/changes the output type for a solver |
Ccmfe_solver_quasinewtonabsolutetoleranceset | Sets/changes the absolute tolerance for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_quasinewtoncellmlsolverget | Returns the linear solver associated with a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_quasinewtonconvergencetesttypeset | Sets/change the convergence test for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_quasinewtonjacobiancalculationtypeset | Sets/changes the Jacobian calculation type for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinearsolverget | Returns the linear solver associated with a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinesearchmaxstepset | Sets/changes the line search maximum step for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinesearchmonitoroutputset | Enables/disables output monitoring for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton line search solver |
Ccmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinesearchsteptolset | Sets/changes the line search step tolerance for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinesearchtypeset | Sets/changes the type of line search for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_quasinewtonmaximumfunctionevaluationsset | Sets/changes the maximum number of function evaluations for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_quasinewtonmaximumiterationsset | Sets/changes the maximum number of iterations for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_quasinewtonrelativetoleranceset | Sets/changes the relative tolerance for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_quasinewtonrestartset | Sets/changes the nonlinear Quasi-Newton restart |
Ccmfe_solver_quasinewtonrestarttypeset | Sets/changes the nonlinear Quasi-Newton restart type |
Ccmfe_solver_quasinewtonscaletypeset | Sets/changes the nonlinear Quasi-Newton scale type |
Ccmfe_solver_quasinewtonsolutiontoleranceset | Sets/changes the solution tolerance for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_quasinewtonsolvetypeset | Sets/changes the type of nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver |
Ccmfe_solver_quasinewtontrustregiondelta0set | Sets/changes the trust region delta0 tolerance for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton trust region solver |
Ccmfe_solver_quasinewtontrustregiontoleranceset | Sets/changes the trust region tolerance for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton trust region solver |
Ccmfe_solver_quasinewtontypeset | Sets/changes the nonlinear Quasi-Newton type |
Ccmfe_solver_solverequationsget | Returns the solver equations for a solver |
Ccmfe_solverequations_boundaryconditionsanalytic | Set boundary conditions for solver equations according to the analytic equations |
Ccmfe_solverequations_boundaryconditionscreatefinish | Finish the creation of boundary conditions for solver equations |
Ccmfe_solverequations_boundaryconditionscreatestart | Start the creation of boundary conditions for solver equations |
Ccmfe_solverequations_boundaryconditionsget | Get the boundary conditions for solver equations |
Ccmfe_solverequations_equationssetadd | Adds equations sets to solver equations |
Ccmfe_solverequations_interfaceconditionadd | Adds an interface condition to solver equations |
Ccmfe_solverequations_sparsitytypeset | Sets/changes the sparsity type for solver equations |
Ccmfe_solverequationstype | Contains information about the solver equations for a solver |
Ccmfe_solvertype | Contains information about a solver |
Ccmfe_usernumberget | Returns the user number of an object |
►Nreaction_diffusion_equation_routines | This module handles all reaction diffusion equation routines |
CREACTION_DIFFUSION_EQUATION_PROBLEM_SETUP | Sets up the reaction-diffusion problem |
CREACTION_DIFFUSION_POST_SOLVE | Sets up the reaction diffusion problem post solve |
CREACTION_DIFFUSION_PRE_SOLVE | Performs pre-solve actions for reaction-diffusion problems |
CReactionDiffusion_EquationsSetSetup | Sets up the reaction diffusion equation type of a classical equations set class |
CReactionDiffusion_EquationsSetSolutionMethodSet | Sets/changes the solution method for a reaction diffusion equation type of a classical equations set class |
CReactionDiffusion_EquationsSetSpecificationSet | Sets the equation specification for a reaction diffusion equation type of a classical equations set class |
CReactionDiffusion_FiniteElementCalculate | Calculates the element stiffness matrices and RHS for a reaction diffusion equation finite element equations set |
CReactionDiffusion_ProblemSpecificationSet | Sets the problem specification for a reaction-diffusion problem |
►Nreaction_diffusion_io_routines | Temporary IO routines for fluid mechanics |
CREACTION_DIFFUSION_IO_WRITE_CMGUI | Writes solution into cmgui formats exelem and exnode |
►Nregion_routines | This module contains all region routines |
Cregion_label_get | |
Cregion_label_set | |
►Nsolver_routines | This module handles all solver routines |
Csolver_dynamic_theta_set | |
Csolver_label_get | |
Csolver_label_set | |
►Nsorting | This module contains all procedures for sorting. NOTE: THE ROUTINES IN THIS MODULE HAVE NOT BEEN TESTED!!! |
Cbubble_isort | |
Cbubble_sort | |
Cheap_sort | |
Cshell_sort | |
►Nstrings | This module contains all string manipulation and transformation routines |
Ccharacter_to_lowercase | Returns a character string which is the lowercase equivalent of the supplied string |
Ccharacter_to_uppercase | Returns a character string which is the uppercase equivalent of the supplied string |
Ccharactertolowercase | Returns a character string which is the lowercase equivalent of the supplied string |
Ccharactertouppercase | Returns a character string which is the uppercase equivalent of the supplied string |
Cis_abbreviation | Returns .TRUE. if a supplied string is a valid abbreviation of a second supplied string |
Cisabbreviation | Returns .TRUE. if a supplied string is a valid abbreviation of a second supplied string |
Cisdigit | |
Cisletter | |
Ciswhitespace | |
Clist_to_character | Converts a list to its equivalent character string representation |
Clisttocharacter | Converts a list to its equivalent character string representation |
Clogicaltocharacter | |
Clogicaltovstring | |
Cnumber_to_character | Converts a number to its equivalent character string representation |
Cnumber_to_vstring | Converts a number to its equivalent varying string representation |
Cnumbertocharacter | Converts a number to its equivalent character string representation |
Cnumbertovstring | |
Cstingtosingle | Converts a string representation of a number to a single precision number |
Cstring_to_double | Converts a string representation of a number to a double precision number |
Cstring_to_integer | Converts a string representation of a number to an integer |
Cstring_to_logical | Converts a string representation of a boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) to a logical |
Cstring_to_long_integer | Converts a string representation of a number to a long integer |
Cstring_to_single | Converts a string representation of a number to a single precision number |
Cstringtodouble | Converts a string representation of a number to a double precision number |
Cstringtointeger | Converts a string representation of a number to an integer |
Cstringtological | Converts a string representation of a boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) to a logical |
Cstringtolonginteger | Converts a string representation of a number to a long integer |
Cvstring_to_lowercase | Returns a varying string which is the lowercase equivalent of the supplied string |
Cvstring_to_uppercase | Returns a varying string which is the uppercase equivalent of the supplied string |
Cvstringtolowercase | Returns a varying string which is the lowercase equivalent of the supplied string |
Cvstringtouppercase | Returns a varying string which is the uppercase equivalent of the supplied string |
►Ntest_framework_routines | This module handles test framework routines |
Ctest_framework_assert_equals | |
►Ntimer | This module contains routines for timing the program |
►Ntrees | Implements trees of base types |
Ctree_createfinish | |
Ctree_createstart | |
Ctree_detachanddestroy | |
Ctree_inserttypeset | |
Ctree_itemdelete | |
Ctree_iteminsert | |
Ctree_node_type | |
Ctree_nodekeyget | |
Ctree_nodevalueget | |
Ctree_nodevalueset | |
Ctree_type | |
►Ntypes | This module contains all type definitions in order to avoid cyclic module references |
Cadams_moulton_dae_solver_type | Contains information for an Adams-Moulton differential-algebraic equation solver |
Cbackward_euler_dae_solver_type | Contains information for an backward Euler differential-algebraic equation solver |
Cbasis_functions_type | Contains information on the defined basis functions |
Cbasis_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a BASIS_TYPE |
Cbasis_type | Contains all information about a basis |
Cbdf_dae_solver_type | Contains information for a BDF differential-algebraic equation solver |
Cboundary_conditions_dirichlet_type | Contains information on dofs with associated dirichlet conditions and corresponding non-zero elements in the equations matrices |
Cboundary_conditions_pressure_incremented_type | Contains information on dofs associated with pressure incremented conditions |
Cboundary_conditions_sparsity_indices_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_SPARSITY_INDICES_TYPE |
Cboundary_conditions_sparsity_indices_type | Contains information on indices of non-zero elements with associated dirichlet conditions Indices stored in compressed column format without a values array |
Cboundary_conditions_type | Contains information on the boundary conditions for the solver equations |
Cboundary_conditions_variable_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a VARIABLE_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_TYPE |
Cboundary_conditions_variable_type | Contains information on the boundary conditions for a dependent field variable |
Cboundaryconditionscoupleddofsptrtype | A pointer to the coupled equations DOF information for the DOF constraints |
Cboundaryconditionscoupleddofstype | The coupled equations DOF information for the DOF constraints. The BoundaryConditionsDofConstraintType describes how an equations DOF is a linear combination of other equations DOFs. This data structure describes a solver row or column that is mapped to multiple equations rows or columns and is used to help build the solver mapping. The first equation row/column is used as the owner of the solver row/column |
Cboundaryconditionsdofconstraintptrtype | A pointer to a linear DOF constraint |
Cboundaryconditionsdofconstraintstype | Describes linear constraints between solver DOFs in the solver mapping |
Cboundaryconditionsdofconstrainttype | Describes the value of a DOF as a linear combination of other DOFs |
Cboundaryconditionsneumanntype | Contains information used to integrate Neumann boundary conditions |
Ccellml_environments_type | Contains information on the CellML environments defined |
Ccellml_equations_type | Contains information about the CellML equations for a solver |
Ccellml_evaluator_solver_type | Contains information for a CellML evaluation solver |
Ccellml_field_maps_type | Contains information on the maps between CellML and external OpenCMISS fields |
Ccellml_intermediate_field_type | Contains information on the intermediate field for a CellML environment |
Ccellml_model_map_ptr_type | Buffer type to allow an array of pointers to CELLML_MODEL_MAP_FIELD_TYPE |
Ccellml_model_map_type | Contains information on the mapping between CellML fields and OpenCMISS fields and vise versa |
Ccellml_model_maps_ptr_type | Buffer type to allow arrays of pointer to CELLML_MODEL_MAPS_TYPE |
Ccellml_model_maps_type | Contains information on the maps between a CellML model and external OpenCMISS fields |
Ccellml_model_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a CELLML_MODEL_TYPE |
Ccellml_model_type | This type is a wrapper for the C_PTR which references the actual CellML model definition object |
Ccellml_models_field_type | Contains information on the models field for a CellML environment |
Ccellml_parameters_field_type | Contains information on the parameters field for a CellML environment |
Ccellml_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a CELLML_TYPE |
Ccellml_state_field_type | Contains information on the state field for a CellML environment |
Ccellml_type | Contains information for a CellML environment |
Ccellmlpetsccontexttype | Contains information on the solver, cellml, dof etc. for which cellml equations are to be evaluated by petsc |
Ccontrol_loop_fixed_type | Contains information on a fixed iteration control loop |
Ccontrol_loop_load_increment_type | Contains information on a load-increment control loop |
Ccontrol_loop_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a CONTROL_LOOP_TYPE |
Ccontrol_loop_simple_type | Contains information on a simple (execute once) control loop |
Ccontrol_loop_time_type | Contains information on a time iteration control loop |
Ccontrol_loop_type | Contains information on a control loop |
Ccontrol_loop_while_type | Contains information on a do-while control loop |
Ccoordinate_system_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE |
Ccoordinate_system_type | Contains information on a coordinate system |
Ccrank_nicolson_dae_solver_type | Contains information for a Crank-Nicholson differential-algebraic equation solver |
Cdae_solver_type | Contains information for an differential-algebraic equation solver |
Cdata_point_type | Contains information about a data point |
Cdata_points_type | Contains information on the data points defined on a region |
Cdata_projection_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a DATA_PROJECTION_TYPE |
Cdata_projection_result_type | Contains information about a data projection result |
Cdata_projection_type | |
Cdecomposition_adjacent_element_type | Contains information on the decomposition adjacent elements for a xi coordinate |
Cdecomposition_element_type | Contains the information for an element in a decomposition |
Cdecomposition_elements_type | Contains the topology information for the elements of a decomposition |
Cdecomposition_face_type | Contains the information for a face in a decomposition |
Cdecomposition_faces_type | Contains the topology information for the faces of a decomposition |
Cdecomposition_line_type | Contains the information for a line in a decomposition |
Cdecomposition_lines_type | Contains the topology information for the lines of a decomposition |
Cdecomposition_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a DECOMPOSITION_TYPE |
Cdecomposition_topology_type | Contains the topology information for a decomposition |
Cdecomposition_type | Contains information on the mesh decomposition |
Cdecompositiondatapointstype | Contains data point decompostion topology |
Cdecompositionelementdatapointstype | Contains information on the projected data points on an element, for decomposition since data points on elements go with the elements |
Cdecompositionelementdatapointtype | Contains data point information |
Cdecompositions_type | Contains information on the domain decompositions defined on a mesh |
Cdistributed_matrix_cmiss_type | Contains information for a CMISS distributed matrix |
Cdistributed_matrix_petsc_type | Contains information for a PETSc distributed matrix |
Cdistributed_matrix_type | Contains the information for a matrix that is distributed across a number of domains |
Cdistributed_vector_cmiss_type | Contains information for a CMISS distributed vector |
Cdistributed_vector_petsc_type | Contains information for a PETSc distributed vector |
Cdistributed_vector_transfer_type | Contains the information for an adjacent domain for transfering the ghost data of a distributed vector to/from the current domain |
Cdistributed_vector_type | Contains the information for a vector that is distributed across a number of domains |
Cdomain_adjacent_domain_type | Contains the information on an adjacent domain to a domain in a domain mapping |
Cdomain_dofs_type | Contains information on the degrees-of-freedom (dofs) for a domain |
Cdomain_element_type | Contains the information for an element in a domain |
Cdomain_elements_type | Contains the topology information for the elements of a domain |
Cdomain_face_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a DOMAIN_FACE_TYPE |
Cdomain_face_type | Contains the information for a face in a domain |
Cdomain_faces_type | Contains the topology information for the faces of a domain |
Cdomain_global_mapping_type | Contains the local information for a global mapping number for a domain mapping |
Cdomain_line_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a DOMAIN_LINE_TYPE |
Cdomain_line_type | Contains the information for a line in a domain |
Cdomain_lines_type | Contains the topology information for the lines of a domain |
Cdomain_mapping_type | Contains information on the domain mappings (i.e., local and global numberings) |
Cdomain_mappings_type | Contains information on the domain decomposition mappings |
Cdomain_node_derivative_type | Contains the topology information for a local node derivative of a domain |
Cdomain_node_type | Contains the topology information for a local node of a domain |
Cdomain_nodes_type | Contains the topology information for the nodes of a domain |
Cdomain_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a DOMAIN_TYPE |
Cdomain_topology_type | Contains the topology information for a domain |
Cdomain_type | A pointer to the domain decomposition for this domain |
Cdynamic_solver_type | Contains information for a dynamic solver |
Ceigenproblem_solver_type | Contains information for an eigenproblem solver |
Celement_matrix_type | Contains information for an element matrix |
Celement_vector_type | Contains information for an element vector |
Cembedding_gausspoint_type | |
Cembedding_xi_type | Embedded mesh types |
Cequations_col_to_solver_cols_map_type | |
Cequations_interpolation_type | Contains information on the interpolation for the equations |
Cequations_jacobian_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a EQUATIONS_JACOBIAN_TYPE |
Cequations_jacobian_to_var_map_type | Contains the mapping from the Jacobian back to the nonlinear residual variables |
Cequations_jacobian_type | Contains information on the Jacobian matrix for nonlinear problems |
Cequations_mapping_create_values_cache_type | Contains information on the create values cache for the equations mapping. Because we do not want to allocate and deallocate large data structures as the equations mapping options are changed between create start and create finish we cache the important information and the allocate and process the data structures at create finish |
Cequations_mapping_dynamic_type | Contains information for mapping field variables to the dynamic matrices in the equations set of the mapping |
Cequations_mapping_linear_type | Contains information for mapping field variables to the linear matrices in the equations set of the mapping |
Cequations_mapping_nonlinear_type | Contains information on the equations mapping for nonlinear matrices i.e., how a field variable is mapped to residual vectors, and how the field variables are mapped to the rows and columns of the associated Jacobian matrices of the equations set of this equations mapping. There may be multiple residual variables with a Jacobian matrix for each variable |
Cequations_mapping_rhs_type | Contains information on the equations mapping for a RHS i.e., how a field variable is mapped to the RHS vector for the equations set of this equations mapping |
Cequations_mapping_source_type | Contains information on the equations mapping for a source i.e., how a field variable is mapped to the source vector for the equations set of this equations mapping |
Cequations_mapping_type | Contains information on the equations mapping i.e., how field variable DOFS are mapped to the rows and columns of a number of equations matrices |
Cequations_matrices_dynamic_type | Contains information of the dynamic matrices for equations matrices |
Cequations_matrices_linear_type | Contains information of the linear matrices for equations matrices |
Cequations_matrices_nonlinear_type | Contains information of the nolinear matrices and vectors for equations matrices |
Cequations_matrices_rhs_type | Contains information of the RHS vector for equations matrices |
Cequations_matrices_source_type | Contains information of the source vector for equations matrices |
Cequations_matrices_type | Contains information on the equations matrices and vectors |
Cequations_matrix_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a EQUATIONS_MATRIX_TYPE |
Cequations_matrix_to_var_map_type | Contains information for mapping an equations matrix to a field variable |
Cequations_matrix_type | Contains information about an equations matrix |
Cequations_ptr_type | |
Cequations_row_to_solver_rows_map_type | Contains information on the mapping from the equations rows in an equations set to the solver rows |
Cequations_set_analytic_type | Contains information on the analytic setup for the equations set |
Cequations_set_dependent_type | Contains information on the dependent variables for the equations set |
Cequations_set_equations_set_field_type | |
Cequations_set_geometry_type | Contains information on the geometry for an equations set |
Cequations_set_independent_type | Contains information on the independent variables for the equations set |
Cequations_set_materials_type | |
Cequations_set_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a EQUATIONS_SET_TYPE |
Cequations_set_setup_type | Contains information on the setup information for an equations set |
Cequations_set_source_type | Contains information on the source for the equations set |
Cequations_set_to_solver_map_type | Contains information on the mappings from an equations set to the solver matrices |
Cequations_set_type | Contains information on an equations set |
Cequations_sets_type | |
Cequations_to_solver_maps_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a EQUATIONS_TO_SOLVER_MAPS_TYPE |
Cequations_to_solver_maps_type | |
Cequations_to_solver_matrix_maps_em_type | Contains information on the equations to solver matrix mappings when indexing by equations matrix number |
Cequations_to_solver_matrix_maps_interface_type | |
Cequations_to_solver_matrix_maps_sm_type | Contains information on the equations to solver matrix mappings when indexing by solver matrix number |
Cequations_type | Contains information about the equations in an equations set |
Cequationssetderivedtype | Contains information on the derived variables for the equations set, eg. stress or strain |
Ceuler_dae_solver_type | Contains information for an Euler differential-algebraic equation solver |
Cexternal_dae_solver_type | Contains information for an external differential-algebraic equation solver |
Cfield_create_values_cache_type | A type to temporarily hold (cache) the user modifiable values which are used to create a field |
Cfield_data_point_param_to_dof_map_type | A type to hold the mapping from field data points to field dof numbers for a particular field variable component |
Cfield_dof_to_param_map_type | A type to hold the mapping from field dof numbers to field parameters (nodes, elements, etc) |
Cfield_element_param_to_dof_map_type | A type to hold the mapping from field elements to field dof numbers for a particular field variable component |
Cfield_gauss_point_param_to_dof_map_type | A type to hold the mapping from field Gauss points to field dof numbers for a particular field variable component |
Cfield_geometric_parameters_type | Contains the geometric parameters (lines, faces, volumes etc.) for a geometric field decomposition |
Cfield_grid_point_param_to_dof_map_type | A type to hold the mapping from field grid points to field dof numbers for a particular field variable component |
Cfield_interpolated_point_metrics_ptr_type | |
Cfield_interpolated_point_metrics_type | Contains the interpolated point coordinate metrics. Old CMISS name GL,GU,RG |
Cfield_interpolated_point_ptr_type | |
Cfield_interpolated_point_type | Contains the interpolated value (and the derivatives wrt xi) of a field at a point. Old CMISS name XG |
Cfield_interpolation_parameters_ptr_type | |
Cfield_interpolation_parameters_type | Contains the parameters required to interpolate a field variable within an element. Old CMISS name XE |
Cfield_node_param_to_dof_map_derivative_type | A type to hold the mapping from a field node derivative's versions to field dof numbers for a particular field variable component |
Cfield_node_param_to_dof_map_node_type | A type to hold the mapping from a field node's derivative to field dof numbers for a particular field variable component |
Cfield_node_param_to_dof_map_type | A type to hold the mapping from field nodes to field dof numbers for a particular field variable component |
Cfield_param_to_dof_map_type | A type to hold the mapping from field parameters (nodes, elements, etc) to field dof numbers for a particular field variable component |
Cfield_parameter_set_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a FIELD_PARAMETER_SET_TYPE |
Cfield_parameter_set_type | A type to hold the parameter sets for a field |
Cfield_parameter_sets_type | A type to store the parameter sets for a field |
Cfield_physical_point_ptr_type | Buffer type to allow for arrays of pointers to FIELD_PHYSICAL_POINT_TYPE |
Cfield_physical_point_type | Contains information on a physical point in a field |
Cfield_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a FIELD_TYPE |
Cfield_scaling_type | A type to hold the scale factors for the appropriate mesh component of a field |
Cfield_scalings_type | A type to hold the field scalings for the field |
Cfield_type | Contains information for a field defined on a region |
Cfield_variable_component_type | Contains information for a component of a field variable |
Cfield_variable_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a FIELD_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Cfield_variable_type | Contains information for a field variable defined on a field |
Cfields_type | Contains information on the fields defined on a region |
Cforward_euler_dae_solver_type | Contains information for an forward Euler differential-algebraic equation solver |
Cgenerated_mesh_cylinder_type | Contains information of a generated cylinder mesh Allows only a 3D cylinder mesh with xi directions (r,theta,z) |
Cgenerated_mesh_ellipsoid_type | Contains information of a generated ellipsoid mesh Allows only a 3D ellipsoid mesh |
Cgenerated_mesh_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a GENERATED_MESH_TYPE |
Cgenerated_mesh_regular_type | Contains information on a generated regular mesh |
Cgenerated_mesh_type | Contains information on a generated mesh |
Cgenerated_meshes_type | Contains information on the generated meshes defined on a region |
Cgeometrictransformationsolvertype | Contains information for a geometric transformation solver |
Chistory_type | Contains information about a history file for a control loop |
Cimproved_euler_dae_solver_type | Contains information for an improved Euler differential-algebraic equation solver |
Cinteger_cint_alloc_type | |
Cinteger_intg_ptr_type | |
Cinterface_column_to_solver_rows_map_type | Contains information on the mapping from an interface condition column to a solver row |
Cinterface_condition_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a INTERFACE_CONDITION_TYPE |
Cinterface_condition_to_solver_map_type | Contains information on the mappings from an interface condition to the solver matrices |
Cinterface_condition_type | Contains information for the interface condition data |
Cinterface_conditions_type | Contains information for interface region specific data that is not of 'region' importance. <<>> |
Cinterface_dependent_type | Contains information about the dependent field information for an interface condition |
Cinterface_element_connectivity_type | Contains information on the mesh connectivity for a given coupled mesh element |
Cinterface_equations_domain_interpolation_type | Contains information about the interpolation for a domain (interface or coupled mesh) in the interface equations |
Cinterface_equations_interpolation_set_type | Contains information about the interpolation for a parameter set in interface equations |
Cinterface_equations_interpolation_type | Contains information on the interpolation for the interface equations |
Cinterface_equations_type | Contains information about the interface equations for an interface condition |
Cinterface_geometry_type | Contains information on the geometry for an interface condition |
Cinterface_lagrange_type | Contains information about the Lagrange field information for an interface condition |
Cinterface_mapping_create_values_cache_type | |
Cinterface_mapping_rhs_type | |
Cinterface_mapping_type | Contains information on an interface mapping. TODO: Generalise to non-Lagrange multipler mappings |
Cinterface_matrices_type | Contains information on the interface matrices |
Cinterface_matrix_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a INTERFACE_MATRIX_TYPE |
Cinterface_matrix_to_var_map_type | Contains information on interface variable mapping for an interface matrix |
Cinterface_matrix_type | Contains information about an interface matrix |
Cinterface_mesh_connectivity_type | Contains information on the coupling between meshes in an interface |
Cinterface_penalty_type | Contains information about the penalty field information for an interface condition |
Cinterface_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a INTERFACE_TYPE |
Cinterface_rhs_type | Contains information of the RHS vector for interface matrices |
Cinterface_row_to_solver_rows_map_type | Contains information on the mapping from an interface condition column to a solver row |
Cinterface_to_solver_maps_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a INTERFACE_TO_SOLVER_MAPS_TYPE |
Cinterface_to_solver_maps_type | |
Cinterface_to_solver_matrix_maps_equations_type | |
Cinterface_to_solver_matrix_maps_im_type | Contains information on the interface to solver matrix mappings when indexing by interface matrix number |
Cinterface_to_solver_matrix_maps_sm_type | Contains information on the interface to solver matrix mappings when indexing by solver matrix number |
Cinterface_type | Contains information for the interface data |
Cinterfacecoupledelementstype | |
Cinterfacepointconnectivitytype | Contains information on a data connectivity point |
Cinterfacepointsconnectivitytype | Contains information on the data point coupling/points connectivity between meshes in the an interface |
Cinterfaces_type | Contains information for interfaces on a parent region |
Cjacobian_col_to_solver_cols_map_type | |
Cjacobian_to_solver_map_ptr_type | |
Cjacobian_to_solver_map_type | |
Clinear_direct_solver_type | Contains information for a direct linear solver |
Clinear_iterative_solver_type | Contains information for an iterative linear solver |
Clinear_solver_type | Contains information for a linear solver |
Clist_ptr_type | Buffer type to allow arrays of pointers to a list |
Clist_type | Contains information on a list |
Cmatrix_type | Contains information for a matrix |
Cmesh_adjacent_element_type | Contains information on the mesh adjacent elements for a xi coordinate |
Cmesh_element_type | Contains the information for an element in a mesh |
Cmesh_embedding_type | |
Cmesh_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a MESH_TYPE |
Cmesh_type | Contains information on a mesh defined on a region |
Cmeshcomponenttopologyptrtype | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a MeshComponentTopologyType |
Cmeshcomponenttopologytype | Contains information on the (global) topology of a mesh |
Cmeshdatapointstype | |
Cmeshdatapointtype | Contains information of the projected data point |
Cmeshdofstype | Contains information on the dofs for a mesh |
Cmeshelementdatapointstype | Contains information on the projected data points on an element |
Cmeshelementdatapointtype | |
Cmeshelementstype | Contains the information for the elements of a mesh |
Cmeshes_type | Contains information on the meshes defined on a region |
Cmeshnodederivativetype | Contains the information for a node derivative of a mesh |
Cmeshnodestype | Contains the information for the nodes of a mesh |
Cmeshnodetype | Contains the topology information for a global node of a mesh |
Cnewton_linesearch_solver_type | Contains information for a Newton line search nonlinear solver |
Cnewton_solver_type | Contains information for a Newton nonlinear solver |
Cnewton_trustregion_solver_type | Contains information for a Newton trust region nonlinear solver |
Cnewtonsolverconvergencetest | Contains information about the convergence test for a newton solver |
Cnodalmatrixtype | Contains information for an nodal matrix |
Cnodalvectortype | Contains information for an nodal vector |
Cnode_type | Contains information about a node |
Cnodes_type | Contains information on the nodes defined on a region |
Cnonlinear_solver_type | Contains information for a nonlinear solver |
Coptimiser_solver_type | Contains information for an optimiser solver |
Cproblem_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a PROBLEM_TYPE |
Cproblem_setup_type | |
Cproblem_type | Contains information for a problem |
Cproblems_type | Contains information on the problems defined |
Cquadrature_scheme_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a QUADRATURE_SCHEME_TYPE |
Cquadrature_scheme_type | Contains information for a particular quadrature scheme |
Cquadrature_type | Contains information on the quadrature to be used for integrating a basis |
Cquasi_newton_linesearch_solver_type | Contains information for a Quasi-Newton line search nonlinear solver |
Cquasi_newton_solver_type | Contains information for a Quasi-Newton nonlinear solver |
Cquasi_newton_trustregion_solver_type | Contains information for a Quasi-Newton trust region nonlinear solver |
Creal_dp_ptr_type | |
Cregion_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a REGION_TYPE |
Cregion_type | Contains information for a region |
Cregions_type | Contains information about the regions |
Crunge_kutta_dae_solver_type | Contains information for a Runge-Kutta differential-algebraic equation solver |
Crush_larson_dae_solver_type | Contains information for a Rush-Larson differential-algebraic equation solver |
Csolver_col_to_dynamic_equations_map_type | Contains information about the mapping from a solver matrix column to dynamic equations matrices and variables |
Csolver_col_to_equations_maps_type | Contains information on the mappings from a solver matrix to equations sets |
Csolver_col_to_equations_set_map_type | Contains information about the mappings from a solver matrix to the equations in an equations set |
Csolver_col_to_interface_equations_map_type | Contains information about the mapping from a solver matrix column to interface equations matrices and variables |
Csolver_col_to_interface_map_type | Contains information about the mappings from a solver matrix to the equations in an equations set |
Csolver_col_to_static_equations_map_type | Contains information about the mapping from a solver matrix column to static equations matrices and variables |
Csolver_dof_to_variable_map_type | Contains information about mapping the solver dof to the field variable dofs in the equations set |
Csolver_equations_type | Contains information about the solver equations for a solver |
Csolver_mapping_create_values_cache_type | Contains information about the cached create values for a solver mapping |
Csolver_mapping_type | Contains information on the solver mapping between the global equation sets and the solver matrices |
Csolver_mapping_variable_type | |
Csolver_mapping_variables_type | Contains information on the variables involved in a solver matrix |
Csolver_matrices_type | Contains information on the solver matrices and rhs vector |
Csolver_matrix_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a SOLVER_MATRIX_TYPE |
Csolver_matrix_type | Contains information on the solver matrix |
Csolver_ptr_type | A buffer type to allow for an array of pointers to a SOLVER_TYPE |
Csolver_row_to_equations_maps_type | Contains information on the mappings from a solver row to the equations |
Csolver_type | Contains information on the type of solver to be used |
Csolvermappingdofcouplingstype | Describes the coupled rows or columns in the solver mapping |
Csolvers_type | Contains information on the solvers to be used in a control loop |
Cvar_to_equations_column_map_type | Contains the information about the mapping of a variable DOF to an equations matrix column |
Cvar_to_equations_jacobian_map_type | Contains the mapping for a dependent variable type to the nonlinear Jacobian matrix |
Cvar_to_equations_matrices_map_type | Contains the mapping for a dependent variable type to the equations matrices |
Cvariable_to_solver_col_map_type | Contains information on the mappings between field variable dofs inequations and the solver matrix columns (solver dofs) |
Cvector_type | Contains information for a vector |
►Nutil_array | Implements various dynamic array routines |
Cgrow_array | |
Creallocate | |
C_SessionListEntry | |
CFileSession | |