This type is a wrapper for the C_PTR which references the actual CellML model definition object.
type(cellml_type), pointer | cellml |
| A pointer to the CellML environment. More...
integer(intg) | global_number |
| The global number of this CellML model within the parent CellML environment. More...
type(varying_string) | model_id |
| The ID of the model. More...
type(c_ptr) | ptr |
| The handle for the actual C++ CellML model definition object. More...
integer(intg) | number_of_state |
| The number of state variables in the CellML model. More...
type(varying_string), dimension(:), allocatable | state_variable_id |
| STATE_VARIABLE_ID(state_variable_idx). The ID for the state_variable_idx'th state variable. More...
integer(intg) | number_of_intermediate |
| The number of intermediate variables in the CellML model. More...
type(varying_string), dimension(:), allocatable | intermediate_variable_id |
| INTERMEDIATE_VARIABLE_ID(intermediate_variable_idx). The ID for the intermediate_variable_idx'th intermediate variable. More...
integer(intg) | number_of_parameters |
| The number of parameters in the CellML model. More...
type(varying_string), dimension(:), allocatable | parameter_variable_id |
| PARAMETER_VARIABLE_ID(parameter_variable_idx). The ID for the parameter_variable_idx'th parameter variable. More...
This type is a wrapper for the C_PTR which references the actual CellML model definition object.
Definition at line 2266 of file types.f90.