OpenCMISS-Iron Internal API Documentation
types::interface_matrix_to_var_map_type Type Reference

Contains information on interface variable mapping for an interface matrix. More...

Collaboration diagram for types::interface_matrix_to_var_map_type:

Public Attributes

integer(intg) matrix_number
 The interface matrix number. More...
type(interface_matrix_type), pointer interface_matrix
 A pointer to the interface matrix. More...
type(equations_set_type), pointer equations_set
 A pointer to the equations set containing the dependent variable that is mapped to this interface matrix. More...
type(interface_equations_type), pointer interface_equations
 A pointer to the interface condition containing the Lagrange variable that is mapped to this interface matrix. More...
integer(intg) variable_type
 The dependent variable type mapped to this interface matrix. More...
type(field_variable_type), pointer variable
 A pointer to the field variable that is mapped to this interface matrix. More...
integer(intg) mesh_index
 The mesh index for the matrix in the interface. More...
real(dp) matrix_coefficient
 The multiplicative coefficent for the matrix. More...
logical has_transpose
 .TRUE. if the interface matrix has a tranpose, .FALSE. if not. More...
integer(intg) number_of_rows
 The number of rows in this interface matrix. More...
integer(intg) total_number_of_rows
 The total number of rows in this interface matrix. More...
integer(intg) number_of_global_rows
 The global number of rows in this interface matrix. More...
type(domain_mapping_type), pointer row_dofs_mapping
 A pointer to the domain mapping for the row dofs. More...
integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable variable_dof_to_row_map
 VARIABLE_DOF_TO_ROW_MAP(dof_idx). The mapping from the dof_idx'th variable dof to the rows on the interface matrix. More...

Detailed Description

Contains information on interface variable mapping for an interface matrix.

Definition at line 2026 of file types.f90.

Member Data Documentation

type(equations_set_type), pointer types::interface_matrix_to_var_map_type::equations_set

A pointer to the equations set containing the dependent variable that is mapped to this interface matrix.

Definition at line 2029 of file types.f90.

logical types::interface_matrix_to_var_map_type::has_transpose

.TRUE. if the interface matrix has a tranpose, .FALSE. if not.

Definition at line 2035 of file types.f90.

type(interface_equations_type), pointer types::interface_matrix_to_var_map_type::interface_equations

A pointer to the interface condition containing the Lagrange variable that is mapped to this interface matrix.

Definition at line 2030 of file types.f90.

type(interface_matrix_type), pointer types::interface_matrix_to_var_map_type::interface_matrix

A pointer to the interface matrix.

Definition at line 2028 of file types.f90.

real(dp) types::interface_matrix_to_var_map_type::matrix_coefficient

The multiplicative coefficent for the matrix.

Definition at line 2034 of file types.f90.

integer(intg) types::interface_matrix_to_var_map_type::matrix_number

The interface matrix number.

Definition at line 2027 of file types.f90.

integer(intg) types::interface_matrix_to_var_map_type::mesh_index

The mesh index for the matrix in the interface.

Definition at line 2033 of file types.f90.

integer(intg) types::interface_matrix_to_var_map_type::number_of_global_rows

The global number of rows in this interface matrix.

Definition at line 2038 of file types.f90.

integer(intg) types::interface_matrix_to_var_map_type::number_of_rows

The number of rows in this interface matrix.

Definition at line 2036 of file types.f90.

type(domain_mapping_type), pointer types::interface_matrix_to_var_map_type::row_dofs_mapping

A pointer to the domain mapping for the row dofs.

Definition at line 2039 of file types.f90.

integer(intg) types::interface_matrix_to_var_map_type::total_number_of_rows

The total number of rows in this interface matrix.

Definition at line 2037 of file types.f90.

type(field_variable_type), pointer types::interface_matrix_to_var_map_type::variable

A pointer to the field variable that is mapped to this interface matrix.

Definition at line 2032 of file types.f90.

integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable types::interface_matrix_to_var_map_type::variable_dof_to_row_map

VARIABLE_DOF_TO_ROW_MAP(dof_idx). The mapping from the dof_idx'th variable dof to the rows on the interface matrix.

Definition at line 2040 of file types.f90.

integer(intg) types::interface_matrix_to_var_map_type::variable_type

The dependent variable type mapped to this interface matrix.

Definition at line 2031 of file types.f90.