OpenCMISS-Iron Internal API Documentation
types::equations_set_type Type Reference

Contains information on an equations set. More...

Collaboration diagram for types::equations_set_type:

Public Attributes

integer(intg) user_number
 The user identifying number of the equations set. More...
integer(intg) global_number
 The global index of the equations set in the region. More...
logical equations_set_finished
 Is .TRUE. if the equations set have finished being created, .FALSE. if not. More...
type(equations_sets_type), pointer equations_sets
 A pointer back to the equations sets. More...
type(region_type), pointer region
 A pointer back to the region containing the equations set. More...
integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable specification
 The equations set specification array, eg. [class, type, subtype], although there can be more or fewer identifiers. Unused identifiers are set to zero. More...
integer(intg) solution_method
 The solution method for the equations set. More...
 The geometry information for the equations set. More...
type(equations_set_materials_type), pointer materials
 A pointer to the materials information for the equations set. More...
type(equations_set_source_type), pointer source
 A pointer to the source information for the equations set. More...
 The depedent variable information for the equations set. More...
type(equations_set_independent_type), pointer independent
 A pointer to the indepedent field information for the equations set. More...
type(equations_set_analytic_type), pointer analytic
 A pointer to the analytic setup information for the equations set. More...
type(equationssetderivedtype), pointer derived
 A pointer to the derived field information. More...
type(equations_type), pointer equations
 A pointer to the equations information for the equations set. More...
type(boundary_conditions_type), pointer boundary_conditions
 A pointer to the boundary condition information for the equations set. More...
 A pointer to the equations set field for the equations set. More...

Detailed Description

Contains information on an equations set.

See also

Definition at line 1941 of file types.f90.

Member Data Documentation

type(equations_set_analytic_type), pointer types::equations_set_type::analytic

A pointer to the analytic setup information for the equations set.

Definition at line 1954 of file types.f90.

type(boundary_conditions_type), pointer types::equations_set_type::boundary_conditions

A pointer to the boundary condition information for the equations set.

Definition at line 1957 of file types.f90.

type(equations_set_dependent_type) types::equations_set_type::dependent

The depedent variable information for the equations set.

Definition at line 1952 of file types.f90.

type(equationssetderivedtype), pointer types::equations_set_type::derived

A pointer to the derived field information.

Definition at line 1955 of file types.f90.

type(equations_type), pointer types::equations_set_type::equations

A pointer to the equations information for the equations set.

Definition at line 1956 of file types.f90.

type(equations_set_equations_set_field_type) types::equations_set_type::equations_set_field

A pointer to the equations set field for the equations set.

Definition at line 1958 of file types.f90.

logical types::equations_set_type::equations_set_finished

Is .TRUE. if the equations set have finished being created, .FALSE. if not.

Definition at line 1944 of file types.f90.

type(equations_sets_type), pointer types::equations_set_type::equations_sets

A pointer back to the equations sets.

Definition at line 1945 of file types.f90.

type(equations_set_geometry_type) types::equations_set_type::geometry

The geometry information for the equations set.

Definition at line 1949 of file types.f90.

integer(intg) types::equations_set_type::global_number

The global index of the equations set in the region.

Definition at line 1943 of file types.f90.

type(equations_set_independent_type), pointer types::equations_set_type::independent

A pointer to the indepedent field information for the equations set.

Definition at line 1953 of file types.f90.

type(equations_set_materials_type), pointer types::equations_set_type::materials

A pointer to the materials information for the equations set.

Definition at line 1950 of file types.f90.

type(region_type), pointer types::equations_set_type::region

A pointer back to the region containing the equations set.

Definition at line 1946 of file types.f90.

integer(intg) types::equations_set_type::solution_method

The solution method for the equations set.

See also

Definition at line 1948 of file types.f90.

type(equations_set_source_type), pointer types::equations_set_type::source

A pointer to the source information for the equations set.

Definition at line 1951 of file types.f90.

integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable types::equations_set_type::specification

The equations set specification array, eg. [class, type, subtype], although there can be more or fewer identifiers. Unused identifiers are set to zero.

Definition at line 1947 of file types.f90.

integer(intg) types::equations_set_type::user_number

The user identifying number of the equations set.

Definition at line 1942 of file types.f90.