integer(intg) | user_number |
| The user defined identifier for the basis. The user number must be unique. More...
integer(intg) | global_number |
| The global number for the basis i.e., the position indentifier for the list of bases defined. More...
integer(intg) | family_number |
| The family number for the basis. A basis has a number of sub-bases attached which make a basis family. The main parent basis is the basis defined by the user and it will have a family number of 0. The sub-bases of the parent basis will be the line and face bases that make up the basis. These will have different family numbers. More...
logical | basis_finished |
| Is .TRUE. if the basis has finished being created, .FALSE. if not. More...
logical | hermite |
| Is .TRUE. if the basis is a hermite basis, .FALSE. if not. More...
integer(intg) | type |
| The type of basis. More...
integer(intg) | number_of_xi |
| The number of xi directions for the basis. More...
integer(intg) | number_of_xi_coordinates |
| The number of xi coordinate directions for the basis. For Lagrange Hermite tensor product basis functions this is equal to the number of Xi directions. For simplex basis functions this is equal to the number of Xi directions + 1. More...
integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable | interpolation_xi |
| INTERPOLATION_XI(ni). The interpolation specification used in the ni'th Xi direction. More...
integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable | interpolation_type |
| INTERPOLATION_TYPE(ni). The interpolation type in the nic'th Xi coordinate direction. Old CMISS name IBT(1,ni,nb) More...
integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable | interpolation_order |
| INTERPOLATION_ORDER(ni). The interpolation order in the nic'th Xi coordinate direction. Old CMISS name IBT(2,ni,nb) More...
logical | degenerate |
| Is .TRUE. if the basis is a degenerate basis (i.e., has collapsed nodes), .FALSE. if not. More...
integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable | collapsed_xi |
| COLLAPSED_XI(ni). The collapsed state of the ni'th direction. COLLAPSED_XI can be either XI_COLLAPSED, COLLAPSED_AT_XI0, COLLAPSED_AT_XI1 or NOT_COLLAPSED depending on whether or not the ni'th direction is collapsed, has a perpendicular Xi collapsed at the xi=0 end of the ni'th direction, has a perpendicular xi collapsed at the xi=1 of the ni'th direction or is not collapsed. NOTE: in old cmiss the value IBT(1,ni) = 5 or 6 was set for the ni that was collapsed. The perpendicular line/face was then stored in IBT(3,ni). For this the quadratic1 and quadratic2 type interpolation types are set on the perpendicular xi direction and the ni direction that is collapsed will have COLLAPSED_XI(ni) set to XI_COLLAPSED. BE CAREFUL WITH THIS WHEN TRANSLATING OLD CMISS CODE. Old CMISS name IBT(1,ni) ???? More...
integer(intg) | number_of_collapsed_xi |
| The number of xi directions in the basis that are collapsed. More...
logical, dimension(:), allocatable | node_at_collapse |
| NODE_AT_COLLAPSE(nn). Is .TRUE. if the nn'th node of the basis is at a collapse, .FALSE. if not. More...
type(quadrature_type) | quadrature |
| The quadrature schemes for the basis. More...
integer(intg) | number_of_partial_derivatives |
| The number of partial derivatives for the basis. Old CMISS name NUT(nbf) More...
integer(intg) | number_of_nodes |
| The number of local nodes in the basis. Old CMISS name NNT(nbf) More...
integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable | number_of_nodes_xic |
| NUMBER_OF_NODES_XIC(nic). The number of local nodes in the nic'th coordinate in the basis. Old CMISS name IBT(2,ni,nb). More...
integer(intg) | number_of_element_parameters |
| The number of element parameters in the basis. Old CMISS name NST(nbf). More...
integer(intg) | maximum_number_of_derivatives |
| The maximum number of derivatives at any node in the basis. Old CMISS name NKT(0,nbf) More...
integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable | number_of_derivatives |
| NUMBER_OF_DERIVATIVES(nn). The number of derivatives at the nn'th node in the basis. Old CMISS name NKT(nn,nbf). More...
integer(intg), dimension(:,:), allocatable | node_position_index |
| NODE_POSITION_INDEX(nn,nic). The index of the node position for the nn'th local node in the nic'th coordinate. For Lagrange-Hermite tensor product basis functions: The number of coordinates equals the number of xi directions. Thus if NODE_POSITION_INDEX(nn,:)=1,2,2 then local node nn is the first node in the ni(c)=1 direction, the second node in the ni(c)=2 direction and the second node in the ni(c)=3 direction; For simplex basis functions: The number of coordinates equals the number of xi directions plus one. The index specifies the inverse distance away from the corner/end of that area coordinate. Thus if an element has quadratic interpolation the index will range from 3 (closest to the corner/end of the element that the area coordinate has the value 1) to 1 (closest to the corners/end of the element that the area coordinate has the value 0). If M is the order of the element then in NODE_POSITION_INDEX(nn,:)=1,1,M then that node is apex for the third area coordinate. In general the index values will add up to M+number of xi directions+1 (i.e., subtract one from the indicies to get the standard simplex coordinates. Old CMISS name INP(nn,ni,nb). More...
integer(intg), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable | node_position_index_inv |
| NODE_POSITION_INDEX_INV(nnc1,nnc2,nnc3,nnc4). The inverse of the node position index for the basis. The NODE_POSITION_INDEX_INV gives the local node number for the node that has node position indices of nnc1 in the 1st ni(c) direction, nnc2 in the 2nd ni(c) direction, nnc3 in the 3rd ni(c) direction and nnc4 in the 4th ni(c) direction. NOTE: that if the basis has less than 4 ni(c) direction the position index is 1. Old CMISS name NNB(inp1,inp2,inp3,nbf). More...
integer(intg), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | derivative_order_index |
| DERIVATIVE_ORDER_INDEX(nk,nn,0:ni). The index of the derivative order for the nk'th derivative of the nn'th node in the ni'th direction of the basis. The derivative index is NO_PART_DERIV for zeroth order, FIRST_PART_DERIV for the first order and SECOND_PART_DERIV for the second order derivative. Thus a DERIVATIVE_ORDER_INDEX(nk,nn,1..) of {NO_PART_DERIV,FIRST_PART_DERIV,NO_PART_DERIV} indicates that the nk'th derivative of the nn'th node of the basis is the first derivative with respect to the s2 direction. Old CMISS name IDO(nk,nn,1:ni,nbf). More...
integer(intg), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable | derivative_order_index_inv |
| DERIVATIVE_ORDER_INDEX_INV(nu1,nu2,nu3,nn). The inverse of the derivative order index for the nn'th local node of the basis. DERIVATIVE_ORDER_INDEX_INV gives the derivative number for the nu1 partial derivative in the 1st xi direction, the nu2 partial derivative in the 2nd xi direction and the nu3 partial derivative in the 3rd xi direction. NOTE: local node nn does not carry any derivatives of the requested partial derivative type then DERIVATIVE_ORDER_INDEX_INV will return 0. If the basis has less than 3 xi directions then the nu index is 1. More...
integer(intg), dimension(:,:), allocatable | partial_derivative_index |
| PARTIAL_DERIVATIVE_INDEX(nk,nn). Gives the partial derivative number (nu) of the nk'th derivative of the nn'th local node for the basis. Old CMISS name IDO(nk,nn,0,nbf). More...
integer(intg), dimension(:,:), allocatable | element_parameter_index |
| ELEMENT_PARAMETER_INDEX(nk,nn). Gives the element parameter number (ns) of the nk'th derivative of the nn'th local node for the basis. Old CMISS name NSB(nk,nn,nbf). More...
integer(intg), dimension(:,:), allocatable | element_parameter_index_inv |
| ELEMENT_PARAMETER_INDEX_INV(1..2,ns). Gives the inverse fo the element parameter index. ELEMENT_PARAMETER_INDEX_INV(1,ns) gives the local node number corresponding to the ns'th element parameter. ELEMENT_PARAMETER_INDEX_INV(2,ns) gives the local derivative number corresponding to the ns'th element parameter. More...
integer(intg) | number_of_local_lines |
| The number of local lines in the basis. More...
integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable | local_line_xi_direction |
| LOCAL_LINE_XI_DIRECTION(nae). The Xi direction of the nae'th local line for the basis. More...
integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable | number_of_nodes_in_local_line |
| NUMBER_OF_NODES_IN_LOCAL_LINE(nae). The the number of nodes in the nae'th local line for the basis. Old CMISS name NNL(0,nae,nb). More...
integer(intg), dimension(:,:), allocatable | node_numbers_in_local_line |
| NODE_NUMBERS_IN_LOCAL_LINE(nnl,nae). The local node numbers (nn) for the nnl'th line node in the nae'th local line for the basis. Old CMISS name NNL(1..,nae,nb). More...
integer(intg), dimension(:,:), allocatable | derivative_numbers_in_local_line |
| DERIVATIVE_NUMBERS_IN_LOCAL_LINE(nnl,nae). The derivative numbers (nk) for the nnl'th line node in the nae'th local line for the basis. More...
integer(intg), dimension(:,:), allocatable | element_parameters_in_local_line |
| ELEMENT_PARAMETERS_IN_LOCAL_LINE(lineParameterIdx,elementLineIdx). The local element parameter for the lineParameterIdx'th line parameter in the elementLineIdx'th local line for the basis. More...
integer(intg) | number_of_local_faces |
| The number of local faces in the basis. More...
integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable | local_face_xi_direction |
| LOCAL_FACE_XI_DIRECTION(nae). The Xi direction of the nae'th local face for the basis. More...
integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable | number_of_nodes_in_local_face |
| NUMBER_OF_NODES_IN_LOCAL_FACE(nae). The the number of nodes in the nae'th local face for the basis. Old CMISS name NNL(0,nae,nb). More...
integer(intg), dimension(:,:), allocatable | node_numbers_in_local_face |
| NODE_NUMBERS_IN_LOCAL_FACE(nnl,nae). The local element node numbers (nn) for the nnl'th face node in the nae'th local face for the basis. Old CMISS name NNL(1..,nae,nb). More...
integer(intg), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | derivative_numbers_in_local_face |
| DERIVATIVES_NUMBERS_IN_LOCAL_FACE(0:derivativeIdx,faceNodeIdx,elementFaceIdx). The element derivative numbers for the derivativeIdx'th face derivative's of the faceNodeIdx'th face node in the elementFaceIdx'th local face for the basis. The number of derivatives at the faceNodeIdx'th face node in the elementFaceIdx'th local face is given by DERIVATIVES_NUMBERS_IN_LOCAL_FACE(0,faceNodeIdx,elementFaceIdx). More...
integer(intg), dimension(:,:), allocatable | element_parameters_in_local_face |
| ELEMENT_PARAMETERS_IN_LOCAL_FACE(faceParameterIdx,elementFaceIdx). The local element parameter for the faceParameterIdx'th face parameter in the elementFaceIdx'th local face for the basis. More...
integer(intg), dimension(:), allocatable | local_xi_normal |
| LOCAL_XI_NORMAL(nae). The Xi direction that is normal to either the nae'th local line for bases with 2 xi directions or the nae'th local face for bases with 3 xi directions. For bases with 1 xi direction the array is not allocated. Note: Normals are always outward. More...
type(basis_ptr_type), dimension(:), pointer | line_bases |
| LINE_BASES(nae). The pointer to the basis for the nae'th line for the basis. More...
type(basis_ptr_type), dimension(:), pointer | face_bases |
| FACE_BASES(naf). The pointer to the basis for the naf'th face for the basis. More...
integer(intg) | number_of_sub_bases |
| The number of sub-bases (lines, faces) for the basis. More...
type(basis_ptr_type), dimension(:), pointer | sub_bases |
| SUB_BASES(sbn). The pointer to the sbn'th sub-basis for the basis. More...
type(basis_type), pointer | parent_basis |
| The pointer to the parent basis for the basis. NOTE: that if the basis is not a sub-basis of another basis this pointer will be NULL. More...