OpenCMISS-Iron Internal API Documentation
Contains information for a Newton nonlinear solver. More...
Public Attributes | |
type(nonlinear_solver_type), pointer | nonlinear_solver |
A pointer to the nonlinear solver. More... | |
integer(intg) | newton_solve_type |
The type of Newton solver. More... | |
integer(intg) | solution_initialise_type |
The type of solution vector initialisation. More... | |
integer(intg) | total_number_of_function_evaluations |
The number of function evaluations performed by the nonlinear solver. More... | |
integer(intg) | total_number_of_jacobian_evaluations |
The number of Jacobian evaluations performed by the nonlinear solver. More... | |
integer(intg) | maximum_number_of_iterations |
The maximum number of iterations. More... | |
integer(intg) | maximum_number_of_function_evaluations |
The maximum number of function evaluations. More... | |
integer(intg) | jacobian_calculation_type |
The type of calculation used for the Jacobian. More... | |
integer(intg) | convergencetesttype |
The type of convergence test. More... | |
real(dp) | absolute_tolerance |
The tolerance between the absolute decrease between the solution norm and the initial guess. More... | |
real(dp) | relative_tolerance |
The tolerance between the relative decrease between the solution norm and the initial guess. More... | |
real(dp) | solution_tolerance |
The tolerance of the change in the norm of the solution. More... | |
type(newtonsolverconvergencetest), pointer | convergencetest |
A pointer to the newton solver convergence test. More... | |
type(newton_linesearch_solver_type), pointer | linesearch_solver |
A pointer to the Newton line search solver information. More... | |
type(newton_trustregion_solver_type), pointer | trustregion_solver |
A pointer to the Newton trust region solver information. More... | |
type(solver_type), pointer | linear_solver |
A pointer to the linked linear solver. More... | |
type(solver_type), pointer | cellml_evaluator_solver |
A pointer to the linked CellML solver. More... | |
real(dp) types::newton_solver_type::absolute_tolerance |
type(solver_type), pointer types::newton_solver_type::cellml_evaluator_solver |
type(newtonsolverconvergencetest), pointer types::newton_solver_type::convergencetest |
integer(intg) types::newton_solver_type::convergencetesttype |
The type of convergence test.
integer(intg) types::newton_solver_type::jacobian_calculation_type |
The type of calculation used for the Jacobian.
type(solver_type), pointer types::newton_solver_type::linear_solver |
type(newton_linesearch_solver_type), pointer types::newton_solver_type::linesearch_solver |
integer(intg) types::newton_solver_type::maximum_number_of_function_evaluations |
integer(intg) types::newton_solver_type::maximum_number_of_iterations |
integer(intg) types::newton_solver_type::newton_solve_type |
type(nonlinear_solver_type), pointer types::newton_solver_type::nonlinear_solver |
real(dp) types::newton_solver_type::relative_tolerance |
integer(intg) types::newton_solver_type::solution_initialise_type |
The type of solution vector initialisation.
real(dp) types::newton_solver_type::solution_tolerance |
integer(intg) types::newton_solver_type::total_number_of_function_evaluations |
integer(intg) types::newton_solver_type::total_number_of_jacobian_evaluations |
type(newton_trustregion_solver_type), pointer types::newton_solver_type::trustregion_solver |