OpenCMISS-Iron Internal API Documentation
types::solver_matrices_type Type Reference

Contains information on the solver matrices and rhs vector. More...

Collaboration diagram for types::solver_matrices_type:

Public Attributes

type(solver_equations_type), pointer solver_equations
 A pointer to the solver. More...
logical solver_matrices_finished
 Is .TRUE. if the solver matrices have finished being created, .FALSE. if not. More...
type(solver_mapping_type), pointer solver_mapping
 A pointer to the solver mapping for these solver matrices. More...
integer(intg) number_of_rows
 The number of (local) rows in the distributed solution matrix for this computational node. More...
integer(intg) number_of_global_rows
 The number of global rows in the distributed solution matrix. More...
integer(intg) library_type
 The library type for the solver matrices. More...
integer(intg) number_of_matrices
 The number of solver matrices defined for the problem. More...
type(solver_matrix_ptr_type), dimension(:), allocatable matrices
 MATRICES(matrix_idx)PTR contains the information on the matrix_idx'th solver matrix. More...
logical update_residual
 Is .TRUE. if the residual vector is to be updated. More...
type(distributed_vector_type), pointer residual
 A pointer to the distributed residual vector for nonlinear problems. More...
logical update_rhs_vector
 Is .TRUE. if the RHS vector is to be updated. More...
type(distributed_vector_type), pointer rhs_vector
 A pointer to the distributed RHS vector for the solver matrices. More...

Detailed Description

Contains information on the solver matrices and rhs vector.

Definition at line 2427 of file types.f90.

Member Data Documentation

integer(intg) types::solver_matrices_type::library_type

The library type for the solver matrices.

Definition at line 2433 of file types.f90.

type(solver_matrix_ptr_type), dimension(:), allocatable types::solver_matrices_type::matrices

MATRICES(matrix_idx)PTR contains the information on the matrix_idx'th solver matrix.

Definition at line 2436 of file types.f90.

integer(intg) types::solver_matrices_type::number_of_global_rows

The number of global rows in the distributed solution matrix.

Definition at line 2432 of file types.f90.

integer(intg) types::solver_matrices_type::number_of_matrices

The number of solver matrices defined for the problem.

Definition at line 2435 of file types.f90.

integer(intg) types::solver_matrices_type::number_of_rows

The number of (local) rows in the distributed solution matrix for this computational node.

Definition at line 2431 of file types.f90.

type(distributed_vector_type), pointer types::solver_matrices_type::residual

A pointer to the distributed residual vector for nonlinear problems.

Definition at line 2439 of file types.f90.

type(distributed_vector_type), pointer types::solver_matrices_type::rhs_vector

A pointer to the distributed RHS vector for the solver matrices.

Definition at line 2442 of file types.f90.

type(solver_equations_type), pointer types::solver_matrices_type::solver_equations

A pointer to the solver.

Definition at line 2428 of file types.f90.

type(solver_mapping_type), pointer types::solver_matrices_type::solver_mapping

A pointer to the solver mapping for these solver matrices.

Definition at line 2430 of file types.f90.

logical types::solver_matrices_type::solver_matrices_finished

Is .TRUE. if the solver matrices have finished being created, .FALSE. if not.

Definition at line 2429 of file types.f90.

logical types::solver_matrices_type::update_residual

Is .TRUE. if the residual vector is to be updated.

Definition at line 2438 of file types.f90.

logical types::solver_matrices_type::update_rhs_vector

Is .TRUE. if the RHS vector is to be updated.

Definition at line 2441 of file types.f90.