OpenCMISS-Iron Internal API Documentation
cmisspetsc Module Reference

This module is a CMISS buffer module to the PETSc library. More...

Data Types

interface  ISColoringDestroy
interface  ISDestroy
interface  ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply
interface  ISLocalToGlobalMappingApplyIS
interface  ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate
interface  ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy
interface  KSPCreate
interface  KSPDestroy
interface  KSPGetConvergedReason
interface  KSPGetIterationNumber
interface  KSPGetPC
interface  KSPGetResidualNorm
interface  KSPGMRESSetRestart
interface  KSPSetFromOptions
interface  KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero
interface  KSPSetOperators
interface  KSPSetReusePreconditioner
interface  KSPSetTolerances
interface  KSPSetType
interface  KSPSetUp
interface  KSPSolve
interface  MatAssemblyBegin
interface  MatAssemblyEnd
interface  MatColoringApply
interface  MatColoringCreate
interface  MatColoringDestroy
interface  MatColoringSetFromOptions
interface  MatColoringSetType
interface  MatCreate
interface  MatCreateAIJ
interface  MatCreateDense
interface  MatCreateSeqAIJ
interface  MatCreateSeqDense
interface  MatDenseGetArrayF90
interface  MatDenseRestoreArrayF90
interface  MatDestroy
interface  MatFDColoringCreate
interface  MatFDColoringDestroy
interface  MatFDColoringSetFromOptions
interface  MatFDColoringSetFunction
interface  MatFDColoringSetParameters
interface  MatFDColoringSetUp
interface  MatGetInfo
interface  MatGetOwnershipRange
interface  MatGetRow
interface  MatGetValues
interface  MatMumpsSetCntl
interface  MatMumpsSetIcntl
interface  MatRestoreRow
interface  MatSeqAIJGetArrayF90
interface  MatSeqAIJGetMaxRowNonzeros
interface  MatSeqAIJRestoreArrayF90
interface  MatSetLocalToGlobalMapping
interface  MatSetOption
interface  MatSetSizes
interface  MatSetType
interface  MatSetValue
interface  MatSetValueLocal
interface  MatSetValues
interface  MatSetValuesLocal
interface  MatView
interface  MatZeroEntries
interface  PCFactorGetMatrix
interface  PCFactorSetMatSolverPackage
interface  PCFactorSetUpMatSolverPackage
interface  PCSetFromOptions
interface  PCSetReusePreconditioner
interface  PCSetType
interface  petsc_snesgetjacobian
interface  petsc_snessetjacobian
interface  PetscFinalize
interface  PetscInitialize
interface  PetscLogView
interface  PetscPopSignalHandler
interface  SNESCreate
interface  SNESDestroy
interface  SNESGetApplicationContext
interface  SNESGetConvergedReason
interface  SNESGetFunction
interface  SNESGetIterationNumber
interface  SNESGetJacobian
interface  SNESGetKSP
interface  SNESGetLineSearch
interface  SNESGetSolutionUpdate
interface  SNESLineSearchBTSetAlpha
interface  SnesLineSearchComputeNorms
interface  SnesLineSearchGetNorms
interface  SNESLineSearchGetVecs
interface  SNESLineSearchSetComputeNorms
interface  SnesLineSearchSetMonitor
interface  SnesLineSearchSetNorms
interface  SNESLineSearchSetOrder
interface  SNESLineSearchSetTolerances
interface  SNESLineSearchSetType
interface  SNESMonitorSet
interface  SNESQNSetRestartType
interface  SNESQNSetScaleType
interface  SNESQNSetType
interface  SNESSetApplicationContext
interface  SNESSetConvergenceTest
interface  SNESSetFromOptions
interface  SNESSetFunction
interface  SNESSetJacobian
interface  SNESSetKSP
interface  SNESSetNormSchedule
interface  SNESSetTolerances
interface  SNESSetTrustRegionTolerance
interface  SNESSetType
interface  SNESSolve
interface  TSCreate
interface  TSDestroy
interface  TSGetSolution
interface  TSMonitorSet
interface  TSSetDuration
interface  TSSetExactFinalTime
interface  TSSetFromOptions
interface  TSSetInitialTimeStep
interface  TSSetProblemType
interface  TSSetRHSFunction
interface  TSSetSolution
interface  TSSetTimeStep
interface  TSSetType
interface  TSSolve
interface  TSStep
interface  TSSundialsSetTolerance
interface  TSSundialsSetType
interface  VecAssemblyBegin
interface  VecAssemblyEnd
interface  VecCopy
interface  VecCreate
interface  VecCreateGhost
interface  VecCreateGhostWithArray
interface  VecCreateMPI
interface  VecCreateMPIWithArray
interface  VecCreateSeq
interface  VecCreateSeqWithArray
interface  VecDestroy
interface  VecDot
interface  VecDuplicate
interface  VecGetArrayF90
interface  VecGetArrayReadF90
interface  VecGetLocalSize
interface  VecGetOwnershipRange
interface  VecGetSize
interface  VecGetValues
interface  VecGhostGetLocalForm
interface  VecGhostRestoreLocalForm
interface  VecGhostUpdateBegin
interface  VecGhostUpdateEnd
interface  VecNorm
interface  VecRestoreArrayF90
interface  VecRestoreArrayReadF90
interface  VecScale
interface  VecSet
interface  VecSetFromOptions
interface  VecSetLocalToGlobalMapping
interface  VecSetSizes
interface  VecSetValues
interface  VecSetValuesLocal
interface  VecView


subroutine, public petsc_errorhandlingsetoff (err, error,)
 Set PETSc error handling on. More...
subroutine, public petsc_errorhandlingseton (err, error,)
 Set PETSc error handling on. More...
subroutine, public petsc_finalise (err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc PetscFinalize routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_initialise (file, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc PetscInitialize routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_logview (viewer, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc PetscLogView routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_isfinalise (is, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_isinitialise (is, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_isdestroy (is, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc ISDestroy routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_iscoloringfinalise (iscoloring, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_iscoloringinitialise (iscoloring, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_iscoloringdestroy (iscoloring, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc ISColoringDestroy routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_islocaltoglobalmappingfinalise (isLocalToGlobalMapping, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_islocaltoglobalmappinginitialise (isLocalToGlobalMapping, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_islocaltoglobalmappingapply (isLocalToGlobalMapping, n, idxIn, idxOut, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_islocaltoglobalmappingapplyis (isLocalToGlobalMapping, isIn, isOut, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc ISLocalToGlobalMappingApplyIS routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_islocaltoglobalmappingcreate (communicator, blockSize, n, indices, mode, isLocalToGlobalMapping, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_islocaltoglobalmappingdestroy (isLocalToGlobalMapping, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_kspfinalise (ksp, err, error,)
 Finalise the PETSc KSP structure and destroy the KSP. More...
subroutine, public petsc_kspinitialise (ksp, err, error,)
 Initialise the PETSc KSP structure. More...
subroutine, public petsc_kspcreate (communicator, ksp, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPCreate routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_kspdestroy (ksp, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPDestroy routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_kspgetconvergedreason (ksp, reason, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPGetConvergedReason routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_kspgetiterationnumber (ksp, iterationNumber, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPGetIterationNumber routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_kspgetpc (ksp, pc, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPGetPC routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_kspgetresidualnorm (ksp, residualNorm, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPGetResidualNorm routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_kspgmressetrestart (ksp, restart, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPGMRESSetRestart routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_kspsetfromoptions (ksp, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPSetFromOptions routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_kspsetinitialguessnonzero (ksp, flag, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_kspsetoperators (ksp, amat, pmat, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPSetOperators routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_kspsetreusepreconditioner (ksp, flag, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPSetReusePreconditioner routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_kspsettolerances (ksp, rTol, aTol, dTol, maxIterations, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPSetTolerances routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_kspsettype (ksp, method, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPSetType routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_kspsetup (ksp, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPSetUp routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_kspsolve (ksp, b, x, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPSolve routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matfinalise (a, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_matinitialise (a, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_matassemblybegin (A, assemblyType, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatAssemblyBegin routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matassemblyend (A, assemblyType, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatAssemblyEnd routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matcreate (communicator, A, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatCreate routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matcreateaij (communicator, localM, localN, globalM, globalN, diagNumberNonZerosPerRow, diagNumberNonZerosEachRow, offDiagNumberNonZerosPerRow, offDiagNumberNonZerosEachRow, a, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatCreateAIJ routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matcreatedense (communicator, localM, localN, globalM, globalN, matrixData, a, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatCreateDense routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matcreateseqaij (communicator, m, n, numberNonZerosPerRow, numberNonZerosEachRow, a, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatCreateSeqAIJ routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matcreateseqdense (communicator, m, n, matrixData, a, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatCreateSeqDense routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matdensegetarrayf90 (a, array, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatDenseGetArrayF90 routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matdenserestorearrayf90 (a, array, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatDenseRestoreArrayF90 routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matdestroy (a, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatDestroy routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matgetinfo (a, flag, info, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatGetInfo routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matgetownershiprange (a, firstRow, lastRow, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatGetOwnershipRange routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matgetrow (A, rowNumber, numberOfColumns, columns, values, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatGetRow routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matgetvalues (a, m, mIndices, n, nIndices, values, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatGetValues routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matmumpsseticntl (factoredMatrix, icntl, ival, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatMumpsSetIcntl routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matmumpssetcntl (factoredMatrix, icntl, val, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatMumpsSetCntl routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matrestorerow (A, rowNumber, numberOfColumns, columns, values, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatRestoreRow routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matseqaijgetarrayf90 (a, array, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSeqAIJGetArrayF90 routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matseqaijgetmaxrownonzeros (a, maxNumberNonZeros, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSeqAIJGetMaxRowNonzeros routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matseqaijrestorearrayf90 (a, array, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSeqAIJRestoreArrayF90 routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matsetlocaltoglobalmapping (a, isLocalToGlobalMapping, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSetLocalToGlobalMapping routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matsetoption (a, option, flag, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSetOption routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matsetsizes (a, localM, localN, globalM, globalN, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSetSizes routine. More...
subroutine petsc_matsettype (a, matrixType, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSetType routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matsetvalue (a, row, col, value, insertMode, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSetValue routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matsetvalues (a, m, mIndices, n, nIndices, values, insertMode, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSetValues routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matsetvaluelocal (a, row, col, VALUE, insertMode, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSetValueLocal routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matsetvalueslocal (a, m, mIndices, n, nIndices, values, insertMode, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSetValuesLocal routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matview (a, viewer, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatView routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matzeroentries (a, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatZeroEntries routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matcoloringfinalise (matColoring, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_matcoloringinitialise (matColoring, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_matcoloringapply (matColoring, isColoring, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatColoringApply routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matcoloringcreate (a, matColoring, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatColoringCreate routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matcoloringdestroy (matColoring, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatColoringDestroy routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matcoloringsetfromoptions (matColoring, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatColoringSetFromOptions routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matcoloringsettype (matColoring, coloringType, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatColoringSetType routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matfdcoloringfinalise (matFDColoring, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_matfdcoloringinitialise (matFDColoring, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_matfdcoloringcreate (a, isColoring, matFDColoring, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatFDColoringCreate routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matfdcoloringdestroy (matFDColoring, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatFDColoringDestroy routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matfdcoloringsetfromoptions (matFDColoring, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatFDColoringSetFromOptions routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matfdcoloringsetparameters (matFDColoring, rError, uMin, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatFDColoringSetParameters routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matfdcoloringsetfunction (matFDColoring, fFunction, ctx, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatFDColoringSetFunction routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_matfdcoloringsetup (a, isColoring, matFDColoring, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc MatFDColoringSetup routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_pcfinalise (pc, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_pcinitialise (pc, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_pcfactorgetmatrix (pc, factoredMatrix, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc PCFactorGetMatrix routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_pcfactorsetmatsolverpackage (pc, solverPackage, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc PCFactoSetMatSolverPackage routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_pcfactorsetupmatsolverpackage (pc, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc PCFactorSetUpMatSolverPackage routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_pcsetreusepreconditioner (pc, flag, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc PCSetReusePreconditioner routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_pcsetfromoptions (pc, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc PCSetFromOptions routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_pcsettype (pc, method, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc PCSetType routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snesfinalise (snes, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_snesinitialise (snes, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_snescomputejacobiandefault (snes, x, j, b, ctx, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESComputeJacobianDefault routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snescomputejacobiandefaultcolor (snes, x, j, b, ctx, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESComputeJacobianDefaultColor routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snescreate (communicator, snes, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESCreate routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snesdestroy (snes, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESDestroy routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snesgetapplicationcontext (snes, ctx, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESGetApplicationContext routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snesgetconvergedreason (snes, reason, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESGetConvergedReason routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snesgetfunction (snes, f, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESGetFunction routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snesgetiterationnumber (snes, iterationNumber, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESGetIterationNumber routine. More...
subroutine petsc_snesgetjacobiansolver (snes, a, b, jFunction, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetJacobian routine for solver contexts. More...
subroutine petsc_snesgetjacobianspecial (snes, a, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetJacobian routine for solver contexts. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snesgetksp (snes, ksp, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESGetKSP routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snesgetlinesearch (snes, lineSearch, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESGetLineSearch routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snesgetsolutionupdate (snes, solutionUpdate, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSC SNESGetSolutionUpdate routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snesmonitorset (snes, mFunction, ctx, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESMonitorSet routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snesqnsetrestarttype (snes, rType, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESQNSetRestartType routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snesqnsetscaletype (snes, sType, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESQNSetScaleType routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snesqnsettype (snes, qType, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESQNSetType routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snessetapplicationcontext (snes, ctx, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetApplicationContext routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snessetconvergencetest (snes, cFunction, ctx, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetFunction routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snessetfromoptions (snes, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetFromOptions routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snessetfunction (snes, f, fFunction, ctx, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetFunction routine. More...
subroutine petsc_snessetjacobianmatfdcoloring (snes, a, b, jFunction, ctx, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetJacobian routine for MatFDColoring contexts. More...
subroutine petsc_snessetjacobiansolver (snes, a, b, jFunction, ctx, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetJacobian routine for solver contexts. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snessetksp (snes, ksp, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESGetKSP routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snessetnormschedule (snes, normSchedule, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetNormSchedule routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snessettolerances (snes, absTol, rTol, sTol, maxIterations, maxFunctionEvals, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetTolerances routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snessettrustregiontolerance (snes, trTol, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetTrustRegionTolerance routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snessettype (snes, method, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetType routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_snessolve (snes, b, x, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSolve routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_sneslinesearchfinalise (lineSearch, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_sneslinesearchinitialise (lineSearch, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_sneslinesearchbtsetalpha (lineSearch, alpha, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESLineSearchBTSetAlpha routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_sneslinesearchcomputenorms (lineSearch, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESLineSearchComputeNorms routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_sneslinesearchgetnorms (lineSearch, xNorm, fNorm, yNorm, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the petsc SnesLineSearchGetNorms routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_sneslinesearchgetvecs (lineSearch, x, f, y, w, g, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESLineSearchGetVecs routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_sneslinesearchsetcomputenorms (lineSearch, computeNorms, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESLineSearchSetComputeNorms routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_sneslinesearchsetmonitor (lineSearch, monitorLinesearch, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESLineSearchSetMonitor routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_sneslinesearchsetnorms (snes, xNorm, fNorm, yNorm, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the petsc SnesLineSearchSetNorms routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_sneslinesearchsetorder (lineSearch, lineSearchOrder, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESLineSearchSetOrder routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_sneslinesearchsettolerances (lineSearch, steptol, maxstep, rtol, atol, ltol, maxIt, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESLineSearchSetTolerances routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_sneslinesearchsettype (lineSearch, lineSearchType, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESLineSearchSetType routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_tsfinalise (ts, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_tsinitialise (ts, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_tscreate (communicator, ts, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc TSCreate routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_tsdestroy (ts, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc TSDestroy routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_tsgetsolution (ts, currentSolution, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc TSGetSolution routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_tsmonitorset (ts, mFunction, ctx, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc TSMonitorSet routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_tssetduration (ts, maxSteps, maxTime, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSetDuration routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_tssetexactfinaltime (ts, exactFinalTime, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSetExactFinalTime routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_tssetfromoptions (ts, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSetFromOptions routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_tssetinitialtimestep (ts, initialTime, timeStep, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSetInitialTimeStep routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_tssetproblemtype (ts, probType, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSetProblemType routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_tssetrhsfunction (ts, rates, rhsFunction, ctx, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSetRHSFunction routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_tssetsolution (ts, initialSolution, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSetSolution routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_tssettimestep (ts, timeStep, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSetTimeStep routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_tssettype (ts, method, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSetType routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_tssolve (ts, x, finalTime, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSolve routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_tsstep (ts, steps, pTime, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc TSStep routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_tssundialssettype (ts, sundialsType, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSundialsSetType routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_tssundialssettolerance (ts, absTol, relTol, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSundialsSetTolerance routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecfinalise (x, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_vecinitialise (x, err, error,)
subroutine, public petsc_vecassemblybegin (x, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecAssemblyBegin routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecassemblyend (x, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecAssemblyEnd routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_veccopy (x, y, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecCopy routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_veccreate (communicator, x, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecCreate routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_veccreateghost (communicator, localN, globalN, numGhosts, ghosts, x, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecCreateGhost routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_veccreateghostwitharray (communicator, localN, globalN, numGhosts, ghosts, array, x, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecCreateGhostWithArray routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_veccreatempi (communicator, localN, globalN, x, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecCreateMPI routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_veccreatempiwitharray (communicator, localN, globalN, array, x, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecCreateMPIWithArray routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_veccreateseq (communicator, n, x, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecCreateSeq routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_veccreateseqwitharray (communicator, n, array, x, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecCreateSeqWithArray routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecdestroy (x, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecDestroy routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecduplicate (x, y, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecDuplicate routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecdot (x, y, dotProduct, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecDot routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecgetarrayf90 (x, array, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecGetArrayF90 routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecgetarrayreadf90 (x, array, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecGetArrayReadF90 routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecgetlocalsize (x, n, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecGetLocalSize routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecgetownershiprange (x, low, high, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecGetOwnershipRange routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecgetsize (x, n, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecGetSize routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecgetvalues (x, n, indices, values, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecGetValues routine. More...
subroutine petsc_vecghostgetlocalform (g, l, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecGhostGetLocalForm routine. More...
subroutine petsc_vecghostrestorelocalform (g, l, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecGhostRestoreLocalForm routine. More...
subroutine petsc_vecghostupdatebegin (x, insertMode, scatterMode, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecGhostUpdateBegin routine. More...
subroutine petsc_vecghostupdateend (x, insertMode, scatterMode, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecGhostUpdateEnd routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecnorm (x, normType, norm, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecNorm routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecrestorearrayf90 (x, array, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecRestoreArrayF90 routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecrestorearrayreadf90 (x, array, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecRestoreArrayReadF90 routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecscale (x, alpha, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecScale routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecset (x, VALUE, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecSet routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecsetfromoptions (x, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecSetFromOptions routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecsetlocaltoglobalmapping (x, isLocalToGlobalMapping, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecSetLocalToGlobalMapping routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecsetsizes (x, localN, globalN, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecSetSizes routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecsetvalues (x, n, indices, values, insertMode, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecSetValues routine. More...
subroutine petsc_setvalueslocal (x, n, indices, values, insertMode, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecSetValuesLocal routine. More...
subroutine, public petsc_vecview (x, viewer, err, error,)
 Buffer routine to the PETSc VecView routine. More...


logical, save petschandleerror

Detailed Description

This module is a CMISS buffer module to the PETSc library.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_errorhandlingsetoff ( integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Set PETSc error handling on.

[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 1732 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_errorhandlingseton ( integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Set PETSc error handling on.

[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 1755 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_finalise ( integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc PetscFinalize routine.

[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 1777 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by comp_environment::computational_environment_finalise().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_initialise ( character(len=*), intent(in)  file,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc PetscInitialize routine.

[in]fileFilename for PETSc options file
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 1806 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by comp_environment::computational_environment_initialise().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_iscoloringdestroy ( type(petsciscoloringtype), intent(inout)  iscoloring,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc ISColoringDestroy routine.

[in,out]iscoloringThe index set coloring
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2007 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by petsc_iscoloringfinalise().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_iscoloringfinalise ( type(petsciscoloringtype), intent(inout)  iscoloring,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]iscoloringThe ISColoring to finalise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 1957 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petsc_iscoloringdestroy().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_iscoloringinitialise ( type(petsciscoloringtype), intent(inout)  iscoloring,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]iscoloringThe ISColoring to initialise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 1983 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), and base_routines::exits().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_isdestroy ( type(petscistype), intent(inout)  is,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc ISDestroy routine.

[in,out]isThe index set
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 1925 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by petsc_isfinalise().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_isfinalise ( type(petscistype), intent(inout)  is,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]isThe IS to finalise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 1875 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petsc_isdestroy().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_isinitialise ( type(petscistype), intent(inout)  is,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]isThe IS to initialise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 1901 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), and base_routines::exits().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_islocaltoglobalmappingapply ( type(petscislocaltogloabalmappingtype), intent(inout)  isLocalToGlobalMapping,
integer(intg), intent(in)  n,
integer(intg), dimension(:), intent(in)  idxIn,
integer(intg), dimension(:), intent(out)  idxOut,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply routine.

[in,out]islocaltoglobalmappingThe local to global mapping to apply
[in]nThe number of indicies
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2088 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_islocaltoglobalmappingapplyis ( type(petscislocaltogloabalmappingtype), intent(in)  isLocalToGlobalMapping,
type(petscistype), intent(in)  isIn,
type(petscistype), intent(out)  isOut,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc ISLocalToGlobalMappingApplyIS routine.

[in]islocaltoglobalmappingThe local to global mapping to apply
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2122 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_islocaltoglobalmappingcreate ( intent(in)  communicator,
integer(intg), intent(in)  blockSize,
integer(intg), intent(in)  n,
integer(intg), dimension(:), intent(in)  indices,
intent(in)  mode,
type(petscislocaltogloabalmappingtype), intent(inout)  isLocalToGlobalMapping,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate routine.

[in]blocksizeThe block size
[in]nThe number of local indices divided by the block size (or the number of block indices)
[in]indicesThe global index for each local element
[in,out]islocaltoglobalmappingOn exit, the local to global mapping context
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2154 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_islocaltoglobalmappingdestroy ( type(petscislocaltogloabalmappingtype), intent(inout)  isLocalToGlobalMapping,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy routine.

[in,out]islocaltoglobalmappingThe local to global mapping context
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2189 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by petsc_islocaltoglobalmappingfinalise().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_islocaltoglobalmappingfinalise ( type(petscislocaltogloabalmappingtype), intent(inout)  isLocalToGlobalMapping,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]islocaltoglobalmappingThe ISLocalToGlobalMapping to finalise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2038 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petsc_islocaltoglobalmappingdestroy().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_islocaltoglobalmappinginitialise ( type(petscislocaltogloabalmappingtype), intent(inout)  isLocalToGlobalMapping,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]islocaltoglobalmappingThe ISLocalToGlobalMapping to initialise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2064 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), and base_routines::exits().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_kspcreate ( intent(in)  communicator,
type(petscksptype), intent(inout)  ksp,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPCreate routine.

[in,out]kspOn exit, the KSP object
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2270 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_kspdestroy ( type(petscksptype), intent(inout)  ksp,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPDestroy routine.

[in,out]kspThe KSP to destroy
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2301 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by petsc_kspfinalise().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_kspfinalise ( type(petscksptype), intent(inout)  ksp,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Finalise the PETSc KSP structure and destroy the KSP.

[in,out]kspThe KSP to finalise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2220 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petsc_kspdestroy().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_kspgetconvergedreason ( type(petscksptype), intent(inout)  ksp,
integer(intg), intent(out)  reason,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPGetConvergedReason routine.

[in,out]kspThe KSP information
[out]reasonOn exit, the converged reason
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2332 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_kspgetiterationnumber ( type(petscksptype), intent(inout)  ksp,
integer(intg), intent(out)  iterationNumber,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPGetIterationNumber routine.

[in,out]kspThe KSP information
[out]iterationnumberOn exit, the number of iterations
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2362 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_kspgetpc ( type(petscksptype), intent(inout)  ksp,
type(petscpctype), intent(inout)  pc,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPGetPC routine.

[in,out]kspThe KSP to get the PC for
[in,out]pcOn exit, the PC associated with the KSP
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2393 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_kspgetresidualnorm ( type(petscksptype), intent(inout)  ksp,
real(dp), intent(out)  residualNorm,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPGetResidualNorm routine.

[in,out]kspThe KSP to get the PC for
[out]residualnormOn exit, the residual norm for the KSP
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2424 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_kspgmressetrestart ( type(petscksptype), intent(inout)  ksp,
integer(intg), intent(out)  restart,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPGMRESSetRestart routine.

[in,out]kspThe KSP to set the GMRES restart for
[out]restartThe restart value to set
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2455 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_kspinitialise ( type(petscksptype), intent(inout)  ksp,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Initialise the PETSc KSP structure.

[in,out]kspThe KSP to initialise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2246 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), and base_routines::exits().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_kspsetfromoptions ( type(petscksptype), intent(inout)  ksp,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPSetFromOptions routine.

[in,out]kspThe Ksp to set the options for
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2486 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_kspsetinitialguessnonzero ( type(petscksptype), intent(inout)  ksp,
logical, intent(in)  flag,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero routine.

[in,out]kspThe KSP to set the initial guess non zero for
[in]flagIf flag is .TRUE. the initial guess is non-zero, if flag is .FALSE. the initial guess is zero.
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2516 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_kspsetoperators ( type(petscksptype), intent(inout)  ksp,
type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  amat,
type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  pmat,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPSetOperators routine.

[in,out]kspThe Ksp to set the operators for
[in,out]amatThe matrix associated with the linear system
[in,out]pmatThe matrix to be used in constructing the preconditioner
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2551 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_kspsetreusepreconditioner ( type(petscksptype), intent(inout)  ksp,
logical, intent(in)  flag,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPSetReusePreconditioner routine.

[in,out]kspThe KSP to set the options for
[in]flagIf flag is .TRUE. then the current precondition is reused, if flag is .FALSE. it is not
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2583 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_kspsettolerances ( type(petscksptype), intent(inout)  ksp,
real(dp), intent(in)  rTol,
real(dp), intent(in)  aTol,
real(dp), intent(in)  dTol,
integer(intg), intent(in)  maxIterations,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPSetTolerances routine.

[in,out]kspThe KSP to set the tolerances for
[in]rtolThe relative tolerance to set
[in]atolThe absolution tolerance to set
[in]dtolThe divergence tolerance to set
[in]maxiterationsThe maximum number of iterations
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2618 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_kspsettype ( type(petscksptype), intent(inout)  ksp,
intent(in)  method,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPSetType routine.

[in,out]kspThe KSP to set the type for
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2652 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_kspsetup ( type(petscksptype), intent(inout)  ksp,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPSetUp routine.

[in,out]kspThe KSP to set up
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2683 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_kspsolve ( type(petscksptype), intent(inout)  ksp,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  b,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc KSPSolve routine.

[in,out]kspThe Ksp to set up
[in,out]bThe RHS vector
[in,out]xThe solution vector
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2713 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_logview ( intent(in)  viewer,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc PetscLogView routine.

[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 1845 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matassemblybegin ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  A,
intent(in)  assemblyType,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatAssemblyBegin routine.

[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2795 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_form(), and distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_update_start().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matassemblyend ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  A,
intent(in)  assemblyType,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatAssemblyEnd routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to assemble
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2826 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_form(), and distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_update_finish().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matcoloringapply ( type(petscmatcoloringtype), intent(inout)  matColoring,
type(petsciscoloringtype), intent(inout)  isColoring,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatColoringApply routine.

[in,out]matcoloringThe coloring to apply
[in,out]iscoloringThe index set coloring to apply to
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3841 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matcoloringcreate ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
type(petscmatcoloringtype), intent(inout)  matColoring,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatColoringCreate routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to create the coloring for
[in,out]matcoloringOn exit, the created coloring
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3872 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matcoloringdestroy ( type(petscmatcoloringtype), intent(inout)  matColoring,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatColoringDestroy routine.

[in,out]matcoloringThe coloring to destroy
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3903 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by petsc_matcoloringfinalise().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matcoloringfinalise ( type(petscmatcoloringtype), intent(inout)  matColoring,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]matcoloringThe matColoring to finalise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3791 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petsc_matcoloringdestroy().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matcoloringinitialise ( type(petscmatcoloringtype), intent(inout)  matColoring,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]matcoloringThe matColoring to initialise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3817 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), and base_routines::exits().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matcoloringsetfromoptions ( type(petscmatcoloringtype), intent(inout)  matColoring,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatColoringSetFromOptions routine.

[in,out]matcoloringThe coloring to set the options for
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3935 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matcoloringsettype ( type(petscmatcoloringtype), intent(inout)  matColoring,
intent(in)  coloringType,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatColoringSetType routine.

[in,out]matcoloringThe coloring to set the type for
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3965 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matcreate ( intent(in)  communicator,
type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  A,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatCreate routine.

[in,out]aOn exit, the created matrix
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2857 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matcreateaij ( intent(in)  communicator,
integer(intg), intent(in)  localM,
integer(intg), intent(in)  localN,
integer(intg), intent(in)  globalM,
integer(intg), intent(in)  globalN,
integer(intg), intent(in)  diagNumberNonZerosPerRow,
integer(intg), dimension(:), intent(in)  diagNumberNonZerosEachRow,
integer(intg), intent(in)  offDiagNumberNonZerosPerRow,
integer(intg), dimension(:), intent(in)  offDiagNumberNonZerosEachRow,
type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatCreateAIJ routine.

[in]localmThe number of local rows
[in]localnThe number of local columns
[in]globalmThe number of global rows
[in]globalnThe number of global columns
[in]diagnumbernonzerosperrowThe maximum number of non-zeros per row in the diagonal part of the matrix
[in]diagnumbernonzeroseachrowThe number of non-zeros per row in the diagonal part of the matrix
[in]offdiagnumbernonzerosperrowThe maximum number of non-zeros per row in the off-diagonal part of the matrix
[in]offdiagnumbernonzeroseachrowThe number of non-zeros per row in the off-diagonal part of the matrix
[in,out]aOn exit, the created matrix
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2889 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_petsc_create_finish().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matcreatedense ( intent(in)  communicator,
integer(intg), intent(in)  localM,
integer(intg), intent(in)  localN,
integer(intg), intent(in)  globalM,
integer(intg), intent(in)  globalN,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in)  matrixData,
type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatCreateDense routine.

[in]localmThe number of local rows
[in]localnThe number of local columns
[in]globalmThe number of global columns
[in]globalnThe number of global rows
[in]matrixdataOptional, the allocated matrix data.
[in,out]aOn exit, the created matrix
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2929 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_petsc_create_finish().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matcreateseqaij ( intent(in)  communicator,
integer(intg), intent(in)  m,
integer(intg), intent(in)  n,
integer(intg), intent(in)  numberNonZerosPerRow,
integer(intg), dimension(:), intent(in)  numberNonZerosEachRow,
type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatCreateSeqAIJ routine.

[in]mThe number of rows
[in]nThe number of columns
[in]numbernonzerosperrowThe maximum number of non-zeros per row
[in]numbernonzeroseachrowThe number of non-zeros in each row
[in,out]aOn exit, the created matrix
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2965 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matcreateseqdense ( intent(in)  communicator,
integer(intg), intent(in)  m,
integer(intg), intent(in)  n,
real(dp), dimension(*), intent(in)  matrixData,
type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatCreateSeqDense routine.

[in]mThe number of rows
[in]nThe number of columns
[in]matrixdataOptional, the allocated matrix data
[in,out]aOn exit, the created matrix
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3000 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matdensegetarrayf90 ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout), target  a,
real(dp), dimension(:,:), pointer  array,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatDenseGetArrayF90 routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to get the array for
arrayOn exit, a pointer to the matrix array
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3034 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_data_get_dp().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matdenserestorearrayf90 ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
real(dp), dimension(:,:), pointer  array,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatDenseRestoreArrayF90 routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to restore the array for
arrayA pointer to the matrix array to restore
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3069 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_data_restore_dp().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matdestroy ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatDestroy routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to destroy
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3100 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by petsc_matfinalise().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matfdcoloringcreate ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
type(petsciscoloringtype), intent(in)  isColoring,
type(petscmatfdcoloringtype), intent(out)  matFDColoring,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatFDColoringCreate routine.

[in,out]aThe PETSc matrix to create the FD coloring for
[in]iscoloringThe index set coloring to create the finite difference coloring for
[out]matfdcoloringOn exit, the matrix finite difference coloring
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4046 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matfdcoloringdestroy ( type(petscmatfdcoloringtype), intent(inout)  matFDColoring,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatFDColoringDestroy routine.

[in,out]matfdcoloringThe matrix finite difference coloring to destroy
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4078 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by petsc_matfdcoloringfinalise().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matfdcoloringfinalise ( type(petscmatfdcoloringtype), intent(inout)  matFDColoring,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]matfdcoloringThe MatFDColoring to finalise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3996 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petsc_matfdcoloringdestroy().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matfdcoloringinitialise ( type(petscmatfdcoloringtype), intent(inout)  matFDColoring,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]matfdcoloringThe MatFDColoring to initialise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4022 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), and base_routines::exits().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matfdcoloringsetfromoptions ( type(petscmatfdcoloringtype), intent(inout)  matFDColoring,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatFDColoringSetFromOptions routine.

[in,out]matfdcoloringThe matrix finite difference coloring to set
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4109 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matfdcoloringsetfunction ( type(petscmatfdcoloringtype), intent(inout)  matFDColoring,
external  fFunction,
type(solver_type), pointer  ctx,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatFDColoringSetFunction routine.

[in,out]matfdcoloringThe matrix finite difference coloring to set
ffunctionThe external function to call
ctxThe solver data to pass to the function
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4171 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matfdcoloringsetparameters ( type(petscmatfdcoloringtype), intent(inout)  matFDColoring,
real(dp)  rError,
real(dp)  uMin,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatFDColoringSetParameters routine.

[in,out]matfdcoloringThe matrix finite difference coloring to set
rerrorThe square root of the relative error
uminMatFDColoring umin option
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4139 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matfdcoloringsetup ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
type(petsciscoloringtype), intent(inout)  isColoring,
type(petscmatfdcoloringtype), intent(inout)  matFDColoring,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatFDColoringSetup routine.

[in,out]aThe PETSc matrix to setup the FD coloring for
[in,out]iscoloringThe index set coloring to setup the finite difference coloring for
[in,out]matfdcoloringThe matrix finite difference coloring to setup
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4203 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matfinalise ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]aThe matrix to finalise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2745 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petsc_matdestroy().

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_petsc_finalise().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matgetinfo ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
intent(in)  flag,
dimension(mat_info_size), intent(out)  info,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatGetInfo routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to get the information of
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3131 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matgetownershiprange ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
integer(intg), intent(out)  firstRow,
integer(intg), intent(out)  lastRow,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatGetOwnershipRange routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to get the ownership range of
[out]firstrowOn exit, the first row for the matrix
[out]lastrowOn exit, the last row for the matrix
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3163 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matgetrow ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  A,
integer(intg), intent(in)  rowNumber,
integer(intg), intent(out)  numberOfColumns,
integer(intg), dimension(:), intent(out)  columns,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(out)  values,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatGetRow routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to get the array for
[in]rownumberThe row number to get the row values for
[out]numberofcolumnsOn return, the number of nonzero columns in the row
[out]columnsOn return, the column numbers for the nonzero columns in the row
[out]valuesOn exit, the nonzero values in the row.
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3195 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matgetvalues ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
integer(intg), intent(in)  m,
integer(intg), dimension(*), intent(in)  mIndices,
integer(intg), intent(in)  n,
integer(intg), dimension(*), intent(in)  nIndices,
real(dp), dimension(*), intent(out)  values,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatGetValues routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to get the values of
[in]mThe number of row indices
[in]mindicesThe row indices
[in]nThe number of column indices
[in]nindicesThe column indices
[out]valuesThe values to get
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3229 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_values_get_dp(), distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_values_get_dp1(), and distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_values_get_dp2().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matinitialise ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]aThe matrix to initialise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 2771 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), and base_routines::exits().

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_override_set_off(), and distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_petsc_initialise().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matmumpssetcntl ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  factoredMatrix,
integer(intg), intent(in)  icntl,
real(dp), intent(in)  val,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatMumpsSetCntl routine.

[in,out]factoredmatrixThe factored matrix from PETSc-MUMPS interface
[in]icntlThe MUMPS CNTL integer control parameter
[in]valThe MUMPS CNTL real value to set: CNTL(icntl)=val
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3296 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matmumpsseticntl ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  factoredMatrix,
integer(intg), intent(in)  icntl,
integer(intg), intent(in)  ival,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatMumpsSetIcntl routine.

[in,out]factoredmatrixThe factored matrix from PETSc-MUMPS interface
[in]icntlThe MUMPS ICNTL integer control parameter
[in]ivalThe MUMPS ICNTL integer value to set: ICNTL(icntl)=ival
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3264 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matrestorerow ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  A,
integer(intg), intent(in)  rowNumber,
integer(intg), intent(out)  numberOfColumns,
integer(intg), dimension(:), intent(out)  columns,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(out)  values,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatRestoreRow routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to restore the row for
[in]rownumberThe row number to restore the row values for
[out]numberofcolumnsThe number of nonzero columns in the row
[out]columnsThe column numbers for the nonzero columns in the row
[out]valuesThe nonzero values in the row to restore.
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3328 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matseqaijgetarrayf90 ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout), target  a,
real(dp), dimension(:,:), pointer  array,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSeqAIJGetArrayF90 routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to get the array for
arrayOn exit, a pointer to the matrix array
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3362 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_data_get_dp().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matseqaijgetmaxrownonzeros ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
integer(intg), intent(out)  maxNumberNonZeros,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSeqAIJGetMaxRowNonzeros routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to get the maximum number of non zeros for
[out]maxnumbernonzerosOn exit, the maximum number of non zeros in any row of the matrix
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3397 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matseqaijrestorearrayf90 ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
real(dp), dimension(:,:), pointer  array,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSeqAIJRestoreArrayF90 routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to restore the array for
arrayA pointer to the matrix array to restore
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3430 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_data_restore_dp().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matsetlocaltoglobalmapping ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
type(petscislocaltogloabalmappingtype), intent(in)  isLocalToGlobalMapping,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSetLocalToGlobalMapping routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to set the local to global mapping for
[in]islocaltoglobalmappingThe local to global mapping context
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3461 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matsetoption ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
intent(in)  option,
logical, intent(in)  flag,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSetOption routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to set the option for
[in]flagThe option flag to set
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3492 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_petsc_create_finish().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matsetsizes ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
integer(intg), intent(in)  localM,
integer(intg), intent(in)  localN,
integer(intg), intent(in)  globalM,
integer(intg), intent(in)  globalN,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSetSizes routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to set the size of
[in]localmNumber of local rows
[in]localnNumber of local columns
[in]globalmNumber of global rows
[in]globalnNumber of global columns
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3528 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine cmisspetsc::petsc_matsettype ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
intent(in)  matrixType,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSetType routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to set the type of
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3562 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matsetvalue ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
integer(intg), intent(in)  row,
integer(intg), intent(in)  col,
real(dp), intent(in)  value,
intent(in)  insertMode,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSetValue routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to set the values of
[in]rowThe row index
[in]colThe column index
[in]valueThe value to set
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3593 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_form(), and distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_values_add_dp1().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matsetvaluelocal ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
integer(intg), intent(in)  row,
integer(intg), intent(in)  col,
real(dp), intent(in)  VALUE,
intent(in)  insertMode,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSetValueLocal routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to set the values of
[in]rowThe row index
[in]colThe column index
[in]valueThe value to set
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3662 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matsetvalues ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
integer(intg), intent(in)  m,
integer(intg), dimension(*), intent(in)  mIndices,
integer(intg), intent(in)  n,
integer(intg), dimension(*), intent(in)  nIndices,
real(dp), dimension(*), intent(in)  values,
intent(in)  insertMode,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSetValues routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to set the values of
[in]mThe number of row indices
[in]mindicesThe row indices
[in]nThe number of column indices
[in]nindicesThe column indices
[in]valuesThe values to set
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3627 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_values_add_dp(), distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_values_add_dp2(), distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_values_set_dp(), distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_values_set_dp1(), and distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_values_set_dp2().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matsetvalueslocal ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
integer(intg), intent(in)  m,
integer(intg), dimension(:), intent(in)  mIndices,
integer(intg), intent(in)  n,
integer(intg), dimension(:), intent(in)  nIndices,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in)  values,
intent(in)  insertMode,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatSetValuesLocal routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to set the values of
[in]mThe number of row indices
[in]mindicesThe row indices
[in]nThe number of column indices
[in]nindicesThe column indices
[in]valuesThe values to set
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3694 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matview ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
intent(in)  viewer,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatView routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to view
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3730 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_output().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_matzeroentries ( type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc MatZeroEntries routine.

[in,out]aThe matrix to zero the entries of
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 3761 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_all_values_set_dp(), and distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_matrix_form().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_pcfactorgetmatrix ( type(petscpctype), intent(inout)  pc,
type(petscmattype), intent(out)  factoredMatrix,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc PCFactorGetMatrix routine.

[in,out]pcThe preconditioner to set the solver package for
[out]factoredmatrixThe factored matrix to get from preconditioner context
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4285 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_pcfactorsetmatsolverpackage ( type(petscpctype), intent(inout)  pc,
intent(in)  solverPackage,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc PCFactoSetMatSolverPackage routine.

[in,out]pcThe preconditioner to set the solver package for
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4316 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_pcfactorsetupmatsolverpackage ( type(petscpctype), intent(inout)  pc,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc PCFactorSetUpMatSolverPackage routine.

[in,out]pcThe preconditioner to set the solver package for
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4347 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_pcfinalise ( type(petscpctype), intent(inout)  pc,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]pcThe PC to finalise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4235 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), and base_routines::exits().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_pcinitialise ( type(petscpctype), intent(inout)  pc,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]pcThe PC to initialise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4261 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), and base_routines::exits().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_pcsetfromoptions ( type(petscpctype), intent(inout)  pc,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc PCSetFromOptions routine.

[in,out]pcThe preconditioner to set the options for
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4412 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_pcsetreusepreconditioner ( type(petscpctype), intent(inout)  pc,
logical, intent(in)  flag,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc PCSetReusePreconditioner routine.

[in,out]pcThe preconditioner to set the reuse for
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4377 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_pcsettype ( type(petscpctype), intent(inout)  pc,
intent(in)  method,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc PCSetType routine.

[in,out]pcThe preconditioner to set the type of
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4442 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine cmisspetsc::petsc_setvalueslocal ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(in)  n,
integer(intg), dimension(*), intent(in)  indices,
real(dp), dimension(*), intent(in)  values,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecSetValuesLocal routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to set the values of
[in]nThe number of indices
[in]indicesThe local indices
[in]valuesThe values to set
[in]valuesThe insert mode
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 7475 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snescomputejacobiandefault ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  j,
type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  b,
type(solver_type), pointer  ctx,
integer(intg), intent(inout)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESComputeJacobianDefault routine.

[in,out]snesThe PETSc SNES
[in,out]xThe PETSc x Vec
[in,out]jThe PETSc J Mat
[in,out]bThe PETSc B Mat
ctxThe passed through context
[in,out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4523 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snescomputejacobiandefaultcolor ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  j,
type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  b,
type(petscmatfdcoloringtype), pointer  ctx,
integer(intg), intent(inout)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESComputeJacobianDefaultColor routine.

[in,out]snesThe PETSc SNES
[in,out]xThe PETSc X Vec
[in,out]jThe PETSc J Mat
[in,out]bThe PETSc B Mat
ctxThe passed through context
[in,out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4556 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snescreate ( intent(in)  communicator,
type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESCreate routine.

[in,out]snesOn exit, the SNES information
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4589 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snesdestroy ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESDestroy routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to destroy
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4620 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by petsc_snesfinalise().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snesfinalise ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]snesThe SNES to finalise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4473 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petsc_snesdestroy().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snesgetapplicationcontext ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
type(solver_type), pointer  ctx,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESGetApplicationContext routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to get the context for
ctxOn exit, the solver data context to get
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4651 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snesgetconvergedreason ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
integer(intg), intent(out)  reason,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESGetConvergedReason routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to get the converged reason for
[out]reasonOn exit, the converged reason
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4686 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snesgetfunction ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
type(petscvectype), intent(out)  f,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESGetFunction routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to get the function from
[out]fThe residual vector
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4717 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snesgetiterationnumber ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
integer(intg), intent(out)  iterationNumber,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESGetIterationNumber routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to get the iteration number for
[out]iterationnumberOn exit, the number of iterations
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4747 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine cmisspetsc::petsc_snesgetjacobiansolver ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  b,
external  jFunction,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetJacobian routine for solver contexts.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to set the function for
[in,out]aThe Jacobian matrix
[in,out]bThe Jacobian preconditioning matrix
jfunctionThe external function to call
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4778 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine cmisspetsc::petsc_snesgetjacobianspecial ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetJacobian routine for solver contexts.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to set the function for
[in,out]aThe Jacobian matrix
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4812 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snesgetksp ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
type(petscksptype), intent(inout)  ksp,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESGetKSP routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to get the iteration number for
[in,out]kspOn exit, the KSP to associated with the SNES
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4844 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snesgetlinesearch ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
type(petscsneslinesearchtype), intent(out)  lineSearch,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESGetLineSearch routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to get the SNES line search for
[out]linesearchOn return, the SNES line search object
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4875 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snesgetsolutionupdate ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  solutionUpdate,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSC SNESGetSolutionUpdate routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to get the solution update for
[in,out]solutionupdateOn exit, the solution update
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4905 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snesinitialise ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]snesThe snes to
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4499 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), and base_routines::exits().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_sneslinesearchbtsetalpha ( type(petscsneslinesearchtype), intent(inout)  lineSearch,
real(dp), intent(in)  alpha,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESLineSearchBTSetAlpha routine.

[in,out]linesearchThe SNES back-tracking LineSearch to set alpha for
[in]alphaThe alpha descent parameter to set
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5492 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_sneslinesearchcomputenorms ( type(petscsneslinesearchtype), intent(inout)  lineSearch,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESLineSearchComputeNorms routine.

[in,out]linesearchThe SNES LineSearch to compute norms for
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5522 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_sneslinesearchfinalise ( type(petscsneslinesearchtype), intent(inout)  lineSearch,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]linesearchThe SNES LineSearch to finalise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5445 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), and base_routines::exits().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_sneslinesearchgetnorms ( type(petscsneslinesearchtype), intent(inout)  lineSearch,
real(dp), intent(inout)  xNorm,
real(dp), intent(inout)  fNorm,
real(dp), intent(inout)  yNorm,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the petsc SnesLineSearchGetNorms routine.

[in,out]linesearchThe SNES LineSearch to get the norms for X, Y, and F from.
[in,out]xnormOn exit, the norm of the current solution
[in,out]fnormOn exit, the norm of the current function
[in,out]ynormOn exit, the norm of the current update
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5552 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_sneslinesearchgetvecs ( type(petscsneslinesearchtype), intent(inout)  lineSearch,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  f,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  y,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  w,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  g,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESLineSearchGetVecs routine.

[in,out]linesearchThe PetcsSnesLineSearch to get the vectors from the SNESLineSearch
[in,out]xThe The old solution
[in,out]fThe old function
[in,out]yThe search direction
[in,out]wThe new solution
[in,out]gThe new function
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5585 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_sneslinesearchinitialise ( type(petscsneslinesearchtype), intent(inout)  lineSearch,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]linesearchThe SNES LineSearch to initialise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5470 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), and base_routines::exits().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_sneslinesearchsetcomputenorms ( type(petscsneslinesearchtype), intent(inout)  lineSearch,
logical, intent(in)  computeNorms,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESLineSearchSetComputeNorms routine.

[in,out]linesearchThe SNES LineSearch to set whether to compute norms
[in]computenormsWhether to compute norms
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5620 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_sneslinesearchsetmonitor ( type(petscsneslinesearchtype), intent(inout)  lineSearch,
logical, intent(in)  monitorLinesearch,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESLineSearchSetMonitor routine.

[in,out]linesearchThe SNES LineSearch to set whether to output linesearch debug information
[in]monitorlinesearchWhether to output linesearch debug information
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5655 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_sneslinesearchsetnorms ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
real(dp), intent(inout)  xNorm,
real(dp), intent(inout)  fNorm,
real(dp), intent(inout)  yNorm,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the petsc SnesLineSearchSetNorms routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to get the computed norms for x, y, and f
[in,out]xnormOn exit, the norm of the current solution
[in,out]fnormOn exit, the norm of the current function
[in,out]ynormOn exit, the norm of the current update
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5690 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_sneslinesearchsetorder ( type(petscsneslinesearchtype), intent(inout)  lineSearch,
intent(in)  lineSearchOrder,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESLineSearchSetOrder routine.

[in,out]linesearchThe SNES LineSearch to set the line search order for
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5722 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_sneslinesearchsettolerances ( type(petscsneslinesearchtype), intent(inout)  lineSearch,
real(dp), intent(in)  steptol,
real(dp), intent(in)  maxstep,
real(dp), intent(in)  rtol,
real(dp), intent(in)  atol,
real(dp), intent(in)  ltol,
integer(intg), intent(in)  maxIt,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESLineSearchSetTolerances routine.

[in,out]linesearchThe SNES LineSearch to set tolerances for
[in]steptolThe minimum steplength
[in]maxstepThe maximum steplength
[in]rtolThe relative tolerance for iterative line searches
[in]atolThe absolute tolerance for iterative line searches
[in]ltolThe change in lambda tolerance for iterative line searches
[in]maxitThe maximum number of iterations of the line search
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5763 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_sneslinesearchsettype ( type(petscsneslinesearchtype), intent(inout)  lineSearch,
intent(in)  lineSearchType,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESLineSearchSetType routine.

[in,out]linesearchThe SNES LineSearch to set the line search type for
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5798 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snesmonitorset ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
external  mFunction,
type(solver_type), pointer  ctx,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESMonitorSet routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to set from the command line options
mfunctionThe external monitor function to set
ctxThe solver data to pass to the monitor function
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4936 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snesqnsetrestarttype ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
intent(in)  rType,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESQNSetRestartType routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to set the type for
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4968 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snesqnsetscaletype ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
intent(in)  sType,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESQNSetScaleType routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to set the type for
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 4999 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snesqnsettype ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
intent(in)  qType,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESQNSetType routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to set the type for
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5030 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snessetapplicationcontext ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
type(solver_type), pointer  ctx,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetApplicationContext routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to set the context for
ctxThe solver data context to set as a context
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5061 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snessetconvergencetest ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
external  cFunction,
type(solver_type), pointer  ctx,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetFunction routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to set the function for
cfunctionThe external function to call (OpenCMISS subroutine to calculate convergence)
ctxThe solver data to pass to the convergence test function
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5092 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snessetfromoptions ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetFromOptions routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to set from the command line options
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5123 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snessetfunction ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  f,
external  fFunction,
type(solver_type), pointer  ctx,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetFunction routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to set the function for
[in,out]fThe residual vector
ffunctionThe external function to call
ctxThe solver data to pass to the function
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5153 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine cmisspetsc::petsc_snessetjacobianmatfdcoloring ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  b,
external  jFunction,
type(petscmatfdcoloringtype)  ctx,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetJacobian routine for MatFDColoring contexts.

[in,out]snesThe snes to set the function for
[in,out]aThe Jacobian matrix
[in,out]bThe Jacobian preconditioning matrix
jfunctionThe external function to call
ctxThe MatFDColoring data to pass to the function
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5186 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), petschandleerror, and snessetjacobianbuffer().

subroutine cmisspetsc::petsc_snessetjacobiansolver ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  a,
type(petscmattype), intent(inout)  b,
external  jFunction,
type(solver_type), pointer  ctx,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetJacobian routine for solver contexts.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to set the function for
[in,out]aThe Jacobian matrix
[in,out]bThe Jacobian preconditioning matrix
jfunctionThe external function to call
ctxThe solver data to pass to the function
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5220 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snessetksp ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
type(petscksptype), intent(inout)  ksp,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESGetKSP routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to set the KSP for
[in,out]kspThe KSP to be associated with the SNES
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5254 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snessetnormschedule ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
intent(in)  normSchedule,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetNormSchedule routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to set the norm type for
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5285 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snessettolerances ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
real(dp), intent(in)  absTol,
real(dp), intent(in)  rTol,
real(dp), intent(in)  sTol,
integer(intg), intent(in)  maxIterations,
integer(intg), intent(in)  maxFunctionEvals,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetTolerances routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to set the tolerances for
[in]abstolThe absolute convergence tolerance
[in]rtolThe relative convergence tolerance
[in]stolThe convergence tolerance for the change in the solution between steps
[in]maxiterationsThe maximum number of iterations
[in]maxfunctionevalsThe maximum number of function evaluations
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5316 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snessettrustregiontolerance ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
real(dp), intent(in)  trTol,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetTrustRegionTolerance routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to set the tolerances for
[in]trtolThe trust region tolerance
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5351 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snessettype ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
intent(in)  method,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSetType routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to set the type for
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5382 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_snessolve ( type(petscsnestype), intent(inout)  snes,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  b,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc SNESSolve routine.

[in,out]snesThe SNES to solve
[in,out]bThe constant part of the equation
[in,out]xThe solution vector
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5413 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_tscreate ( intent(inout)  communicator,
type(petsctstype), intent(inout)  ts,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc TSCreate routine.

[in,out]tsOn exit, the TS information
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5878 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by solver_routines::solver_dae_bdf_integrate().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_tsdestroy ( type(petsctstype), intent(inout)  ts,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc TSDestroy routine.

[in,out]tsThe TS to destroy
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5909 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by petsc_tsfinalise().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_tsfinalise ( type(petsctstype), intent(inout)  ts,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]tsThe TS to finalise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5828 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petsc_tsdestroy().

Referenced by solver_routines::solver_dae_bdf_integrate().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_tsgetsolution ( type(petsctstype), intent(inout)  ts,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  currentSolution,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc TSGetSolution routine.

[in,out]tsThe TS to set the time step for
[in,out]currentsolutionThe current solution to be set for the TS
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5939 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_tsinitialise ( type(petsctstype), intent(inout)  ts,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]tsThe TS to initialise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5854 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), and base_routines::exits().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_tsmonitorset ( type(petsctstype), intent(inout)  ts,
external  mFunction,
type(solver_type), pointer  ctx,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc TSMonitorSet routine.

[in,out]tsThe TS to set the monitor for
mfunctionThe external monitor function to set
ctxThe solver data to pass to the monitor function
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 5969 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_tssetduration ( type(petsctstype), intent(inout)  ts,
integer(intg), intent(in)  maxSteps,
real(dp), intent(in)  maxTime,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSetDuration routine.

[in,out]tsThe TS to set from the options
[in]maxstepsThe maximum number of steps to use
[in]maxtimeThe maximum time to iteration to
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6001 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by solver_routines::solver_dae_bdf_integrate().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_tssetexactfinaltime ( type(petsctstype), intent(inout)  ts,
logical, intent(in)  exactFinalTime,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSetExactFinalTime routine.

[in,out]tsThe TS to set the initial time step for
[in]exactfinaltimeThe option for exact final time to set
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6032 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by solver_routines::solver_dae_bdf_integrate().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_tssetfromoptions ( type(petsctstype), intent(inout)  ts,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSetFromOptions routine.

[in,out]tsThe TS to set from the options
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6067 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_tssetinitialtimestep ( type(petsctstype), intent(inout)  ts,
real(dp), intent(in)  initialTime,
real(dp), intent(in)  timeStep,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSetInitialTimeStep routine.

[in,out]tsThe TS to set the initial time step for
[in]initialtimeThe initial time to set
[in]timestepThe time step to set
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6096 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by solver_routines::solver_dae_bdf_integrate().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_tssetproblemtype ( type(petsctstype), intent(inout)  ts,
integer(intg), intent(in)  probType,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSetProblemType routine.

[in,out]tsThe TS to set the problem type for
[in]probtypeThe problem type to set
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6127 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by solver_routines::solver_dae_bdf_integrate().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_tssetrhsfunction ( type(petsctstype), intent(inout)  ts,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  rates,
external  rhsFunction,
type(cellmlpetsccontexttype), pointer  ctx,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSetRHSFunction routine.

[in,out]tsThe TS to set the problem type for
rhsfunctionThe external RHS function to call
ctxThe solver data to pass to the function
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6157 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by solver_routines::solver_dae_bdf_integrate().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_tssetsolution ( type(petsctstype), intent(inout)  ts,
type(petscvectype), intent(in)  initialSolution,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSetSolution routine.

[in,out]tsThe TS to set the time step for
[in]initialsolutionThe initial solution to be set for the TS
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6189 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by solver_routines::solver_dae_bdf_integrate().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_tssettimestep ( type(petsctstype), intent(inout)  ts,
real(dp), intent(in)  timeStep,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSetTimeStep routine.

[in,out]tsThe TS to set the time step for
[in]timestepThe time step to set
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6219 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_tssettype ( type(petsctstype), intent(inout)  ts,
intent(in)  method,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSetType routine.

[in,out]tsThe TS to set the type for
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6249 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by solver_routines::solver_dae_bdf_integrate().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_tssolve ( type(petsctstype), intent(inout)  ts,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
real(dp), intent(out)  finalTime,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSolve routine.

[in,out]tsThe TS to solve
[in,out]xThe solution vector
[out]finaltimeThe final time
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6279 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by solver_routines::solver_dae_bdf_integrate().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_tsstep ( type(petsctstype), intent(inout)  ts,
integer(intg), intent(in)  steps,
real(dp), intent(in)  pTime,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc TSStep routine.

[in,out]tsThe TS to step
[in]stepsThe number of iterations until termination
[in]ptimeThe time until termination
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6310 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_tssundialssettolerance ( type(petsctstype), intent(inout)  ts,
real(dp), intent(in)  absTol,
real(dp), intent(in)  relTol,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSundialsSetTolerance routine.

[in,out]tsThe TS to step
[in]abstolThe absolute tolerance
[in]reltolThe relative tolerance
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6370 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by solver_routines::solver_dae_bdf_integrate().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_tssundialssettype ( type(petsctstype), intent(inout)  ts,
intent(in)  sundialsType,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc TSSundialsSetType routine.

[in,out]tsThe TS to step
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6341 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by solver_routines::solver_dae_bdf_integrate().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecassemblybegin ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecAssemblyBegin routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to begin the assembly of
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6450 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_vector_update_start(), and solver_routines::solver_dae_bdf_integrate().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecassemblyend ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecAssemblyEnd routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to end the assembly of
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6480 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_vector_update_finish(), and solver_routines::solver_dae_bdf_integrate().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_veccopy ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  y,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecCopy routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to copy from
[in,out]yThe vector to copy to
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6510 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_vector_copy_dp().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_veccreate ( intent(in)  communicator,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecCreate routine.

[in,out]xOn exit, the created vector
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6541 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_veccreateghost ( intent(in)  communicator,
integer(intg), intent(in)  localN,
integer(intg), intent(in)  globalN,
integer(intg), intent(in)  numGhosts,
integer(intg), dimension(:), intent(in)  ghosts,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecCreateGhost routine.

[in]localnThe number of local elements
[in]globalnThe number of global elements
[in]numghostsThe number of ghost elements
[in]ghostsThe global location of the each ghost element
[in,out]xOn exit, the created vector
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6572 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_veccreateghostwitharray ( intent(in)  communicator,
integer(intg), intent(in)  localN,
integer(intg), intent(in)  globalN,
integer(intg), intent(in)  numGhosts,
integer(intg), dimension(:), intent(in)  ghosts,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(out)  array,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecCreateGhostWithArray routine.

[in]localnThe number of local elements
[in]globalnThe number of global elements
[in]numghostsThe number of ghost elements
[in]ghostsThe global location of the each ghost element
[out]arrayThe preallocated array of matrix data
[in,out]xOn exit, the created vector
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6607 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_veccreatempi ( intent(in)  communicator,
integer(intg), intent(in)  localN,
integer(intg), intent(in)  globalN,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecCreateMPI routine.

[in]localnThe number of local elements
[in]globalnThe number of global elements
[in,out]xOn exit, the created vector
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6643 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_vector_petsc_create_finish().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_veccreatempiwitharray ( intent(in)  communicator,
integer(intg), intent(in)  localN,
integer(intg), intent(in)  globalN,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(out)  array,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecCreateMPIWithArray routine.

[in]localnThe number of local elements
[in]globalnThe number of global elements
[out]arrayThe preallocated array for the vector data
[in,out]xOn exit, the created vector
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6676 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_veccreateseq ( intent(in)  communicator,
integer(intg), intent(in)  n,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecCreateSeq routine.

[in]nThe size of the vector
[in,out]xOn exit, the created vector
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6710 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by solver_routines::solver_dae_bdf_integrate().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_veccreateseqwitharray ( intent(in)  communicator,
integer(intg), intent(in)  n,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(out)  array,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecCreateSeqWithArray routine.

[in]nThe size of the vector
[out]arrayThe preallocated array for the vector data
[in,out]xOn exit, the created vector
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6742 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecdestroy ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecDestroy routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to destroy
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6775 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by petsc_vecfinalise(), and solver_routines::solver_dae_bdf_integrate().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecdot ( type(petscvectype), intent(in)  x,
type(petscvectype), intent(in)  y,
real(dp), intent(out)  dotProduct,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecDot routine.

[in]xThe vector x
[in]yThe vector y
[out]dotproductThe dot product
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6837 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributedvector_vecdotdp().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecduplicate ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
type(petscvectype), intent(out)  y,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecDuplicate routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to duplicate
[out]yOn exit, the new duplicated vector
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6806 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecfinalise ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]xThe Vec to finalise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6400 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petsc_vecdestroy().

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_vector_petsc_finalise().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecgetarrayf90 ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout), target  x,
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer  array,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecGetArrayF90 routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to get the array of
arrayOn exit, a pointer to the array of the vector
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6869 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecgetarrayreadf90 ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout), target  x,
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer  array,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecGetArrayReadF90 routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to get the array of
arrayOn exit, a pointer to the array of the vector
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6904 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_vector_data_get_dp(), and distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_vector_output().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecgetlocalsize ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(out)  n,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecGetLocalSize routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to get the local size of
[out]nOn exit, the local size of the vector
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6939 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecgetownershiprange ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(out)  low,
integer(intg), intent(out)  high,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecGetOwnershipRange routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to get the ownership range of
[out]lowOn exit, the low end of the range
[out]highOn exit, the high end of the range
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6970 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecgetsize ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(out)  n,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecGetSize routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to get the size of
[out]nOn exit, the size of the vector
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 7002 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecgetvalues ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(in)  n,
integer(intg), dimension(:), intent(in)  indices,
real(dp), dimension(:), intent(out)  values,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecGetValues routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to set the values for
[in]nThe number of indicies to get
[in]indicesThe indices to get
[out]valuesOn return, the values at the specified indicies
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 7033 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_vector_values_get_dp(), distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_vector_values_get_dp1(), and solver_routines::solver_dae_bdf_integrate().

subroutine cmisspetsc::petsc_vecghostgetlocalform ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  g,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  l,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecGhostGetLocalForm routine.

[in,out]gThe global form of the vector
[in,out]lOn exit, the local form of the vector with ghosts
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 7066 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine cmisspetsc::petsc_vecghostrestorelocalform ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  g,
type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  l,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecGhostRestoreLocalForm routine.

[in,out]gThe global form of the vector
[in,out]lThe local form of the vector
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 7097 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine cmisspetsc::petsc_vecghostupdatebegin ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
intent(in)  insertMode,
intent(in)  scatterMode,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecGhostUpdateBegin routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to begin the ghost update for
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 7128 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine cmisspetsc::petsc_vecghostupdateend ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
intent(in)  insertMode,
intent(in)  scatterMode,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecGhostUpdateEnd routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to end the ghost update for
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 7160 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecinitialise ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 
[in,out]xThe Vec to initialise
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 6426 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), and base_routines::exits().

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_vector_override_set_off(), and distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_vector_petsc_initialise().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecnorm ( type(petscvectype), intent(in)  x,
intent(in)  normType,
real(dp), intent(out)  norm,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecNorm routine.

[in]xThe vector x to find the norm of
[out]normOn exit, the vector norm
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 7192 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecrestorearrayf90 ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer  array,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecRestoreArrayF90 routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to restore the array of
arrayA pointer to the data to restore
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 7224 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecrestorearrayreadf90 ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout), target  x,
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer  array,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecRestoreArrayReadF90 routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to restore the array for
arrayA pointer to the array of the vector to restore
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 7255 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_vector_data_restore_dp(), and distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_vector_output().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecscale ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
real(dp), intent(in)  alpha,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecScale routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to scale
[in]alphaThe scaling factor
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 7286 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_vector_copy_dp().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecset ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
real(dp), intent(in)  VALUE,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecSet routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to set the value of
[in]valueThe value to set
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 7317 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_vector_all_values_set_dp().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecsetfromoptions ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecSetFromOptions routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to set the options for
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 7348 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecsetlocaltoglobalmapping ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
type(petscislocaltogloabalmappingtype), intent(in)  isLocalToGlobalMapping,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecSetLocalToGlobalMapping routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to set the local to global mapping for
[in]islocaltoglobalmappingThe local to global mapping context
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 7378 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecsetsizes ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(in)  localN,
integer(intg), intent(in)  globalN,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecSetSizes routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to set the sizes of
[in]localnThe number of local elements
[in]globalnThe number of global elements
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 7409 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecsetvalues ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
integer(intg), intent(in)  n,
integer(intg), dimension(*), intent(in)  indices,
real(dp), dimension(*), intent(in)  values,
intent(in)  insertMode,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecSetValues routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to set the values for
[in]nThe number of indicies
[in]indicesThe indices
[in]valuesThe values to set
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 7441 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Referenced by distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_vector_values_add_dp(), distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_vector_values_add_dp1(), distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_vector_values_set_dp(), distributed_matrix_vector::distributed_vector_values_set_dp1(), and solver_routines::solver_dae_bdf_integrate().

subroutine, public cmisspetsc::petsc_vecview ( type(petscvectype), intent(inout)  x,
intent(in)  viewer,
integer(intg), intent(out)  err,
type(varying_string), intent(out)  error 

Buffer routine to the PETSc VecView routine.

[in,out]xThe vector to view
[out]errThe error code
[out]errorThe error string

Definition at line 7509 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

References base_routines::enters(), base_routines::exits(), and petschandleerror.

Variable Documentation

logical, save cmisspetsc::petschandleerror

Definition at line 395 of file cmiss_petsc.f90.

Referenced by petsc_errorhandlingsetoff(), petsc_errorhandlingseton(), petsc_finalise(), petsc_initialise(), petsc_iscoloringdestroy(), petsc_isdestroy(), petsc_islocaltoglobalmappingapply(), petsc_islocaltoglobalmappingapplyis(), petsc_islocaltoglobalmappingcreate(), petsc_islocaltoglobalmappingdestroy(), petsc_kspcreate(), petsc_kspdestroy(), petsc_kspgetconvergedreason(), petsc_kspgetiterationnumber(), petsc_kspgetpc(), petsc_kspgetresidualnorm(), petsc_kspgmressetrestart(), petsc_kspsetfromoptions(), petsc_kspsetinitialguessnonzero(), petsc_kspsetoperators(), petsc_kspsetreusepreconditioner(), petsc_kspsettolerances(), petsc_kspsettype(), petsc_kspsetup(), petsc_kspsolve(), petsc_logview(), petsc_matassemblybegin(), petsc_matassemblyend(), petsc_matcoloringapply(), petsc_matcoloringcreate(), petsc_matcoloringdestroy(), petsc_matcoloringsetfromoptions(), petsc_matcoloringsettype(), petsc_matcreate(), petsc_matcreateaij(), petsc_matcreatedense(), petsc_matcreateseqaij(), petsc_matcreateseqdense(), petsc_matdensegetarrayf90(), petsc_matdenserestorearrayf90(), petsc_matdestroy(), petsc_matfdcoloringcreate(), petsc_matfdcoloringdestroy(), petsc_matfdcoloringsetfromoptions(), petsc_matfdcoloringsetfunction(), petsc_matfdcoloringsetparameters(), petsc_matfdcoloringsetup(), petsc_matgetinfo(), petsc_matgetownershiprange(), petsc_matgetrow(), petsc_matgetvalues(), petsc_matmumpssetcntl(), petsc_matmumpsseticntl(), petsc_matrestorerow(), petsc_matseqaijgetarrayf90(), petsc_matseqaijgetmaxrownonzeros(), petsc_matseqaijrestorearrayf90(), petsc_matsetlocaltoglobalmapping(), petsc_matsetoption(), petsc_matsetsizes(), petsc_matsettype(), petsc_matsetvalue(), petsc_matsetvaluelocal(), petsc_matsetvalues(), petsc_matsetvalueslocal(), petsc_matview(), petsc_matzeroentries(), petsc_pcfactorgetmatrix(), petsc_pcfactorsetmatsolverpackage(), petsc_pcfactorsetupmatsolverpackage(), petsc_pcsetfromoptions(), petsc_pcsetreusepreconditioner(), petsc_pcsettype(), petsc_setvalueslocal(), petsc_snescomputejacobiandefault(), petsc_snescomputejacobiandefaultcolor(), petsc_snescreate(), petsc_snesdestroy(), petsc_snesgetapplicationcontext(), petsc_snesgetconvergedreason(), petsc_snesgetfunction(), petsc_snesgetiterationnumber(), petsc_snesgetjacobiansolver(), petsc_snesgetjacobianspecial(), petsc_snesgetksp(), petsc_snesgetlinesearch(), petsc_snesgetsolutionupdate(), petsc_sneslinesearchbtsetalpha(), petsc_sneslinesearchcomputenorms(), petsc_sneslinesearchgetnorms(), petsc_sneslinesearchgetvecs(), petsc_sneslinesearchsetcomputenorms(), petsc_sneslinesearchsetmonitor(), petsc_sneslinesearchsetnorms(), petsc_sneslinesearchsetorder(), petsc_sneslinesearchsettolerances(), petsc_sneslinesearchsettype(), petsc_snesmonitorset(), petsc_snesqnsetrestarttype(), petsc_snesqnsetscaletype(), petsc_snesqnsettype(), petsc_snessetapplicationcontext(), petsc_snessetconvergencetest(), petsc_snessetfromoptions(), petsc_snessetfunction(), petsc_snessetjacobianmatfdcoloring(), petsc_snessetjacobiansolver(), petsc_snessetksp(), petsc_snessetnormschedule(), petsc_snessettolerances(), petsc_snessettrustregiontolerance(), petsc_snessettype(), petsc_snessolve(), petsc_tscreate(), petsc_tsdestroy(), petsc_tsgetsolution(), petsc_tsmonitorset(), petsc_tssetduration(), petsc_tssetexactfinaltime(), petsc_tssetfromoptions(), petsc_tssetinitialtimestep(), petsc_tssetproblemtype(), petsc_tssetrhsfunction(), petsc_tssetsolution(), petsc_tssettimestep(), petsc_tssettype(), petsc_tssolve(), petsc_tsstep(), petsc_tssundialssettolerance(), petsc_tssundialssettype(), petsc_vecassemblybegin(), petsc_vecassemblyend(), petsc_veccopy(), petsc_veccreate(), petsc_veccreateghost(), petsc_veccreateghostwitharray(), petsc_veccreatempi(), petsc_veccreatempiwitharray(), petsc_veccreateseq(), petsc_veccreateseqwitharray(), petsc_vecdestroy(), petsc_vecdot(), petsc_vecduplicate(), petsc_vecgetarrayf90(), petsc_vecgetarrayreadf90(), petsc_vecgetlocalsize(), petsc_vecgetownershiprange(), petsc_vecgetsize(), petsc_vecgetvalues(), petsc_vecghostgetlocalform(), petsc_vecghostrestorelocalform(), petsc_vecghostupdatebegin(), petsc_vecghostupdateend(), petsc_vecnorm(), petsc_vecrestorearrayf90(), petsc_vecrestorearrayreadf90(), petsc_vecscale(), petsc_vecset(), petsc_vecsetfromoptions(), petsc_vecsetlocaltoglobalmapping(), petsc_vecsetsizes(), petsc_vecsetvalues(), and petsc_vecview().