Contains information on the equations mapping i.e., how field variable DOFS are mapped to the rows and columns of a number of equations matrices.
type(equations_type), pointer | equations |
| A pointer to the equations for this equations mapping. More...
logical | equations_mapping_finished |
| Is .TRUE. if the equations mapping has finished being created, .FALSE. if not. More...
type(equations_matrices_type), pointer | equations_matrices |
| A pointer to the equations matrices associated with this equations mapping. More...
integer(intg) | number_of_rows |
| The number of local rows (excluding ghost rows) in the equations matrices. More...
integer(intg) | total_number_of_rows |
| The number of local rows (including ghost rows) in the equations matrices. More...
integer(intg) | number_of_global_rows |
| The number of global rows in the equations matrices. More...
type(domain_mapping_type), pointer | row_dofs_mapping |
| The domain mapping for the equations rows. More...
type(equations_mapping_dynamic_type), pointer | dynamic_mapping |
| A pointer to the equations mapping for dynamic matrices. More...
type(equations_mapping_linear_type), pointer | linear_mapping |
| A pointer to the equations mapping for the linear matrices. More...
type(equations_mapping_nonlinear_type), pointer | nonlinear_mapping |
| A pointer to the equations mapping for the nonlinear matrices and vectors. More...
type(equations_mapping_rhs_type), pointer | rhs_mapping |
| A pointer to the equations mapping for the RHS vector. More...
type(equations_mapping_source_type), pointer | source_mapping |
| A pointer to the equations mapping for the source vector. More...
type(equations_mapping_create_values_cache_type), pointer | create_values_cache |
| The create values cache for the equations mapping. More...
Contains information on the equations mapping i.e., how field variable DOFS are mapped to the rows and columns of a number of equations matrices.
Definition at line 1681 of file types.f90.