OpenCMISS-Iron Internal API Documentation
strings.f90 File Reference

This module contains all string manipulation and transformation routines. More...

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Data Types

interface  strings::character_to_lowercase
 Returns a character string which is the lowercase equivalent of the supplied string. More...
interface  strings::charactertolowercase
 Returns a character string which is the lowercase equivalent of the supplied string. More...
interface  strings::character_to_uppercase
 Returns a character string which is the uppercase equivalent of the supplied string. More...
interface  strings::charactertouppercase
 Returns a character string which is the uppercase equivalent of the supplied string. More...
interface  strings::is_abbreviation
 Returns .TRUE. if a supplied string is a valid abbreviation of a second supplied string. More...
interface  strings::isabbreviation
 Returns .TRUE. if a supplied string is a valid abbreviation of a second supplied string. More...
interface  strings::isdigit
interface  strings::isletter
interface  strings::iswhitespace
interface  strings::list_to_character
 Converts a list to its equivalent character string representation. More...
interface  strings::listtocharacter
 Converts a list to its equivalent character string representation. More...
interface  strings::logicaltocharacter
interface  strings::logicaltovstring
interface  strings::number_to_character
 Converts a number to its equivalent character string representation. More...
interface  strings::numbertocharacter
 Converts a number to its equivalent character string representation. More...
interface  strings::number_to_vstring
 Converts a number to its equivalent varying string representation. More...
interface  strings::numbertovstring
interface  strings::string_to_double
 Converts a string representation of a number to a double precision number. More...
interface  strings::stringtodouble
 Converts a string representation of a number to a double precision number. More...
interface  strings::string_to_integer
 Converts a string representation of a number to an integer. More...
interface  strings::stringtointeger
 Converts a string representation of a number to an integer. More...
interface  strings::string_to_long_integer
 Converts a string representation of a number to a long integer. More...
interface  strings::stringtolonginteger
 Converts a string representation of a number to a long integer. More...
interface  strings::string_to_logical
 Converts a string representation of a boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) to a logical. More...
interface  strings::stringtological
 Converts a string representation of a boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) to a logical. More...
interface  strings::string_to_single
 Converts a string representation of a number to a single precision number. More...
interface  strings::stingtosingle
 Converts a string representation of a number to a single precision number. More...
interface  strings::vstring_to_lowercase
 Returns a varying string which is the lowercase equivalent of the supplied string. More...
interface  strings::vstringtolowercase
 Returns a varying string which is the lowercase equivalent of the supplied string. More...
interface  strings::vstring_to_uppercase
 Returns a varying string which is the uppercase equivalent of the supplied string. More...
interface  strings::vstringtouppercase
 Returns a varying string which is the uppercase equivalent of the supplied string. More...


module  strings
 This module contains all string manipulation and transformation routines.


logical function strings::is_abbreviation_c_c (SHORT, LONG, MIN_NUM_CHARACTERS)
 IS_ABBREVIATION returns .TRUE. if the character string SHORT is an abbreviation of the character string LONG. SHORT must be at least MIN_NUM_CHARACTERS long. More...
logical function strings::is_abbreviation_c_vs (SHORT, LONG, MIN_NUM_CHARACTERS)
 IS_ABBREVIATION returns .TRUE. if the character string SHORT is an abbreviation of the varying string LONG. SHORT must be at least MIN_NUM_CHARACTERS long. More...
logical function strings::is_abbreviation_vs_c (SHORT, LONG, MIN_NUM_CHARACTERS)
 IS_ABBREVIATION returns .TRUE. if the varying string SHORT is an abbreviation of the character string LONG. SHORT must be at least MIN_NUM_CHARACTERS long. More...
logical function strings::is_abbreviation_vs_vs (SHORT, LONG, MIN_NUM_CHARACTERS)
 IS_ABBREVIATION returns .TRUE. if the varying string SHORT is an abbreviation of the varying string LONG. SHORT must be at least MIN_NUM_CHARACTERS long. More...
logical function, public strings::is_digit (CHARAC)
 IS_DIGIT returns .TRUE. if the character CHARAC is a digit character (i.e. 0..9) More...
logical function, public strings::is_letter (CHARAC)
 IS_LETTER returns .TRUE. if the character CHARAC is a letter character (i.e. A..Z or a..z) More...
logical function strings::is_lowercase (CHARC)
 Returns .TRUE. if the supplied character is a lowercase character. More...
logical function strings::is_uppercase (CHARC)
 Returns .TRUE. if the supplied character is an uppercase character. More...
logical function, public strings::is_whitespace (CHARAC)
 IS_WHITESPACE returns .TRUE. if the character CHARAC is a whitespace character (i.e. space, tabs, etc.) More...
character(len=maxstrlen) function strings::list_to_character_c (NUMBER_IN_LIST, LIST, FORMAT, ERR, ERROR, LIST_LENGTHS)
 Converts a character list to its equivalent character string representation as determined by the supplied format. If present, the optional argument LIST_LENGTHS is used for the lengths of each list elements length otherwise the trimmed length is used. NOTE: The FORMAT is ignored for this child FUNCTION. More...
character(len=maxstrlen) function strings::list_to_character_intg (NUMBER_IN_LIST, LIST, FORMAT, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts an integer list to its equivalent character string representation as determined by the supplied format. More...
character(len=maxstrlen) function strings::list_to_character_lintg (NUMBER_IN_LIST, LIST, FORMAT, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts an long integer list to its equivalent character string representation as determined by the supplied format. More...
character(len=maxstrlen) function strings::list_to_character_l (NUMBER_IN_LIST, LIST, FORMAT, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a logical list to its equivalent character string representation as determined by the supplied format string. The FORMAT is ignored for this child FUNCTION. More...
character(len=maxstrlen) function strings::list_to_character_sp (NUMBER_IN_LIST, LIST, FORMAT, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a single precision list to its equivalent character string representation as determined by the supplied format string. More...
character(len=maxstrlen) function strings::list_to_character_dp (NUMBER_IN_LIST, LIST, FORMAT, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a double precision list to its equivalent character string representation as determined by the supplied format string. More...
character(len=maxstrlen) function, public strings::logical_to_character (LOGICALVALUE, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a logical value to either a "TRUE" or "FALSE" character string. More...
type(varying_string) function, public strings::logical_to_vstring (LOGICALVALUE, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a logical value to either a "TRUE" or "FALSE" varying string. More...
character(len=maxstrlen) function strings::number_to_character_intg (NUMBER, FORMAT, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts an integer number to its equivalent character string representation as determined by the supplied format. The format is of the form of a standard Fortran integer format e.g. "I3". More...
character(len=maxstrlen) function strings::number_to_character_lintg (NUMBER, FORMAT, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a long integer number to its equivalent character string representation as determined by the supplied format. The format is of the form of a standard Fortran integer format e.g. "I3". More...
character(len=maxstrlen) function strings::number_to_character_sp (NUMBER, FORMAT, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a single precision number to its equivalent character string representation as determined by the supplied format string. NOTE: If FORMAT is an asterisk followed by a number between 1 and 32 the format will be chosen to maximise the number of significant digits, e.g., FORMAT="*8" will return a string of 8 characters representing the supplied number in either F8.? or E8.? format depending on its magnitude. More...
character(len=maxstrlen) function strings::number_to_character_dp (NUMBER, FORMAT, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a double precision number to its equivalent character string representation as determined by the supplied format string. Note If FORMAT is an asterisk followed by a number between 1 and 32 the format will be chosen to maximise the number of significant digits, e.g., FORMAT="*8" will return a string of 8 characters representing the supplied number in either F8.? or E8.? format depending on its magnitude. More...
type(varying_string) function strings::number_to_vstring_intg (NUMBER, FORMAT, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts an integer number to its equivalent varying string representation as determined by the supplied format. The format is of the form of a standard Fortran integer format e.g. "I3". More...
type(varying_string) function strings::number_to_vstring_lintg (NUMBER, FORMAT, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a long integer number to its equivalent varying string representation as determined by the supplied format. The format is of the form of a standard Fortran integer format e.g., "I3". More...
type(varying_string) function strings::number_to_vstring_sp (NUMBER, FORMAT, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a single precision number to its equivalent varying string representation as determined by the supplied format string. Note If FORMAT is an asterisk followed by a number between 1 and 32 the format will be chosen to maximise the number of significant digits, e.g., FORMAT="*8" will return a string of 8 characters representing the supplied number in either F8.? or E8.? format depending on its magnitude. More...
type(varying_string) function strings::number_to_vstring_dp (NUMBER, FORMAT, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a double precision number to its equivalent varying string representation as determined by the supplied format string. Note If FORMAT is an asterisk followed by a number between 1 and 32 the format will be chosen to maximise the number of significant digits, e.g., FORMAT="*8" will return a string of 8 characters representing the supplied number in either F8.? or E8.? format depending on its magnitude. More...
real(dp) function strings::string_to_double_c (STRING, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a character string representation of a number to a double precision number. More...
real(dp) function strings::string_to_double_vs (STRING, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a varying string representation of a number to a double precision number. More...
integer(intg) function strings::string_to_integer_c (STRING, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a character string representation of a number to an integer. More...
integer(intg) function strings::string_to_integer_vs (STRING, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a varying string representation of a number to an integer. More...
integer(lintg) function strings::string_to_long_integer_c (STRING, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a character string representation of a number to a long integer. More...
integer(lintg) function strings::string_to_long_integer_vs (STRING, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a varying string representation of a number to a long integer. More...
logical function strings::string_to_logical_c (STRING, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a character string representation of a boolean (TRUE or FALSE) to a logical. More...
logical function strings::string_to_logical_vs (STRING, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a varying string representation of a boolean (TRUE or FALSE) to a logical. More...
real(sp) function strings::string_to_single_c (STRING, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a character string representation of a number to a single precision number. More...
real(sp) function strings::string_to_single_vs (STRING, ERR, ERROR)
 Converts a varying string representation of a number to a single precision number. More...
character(len=len(string)) function strings::character_to_lowercase_c (STRING)
character(len=len(string)) function strings::character_to_lowercase_vs (STRING)
 Returns a character string that is the lowercase equivalent of the supplied varying string. More...
type(varying_string) function strings::vstring_to_lowercase_c (STRING)
 Returns a varying string that is the lowercase equivalent of the supplied character string. More...
type(varying_string) function strings::vstring_to_lowercase_vs (STRING)
 Returns a varying string that is the lowercase equivalent of the supplied varying string. More...
character(len=len(string)) function strings::character_to_uppercase_c (STRING)
 Returns a character string which is uppercase equivalent of the supplied character string. More...
character(len=len(string)) function strings::character_to_uppercase_vs (STRING)
 Returns a character string which is uppercase equivalent of the supplied varying string. More...
type(varying_string) function strings::vstring_to_uppercase_c (STRING)
 Returns a varying string which is uppercase equivalent of the supplied character string. More...
type(varying_string) function strings::vstring_to_uppercase_vs (STRING)
 Returns a varying string which is uppercase equivalent of the supplied varying string. More...

Detailed Description

This module contains all string manipulation and transformation routines.

Chris Bradley


Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1

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The Original Code is OpenCMISS

The Initial Developer of the Original Code is University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, the University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom and King's College, London, United Kingdom. Portions created by the University of Auckland, the University of Oxford and King's College, London are Copyright (C) 2007-2010 by the University of Auckland, the University of Oxford and King's College, London. All Rights Reserved.


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Definition in file strings.f90.