OpenCMISS-Iron Internal API Documentation
The top level OpenCMISS Iron module. More...
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Data Types | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basistype |
Contains information about a basis function. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditionstype |
Contains information on the boundary conditions for the equations set. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellmltype |
Contains information on a CellML environment. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellmlequationstype |
Contains information about the CellML equations for a solver. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controllooptype |
Contains information on a control loop. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystemtype |
Contains information on a coordinate system. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapointstype |
Contains information on the data points defined on a region. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojectiontype |
Contains information about a data projection. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decompositiontype |
Contains information on the mesh decomposition. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationstype |
Contains information about the equations in an equations set. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationssettype |
Contains information on an equations set defined on a region. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldtype |
Contains information for a field defined on a region. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldstype |
Contains information for a fields defined on a region. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmeshtype |
Contains information on a generated mesh. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_historytype |
Contains information about a history file for a control loop. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacetype |
Contains information about an interface. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfaceconditiontype |
Contains information about an interface condition. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfaceequationstype |
Contains information about an interface condition. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivitytype |
Contains information on an interfaces meshes connectivity. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivitytype |
Contains information on an interfaces points connectivity. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedmatrixtype |
A matrix that may be distributed across multiple computational nodes and may use sparse or full storage. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedvectortype |
A vector that may be distributed across multiple computational nodes. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshtype |
Contains information on a mesh defined on a region. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelementstype |
Contains information on a mesh elements defined in a mesh. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshembeddingtype |
Contains information on an embedded mesh. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshnodestype |
Contains information on a mesh nodes defined in a mesh. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodestype |
Contains information on the nodes defined on a region. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problemtype |
Contains information for a problem. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_quadraturetype |
Contains information for a particular quadrature scheme for a basis. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_regiontype |
Contains information for a region. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solvertype |
Contains information about a solver. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequationstype |
Contains information about the solver equations for a solver. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_computationalworkgrouptype |
Contains information on a computational work group. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_initialise |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fields_create |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_output |
Output the analytic error analysis for a field compared to the analytic values parameter set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_absoluteerrorgetnode |
Get the absolute error of the node. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_percentageerrorgetnode |
Get the percentage error of the node. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_relativeerrorgetnode |
Get the relative error of the node. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_absoluteerrorgetelement |
Get the absolute error of the element. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_percentageerrorgetelement |
Get the percentage error of the element. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_relativeerrorgetelement |
Get the relative error of the element. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_absoluteerrorgetconstant |
Get the absolute error of the constant. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_percentageerrorgetconstant |
Get the percentage error of the constant. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_relativeerrorgetconstant |
Get the relative error of the constant. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_rmserrorgetnode |
Get the RMS error of nodes. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_rmserrorgetelement |
Get the RMS error of elements. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralnumericalvalueget |
Get integral of numerical values. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralanalyticvalueget |
Get integral of analytical values. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralpercentageerrorget |
Get integral of percentage errors. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralabsoluteerrorget |
Get integral of absolute errors. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralrelativeerrorget |
Get integral of relative errors. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralnidnumericalvalueget |
Get integral of NID numerical errors. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralniderrorget |
Get integral of NID errors. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_collapsedxiget |
Returns the collapsed Xi flags for a basis. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_collapsedxiset |
Sets/changes the collapsed Xi flags for a basis. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_createfinish |
Finishes the creation of a new basis. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_createstart |
Starts the creation of a new basis. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_destroy |
Destroys a basis. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_interpolationxiget |
Get the interpolation type in each Xi directions for a basis. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_interpolationxiset |
Sets/changes the interpolation type in each Xi directions for a basis. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_numberoflocalnodesget |
Returns the number of local nodes in a basis. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_numberofxiget |
Returns the number of Xi directions in a basis. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_numberofxiset |
Sets/changes the number of Xi directions in a basis. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadraturenumberofgaussxiget |
Returns the number of Gauss points in each Xi direction on a basis quadrature. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadraturenumberofgaussxiset |
Sets/changes the number of Gauss points in each Xi direction on a basis quadrature. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadraturegaussxiget |
Returns the xi positions of Gauss points on a basis quadrature. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadratureorderget |
Returns the order of quadrature for a basis quadrature. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadratureorderset |
Sets/changes the order of quadrature for a basis quadrature. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadraturetypeget |
Returns the quadrature type for a basis quadrature. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadraturetypeset |
Sets/changes the quadrature type for a basis quadrature. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadraturelocalfacegaussevaluateset |
Sets/changes the local face gauss evaluatoin flag for a basis quadrature. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_typeget |
Returns the type of a basis. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_typeset |
Sets/changes the type of a basis. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_destroy |
Destroys boundary conditions. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_addconstant |
Adds to the value of the specified constant and sets this as a boundary condition on the specified constant. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_setconstant |
Sets the value of the specified constant as a boundary condition on the specified constant. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_addelement |
Adds to the value of the element constant and sets this as a boundary condition on the specified element. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_setelement |
Sets the value of the specified element as a boundary condition on the specified element. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_addnode |
Adds to the value of the node constant and sets this as a boundary condition on the specified node. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_setnode |
Sets the value of the specified node as a boundary condition on the specified node. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_neumannsparsitytypeset |
Sets the matrix sparsity type for Neumann integration matrices, used when integrating Neumann point values. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_constrainnodedofsequal |
Constrain multiple nodal equations dependent field DOFs to be a single solver DOF in the solver equations. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_extracterrormessage |
Extracts the OpenCMISS error message. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_randomseedsget |
Gets the random seeds for OpenCMISS. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_randomseedsset |
Sets the random seeds for OpenCMISS. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_variablesetasknown |
Set a CellML model variable as being known (the value will be set from an OpenCMISS field) More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_variablesetaswanted |
Set a CellML model variable as being wanted (the value will be extracted from the model to an OpenCMISS field) More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_createcellmltofieldmap |
Map a CellML model variable to a field variable component in this CellML environment. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_createfieldtocellmlmap |
Map a field variable component to a CellML model variable in this CellML environment. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_createfinish |
Finishes the creation of a CellML environment. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_createstart |
Starts the creation of a CellML environment. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_destroy |
Destroys a CellML environment. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_fieldmapscreatefinish |
Finishes the creation of field maps for a CellML environment. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_fieldmapscreatestart |
Starts the creation of field maps for a CellML environment. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_modelimport |
Imports the specified CellML model into a CellML models environment. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_modelsfieldcreatefinish |
Finishes the creation of CellML models field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_modelsfieldcreatestart |
Starts the creation of CellML models field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_modelsfieldget |
Returns the CellML models field for a CellML environment. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_statefieldcreatefinish |
Finishes the creation of CellML state field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_statefieldcreatestart |
Starts the creation of CellML state field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_statefieldget |
Returns the CellML state field for a CellML environment. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_fieldcomponentget |
Returns the component for a given CellML field that corresponds to the specified CellML variable ID. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_intermediatefieldcreatefinish |
Finishes the creation of CellML intermediate field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_intermediatefieldcreatestart |
Starts the creation of CellML intermediate field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_intermediatefieldget |
Returns the CellML intermediate field for a CellML environment. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_parametersfieldcreatefinish |
Finishes the creation of CellML parameters field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_parametersfieldcreatestart |
Starts the creation of CellML parameters field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_parametersfieldget |
Returns the CellML parameters field for a CellML environment. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_generate |
Validate and instantiate the specified CellML environment. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_currenttimesget |
Returns the current time parameters for a time control loop. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_destroy |
Destroy a control loop. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_controlloopget |
Returns the specified control loop as indexed by the control loop identifier from the control loop root. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_iterationsset |
Sets/changes the iteration parameters for a fixed control loop. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_labelget |
Returns the label of a control loop. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_labelset |
Sets/changes the label of a control loop. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_maximumiterationsset |
Sets/changes the maximum iterations for a while control loop. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_absolutetoleranceset |
Sets/changes the convergence tolerance for a while control loop. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_numberofiterationsget |
Returns the number of iterations for a time control loop. If the returned value is 0, that means that the number has not yet been computed. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_numberofiterationsset |
Sets/changes the number of iterations for a time control loop. If set to 0, it will be computed from time increment and start/stop time. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_numberofsubloopsget |
Returns the number of sub loops for a control loop. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_numberofsubloopsset |
Sets/changes the number of sub loops for a control loop. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_timeoutputset |
Sets/changes the output parameters for a time control loop. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_outputtypeget |
Returns the output type for a control loop. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_outputtypeset |
Sets/changes the output type for a control loop. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_timeinputset |
Sets/changes the input parameters for a time control loop. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_timesget |
Returns the time parameters for a time control loop. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_timesset |
Sets/Changes the time parameters for a time control loop. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_typeset |
Sets/Changes the loop type for a control loop. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_createfinish |
Finishes the creation of a coordinate system. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_createstart |
Starts the creation of a coordinate system. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_destroy |
Destorys a coordinate system. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_dimensionget |
Returns the coordinate system dimension. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_dimensionset |
Sets/changes the coordinate system dimension. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_focusget |
Returns the coordinate system focus. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_focusset |
Sets/changes the coordinate system focus. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_radialinterpolationget |
Returns the coordinate system radial interpolation type. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_radialinterpolationset |
Sets/changes the coordinate system radial interpolation type. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_typeget |
Returns the coordinate system type. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_typeset |
Sets/changes the coordinate system type. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_originget |
Returns the coordinate system orign. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_originset |
Sets/changes the coordinate system orign. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_orientationget |
Returns the coordinate system orientation. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_orientationset |
Sets/changes the coordinate system orientation. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_createfinish |
Finishes the process of creating data points in a region. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_createstart |
Starts the process of creating data points in a region. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_destroy |
Destroys data points. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_numberofdatapointsget |
Returns the number of data points. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_labelget |
Returns the label for a data point identified by a given global number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_labelset |
Sets/changes the label for a data point identified by a given global number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_usernumberget |
Returns the user number for a data point identified by a given global number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_usernumberset |
Sets/changes the user number for a data point identified by a given global number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_valuesget |
Returns the values for a data point identified by a given global number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_valuesset |
Sets/changes the values for a data point identified by a given global number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_weightsget |
Returns the weights for a data point identified by a given global number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_weightsset |
Sets/changes the weights for a data point identified by a given global number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_absolutetoleranceget |
Returns the absolute tolerance for a data projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_absolutetoleranceset |
Sets/changes the absolute tolerance for a data projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_createfinish |
Finishes the creation of a new data projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_createstart |
Starts the creation of a new data projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_destroy |
Destroy a data projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_datapointspositionevaluate |
Evaluate the data points position in a field based on data projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_datapointsprojectionevaluate |
Starts the evluation of data projection on the geometric field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_maximumiterationupdateget |
Returns the maximum iteration update for a data projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_maximumiterationupdateset |
Sets/changes the maximum iteration update for a data projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_maximumnumberofiterationsget |
Returns the maximum number of iterations for a data projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_maximumnumberofiterationsset |
Sets/changes the maximum number of iterations for a data projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_numberofclosestelementsget |
Returns the number of closest elements for a data projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_numberofclosestelementsset |
Sets/changes the number of closest elements for a data projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_projectioncandidatesset |
Set the candidate element numbers and their local face/line numbers. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_projectiontypeget |
Returns the projection type for a data projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_projectiontypeset |
Sets/changes the projection type for a data projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_relativetoleranceget |
Returns the relative tolerance for a data projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_relativetoleranceset |
Sets/changes the relative tolerance for a data projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_startingxiget |
Returns the starting xi for a data projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_startingxiset |
Sets/changes the starting xi for a data projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_elementset |
Sets/changes the element number for a data point projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_labelget |
Gets the label for a data point projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_labelset |
Sets/changes the label for a data point projection. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultdistanceget |
Returns the projection distance for a data point identified by a given user number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultelementnumberget |
Returns the projection element number for a data point identified by a given user number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultelementfacenumberget |
Returns the projection element face number for a data point identified by a given user number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultelementlinenumberget |
Returns the projection element line number for a data point identified by a given user number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultexittagget |
Returns the projection exit tag for a data point identified by a given user number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultxiget |
Returns the projection xi for a data point identified by a given user number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultxiset |
Sets the projection xi for a data point identified by a given user number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultprojectionvectorget |
Returns the projection vector for a data point identified by a given user number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_destroy |
Destroys equations for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_linearitytypeget |
Gets the linearity type for equations. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_lumpingtypeget |
Gets the lumping type for equations. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_lumpingtypeset |
Sets/changes the lumping type for equations. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_outputtypeget |
Gets the output type for equations. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_outputtypeset |
Sets/changes the output type for equations. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_sparsitytypeget |
Gets the sparsity type for equations. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_sparsitytypeset |
Sets/changes the sparsity type for equations. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_timedependencetypeget |
Gets the time dependence type for equations. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analyticcreatefinish |
Finish the creation of a analytic solution for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analyticcreatestart |
Start the creation of a analytic solution for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analyticdestroy |
Destroy the analytic solution for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analyticevaluate |
Evaluates the current analytic solution for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analytictimeget |
Returns the analytic time for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analytictimeset |
Sets/changes the analytic time for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_createfinish |
Finish the creation of an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_createstart |
Start the creation of an equations set on a region. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_destroy |
Destroy an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_dependentcreatefinish |
Finish the creation of dependent variables for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_dependentcreatestart |
Start the creation of dependent variables for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_dependentdestroy |
Destroy the dependent variables for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_derivedcreatefinish |
Finish the creation of derived variables for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_derivedcreatestart |
Start the creation of derived variables for an equations set. These are used to store any intermediate calculated values, for example stress and strain fields in an elasticity problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_deriveddestroy |
Destroy the derived variables for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_equationscreatefinish |
Finish the creation of equations for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_equationscreatestart |
Start the creation of equations for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_equationsdestroy |
Destroy the equations for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_independentcreatefinish |
Finish the creation of independent fields for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_independentcreatestart |
Start the creation of independent fields for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_independentdestroy |
Destroy the independent fields for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_materialscreatefinish |
Finish the creation of materials for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_materialscreatestart |
Start the creation of materials for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_materialsdestroy |
Destroy the materials for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_solutionmethodget |
Returns the solution method for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_solutionmethodset |
Sets/changes the solution method for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_sourcecreatefinish |
Finish the creation of a source for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_sourcecreatestart |
Start the creation of a source for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_sourcedestroy |
Destroy the source for an equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_specificationget |
Returns the equations set specification array. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_specificationsizeget |
Returns the size of the equations set specification array. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_derivedvariablecalculate |
Calculates an output field for the equations set. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_derivedvariableset |
Set the derived field variable type to be used by a derived variable. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_tensorinterpolatexi |
Evaluate a tensor at a given element xi location. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analyticuserparamget |
Gets the equations set analytic user parameter. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analyticuserparamset |
Sets/changes the equations set analytic user parameter. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentinterpolationget |
Returns the interpolation type for a field variable component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentinterpolationset |
Sets/changes the interpolation type for a field variable component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentlabelget |
Returns the label for a field variable component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentlabelset |
Sets/changes the label for a field variable component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentmeshcomponentget |
Returns the mesh component number for a field variable component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentmeshcomponentset |
Sets/changes the mesh component number for a field variable component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentvaluesinitialise |
Initialises the values of a parameter set of a field variable component to a constant value. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_datatypeget |
Returns the data type for a field variable. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_datatypeset |
Sets/changes the data type for a field variable. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dofordertypeget |
Returns the DOF order type for a field variable. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dofordertypeset |
Sets/changes the DOF order type for a field variable. Note: for contiguous coponent DOF ordering all the components of the field variable must have the same interpolation type. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_createfinish |
Finishes the creation of a field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_createstart |
Starts the creation of a field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dependenttypeget |
Returns the dependent type for a field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dependenttypeset |
Sets/changes the dependent type for a field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_destroy |
Destroys a field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dimensionget |
Returns the field dimension for a field variable. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dimensionset |
Sets/changes the field dimension for a field variable. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_geometricfieldget |
Returns the geometric field for a field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_geometricfieldset |
Sets/changes the geometric field for a field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_geometricparameterselementlinelengthget |
Gets line lengths from a geometric field given an element number and element basis line number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_geometricparameterselementvolumeget |
Gets volumes from a geometric field given an element number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_labelget |
Returns the label for a field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_labelset |
Sets/changes the label for a field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_positionnormaltangentcalculatenode |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_meshdecompositionget |
Returns the mesh decomposition for a field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_meshdecompositionset |
Sets/changes the mesh decomposition for a field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dataprojectionset |
Sets/changes the data projection for a field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_numberofcomponentsget |
Returns the number of field components for a field variable. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_numberofcomponentsset |
Sets/changes the number of field components for a field variable. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_numberofvariablesget |
Returns the number of field variables for a field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_numberofvariablesset |
Sets/changes the number of field variables for a field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddconstant |
Adds the given value to the given parameter set for the constant of the field variable component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddelement |
Adds the given value to the given parameter set for a particular user element of the field variable component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddnode |
Adds the given value to the given parameter set for a particular user node of the field variable component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetcreate |
Creates a new parameter set of type set type for a field variable. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdestroy |
Destroy a parameter set of type set type for a field variable. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdataget |
Returns a pointer to the specified field parameter set local data array. The pointer must be restored with a call to OpenCMISS::Iron::cmfe_Field_ParameterSetDataRestore call. Note: the values can be used for read operations but a field parameter set update or add calls must be used to change any values. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdatarestore |
Restores the specified field variable parameter set local array that was obtained with an OpenCMISS::Iron::cmfe_Field_ParameterSetDataGet call. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetconstant |
Returns from the given parameter set a value for the specified constant of a field variable component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetdatapoint |
Returns from the given parameter set a value for the specified data pont of a field variable component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetelement |
Returns from the given parameter set a value for the specified element of a field variable component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetnode |
Returns from the given parameter set a value for the specified node and derivative of a field variable component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetgausspoint |
Returns from the given parameter set a value for the specified element and Gauss point of a field variable component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdateconstant |
Updates the given parameter set with the given value for the constant of a field variable component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatedatapoint |
Update the given parameter set a value for the specified data pont of a field variable component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdateelement |
Updates the given parameter set with the given value for a particular user element of a field variable component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatefinish |
Finishes the parameter set update for a field variable. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatenode |
Updates the given parameter set with the given value for a particular user node of a field variable component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetnodescalefactorget |
Gets a scale factor for a particular node. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetnodescalefactorsget |
Gets the scale factors for all nodes. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetnodescalefactorset |
Sets a scale factor for a particular node. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetnodescalefactorsset |
Sets the scale factors for all nodes. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetnodenumberofscalefactordofsget |
Gets the number of scalefactor dofs. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatelocaldofs |
Updates the given parameter set with the given values for all local dofs of the field variable. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdategausspoint |
Updates the given parameter set with the given value for a particular Gauss point of a field variable component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetinterpolatexi |
Interpolates the given parameter set at a specified xi/set of xi locations for specified element and derviative. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetinterpolategauss |
Interpolates the given parameter set at a specified set of Gauss points for specified element and derviative. When interpolating at multiple Gauss points, if no Gauss points are specified then all Gauss points are interpolated. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdateelementdatapoint |
Updates the given parameter set with the given value for a particular data point of a field variable component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatestart |
Starts the parameter set update for a field variable. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parameterstofieldparameterscomponentcopy |
Copy the parameters from the parameter set of a component of a field variable to the paramters of a parameter set of a component of another field variable. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_scalingtypeget |
Returns the scaling type for a field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_scalingtypeset |
Sets/changes the scaling type for a field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_typeget |
Returns the type for a field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_typeset |
Sets/changes the type for a field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_variablelabelget |
Returns the label for a field variable. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_variablelabelset |
Sets/changes the label for a field variable. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_variabletypesget |
Returns the field variable types for a field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_variabletypesset |
Sets/changes the field variable types for a field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fields_elementsexport |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fields_nodesexport |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_basisget |
Returns the basis for a generated mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_basisset |
Sets/changes the basis for a generated mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_basevectorsset |
Sets/changes the base vectors for a generated mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_createfinish |
Finishes the creation of a generated mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_createstart |
Starts the creation of a generated mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_destroy |
Destroys a generated mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_extentget |
Returns the extent of a generated mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_extentset |
Sets/changes the extent of a generated mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_numberofelementsget |
Returns the number of elements in a generated mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_numberofelementsset |
Sets/changes the number of elements in a generated mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_originget |
Returns the origin of a generated mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_originset |
Sets/changes the origin of a generated mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_typeget |
Returns the type of a generated mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_typeset |
Sets/changes the type of a generated mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_geometricparameterscalculate |
Calculates and sets the geometric field parameters for a generated mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_surfaceget |
Returns a list of nodes belonging to a surface of given type. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshembedding_create |
Creates an embedding of one mesh in another. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshembedding_setchildnodeposition |
Sets the embedded nodes for one parent element. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshembedding_pushdata |
Pushes data from the parent field to the child field. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshembedding_setgausspointdata |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshembedding_pullgausspointdata |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshembedding_getgausspointcoord |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_meshadd |
Adds a mesh to an interface. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_createfinish |
Finishes the creation of an interface. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_createstart |
Starts the creation of an interface. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_coordinatesystemset |
Set the coordinate system of an inteface. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_coordinatesystemget |
Get the coordinate system of an inteface. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_destroy |
Destroys an interface. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_labelget |
Returns the label of an interface. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_labelset |
Sets/changes the label of an interface. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_nodesget |
Returns the nodes for a interface. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_createfinish |
Finishes the creation of an interface meshes connectivity. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_createstart |
Starts the creation of an interface meshes connectivity. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_elementxiset |
Sets the element xi values for the mesh connectivity between an element in the interface mesh and an element in a region mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_elementnumberset |
Sets the number of elements coupled through a given interface mesh element. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_nodenumberset |
Sets the coupled node numbers. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_basisset |
Sets the number of elements coupled through a given interface mesh element. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_destroy |
Destroys an interface meshes connectivity. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_createfinish |
Finishes the creation of an interface points connectivity. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_createstart |
Starts the creation of an interface points connectivity. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_destroy |
Destroys an interface points connectivity. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_elementnumberget |
Get the coupled mesh element number that defines points connectivity. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_pointxiget |
Gets the element xi values for the points connectivity between a data point in the interface mesh and an element in a region mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_elementnumberset |
Sets the coupled mesh element number that defines points connectivity. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_pointxiset |
Sets the element xi values for the points connectivity between a data point in the interface mesh and an element in a region mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_updatefromprojection |
Update points connectivity information with projection results. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_createfinish |
Finishes the creation of an interface condition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_createstart |
Starts the creation of an interface condition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_dependentvariableadd |
Adds in a dependent variable to an interface condition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_destroy |
Destroys an interface condition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_equationscreatefinish |
Finishes the creation of equations for an interface condition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_equationscreatestart |
Starts the creation of equations for an interface condition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_equationsdestroy |
Destroys the interface equations for an interface condition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_integrationtypeget |
Returns the integration type for an interface condition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_integrationtypeset |
Sets/changes the integration type for an interface condition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_lagrangefieldcreatefinish |
Finishes the creation of a Lagrange multipliers field for an interface condition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_lagrangefieldcreatestart |
Starts the creation of a Lagrange multipliers field for an interface condition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_penaltyfieldcreatefinish |
Finishes the creation of a Penalty field for an interface condition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_penaltyfieldcreatestart |
Starts the creation of a Penalty field for an interface condition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_methodget |
Returns the method for an interface condition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_methodset |
Sets/changes the method for an interface condition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_operatorget |
Returns the operator for an interface condition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_operatorset |
Sets/changes the operator for an interface condition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfaceequations_sparsityget |
Returns the sparsity for interface equations. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfaceequations_sparsityset |
Sets/changes the sparsity for interface equations. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfaceequations_outputtypeget |
Returns the output type for interface equations. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfaceequations_outputtypeset |
Sets/changes the output type for interface equations. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_createfinish |
Finishes the creation of a domain decomposition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_createstart |
Start the creation of a domain decomposition for a given mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_destroy |
Destroys a domain decomposition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_elementdomaincalculate |
Calculates the element domains for the decomposition of a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_elementdomainget |
Returns the domain for a given element in a decomposition of a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_elementdomainset |
Sets/changes the domain for a given element in a decomposition of a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_meshcomponentget |
Returns the mesh component number used for the decomposition of a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_meshcomponentset |
Sets/changes the mesh component number used for the decomposition of a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_numberofdomainsget |
Returns the number of domains used for the decomposition of a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_numberofdomainsset |
Sets/changes the number of domains used for the decomposition of a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_typeget |
Returns the type of decomposition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_typeset |
Sets/changes the type of decomposition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_calculatelinesset |
Sets/changes whether lines should be calculated for the decomposition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_calculatefacesset |
Sets/changes whether faces should be calculated for the decomposition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_createfinish |
Finishes the creation of a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_createstart |
Starts the creation of a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_destroy |
Destroys a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_numberofcomponentsget |
Returns the number of mesh components in a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_numberofcomponentsset |
Sets/changes the number of mesh components in a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_numberofelementsget |
Returns the number of elements in a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_numberofelementsset |
Sets/changes the number of elements in a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_surroundingelementscalculateset |
Sets/changes the surrounding elements calculate flag for the mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_topologydatapointscalculateprojection |
Sets/changes whether data points topology should be calculated for the decomposition. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_basisget |
Returns the basis for an element in a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_basisset |
Sets/changes the basis for an element in a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_adjacentelementget |
Returns the adjacent elements for a given element and adjacent xi direction for an element in a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_createfinish |
Finishes the creation of a mesh elements for a mesh component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_createstart |
Starts the creation of a mesh elements for a mesh component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_elementsget |
Get the mesh elements belonging to a mesh component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_nodesget |
Returns the element nodes for an element in a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_nodesset |
Sets/changes the element nodes for an element in a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_usernodeversionset |
Sets/changes a user node's derivative version for an element in a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_localelementnodeversionset |
Sets/changes a local element's node derivative version for an element in a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_usernumberget |
Returns the element user number for an element in a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_usernumberset |
Sets/changes the element user number for an element in a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_usernumbersallset |
Sets/changes the element user numbers for all element in a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_nodeexists |
Returns true if the given node is in the given mesh component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_elementexists |
Returns true if the given element is in the given mesh component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_nodesget |
Get the mesh nodes belonging to a mesh component. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshnodes_numberofderivativesget |
Returns the number of derivatives for a node in a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshnodes_derivativesget |
Returns the derivatives for a node in a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshnodes_numberofversionsget |
Returns the number of versions for a derivative at a node in a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshnodes_numberofnodesget |
Returns the number of nodes in a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_nodedomainget |
Returns the domain for a given element in a decomposition of a mesh. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_topologydataprojectioncalculate |
Calculates the decomposition topology for data points . More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_topologyelementdatapointlocalnumberget |
Gets the local data point number for data points projected on an element. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_topologyelementdatapointusernumberget |
Gets the user data point number for data points projected on an element. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_topologynumberofelementdatapointsget |
Gets the number of data points projected on an element. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedmatrix_storagetypeget |
Get the storage type for a distributed matrix. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedmatrix_datatypeget |
Get the data type for a distributed matrix. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedmatrix_dimensionsget |
Get the dimensions for a distributed matrix on this computational node. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedmatrix_storagelocationsget |
Get the row indices and column indices for a sparse matrix. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedmatrix_dataget |
Get the data array for this matrix on this computational node. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedmatrix_datarestore |
Restore the data array for this matrix once it has finished being used. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedvector_datatypeget |
Get the data type for a distributed vector. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedvector_dataget |
Get the data array for this vector on this computational node. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedvector_datarestore |
Restore the data array for this vector once it has finished being used. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_createfinish |
Finishes the process of creating nodes in a region. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_createstart |
Starts the process of creating nodes in a region. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_destroy |
Destroys nodes. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_numberofnodesget |
Returns the number of nodes. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_labelget |
Returns the label for a node identified by a given global number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_labelset |
Sets/changes the label for a node identified by a given global number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_usernumberget |
Returns the user number for a node identified by a given global number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_usernumberset |
Sets/changes the user number for a node identified by a given global number. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_usernumbersallset |
Sets/changes the all user number for nodes. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_cellmlequationscreatefinish |
Finish the creation of CellML equations for a problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_cellmlequationscreatestart |
Start the creation of solver equations for a problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_cellmlequationsget |
Returns the CellML equations for a problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_createfinish |
Finishes the process of creating a problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_createstart |
Start the process of creating a problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_controlloopcreatefinish |
Finishes the process of creating a control loop on a problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_controlloopcreatestart |
Starts the process of creating a control loop on a problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_controlloopdestroy |
Destroys the control loop for a problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_controlloopget |
Returns a control loop for a problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_destroy |
Destroys a problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solve |
Solve a problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverget |
Returns the solver for a problem control loop. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_boundaryconditionsanalytic |
Set boundary conditions for solver equations according to the analytic equations. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverequationscreatefinish |
Finish the creation of solver equations for a problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverequationscreatestart |
Start the creation of solver equations for a problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverequationsdestroy |
Destroys the solver equations for a problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverequationsget |
Returns the solver equations for a problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverscreatefinish |
Finish the creation of solvers for a problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverscreatestart |
Start the creation of solvers for a problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solversdestroy |
Destroy the solvers for a problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_specificationget |
Returns the problem specification array for a problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_specificationsizeget |
Returns the size of the problem specification array for a problem. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_coordinatesystemget |
Returns the coordinate system of region. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_coordinatesystemset |
Sets/changes the coordinate system of region. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_createfinish |
Finishes the creation of a region. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_createstart |
Starts the creation of a region. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_datapointsget |
Returns the data points for a region. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_destroy |
Destroys a region. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_labelget |
Returns the label of a region. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_labelset |
Sets/changes the label of a region. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_nodesget |
Returns the nodes for a region. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_cellmlequationsget |
Returns the CellML equations for a solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellmlequations_cellmladd |
Adds CellML environments to CellML equations. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daeeulersolvertypeget |
Returns the solver type for an Euler differential-algebraic equation solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daeeulersolvertypeset |
Sets/changes the solver type for an Euler differential-algebraic equation solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daesolvertypeget |
Returns the solver type for an differential-algebraic equation solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daesolvertypeset |
Sets/changes the solver type for an differential-algebraic equation solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daetimesset |
Sets/changes the times for a differential-algebraic equation solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daetimestepset |
Sets/changes the (initial) time step for a differential-algebraic equation solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicdegreeget |
Returns the degree of the polynomial used to interpolate time for a dynamic solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicdegreeset |
Sets/changes the degree of the polynomial used to interpolate time for a dynamic solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamiclinearitytypeget |
Returns the linearity type for the dynamic solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamiclinearsolverget |
Returns the linear solver associated with a linear dynamic solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicnonlinearsolverget |
Returns the nonlinear solver associated with a nonlinear dynamic solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicschemeset |
Sets/changes the scheme for a dynamic solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicthetaset |
Sets/changes the theta scheme values for a dynamic solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamictimesset |
Sets/changes the dynamic times for a dynamic solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationarbitrarypathset |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationclear |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationfieldset |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationmatrixset |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationnumberofloadincrementsset |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationrotationset |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationscalingsset |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationtranslationset |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_labelget |
Returns the label of a solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_labelset |
Sets/changes the label of a control loop. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_librarytypeget |
Returns the type of library to use for the solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_librarytypeset |
Sets/changes the type of library to use for the solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineardirecttypeset |
Sets/changes the type of direct linear solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativeabsolutetoleranceset |
Sets/changes the absolute tolerance for an iterative linear solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativedivergencetoleranceset |
Sets/changes the divergence tolerance for an iterative linear solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativegmresrestartset |
Sets/changes the GMRES restart value for a GMRES iterative linear solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativemaximumiterationsset |
Sets/changes the maximum number of iterations for an iterative linear solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativepreconditionertypeset |
Sets/changes the type of preconditioner for an iterative linear solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativerelativetoleranceset |
Sets/changes the relative tolerance for an iterative linear solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativetypeset |
Sets/changes the type of iterative linear solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineartypeset |
Sets/changes the type of linear solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonabsolutetoleranceset |
Sets/changes the absolute tolerance for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinesearchmonitoroutputset |
Enables/disables output monitoring for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton line search solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonjacobiancalculationtypeset |
Sets/changes the Jacobian calculation type for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinearsolverget |
Returns the linear solver associated with a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtoncellmlsolverget |
Returns the linear solver associated with a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonconvergencetesttypeset |
Sets/change the convergence test for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinesearchmaxstepset |
Sets/changes the line search maximum step for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinesearchsteptolset |
Sets/changes the line search step tolerance for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinesearchtypeset |
Sets/changes the type of line search for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonmaximumfunctionevaluationsset |
Sets/changes the maximum number of function evaluations for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonmaximumiterationsset |
Sets/changes the maximum number of iterations for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonrelativetoleranceset |
Sets/changes the relative tolerance for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonsolutiontoleranceset |
Sets/changes the solution tolerance for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtontrustregiondelta0set |
Sets/changes the trust region delta0 tolerance for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton trust region solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtontrustregiontoleranceset |
Sets/changes the trust region tolerance for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton trust region solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonrestartset |
Sets/changes the nonlinear Quasi-Newton restart. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonrestarttypeset |
Sets/changes the nonlinear Quasi-Newton restart type. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonscaletypeset |
Sets/changes the nonlinear Quasi-Newton scale type. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonsolvetypeset |
Sets/changes the type of nonlinear Quasi-Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtontypeset |
Sets/changes the nonlinear Quasi-Newton type. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonabsolutetoleranceset |
Sets/changes the absolute tolerance for a nonlinear Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchmonitoroutputset |
Enables/disables output monitoring for a nonlinear Newton line search solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonjacobiancalculationtypeset |
Sets/changes the Jacobian calculation type for a nonlinear Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinearsolverget |
Returns the linear solver associated with a nonlinear Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtoncellmlsolverget |
Returns the linear solver associated with a nonlinear Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonconvergencetesttypeset |
Sets/change the convergence test for a nonlinear Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchalphaset |
Sets/changes the line search alpha for a nonlinear Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchmaxstepset |
Sets/changes the line search maximum step for a nonlinear Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchsteptolset |
Sets/changes the line search step tolerance for a nonlinear Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchtypeset |
Sets/changes the type of line search for a nonlinear Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonmaximumfunctionevaluationsset |
Sets/changes the maximum number of function evaluations for a nonlinear Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonmaximumiterationsset |
Sets/changes the maximum number of iterations for a nonlinear Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonrelativetoleranceset |
Sets/changes the relative tolerance for a nonlinear Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonsolutiontoleranceset |
Sets/changes the solution tolerance for a nonlinear Newton solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtontrustregiondelta0set |
Sets/changes the trust region delta0 tolerance for a nonlinear Newton trust region solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtontrustregiontoleranceset |
Sets/changes the trust region tolerance for a nonlinear Newton trust region solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtontypeset |
Sets/changes the type of nonlinear Newton trust region solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_nonlineartypeset |
Sets/changes the type of nonlinear solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_outputtypeset |
Sets/changes the output type for a solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_solverequationsget |
Returns the solver equations for a solver. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_equationssetadd |
Adds equations sets to solver equations. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_interfaceconditionadd |
Adds an interface condition to solver equations. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_sparsitytypeset |
Sets/changes the sparsity type for solver equations. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_boundaryconditionscreatefinish |
Finish the creation of boundary conditions for solver equations. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_boundaryconditionscreatestart |
Start the creation of boundary conditions for solver equations. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_boundaryconditionsget |
Get the boundary conditions for solver equations. More... | |
type | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldmliotype |
Provides input and output of fields through the FieldML API. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputcreatemeshcomponent |
Creates a mesh component using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputfieldcreatestart |
Creates a field component using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputfieldparametersupdate |
Updates the given field's dofs using the given parameter evaluator. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputbasiscreatestart |
Creates a basis using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputnodescreatestart |
Creates the region's nodes using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputcoordinatesystemcreatestart |
Creates the region's coordinate system using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputmeshcreatestart |
Creates a mesh using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputcreatefromfile |
Initialise the given FieldML context using the given FieldML XML file. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputaddfield |
Add the given field to the current FieldML context. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputcreate |
Initialise a new FieldML context. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputaddfieldcomponents |
Add the given field to the current FieldML context, using only the given components. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputwrite |
Write the current FieldML document to the given file. More... | |
interface | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_usernumberget |
Returns the user number of an object. More... | |
Modules | |
module | opencmiss_iron |
Functions/Subroutines | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_finalise (err) |
Finalises CMISS. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_initialisenumber (worldCoordinateSystemUserNumber, worldRegionUserNumber, err) |
Initialises CMISS returning a user number to the world coordinate system and region. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_initialiseobj (worldCoordinateSystem, worldRegion, err) |
Initialises CMISS returning a pointer to the world coordinate system and region. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_workingrealprecisionget (workingRealPrecision, err) |
Returns the working precision. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basistypescopy (bases, basesSize, basesPtr, err) |
Copy an array of cmfe_BasisTypes from C to an allocated Fortran array, for use by the C bindings. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_finalise (cmfe_Basis, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_BasisType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_initialise (cmfe_Basis, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_BasisType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_finalise (cmfe_BoundaryConditions, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_BoundaryConditionsType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_initialise (cmfe_BoundaryConditions, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_BoundaryConditionsType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_finalise (cmfe_CellML, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_CellMLType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_initialise (cmfe_CellML, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_CellMLType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellmlequations_finalise (cmfe_CellMLEquations, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_CellMLEquationsType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellmlequations_initialise (cmfe_CellMLEquations, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_CellMLEquationsType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_computationalworkgroup_initialise (cmfe_ComputationalWorkGroup, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_ComputationalWorkGroupType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_finalise (cmfe_ControlLoop, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_ControlLoopType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_initialise (cmfe_ControlLoop, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_ControlLoopType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_finalise (cmfe_CoordinateSystem, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_CoordinateSystemType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_initialise (cmfe_CoordinateSystem, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_CoordinateSystemType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_finalise (cmfe_DataPoints, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_DataPointsType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_initialise (cmfe_DataPoints, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_DataPointsType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_finalise (cmfe_DataProjection, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_DataProjectionType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_initialise (cmfe_DataProjection, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_DataProjectionType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_finalise (cmfe_Decomposition, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_DecompositionType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_initialise (cmfe_Decomposition, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_DecompositionType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_finalise (cmfe_Equations, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_EquationsType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_initialise (cmfe_Equations, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_EquationsType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_finalise (cmfe_EquationsSet, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_EquationsSetType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_initialise (cmfe_EquationsSet, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_EquationsSetType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_finalise (cmfe_Field, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_FieldType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_initialise (cmfe_Field, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_FieldType object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fields_createinterface (interface, fields, err) |
Creates a cmfe_FieldsType object for an inteface by an object reference. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fields_createregion (region, fields, err) |
Creates a cmfe_FieldsType object for a region by an object reference. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fields_finalise (cmfe_Fields, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_FieldsType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fields_initialise (cmfe_Fields, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_FieldsType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_finalise (cmfe_GeneratedMesh, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_GeneratedMeshType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_initialise (cmfe_GeneratedMesh, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_GeneratedMeshType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_finalise (cmfe_Interface, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_InterfaceType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_initialise (cmfe_Interface, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_InterfaceType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_finalise (cmfe_InterfaceCondition, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_InterfaceConditionType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_initialise (cmfe_InterfaceCondition, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_InterfaceConditionType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfaceequations_finalise (cmfe_InterfaceEquations, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_InterfaceEquationsType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfaceequations_initialise (cmfe_InterfaceEquations, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_InterfaceEquationsType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_finalise (cmfe_InterfacePointsConnectivity, err) |
Finalise a cmfe_InterfaceMeshConnectivityType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_initialise (cmfe_InterfacePointsConnectivity, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_InterfaceMeshConnectivityType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_finalise (cmfe_InterfaceMeshConnectivity, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_InterfaceMeshConnectivityType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_initialise (cmfe_InterfaceMeshConnectivity, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_InterfaceMeshConnectivityType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_history_finalise (cmfe_History, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_HistoryType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_history_initialise (cmfe_History, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_HistoryType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedmatrix_initialise (cmfe_DistributedMatrix, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_DistributedMatrixType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedvector_initialise (cmfe_DistributedVector, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_DistributedVectorType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_finalise (cmfe_Mesh, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_MeshType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_initialise (cmfe_Mesh, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_MeshType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_finalise (cmfe_MeshElements, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_MeshElementsType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_initialise (cmfe_MeshElements, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_MeshElementsType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshnodes_finalise (cmfe_MeshNodes, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_MeshNodesType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshnodes_initialise (cmfe_MeshNodes, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_MeshNodesType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_finalise (cmfe_Nodes, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_NodesType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_initialise (cmfe_Nodes, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_NodesType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_finalise (cmfe_Problem, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_ProblemType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_initialise (cmfe_Problem, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_ProblemType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_quadrature_finalise (cmfe_Quadrature, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_QuadratureType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_quadrature_initialise (cmfe_Quadrature, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_QuadratureType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_finalise (cmfe_Region, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_RegionType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_initialise (cmfe_Region, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_RegionType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_finalise (cmfe_Solver, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_SolverType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_initialise (cmfe_Solver, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_SolverType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_finalise (cmfe_SolverEquations, err) |
Finalises a cmfe_SolverEquationsType object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_initialise (cmfe_SolverEquations, err) |
Initialises a cmfe_SolverEquationsType object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_outputnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, fileName, err) |
Output the analytic error analysis for a field specified by a user number compared to the analytic values parameter set. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_outputobj (field, fileName, err) |
Output the analytic error analysis for a field identified by an object compared to the analytic values parameter set. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_absoluteerrorgetnodenumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, nodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Get absolute error value for the node in a field specified by a user number compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_absoluteerrorgetnodeobj (field, variableType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, nodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Get absolute error value for the node in a field identified by an object compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_percentageerrorgetnodenumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, nodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Get percentage error value for the node in a field specified by a user number compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_percentageerrorgetnodeobj (field, variableType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, nodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Get percentage error value for the node in a field identified by an object compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_relativeerrorgetnodenumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, nodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Get relative error value for the node in a field specified by a user number compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_relativeerrorgetnodeobj (field, variableType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, nodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Get relative error value for the node in a field identified by an object compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_absoluteerrorgetelementnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, elementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Get absolute error value for the element in a field specified by a user number compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_absoluteerrorgetelementobj (field, variableType, elementNumber, componentNumber, VALUE, err) |
Get absolute error value for the element in a field identified by an object compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_percentageerrorgetelementnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, elementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Get percentage error value for the element in a field specified by a user number compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_percentageerrorgetelementobj (field, variableType, elementNumber, componentNumber, VALUE, err) |
Get percentage error value for the element in a field identified by an object compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_relativeerrorgetelementnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, elementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Get relative error value for the element in a field specified by a user number compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_relativeerrorgetelementobj (field, variableType, elementNumber, componentNumber, VALUE, err) |
Get relative error value for the element in a field identified by an object compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_absoluteerrorgetconstantnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Get absolute error value for the constant in a field specified by a user number compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_absoluteerrorgetconstantobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, VALUE, err) |
Get absolute error value for the constant in a field identified by an object compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_percentageerrorgetconstantnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Get percentage error value for the constant in a field specified by a user number compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_percentageerrorgetconstantobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, VALUE, err) |
Get percentage error value for the constant in a field identified by an object compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_relativeerrorgetconstantnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Get relative error value for the constant in a field specified by a user number compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_relativeerrorgetconstantobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, VALUE, err) |
Get relative error value for the constant in a field identified by an object compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_rmserrorgetnodenumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, errorType, localValue, localGhostValue, globalValue, err) |
Get rms error value for nodes in a field compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_rmserrorgetnodeobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, errorType, localValue, localGhostValue, globalValue, err) |
Get rms error value for nodes in a field identified by an object compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_rmserrorgetelementnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, errorType, localValue, localGhostValue, globalValue, err) |
Get rms error value for elements in a field compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_rmserrorgetelementobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, errorType, localValue, localGhostValue, globalValue, err) |
Get relative error value for the constant in a field identified by an object compared to the analytic value. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralnumericalvaluegetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, integralValue, ghostIntegralValue, err) |
Get integral value for the numerical values. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralnumericalvaluegetobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, integralValue, ghostIntegralValue, err) |
Get integral value for the numerical values. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralanalyticvaluegetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, integralValue, ghostIntegralValue, err) |
Get integral value for the analytic values. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralanalyticvaluegetobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, integralValue, ghostIntegralValue, err) |
Get integral value for the analytic values. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralpercentageerrorgetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, integralValue, ghostIntegralValue, err) |
Get integral value for the percentage errors. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralpercentageerrorgetobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, integralValue, ghostIntegralValue, err) |
Get integral value for the percentage errors. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralabsoluteerrorgetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, integralValue, ghostIntegralValue, err) |
Get integral value for the absolute errors. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralabsoluteerrorgetobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, integralValue, ghostIntegralValue, err) |
Get integral value for the absolute errors. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralrelativeerrorgetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, integralValue, ghostIntegralValue, err) |
Get integral value for the relative error. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralrelativeerrorgetobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, integralValue, ghostIntegralValue, err) |
Get integral value for the relative error. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralnidnumericalvaluegetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, integralValue, ghostIntegralValue, err) |
Get integral value for the nid numerical. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralnidnumericalvaluegetobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, integralValue, ghostIntegralValue, err) |
Get integral value for the nid numerical. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralniderrorgetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, integralValue, ghostIntegralValue, err) |
Get integral value for the nid error. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_analyticanalysis_integralniderrorgetobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, integralValue, ghostIntegralValue, err) |
Get integral value for the nid error. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_diagnosticssetoff (err) |
Sets diagnostics off. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_diagnosticsseton (diagType, levelList, diagFilename, routineList, err) |
Sets diagnostics on. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_outputsetoff (err) |
Sets output off. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_outputseton (echoFilename, err) |
Sets output on. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_timingsetoff (err) |
Sets timing off. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_timingseton (timingType, timingSummaryFlag, timingFilename, routineList, err) |
Sets timing on. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_timingsummaryoutput (err) |
Outputs the timing summary. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_collapsedxigetnumber (userNumber, collapsedXi, err) |
Returns the collapsed Xi flags of a basis identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_collapsedxigetobj (basis, collapsedXi, err) |
Returns the collapsed Xi flags of a basis identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_collapsedxisetnumber (userNumber, collapsedXi, err) |
Sets/changes the collapsed Xi flags of a basis identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_collapsedxisetobj (basis, collapsedXi, err) |
Sets/changes the collapsed Xi flags of a basis identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_createfinishnumber (userNumber, err) |
Finishes the creation of a new basis identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_createfinishobj (basis, err) |
Finishes the creation of a new basis identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_createstartnumber (userNumber, err) |
Starts the creation of a new basis for a basis identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_createstartobj (userNumber, basis, err) |
Starts the creation of a new basis for a basis identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_destroynumber (userNumber, err) |
Destroys a basis identified by its basis user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_destroyobj (basis, err) |
Destroys a basis identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_interpolationxigetnumber (userNumber, interpolationXi, err) |
Get the interpolation type in each xi directions for a basis identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_interpolationxigetobj (basis, interpolationXi, err) |
Get the interpolation type in each xi directions for a basis indentified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_interpolationxisetnumber (userNumber, interpolationXi, err) |
Sets/changes the interpolation type in each xi directions for a basis identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_interpolationxisetobj (basis, interpolationXi, err) |
Sets/changes the interpolation type in each xi directions for a basis indentified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_numberoflocalnodesgetnumber (userNumber, numberOfLocalNodes, err) |
Returns the number of local nodes in a basis identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_numberoflocalnodesgetobj (basis, numberOfLocalNodes, err) |
Returns the number of local nodes in a basis identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_numberofxigetnumber (userNumber, numberOfXi, err) |
Returns the number of Xi directions in a basis identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_numberofxigetobj (basis, numberOfXi, err) |
Returns the number of Xi directions in a basis identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_numberofxisetnumber (userNumber, numberOfXi, err) |
Sets/changes the number of Xi directions in a basis identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_numberofxisetobj (basis, numberOfXi, err) |
Sets/changes the number of Xi directions in a basis identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadraturenumberofgaussxigetnumber (userNumber, numberOfGaussXi, err) |
Returns the number of Gauss points in each Xi directions for a basis quadrature identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadraturenumberofgaussxigetobj (basis, numberOfGaussXi, err) |
Returns the number Gauss points in each Xi directions for a basis quadrature identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadraturenumberofgaussxisetnumber (userNumber, numberOfGaussXi, err) |
Sets/changes the number of Gauss points in each Xi directions for a basis quadrature identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadraturenumberofgaussxisetobj (basis, numberOfGaussXi, err) |
Sets the number Gauss points in each Xi directions for a basis quadrature identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadraturesinglegaussxigetnumber (userNumber, quadratureScheme, GaussPoint, GaussXi, err) |
Returns the xi position of a Gauss point on a basis quadrature identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadraturesinglegaussxigetobj (basis, quadratureScheme, GaussPoint, GaussXi, err) |
Returns the xi position of a Gauss point on a basis quadrature identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadraturemultiplegaussxigetnumber (userNumber, quadratureScheme, GaussPoints, GaussXi, err) |
Returns the xi positions of Gauss points on a basis quadrature identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadraturemultiplegaussxigetobj (basis, quadratureScheme, GaussPoints, GaussXi, err) |
Returns the xi positions of Gauss points on a basis quadrature identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadratureordergetnumber (userNumber, quadratureOrder, err) |
Returns the order of quadrature a basis quadrature identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadratureordergetobj (basis, quadratureOrder, err) |
Returns the the order of quadrature for a basis quadrature identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadratureordersetnumber (userNumber, quadratureOrder, err) |
Sets/changes the order of quadrature a basis quadrature identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadratureordersetobj (basis, quadratureOrder, err) |
Sets/changes the the order of quadrature for a basis quadrature identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadraturetypegetnumber (userNumber, quadratureType, err) |
Returns the type of quadrature a basis quadrature identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadraturetypegetobj (basis, quadratureType, err) |
Returns the the type of quadrature for a basis quadrature identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadraturetypesetnumber (userNumber, quadratureType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of quadrature a basis quadrature identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadraturetypesetobj (basis, quadratureType, err) |
Sets/changes the the type of quadrature for a basis quadrature identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadraturelocalfacegaussevaluatesetnumber (userNumber, faceGaussEvaluate, err) |
Sets/changes the local face Gauss scheme calculation, on a basis identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadraturelocalfacegaussevaluatesetobj (basis, faceGaussEvaluate, err) |
Sets/changes the local face Gauss scheme calculation, on a basis identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_typegetnumber (userNumber, basisType, err) |
Returns the type of a basis identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_typegetobj (basis, basisType, err) |
Returns the type of a basis identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_typesetnumber (userNumber, basisType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of a basis identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_typesetobj (basis, basisType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of a basis identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_destroynumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, err) |
Destroys the boundary conditions for solver equations identified by a control loop identifier. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_destroynumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, err) |
Destroys the boundary conditions for solver equations identified by a control loop identifier. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_destroyobj (boundaryConditions, err) |
Destroys boundary conditions identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_addconstantnumber (regionUserNumber, problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, condition, value, err) |
Adds to the value of the specified constant and sets this as a boundary condition on the specified constant for boundary conditions identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_addconstantobj (boundaryConditions, field, variableType, componentNumber, condition, value, err) |
Adds to the value of the specified constant and sets this as a boundary condition on the specified constant for boundary conditions identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_setconstantnumber (regionUserNumber, problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, variableType, fieldUserNumber, componentNumber, condition, value, err) |
Sets the value of the specified constant as a boundary condition on the specified constant for boundary conditions identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_setconstantobj (boundaryConditions, field, variableType, componentNumber, condition, value, err) |
Sets the value of the specified constant and sets this as a boundary condition on the specified constant for boundary conditions identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_addelementnumber (regionUserNumber, problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, fieldUserNumber, variableType, elementUserNumber, componentNumber, condition, value, err) |
Adds the value to the specified element and sets this as a boundary condition on the specified element for boundary conditions identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_addelementobj (boundaryConditions, field, variableType, elementUserNumber, componentNumber, condition, value, err) |
Adds to the value of the specified element and sets this as a boundary condition on the specified element for boundary conditions identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_setelementnumber (regionUserNumber, problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, fieldUserNumber, variableType, elementUserNumber, componentNumber, condition, value, err) |
Sets the value of the specified element as a boundary condition on the specified element for boundary conditions identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_setelementobj (boundaryConditions, field, variableType, elementUserNumber, componentNumber, condition, value, err) |
Sets the value of the specified element and sets this as a boundary condition on the specified elements for boundary conditions identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_addnodenumber (regionUserNumber, problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, fieldUserNumber, variableType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, nodeUserNumber, componentNumber, condition, value, err) |
Adds the value to the specified node and sets this as a boundary condition on the specified node for boundary conditions identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_addnodeobj (boundaryConditions, field, variableType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, nodeUserNumber, componentNumber, condition, value, err) |
Adds to the value of the specified node and sets this as a boundary condition on the specified node for boundary conditions identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_setnodenumber0 (regionUserNumber, problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, fieldUserNumber, variableType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, nodeUserNumber, componentNumber, condition, value, err) |
Sets the value of the specified node as a boundary condition on the specified node for boundary conditions identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_setnodenumber1 (regionUserNumber, problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, fieldUserNumber, variableType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, nodeUserNumber, componentNumber, condition, value, err) |
Sets the value of the specified node as a boundary condition on the specified node for boundary conditions identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_setnodeobj (boundaryConditions, field, variableType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, nodeUserNumber, componentNumber, condition, value, err) |
Sets the value of the specified node and sets this as a boundary condition on the specified node for boundary conditions identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_neumannsparsitytypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, sparsityType, err) |
Sets the Neumann integration matrix sparsity for boundary conditions identified by a control loop identifier. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_neumannsparsitytypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, sparsityType, err) |
Sets the Neumann integration matrix sparsity for boundary conditions identified by a control loop identifier. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_neumannsparsitytypesetobj (boundaryConditions, sparsityType, err) |
Sets the Neumann integration matrix sparsity type for the boundary conditions. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_constrainnodedofsequalnumber (regionUserNumber, problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, fieldUserNumber, fieldVariableType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, component, nodes, coefficient, err) |
Constrain multiple nodal equations dependent field DOFs to be a single solver DOF in the solver equations. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundaryconditions_constrainnodedofsequalobj (boundaryConditions, field, fieldVariableType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, component, nodes, coefficient, err) |
Constrain multiple nodal equations dependent field DOFs to be a single solver DOF in the solver equations. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_errorhandlingmodeget (errorHandlingMode, err) |
Returns the error handling mode for OpenCMISS. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_errorhandlingmodeset (errorHandlingMode, err) |
Sets the error handling mode for OpenCMISS. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_extracterrormessagec (errorMessage, err) |
Extracts the most recent error string for OpenCMISS. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_extracterrormessagevs (errorMessage, err) |
Extracts the most recent error string for OpenCMISS. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_randomseedsget0 (randomSeed, err) |
Returns the random seeds for OpenCMISS. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_randomseedsget1 (randomSeeds, err) |
Returns the random seeds for OpenCMISS. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_randomseedssizeget (randomSeedsSize, err) |
Returns the size of the random seeds array for OpenCMISS. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_randomseedsset0 (randomSeed, err) |
Sets the random seeds for OpenCMISS. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_randomseedsset1 (randomSeeds, err) |
Sets the random seeds for OpenCMISS. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_variablesetasknownnumberc (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, CellMLModelUserNumber, variableID, err) |
Sets a CellML model variable to be known by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_variablesetasknownobjc (CellML, CellMLModelUserNumber, variableID, err) |
Sets a CellML model variable to be known by object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_variablesetasknownnumbervs (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, CellMLModelUserNumber, variableID, err) |
Sets a CellML model variable to be known by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_variablesetasknownobjvs (CellML, CellMLModelUserNumber, variableID, err) |
Sets a CellML model variable to be known by object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_variablesetaswantednumberc (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, CellMLModelUserNumber, variableID, err) |
Sets a CellML model variable to be wanted by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_variablesetaswantedobjc (CellML, CellMLModelUserNumber, variableID, err) |
Sets a CellML model variable to be wanted by object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_variablesetaswantednumbervs (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, CellMLModelUserNumber, variableID, err) |
Sets a CellML model variable to be wanted by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_variablesetaswantedobjvs (CellML, CellMLModelUserNumber, variableID, err) |
Sets a CellML model variable to be wanted by object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_createcellmltofieldmapnumberc (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, CellMLModelUserNumber, variableID, CellMLParameterSet, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, fieldParameterSet, err) |
Defines a CellML model variable to field variable component map by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_createcellmltofieldmapobjc (CellML, CellMLModelUserNumber, variableID, CellMLParameterSet, field, variableType, componentNumber, fieldParameterSet, err) |
Defines a CellML model variable to field variable component map by object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_createcellmltofieldmapnumbervs (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, CellMLModelUserNumber, variableID, CellMLParameterSet, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, fieldParameterSet, err) |
Defines a CellML model variable to field variable component map by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_createcellmltofieldmapobjvs (CellML, CellMLModelUserNumber, variableID, CellMLParameterSet, field, variableType, componentNumber, fieldParameterSet, err) |
Defines a field variable component to CellML model variable map, by object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_createfieldtocellmlmapnumberc (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, fieldParameterSet, CellMLModelUserNumber, variableID, CellMLParameterSet, err) |
Defines a field variable component to CellML model variable map by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_createfieldtocellmlmapobjc (CellML, field, variableType, componentNumber, fieldParameterSet, CellMLModelUserNumber, variableID, CellMLParameterSet, err) |
Defines a field variable component to CellML model variable map by object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_createfieldtocellmlmapnumbervs (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldParameterSet, componentNumber, CellMLModelUserNumber, variableID, CellMLParameterSet, err) |
Defines a field variable component to CellML model variable map by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_createfieldtocellmlmapobjvs (CellML, field, variableType, componentNumber, fieldParameterSet, CellMLModelUserNumber, variableID, CellMLParameterSet, err) |
Defines a field variable component to CellML model variable map by by object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_createfinishnumber (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the creation of a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_createfinishobj (CellML, err) |
Finish the creation of a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_createstartnumber (CellMLUserNumber, regionUserNumber, err) |
Starts the creation of a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_createstartobj (CellMLUserNumber, region, CellML, err) |
Start the creation of a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_destroynumber (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, err) |
Destroys a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_destroyobj (CellML, err) |
Destroy a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_fieldmapscreatefinishnumber (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the creation of field maps for a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_fieldmapscreatefinishobj (CellML, err) |
Finish the creation of field maps for a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_fieldmapscreatestartnumber (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, err) |
Starts the creation of field maps for a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_fieldmapscreatestartobj (CellML, err) |
Start the creation of field maps for a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_modelimportnumberc (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, URI, modelIndex, err) |
Imports a specified CellML model as specified by a character URI into a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_modelimportobjc (CellML, URI, modelIndex, err) |
Imports a specified CellML model as specified by a character URI into a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_modelimportnumbervs (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, URI, modelIndex, err) |
Imports a specified CellML model as specified by a varying string URI into a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_modelimportobjvs (CellML, URI, modelIndex, err) |
Imports a specified CellML model as specified by a varying string URI into a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_modelsfieldcreatefinishnumber (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the creation of CellML models field for a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_modelsfieldcreatefinishobj (CellML, err) |
Finish the creation of CellML models field for a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_modelsfieldcreatestartnumber (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, CellMLModelsFieldUserNumber, err) |
Starts the creation of CellML models field for a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_modelsfieldcreatestartobj (CellML, CellMLModelsFieldUserNumber, field, err) |
Start the creation of CellML models field for a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_modelsfieldgetnumber (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, CellMLModelsFieldUserNumber, err) |
Returns the CellML models field for a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_modelsfieldgetobj (CellML, field, err) |
Returns the CellML models field for a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_statefieldcreatefinishnumber (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the creation of CellML state field for a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_statefieldcreatefinishobj (CellML, err) |
Finish the creation of CellML state field for a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_statefieldcreatestartnumber (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, CellMLStateFieldUserNumber, err) |
Starts the creation of CellML state field for a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_statefieldcreatestartobj (CellML, CellMLStateFieldUserNumber, field, err) |
Start the creation of CellML state field for a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_statefieldgetnumber (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, CellMLStateFieldUserNumber, err) |
Returns the CellML state field for a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_statefieldgetobj (CellML, field, err) |
Returns the CellML state field for a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_fieldcomponentgetnumberc (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, CellMLModelUserNumber, CellMLFieldType, variableID, fieldComponent, err) |
Returns the field component number that corresponds to a character string VariableID for a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_fieldcomponentgetobjc (CellML, CellMLModelUserNumber, CellMLFieldType, variableID, fieldComponent, err) |
Returns the field component number that corresponds to a character string variable ID for a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_fieldcomponentgetnumbervs (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, CellMLModelUserNumber, CellMLFieldType, variableID, fieldComponent, err) |
Returns the field component number that corresponds to a varying string variable ID for a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_fieldcomponentgetobjvs (CellML, CellMLModelUserNumber, CellMLFieldType, variableID, fieldComponent, err) |
Returns the field component number that corresponds to a varying string variable ID for a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_intermediatefieldcreatefinishnumber (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the creation of CellML intermediate field for a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_intermediatefieldcreatefinishobj (CellML, err) |
Finish the creation of CellML intermediate field for a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_intermediatefieldcreatestartnumber (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, CellMLIntermediateFieldUserNumber, err) |
Starts the creation of CellML intermediate field for a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_intermediatefieldcreatestartobj (CellML, CellMLIntermediateFieldUserNumber, field, err) |
Start the creation of CellML intermediate field for a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_intermediatefieldgetnumber (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, CellMLIntermediateFieldUserNumber, err) |
Returns the CellML intermediate field for a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_intermediatefieldgetobj (CellML, field, err) |
Returns the CellML intermediate field for a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_parametersfieldcreatefinishnumber (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the creation of CellML parameters field for a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_parametersfieldcreatefinishobj (CellML, err) |
Finish the creation of CellML parameters field for a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_parametersfieldcreatestartnumber (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, CellMLParametersFieldUserNumber, err) |
Starts the creation of CellML parameters field for a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_parametersfieldcreatestartobj (CellML, CellMLParametersFieldUserNumber, field, err) |
Start the creation of CellML parameters field for a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_parametersfieldgetnumber (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, CellMLParametersFieldUserNumber, err) |
Returns the CellML parameters field for a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_parametersfieldgetobj (CellML, field, err) |
Returns the CellML parameters field for a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_generatenumber (regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, err) |
Validiate and instantiate a CellML environment identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_generateobj (CellML, err) |
Validiate and instantiate a CellML environment identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_computationalnodenumberget (nodeNumber, err) |
Returns the computational node number of the running process. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_computationalnumberofnodesget (numberOfNodes, err) |
Returns the number of computational nodes for the running process. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_computationalworkgroup_createstart (worldWorkGroup, numberComputationalNodes, err) |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_computationalworkgroup_createfinish (worldWorkGroup, err) |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_computationalworkgroup_subgroupadd (parentWorkGroup, numberComputationalNodes, addedWorkGroup, err) |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_worldworkgroupset (decomposition, worldWorkGroup, err) |
Set the working group tree in order to performe mesh decomposition. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_currenttimesgetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, currentTime, timeIncrement, err) |
Gets the current time parameters for a time control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_currenttimesgetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, currentTime, timeIncrement, err) |
Gets the current time parameters for a time control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_currenttimesgetobj (controlLoop, currentTime, timeIncrement, err) |
Gets the current time parameters for a time control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_destroynumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, err) |
Destroys a control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_destroynumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, err) |
Destroys a control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_destroyobj (controlLoop, err) |
Destroys a control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_controlloopgetnumber00 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopRootIdentifier, controlLoopIdentifier, controlLoop, err) |
Returns the specified control loop as indexed by the control loop identifier from the control loop root identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_controlloopgetnumber10 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopRootIdentifiers, controlLoopIdentifier, controlLoop, err) |
Returns the specified control loop as indexed by the control loop identifier from the control loop root identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_controlloopgetnumber01 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopRootIdentifier, controlLoopIdentifiers, controlLoop, err) |
Returns the specified control loop as indexed by the control loop identifier from the control loop root identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_controlloopgetnumber11 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopRootIdentifiers, controlLoopIdentifiers, controlLoop, err) |
Returns the specified control loop as indexed by the control loop identifier from the control loop root identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_controlloopgetobj0 (controlLoopRoot, controlLoopIdentifier, controlLoop, err) |
Returns the specified control loop as indexed by the control loop identifier from the control loop root. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_controlloopgetobj1 (controlLoopRoot, controlLoopIdentifiers, controlLoop, err) |
Returns the specified control loop as indexed by the control loop identifiers from the control loop root. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_iterationssetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, startIteration, stopIteration, iterationIncrement, err) |
Sets/changes the iteration parameters for a fixed control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_iterationssetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, startIteration, stopIteration, iterationIncrement, err) |
Sets/changes the iteration parameters for a fixed control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_iterationssetobj (controlLoop, startIteration, stopIteration, iterationIncrement, err) |
Sets/changes the iteration parameters for a fixed control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_labelgetcnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, label, err) |
Returns the character string label for a control loop identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_labelgetcnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, label, err) |
Returns the character string label for a control loop identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_labelgetcobj (controlLoop, label, err) |
Returns the character string label for a control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_labelgetvsnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, label, err) |
Returns the varying string label for a control loop identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_labelgetvsnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, label, err) |
Returns the varying string label for a control loop identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_labelgetvsobj (controlLoop, label, err) |
Returns the varying string label for a control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_labelsetcnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character string label for a control loop identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_labelsetcnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character string label for a control loop identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_labelsetcobj (controlLoop, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character string label for a control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_labelsetvsnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, label, err) |
Sets/changes the varying string label for a control loop identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_labelsetvsnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, label, err) |
Sets/changes the varying string label for a control loop identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_labelsetvsobj (controlLoop, label, err) |
Sets/changes string label for a control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_maximumiterationssetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, maximumIterations, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum iterations for a while control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_maximumiterationssetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, maximumIterations, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum iterations for a while control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_maximumiterationssetobj (controlLoop, maximumIterations, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum iterations for a while control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_loadoutputset (controlLoop, outputFrequency, err) |
Sets/changes the output parameters for a load control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_absolutetolerancesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, absoluteTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum iterations for a while control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_absolutetolerancesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, absoluteTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum iterations for a while control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_absolutetolerancesetobj (controlLoop, absoluteTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum iterations for a while control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_numberofiterationsgetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, numberOfIterations, err) |
Gets the number of iterations for a time control loop identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_numberofiterationsgetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, numberOfIterations, err) |
Gets the number of iterations for a time control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_numberofiterationsgetobj (controlLoop, numberOfIterations, err) |
Gets the number of iterations for a time control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_numberofiterationssetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, numberOfIterations, err) |
Sets the number of iterations for a time control loop identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_numberofiterationssetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, numberOfIterations, err) |
Sets the number of iterations for a time control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_numberofiterationssetobj (controlLoop, numberOfIterations, err) |
Sets the number of iterations for a time control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_numberofsubloopsgetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, numberOfSubLoops, err) |
Returns the number of sub-control loops for a control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_numberofsubloopsgetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, numberOfSubLoops, err) |
Returns the number of sub-control loops for a control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_numberofsubloopsgetobj (controlLoop, numberOfSubLoops, err) |
Returns the number of sub-control loops for a control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_numberofsubloopssetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, numberOfSubLoops, err) |
Sets/changes the number of sub-control loops for a control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_numberofsubloopssetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, numberOfSubLoops, err) |
Sets/changes the number of sub-control loops for a control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_numberofsubloopssetobj (controlLoop, numberOfSubLoops, err) |
Sets/changes the number of sub-control loops for a control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_outputtypegetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, outputType, err) |
Returns the output type for a control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_outputtypegetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, outputType, err) |
Returns the output type for a control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_outputtypegetobj (controlLoop, outputType, err) |
Returns the output type for a control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_outputtypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, outputType, err) |
Sets the output type for a control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_outputtypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, outputType, err) |
Sets the output type for a control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_outputtypesetobj (controlLoop, outputType, err) |
Sets the output type for a control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_timeoutputsetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, outputFrequency, err) |
Sets/changes the output parameters for a time control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_timeoutputsetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, outputFrequency, err) |
Sets/changes the output parameters for a time control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_timeoutputsetobj (controlLoop, outputFrequency, err) |
Sets/changes the output parameters for a time control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_timeinputsetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, inputOption, err) |
Sets/changes the input parameters for a time control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_timeinputsetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, inputOption, err) |
Sets/changes the input parameters for a time control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_timeinputsetobj (controlLoop, inputOption, err) |
Sets/changes the input parameters for a time control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_timesgetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, startTime, stopTime, timeIncrement, currentTime, currentLoopIteration, outputIterationNumber, err) |
Returns the time parameters for a time control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_timesgetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, startTime, stopTime, timeIncrement, currentTime, currentLoopIteration, outputIterationNumber, err) |
Returns the time parameters for a time control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_timesgetobj (controlLoop, startTime, stopTime, timeIncrement, currentTime, currentLoopIteration, outputIterationNumber, err) |
Returns the time parameters for a time control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_timessetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, startTime, stopTime, timeIncrement, err) |
Sets/changes the time parameters for a time control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_timessetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, startTime, stopTime, timeIncrement, err) |
Sets/changes the time parameters for a time control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_timessetobj (controlLoop, startTime, stopTime, timeIncrement, err) |
Sets/changes the time parameters for a time control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_typesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, loopType, err) |
Sets/changes the loop type for a control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_typesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, loopType, err) |
Sets/changes the loop type for a control loop identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_controlloop_typesetobj (controlLoop, loopType, err) |
Sets/changes the loop type for a control loop identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_createfinishnumber (coordinateSystemUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the creation of a coordinate system identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_createfinishobj (coordinateSystem, err) |
Finishes the creation of a coordinate system identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_createstartnumber (coordinateSystemUserNumber, err) |
Starts the creation of a coordinate system identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_createstartobj (coordinateSystemUserNumber, coordinateSystem, err) |
Starts the creation of a coordinate system identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_destroynumber (coordinateSystemUserNumber, err) |
Destroys a coordinate system identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_destroyobj (coordinateSystem, err) |
Destroys a coordinate system identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_dimensiongetnumber (coordinateSystemUserNumber, coordinateSystemDimension, err) |
Returns the dimension of a coordinate system identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_dimensiongetobj (coordinateSystem, coordinateSystemDimension, err) |
Returns the dimension of a coordinate system identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_dimensionsetnumber (coordinateSystemUserNumber, coordinateSystemDimension, err) |
Sets/changes the dimension of a coordinate system identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_dimensionsetobj (coordinateSystem, coordinateSystemDimension, err) |
Sets/changes the dimension of a coordinate system identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_focusgetnumber (coordinateSystemUserNumber, focus, err) |
Returns the focus of a coordinate system identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_focusgetobj (coordinateSystem, focus, err) |
Returns the focus of a coordinate system identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_focussetnumber (coordinateSystemUserNumber, focus, err) |
Sets/changes the focus of a coordinate system identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_focussetobj (coordinateSystem, focus, err) |
Sets/changes the focus of a coordinate system identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_radialinterpolationgetnumber (coordinateSystemUserNumber, radialInterpolationType, err) |
Returns the radial interpolation type of a coordinate system identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_radialinterpolationgetobj (coordinateSystem, radialInterpolationType, err) |
Returns the radial interpolation type of a coordinate system identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_radialinterpolationsetnumber (coordinateSystemUserNumber, radialInterpolationType, err) |
Sets/changes the radial interpolation type of a coordinate system identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_radialinterpolationsetobj (coordinateSystem, radialInterpolationType, err) |
Sets/changes the radial interpolation type of a coordinate system identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_typegetnumber (coordinateSystemUserNumber, coordinateSystemType, err) |
Returns the type of a coordinate system identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_typegetobj (coordinateSystem, coordinateSystemType, err) |
Returns the type of a coordinate system identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_typesetnumber (coordinateSystemUserNumber, coordinateSystemType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of a coordinate system identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_typesetobj (coordinateSystem, coordinateSystemType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of a coordinate system identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_origingetnumber (coordinateSystemUserNumber, origin, err) |
Returns the origin of a coordinate system identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_origingetobj (coordinateSystem, origin, err) |
Returns the origin of a coordinate system identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_originsetnumber (coordinateSystemUserNumber, origin, err) |
Sets/changes the origin of a coordinate system identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_originsetobj (coordinateSystem, origin, err) |
Sets/changes the origin of a coordinate system identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_orientationgetnumber (coordinateSystemUserNumber, orientation, err) |
Returns the orientation of a coordinate system identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_orientationgetobj (coordinateSystem, orientation, err) |
Returns the orientation of a coordinate system identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_orientationsetnumber (coordinateSystemUserNumber, orientation, err) |
Sets/changes the orientation of a coordinate system identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinatesystem_orientationsetobj (coordinateSystem, orientation, err) |
Sets/changes the orientation of a coordinate system identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_createfinishnumber (regionUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the process of creating data points in a region for data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_createfinishobj (dataPoints, err) |
Finishes the creation of a data points in a region for data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_createstartnumber (regionUserNumber, numberOfDataPoints, err) |
Starts the process of creating data points in a region for data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_createstartobj (region, numberOfDataPoints, dataPoints, err) |
Starts the creation of a data points in a region for data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_createstartinterfaceobj (interface, numberOfDataPoints, dataPoints, err) |
Starts the creation of a data points in a region for data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_destroynumber (regionUserNumber, err) |
Destroys the data points in a region for data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_destroyobj (dataPoints, err) |
Destroys the data points in a region for data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_numberofdatapointsgetnumber (regionUserNumber, numberOfDataPoints, err) |
Returns the number of data points. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_numberofdatapointsgetobj (dataPoints, numberOfDataPoints, err) |
Returns the number of data points. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_labelgetcnumber (regionUserNumber, dataPointGlobalNumber, label, err) |
Returns the character label for a data point in a set of data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_labelgetcobj (dataPoints, dataPointGlobalNumber, label, err) |
Returns the character label for a data point in a set of data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_labelgetvsnumber (regionUserNumber, dataPointGlobalNumber, label, err) |
Returns the varying string label for a data point in a set of data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_labelgetvsobj (dataPoints, dataPointGlobalNumber, label, err) |
Returns the varying string label for a data point in a set of data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_labelsetcnumber (regionUserNumber, dataPointGlobalNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character label for a data point in a set of data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_labelsetcobj (dataPoints, dataPointGlobalNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character label for a data point in a set of data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_labelsetvsnumber (regionUserNumber, dataPointGlobalNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the varying string label for a data point in a set of data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_labelsetvsobj (dataPoints, dataPointGlobalNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the varying string label for a data point in a set of data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_usernumbergetnumber (regionUserNumber, dataPointGlobalNumber, dataPointUserNumber, err) |
Returns the user number for a data point in a set of data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_usernumbergetobj (dataPoints, dataPointGlobalNumber, dataPointUserNumber, err) |
Returns the user number for a data point in a set of data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_usernumbersetnumber (regionUserNumber, dataPointGlobalNumber, dataPointUserNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the user number for a data point in a set of data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_usernumbersetobj (dataPoints, dataPointGlobalNumber, dataPointUserNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the user number for a data point in a set of data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_valuesgetnumber (regionUserNumber, dataPointGlobalNumber, dataPointValues, err) |
Returns the values for a data point in a set of data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_valuesgetobj (dataPoints, dataPointGlobalNumber, dataPointValues, err) |
Returns the values for a data point in a set of data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_valuessetnumber (regionUserNumber, dataPointGlobalNumber, dataPointValues, err) |
Sets/changes the values for a data point in a set of data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_valuessetobj (dataPoints, dataPointGlobalNumber, dataPointValues, err) |
Sets/changes the values for a data point in a set of data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_weightsgetnumber (regionUserNumber, dataPointGlobalNumber, dataPointWeights, err) |
Returns the weights for a data point in a set of data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_weightsgetobj (dataPoints, dataPointGlobalNumber, dataPointWeights, err) |
Returns the weights for a data point in a set of data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_weightssetnumber (regionUserNumber, dataPointGlobalNumber, dataPointWeights, err) |
Sets/changes the weights for a data point in a set of data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_datapoints_weightssetobj (dataPoints, dataPointGlobalNumber, dataPointWeights, err) |
Sets/changes the weights for a data point in a set of data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_absolutetolerancegetnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, absoluteTolerance, err) |
Returns the absolute tolerance of data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_absolutetolerancegetobj (dataProjection, absoluteTolerance, err) |
Returns the absolute tolerance of data projection identified an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_absolutetolerancesetnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, absoluteTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the absolute tolerance of data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_absolutetolerancesetobj (dataProjection, absoluteTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the absolute tolerance of data projection identified an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_createfinishnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the creation of a new data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_createfinishobj (dataProjection, err) |
Finishes the creation of a new data projection identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_createstartnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, dataPointRegionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, meshRegionUserNumber, err) |
Starts the creation of a new data projection for a data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_createstartobj (dataProjectionUserNumber, dataPoints, mesh, dataProjection, err) |
Starts the creation of a new data projection for a data projection identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_destroynumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, err) |
Destroys a data projection identified by region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_destroyobj (dataProjection, err) |
Destroys a data projection identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_datapointspositionevaluateregionnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, fieldVariableType, err) |
Evaluate the data points position in a field based on data projection in a region, identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_datapointspositionevaluateinterfacenumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, fieldVariableType, err) |
Evaluate the data points position in a field based on data projection in an interface, identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_datapointspositionevaluateobj (dataProjection, field, fieldVariableType, err) |
Evaluate the data points position in a field based on data projection, identified by object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_projectioncandidatessetregionnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, candidateElements, localFaceLineNumbers, err) |
Evaluate the data points position in a field based on data projection in a region, identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_projectioncandidatessetinterfacenumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, candidateElements, localFaceLineNumbers, err) |
Evaluate the data points position in a field based on data projection in an interface, identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_projectioncandidatessetobj (dataProjection, candidateElements, localFaceLineNumbers, err) |
Evaluate the data points position in a field based on data projection, identified by object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_datapointsprojectionevaluatenumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, dataPointsRegionUserNumber, projectionFieldUserNumber, projectionFieldRegionUserNumber, err) |
Evaluate a data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_datapointsprojectionevaluateobj (dataProjection, projectionField, err) |
Evaluate a data projection identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_maximumiterationupdategetnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, maximumIterationUpdate, err) |
Returns the relative tolerance of data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_maximumiterationupdategetobj (dataProjection, maximumIterationUpdate, err) |
Returns the relative tolerance of data projection identified an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_maximumiterationupdatesetnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, maximumIterationUpdate, err) |
Sets/changes the relative tolerance of data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_maximumiterationupdatesetobj (dataProjection, maximumIterationUpdate, err) |
Sets/changes the relative tolerance of data projection identified an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_maximumnumberofiterationsgetnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, maximumNumberOfIterations, err) |
Returns the maximum number of iterations of data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultdistancegetnumber (regionUserNumber, dataProjectionUserNumber, dataPointUserNumber, ProjectionDistance, err) |
Returns the projection distance for a data point in a set of data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultdistancegetobj (dataProjection, dataPointUserNumber, ProjectionDistance, err) |
Returns the projection distance for a data point in a set of data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultelementnumbergetnumber (regionUserNumber, dataProjectionUserNumber, dataPointUserNumber, ProjectionElementNumber, err) |
Returns the projection element number for a data point in a set of data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultelementnumbergetobj (dataProjection, dataPointUserNumber, ProjectionElementNumber, err) |
Returns the projection element number for a data point in a set of data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultelementfacenumbergetnumber (regionUserNumber, dataProjectionUserNumber, dataPointUserNumber, ProjectionElementFaceNumber, err) |
Returns the projection element face number for a data point in a set of data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultelementfacenumbergetobj (dataProjection, dataPointUserNumber, ProjectionElementFaceNumber, err) |
Returns the projection element face number for a data point in a set of data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultelementlinenumbergetnumber (regionUserNumber, dataProjectionUserNumber, dataPointUserNumber, ProjectionElementLineNumber, err) |
Returns the projection element line number for a data point in a set of data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultelementlinenumbergetobj (dataProjection, dataPointUserNumber, ProjectionElementLineNumber, err) |
Returns the projection element line number for a data point in a set of data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultexittaggetnumber (regionUserNumber, dataProjectionUserNumber, dataPointUserNumber, ProjectionExitTag, err) |
Returns the projection exit tag for a data point in a set of data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultexittaggetobj (dataProjection, dataPointUserNumber, ProjectionExitTag, err) |
Returns the projection exit tag for a data point in a set of data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultxigetnumber (regionUserNumber, dataProjectionUserNumber, dataPointUserNumber, ProjectionXi, err) |
Returns the projection xi for a data point in a set of data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultxigetobj (dataProjection, dataPointUserNumber, ProjectionXi, err) |
Returns the projection xi for a data point in a set of data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultxisetnumber (regionUserNumber, dataProjectionUserNumber, dataPointUserNumber, ProjectionXi, err) |
Sets the projection xi for a data point in a set of data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultxisetobj (dataProjection, dataPointUserNumber, ProjectionXi, err) |
Sets the projection xi for a data point in a set of data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultprojectionvectorgetnumber (regionUserNumber, dataProjectionUserNumber, dataPointUserNumber, projectionVector, err) |
Returns the projection vector for a data point in a set of data points identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_resultprojectionvectorgetobj (dataProjection, dataPointUserNumber, projectionVector, err) |
Returns the projection vector for a data point in a set of data points identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_maximumnumberofiterationsgetobj (dataProjection, maximumNumberOfIterations, err) |
Returns the maximum number of iterations of data projection identified an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_maximumnumberofiterationssetnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, maximumNumberOfIterations, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum number of iterations of data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_maximumnumberofiterationssetobj (dataProjection, maximumNumberOfIterations, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum number of iterations of data projection identified an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_numberofclosestelementsgetnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, numberOfClosestElements, err) |
Returns the number of closest elements of data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_numberofclosestelementsgetobj (dataProjection, numberOfClosestElements, err) |
Returns the number of closest elements of data projection identified an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_numberofclosestelementssetnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, numberOfClosestElements, err) |
Sets/changes the number of closest elements of data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_numberofclosestelementssetobj (dataProjection, numberOfClosestElements, err) |
Sets/changes the number of closest elements of data projection identified an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_projectiontypegetnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, projectionType, err) |
Returns the projection type of data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_projectiontypegetobj (dataProjection, projectionType, err) |
Returns the projection type of data projection identified an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_projectiontypesetnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, projectionType, err) |
Sets/changes the projection type of data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_projectiontypesetobj (dataProjection, projectionType, err) |
Sets/changes the projection type of data projection identified an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_relativetolerancegetnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, relativeTolerance, err) |
Returns the relative tolerance of data projection identified by a data projection user number and a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_relativetolerancegetobj (dataProjection, relativeTolerance, err) |
Returns the relative tolerance of data projection identified an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_relativetolerancesetnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, relativeTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the relative tolerance of data projection identified by a data projection user number and a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_relativetolerancesetobj (dataProjection, relativeTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the relative tolerance of data projection identified an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_startingxigetnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, startingXi, err) |
Returns the starting xi of data projection identified by a data projection user number and region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_startingxigetobj (dataProjection, startingXi, err) |
Returns the starting xi of data projection identified an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_startingxisetnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, startingXi, err) |
Sets/changes the starting xi of data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_startingxisetobj (dataProjection, startingXi, err) |
Sets/changes the starting xi of data projection identified an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_elementsetinterfacenumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, dataPointNumber, elementNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the starting xi of data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_elementsetregionnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, dataPointNumber, elementNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the starting xi of data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_elementsetobj (dataProjection, dataPointNumber, elementNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the starting xi of data projection identified an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_labelgetcinterfacenumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, label, err) |
Get the character string label of a data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_labelgetvsinterfacenumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, label, err) |
Get the varying string label of a data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_labelgetcregionnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, label, err) |
Get the character string label of a data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_labelgetvsregionnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, label, err) |
Get the varying string label of a data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_labelgetcobj (dataProjection, label, err) |
Gets the character string label of a data projection identified an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_labelgetvsobj (dataProjection, label, err) |
Gets the varying string label of a data projection identified an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_labelsetcinterfacenumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character string label of a data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_labelsetvsinterfacenumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the varying string label of a data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_labelsetcregionnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character string label of a data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_labelsetvsregionnumber (dataProjectionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the varying string label of a data projection identified by a region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_labelsetcobj (dataProjection, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character string label of a data projection identified an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_dataprojection_labelsetvsobj (dataProjection, label, err) |
Sets/changes the varying string label of a data projection identified an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_destroynumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, err) |
Destroys equations for equations identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_destroyobj (equations, err) |
Destroy equations for equations identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_linearitytypegetnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, linearityType, err) |
Gets the linearity type for equations identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_linearitytypegetobj (equations, linearityType, err) |
Gets the linearity type for equations identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_lumpingtypegetnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, lumpingType, err) |
Gets the lumping type for equations identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_lumpingtypegetobj (equations, lumpingType, err) |
Gets the lumping type for equations identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_lumpingtypesetnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, lumpingType, err) |
Sets/changes the lumping type for equations identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_lumpingtypesetobj (equations, lumpingType, err) |
Sets/changes the lumping type for equations identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_outputtypegetnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, outputType, err) |
Gets the output type for equations identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_outputtypegetobj (equations, outputType, err) |
Gets the output type for equations identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_outputtypesetnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, outputType, err) |
Sets/changes the output type for equations identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_outputtypesetobj (equations, outputType, err) |
Sets/changes the output type for equations identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_sparsitytypegetnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, sparsityType, err) |
Gets the sparsity type for equations identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_sparsitytypegetobj (equations, sparsityType, err) |
Gets the sparsity type for equations identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_sparsitytypesetnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, sparsityType, err) |
Sets/changes the sparsity type for equations identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_sparsitytypesetobj (equations, sparsityType, err) |
Sets/changes the sparsity type for equations identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_timedependencetypegetnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, timeDependenceType, err) |
Gets the time dependence type for equations identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_timedependencetypegetobj (equations, timeDependenceType, err) |
Gets the time dependence type for equations identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_numberoflinearmatricesget (equations, numberOfMatrices, err) |
Get the number of linear matrices in the equations. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_numberofjacobianmatricesget (equations, numberOfMatrices, err) |
Get the number of Jacobian matrices in the equations. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_numberofdynamicmatricesget (equations, numberOfMatrices, err) |
Get the number of dynamic matrices in the equations. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_linearmatrixget (equations, matrixIndex, matrix, err) |
Get a linear equations matrix from the equations. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_jacobianmatricestypesset (equations, jacobianTypes, err) |
Setting Jacobian matrix evaluation type. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_derivedcreatefinishnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, err) |
Finish the creation of derived variables for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_derivedcreatefinishobj (equationsSet, err) |
Finish the creation of derived variables for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_derivedcreatestartnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, derivedFieldUserNumber, err) |
Start the creation of derived variables for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_derivedcreatestartobj (equationsSet, derivedFieldUserNumber, derivedField, err) |
Start the creation of derived variables for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_deriveddestroynumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, err) |
Destroy the derived variables for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_deriveddestroyobj (equationsSet, err) |
Destroy the derived variables for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_derivedvariablecalculatenumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, derivedType, err) |
Calculates a derived field value for the equations set and stores the result in the derived field previously set up. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_derivedvariablecalculateobj (equationsSet, derivedType, err) |
Calculates a derived field value for the equations set and stores the result in the derived field previously set up. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_derivedvariablesetnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, derivedType, fieldVariableType, err) |
Sets the field variable type of the derived field to be used to store a derived variable. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_derivedvariablesetobj (equationsSet, derivedType, fieldVariableType, err) |
Sets the field variable type of the derived field to be used to store a derived variable. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_jacobianmatrixget (equations, residualIndex, variableType, matrix, err) |
Get a Jacobian matrix from the equations. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_dynamicmatrixget (equations, matrixIndex, matrix, err) |
Get a dynamic equations matrix from equations using the dynamic matrix index. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_dynamicmatrixgetbytype (equations, matrixType, matrix, err) |
Get a dynamic equations matrix from equations using the dynamic matrix type. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_dynamicmatrixtypeget (equations, matrixIndex, matrixType, err) |
Get the type of a dynamic matrix from equations set equations. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_rhsvectorget (equations, rhsVector, err) |
Get the right hand side vector for equations. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_sourcevectorget (equations, sourceVector, err) |
Get the source vector for equations. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_residualvectorget (equations, residualIndex, residualVector, err) |
Get a residual vector for equations. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_residualnumberofvariablesget (equations, residualIndex, numberOfVariables, err) |
Get the number of field variables that contribute to the residual vector. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_residualvariablesget (equations, residualIndex, residualVariables, err) |
Get the field variables that contribute to the residual vector. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analyticcreatefinishnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, err) |
Finish the creation of a analytic solution for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analyticcreatefinishobj (equationsSet, err) |
Finish the creation of a analytic solution for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analyticcreatestartnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, analyticFunctionType, analyticFieldUserNumber, err) |
Start the creation of a analytic solution for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analyticcreatestartobj (equationsSet, analyticFunctionType, analyticFieldUserNumber, analyticField, err) |
Start the creation of an analytic solution for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analyticdestroynumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, err) |
Destroy the analytic solution for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analyticdestroyobj (equationsSet, err) |
Destroy the analytic solution for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analyticevaluatenumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, err) |
Evaluates the current analytic solution for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analyticevaluateobj (equationsSet, err) |
Evaluates the current analytic solution for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analytictimegetnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, time, err) |
Returns the analytic time for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analytictimegetobj (equationsSet, time, err) |
Returns the analytic time for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analytictimesetnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, time, err) |
Sets/changes the analytic time for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analytictimesetobj (equationsSet, time, err) |
Sets/changes the analytic time for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analyticuserparamsetnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, paramIdx, param, err) |
Sets the analytic problem user parameter. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analyticuserparamsetobj (equationsSet, paramIdx, param, err) |
Sets the analytic problem user parameter. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analyticuserparamgetnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, paramIdx, param, err) |
Sets the analytic problem user parameter. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_analyticuserparamgetobj (equationsSet, paramIdx, param, err) |
Sets the analytic problem user parameter. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_createfinishnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, err) |
Finish the creation of an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_createfinishobj (equationsSet, err) |
Finish the creation of an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_createstartnumber (equationsSetUserNumber, regionUserNumber, geomFibreFieldUserNumber, equationsSetSpecification, equationsSetFieldUserNumber, err) |
Start the creation of an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_createstartobj (equationsSetUserNumber, region, geomFibreField, equationsSetSpecification, equationsSetFieldUserNumber, equationsSetFieldField, equationsSet, err) |
Start the creation of an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_destroynumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, err) |
Destroy an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_destroyobj (equationsSet, err) |
Destroy an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_dependentcreatefinishnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, err) |
Finish the creation of dependent variables for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_dependentcreatefinishobj (equationsSet, err) |
Finish the creation of dependent variables for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_dependentcreatestartnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, dependentFieldUserNumber, err) |
Start the creation of dependent variables for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_dependentcreatestartobj (equationsSet, dependentFieldUserNumber, dependentField, err) |
Start the creation of dependent variables for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_dependentdestroynumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, err) |
Destroy the dependent variables for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_dependentdestroyobj (equationsSet, err) |
Destroy the dependent variables for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_equationscreatefinishnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, err) |
Finish the creation of equations for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_equationscreatefinishobj (equationsSet, err) |
Finish the creation of equations for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_equationscreatestartnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, err) |
Start the creation of equations for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_equationscreatestartobj (equationsSet, equations, err) |
Start the creation of equations for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_equationsdestroynumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, err) |
Destroy the equations for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_equationsdestroyobj (equationsSet, err) |
Destroy the equations for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_independentcreatefinishnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, err) |
Finish the creation of independent variables for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_independentcreatefinishobj (equationsSet, err) |
Finish the creation of independent variables for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_independentcreatestartnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, independentFieldUserNumber, err) |
Start the creation of independent variables for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_independentcreatestartobj (equationsSet, independentFieldUserNumber, independentField, err) |
Start the creation of independent variables for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_independentdestroynumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, err) |
Destroy the independent variables for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_independentdestroyobj (equationsSet, err) |
Destroy the independent variables for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_materialscreatefinishnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, err) |
Finish the creation of materials for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_materialscreatefinishobj (equationsSet, err) |
Finish the creation of materials for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_materialscreatestartnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, materialsFieldUserNumber, err) |
Start the creation of materials for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_materialscreatestartobj (equationsSet, materialsFieldUserNumber, materialsField, err) |
Start the creation of materials for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_materialsdestroynumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, err) |
Destroy the materials for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_materialsdestroyobj (equationsSet, err) |
Destroy the materials for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_solutionmethodgetnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, solutionMethod, err) |
Returns the solution method for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_solutionmethodgetobj (equationsSet, solutionMethod, err) |
Returns the solution method for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_solutionmethodsetnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, solutionMethod, err) |
Sets/changes the solution method for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_solutionmethodsetobj (equationsSet, solutionMethod, err) |
Sets/changes the solution method for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_sourcecreatefinishnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, err) |
Finish the creation of a source for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_sourcecreatefinishobj (equationsSet, err) |
Finish the creation of a source for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_sourcecreatestartnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, sourceFieldUserNumber, err) |
Start the creation of a source for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_sourcecreatestartobj (equationsSet, sourceFieldUserNumber, sourceField, err) |
Start the creation of a source for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_sourcedestroynumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, err) |
Destroy the source for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_sourcedestroyobj (equationsSet, err) |
Destroy the source for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_specificationgetnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, equationsSetSpecification, err) |
Returns the equations set specification array for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_specificationgetobj (equationsSet, equationsSetSpecification, err) |
Returns the equations set specification array for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_specificationsizegetnumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, specificationSize, err) |
Returns the size of the equations set specification array for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_specificationsizegetobj (equationsSet, specificationSize, err) |
Returns the size of the equations set specification array for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_tensorinterpolatexinumber (regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, tensorEvaluateType, userElementNumber, xi, values, err) |
Evaluate a tensor at a given element xi location, for an equations set identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equationsset_tensorinterpolatexiobj (equationsSet, tensorEvaluateType, userElementNumber, xi, values, err) |
Evaluate a tensor at a given element xi location, for an equations set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentinterpolationgetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, interpolationType, err) |
Returns the interpolation type for a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentinterpolationgetobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, interpolationType, err) |
Returns the interpolation type for a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentinterpolationsetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, interpolationType, err) |
Sets/changes the interpolation type for a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentinterpolationsetobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, interpolationType, err) |
Sets/changes the interpolation type for a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentlabelgetcnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, label, err) |
Returns the character string label for a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentlabelgetcobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, label, err) |
Returns the character string label for a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentlabelgetvsnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, label, err) |
Returns the varying string label for a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentlabelgetvsobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, label, err) |
Returns the varying string label for a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentlabelsetcnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character string label for a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentlabelsetcobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character string label for a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentlabelsetvsnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the varying string label for a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentlabelsetvsobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the varying string label for a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentmeshcomponentgetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, meshComponent, err) |
Returns the mesh component number for a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentmeshcomponentgetobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, meshComponent, err) |
Returns the mesh component number for a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentmeshcomponentsetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, meshComponent, err) |
Sets/changes the mesh component number for a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentmeshcomponentsetobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, meshComponent, err) |
Sets/changes the mesh component number for a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentvaluesinitialiseintgnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Initialises the values of parameter set of a field variable component to an integer constant value for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentvaluesinitialiseintgobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Initialises the values of parameter set of a field variable component to an integer constant value for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentvaluesinitialisespnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Initialises the values of parameter set of a field variable component to a single precision constant value for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentvaluesinitialisespobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Initialises the values of parameter set of a field variable component to a single precision constant value for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentvaluesinitialisedpnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Initialises the values of parameter set of a field variable component to a double precision constant value for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentvaluesinitialisedpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Initialises the values of parameter set of a field variable component to a double precision constant value for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentvaluesinitialiselnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Initialises the values of parameter set of a field variable component to a logical constant value for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_componentvaluesinitialiselobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Initialises the values of parameter set of a field variable component to a logical constant value for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_datatypegetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, dataType, err) |
Returns the data type for a field variable for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_datatypegetobj (field, variableType, dataType, err) |
Returns the data type for a field variable for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_datatypesetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, dataType, err) |
Sets/changes the data type for a field variable for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_datatypesetobj (field, variableType, dataType, err) |
Sets/changes the data type for a field variable for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dofordertypegetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, DOFOrderType, err) |
Returns the DOF order type for a field variable for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dofordertypegetobj (field, variableType, DOFOrderType, err) |
Returns the DOF Order type for a field variable for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dofordertypesetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, DOFOrderType, err) |
Sets/changes the DOF order type for a field variable for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dofordertypesetobj (field, variableType, DOFOrderType, err) |
Sets/changes the DOF Order type for a field variable for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_createfinishnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the creation of a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_createfinishobj (field, err) |
Finishes the creation of a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_createstartnumber (fieldUserNumber, regionUserNumber, err) |
Starts the creation of a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_createstartinterfaceobj (fieldUserNumber, interface, field, err) |
Starts the creation of a field on an interface identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_createstartregionobj (fieldUserNumber, region, field, err) |
Starts the creation of a field on a region identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dependenttypegetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, dependentType, err) |
Returns the dependent type for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dependenttypegetobj (field, dependentType, err) |
Returns the dependent type for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dependenttypesetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, dependentType, err) |
Sets/changes the dependent type for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dependenttypesetobj (field, dependentType, err) |
Sets/changes the dependent type for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_destroynumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, err) |
Destroys a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_destroyobj (field, err) |
Destroys a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dimensiongetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, dimension, err) |
Returns the dimension for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dimensiongetobj (field, variableType, dimension, err) |
Returns the dimension for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dimensionsetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, dimension, err) |
Sets/changes the dimension for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dimensionsetobj (field, variableType, dimension, err) |
Sets/changes the dimension for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_geometricfieldgetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, geometricFieldUserNumber, err) |
Returns the geometric field for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_geometricfieldgetobj (field, geometricField, err) |
Returns the geometric field for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_geometricfieldsetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, geometricFieldUserNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the geometric field for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_geometricfieldsetobj (field, geometricField, err) |
Sets/changes the geometric field for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_geometricparameterselementlinelengthgetnumber (regionUserNumber, geometricFieldUserNumber, elementNumber, elementLineNumber, lineLength, err) |
Gets the line length between nodes of a geometric field for a given element number and element basis line number by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_geometricparameterselementvolumegetnumber (regionUserNumber, geometricFieldUserNumber, elementNumber, elementVolume, err) |
Gets the volume for a given element number by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_geometricparameterselementlinelengthgetobj (geometricField, elementNumber, elementLineNumber, lineLength, err) |
Gets the line length between nodes of a geometric field for a given element number and element basis line number by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_geometricparameterselementvolumegetobj (geometricField, elementNumber, elementVolume, err) |
Gets the volume for a given element number by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetnodescalefactorgetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, nodeUserNumber, componentNumber, scaleFactor, err) |
Gets the scale factor for a particular node identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetnodescalefactorgetobj (field, variableType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, nodeUserNumber, componentNumber, scaleFactor, err) |
Gets the scale factor for a particular node identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetnodescalefactorsgetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, meshComponentNumber, scaleFactors, err) |
Gets the scale factors for all nodes identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetnodescalefactorsgetobj (field, variableType, meshComponentNumber, scaleFactors, err) |
Gets the scale factors for all nodes identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetnodenumberofscalefactordofsgetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, meshComponentNumber, numberOfScaleFactorsDofs, err) |
Gets the number of scale factor dofs, identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetnodenumberofscalefactordofsgetobj (field, variableType, meshComponentNumber, numberOfScaleFactorsDofs, err) |
Gets the number of scale factor dofs, identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetnodescalefactorsetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, nodeUserNumber, componentNumber, scaleFactor, err) |
Sets the scale factor for a particular node identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetnodescalefactorsetobj (field, variableType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, nodeUserNumber, componentNumber, scaleFactor, err) |
Sets the scale factor for a particular node identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetnodescalefactorssetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, meshComponentNumber, scaleFactors, err) |
Sets the scale factors for all nodes identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetnodescalefactorssetobj (field, variableType, meshComponentNumber, scaleFactors, err) |
Sets the scale factors for all nodes identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_labelgetcnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, label, err) |
Returns the character string label for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_labelgetcobj (field, label, err) |
Returns the character string label for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_labelgetvsnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, label, err) |
Returns the varying string label for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_labelgetvsobj (field, label, err) |
Returns the varying string label for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_labelsetcnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character string label for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_labelsetcobj (field, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character string label for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_labelsetvsnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the varying string label for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_labelsetvsobj (field, label, err) |
Sets/changes the varying string label for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_positionnormaltangentcalculatenodenumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, componentNumber, localNodeNumber, position, normal, tangents, err) |
Returns the interpolation type for a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_positionnormaltangentcalculatenodeobj (field, variableType, componentNumber, localNodeNumber, position, normal, tangents, err) |
Returns the position, normal and tangents for a field node for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_meshdecompositiongetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, decompositionUserNumber, err) |
Returns the mesh decomposition for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_meshdecompositiongetobj (field, meshDecomposition, err) |
Returns the mesh decomposition for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_meshdecompositionsetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, meshUserNumber, decompositionUserNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the mesh decomposition for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_meshdecompositionsetobj (field, meshDecomposition, err) |
Sets/changes the mesh decomposition for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dataprojectionsetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, dataProjectionUserNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the data projection for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dataprojectionsetobj (field, dataProjection, err) |
Sets/changes the data projection for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_numberofcomponentsgetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, numberOfComponents, err) |
Returns the number of componenets for a field variable for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_numberofcomponentsgetobj (field, variableType, numberOfComponents, err) |
Returns the number of components for a field variable for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_numberofcomponentssetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, numberOfComponents, err) |
Sets/changes the number of componenets for a field variable for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_numberofcomponentssetobj (field, variableType, numberOfComponents, err) |
Sets/changes the number of components for a field variable for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_numberofvariablesgetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, numberOfVariables, err) |
Returns the number of variables for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_numberofvariablesgetobj (field, numberOfVariables, err) |
Returns the number of variables for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_numberofvariablessetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, numberOfVariables, err) |
Sets/chnages the number of variables for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_numberofvariablessetobj (field, numberOfVariables, err) |
Sets/changes the number of variables for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddconstantintgnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given integer value to the given parameter set for the constant of the field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddconstantintgobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given integer value to the given parameter set for the constant of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddconstantspnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given single precision value to the given parameter set for the constant of the field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddconstantspobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given single precision value to the given parameter set for the constant of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddconstantdpnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given double precision value to the given parameter set for the constant of the field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddconstantdpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given double precision value to the given parameter set for the constant of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddconstantlnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given logical value to the given parameter set for the constant of the field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddconstantlobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given logical value to the given parameter set for the constant of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddelementintgnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given integer value to an element in the given parameter set for field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddelementintgobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given integer value to an element in the given parameter set for field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddelementspnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given single precision value to an element in the given parameter set for field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddelementspobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given single precision value to an element in the given parameter set for field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddelementdpnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given double precision value to an element in the given parameter set for field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddelementdpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given double precision value to an element in the given parameter set for field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddelementlnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given logical value to an element in the given parameter set for field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddelementlobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given logical value to an element in the given parameter set for field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddnodeintgnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given integer value to an node in the given parameter set for field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddnodeintgobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given integer value to an node in the given parameter set for field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddnodespnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given single precision value to an node in the given parameter set for field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddnodespobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given single precision value to an node in the given parameter set for field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddnodedpnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given double precision value to an node in the given parameter set for field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddnodedpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given double precision value to an node in the given parameter set for field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddnodelnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given logical value to an node in the given parameter set for field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetaddnodelobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Adds the given logical value to an node in the given parameter set for field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetcreatenumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, err) |
Creates a new parameter set of type set type for a field variable for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetcreateobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, err) |
Creates a new parameter set of type set type for a field variable for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdestroynumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, err) |
Destroys the specified parameter set type for a field variable for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdestroyobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, err) |
Destroys the specified parameter set type for a field variable for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdatagetintgnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, parameters, err) |
Returns a pointer to the specified field parameter set local integer data array for a field identified by an user number. The pointer must be restored with a call to OpenCMISS::Iron::cmfe_Field_ParameterSetDataRestore call. Note: the values can be used for read operations but a field parameter set update or add calls must be used to change any values. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdatagetintgobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, parameters, err) |
Returns a pointer to the specified field parameter set local integer data array for a field identified by an object. The pointer must be restored with a call to OpenCMISS::Iron::cmfe_Field_ParameterSetDataRestore call. Note: the values can be used for read operations but a field parameter set update or add calls must be used to change any values. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdatagetspnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, parameters, err) |
Returns a pointer to the specified field parameter set local single precision data array for a field identified by an user number. The pointer must be restored with a call to OpenCMISS::Iron::cmfe_Field_ParameterSetDataRestore call. Note: the values can be used for read operations but a field parameter set update or add calls must be used to change any values. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdatagetspobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, parameters, err) |
Returns a pointer to the specified field parameter set local single precision data array for a field identified by an object. The pointer must be restored with a call to OpenCMISS::Iron::cmfe_Field_ParameterSetDataRestore call. Note: the values can be used for read operations but a field parameter set update or add calls must be used to change any values. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdatagetdpnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, parameters, err) |
Returns a pointer to the specified field parameter set local double precision data array for a field identified by an user number. The pointer must be restored with a call to OpenCMISS::Iron::cmfe_Field_ParameterSetDataRestore call. Note: the values can be used for read operations but a field parameter set update or add calls must be used to change any values. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdatagetdpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, parameters, err) |
Returns a pointer to the specified field parameter set local double precision data array for a field identified by an object. The pointer must be restored with a call to OpenCMISS::Iron::cmfe_Field_ParameterSetDataRestore call. Note: the values can be used for read operations but a field parameter set update or add calls must be used to change any values. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdatagetlnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, parameters, err) |
Returns a pointer to the specified field parameter set local logical data array for a field identified by an user number. The pointer must be restored with a call to OpenCMISS::Iron::cmfe_Field_ParameterSetDataRestore call. Note: the values can be used for read operations but a field parameter set update or add calls must be used to change any values. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdatagetlobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, parameters, err) |
Returns a pointer to the specified field parameter set local logical data array for a field identified by an object. The pointer must be restored with a call to OpenCMISS::Iron::cmfe_Field_ParameterSetDataRestore call. Note: the values can be used for read operations but a field parameter set update or add calls must be used to change any values. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdatarestoreintgnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, parameters, err) |
Restores the specified field variable parameter set local integer array that was obtained with an OpenCMISS::Iron::cmfe_Field_ParameterSetDataGet call for a field that is specified with an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdatarestoreintgobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, parameters, err) |
Restores the specified field variable parameter set local integer array that was obtained with an OpenCMISS::Iron::cmfe_Field_ParameterSetDataGet call for a field that is specified with an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdatarestorespnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, parameters, err) |
Restores the specified field variable parameter set local single precision array that was obtained with an OpenCMISS::Iron::cmfe_Field_ParameterSetDataGet call for a field that is specified with an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdatarestorespobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, parameters, err) |
Restores the specified field variable parameter set local single precision array that was obtained with an OpenCMISS::Iron::cmfe_Field_ParameterSetDataGet call for a field that is specified with an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdatarestoredpnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, parameters, err) |
Restores the specified field variable parameter set local double precision array that was obtained with an OpenCMISS::Iron::cmfe_Field_ParameterSetDataGet call for a field that is specified with an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdatarestoredpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, parameters, err) |
Restores the specified field variable parameter set local double precision array that was obtained with an OpenCMISS::Iron::cmfe_Field_ParameterSetDataGet call for a field that is specified with an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdatarestorelnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, parameters, err) |
Restores the specified field variable parameter set local logical array that was obtained with an OpenCMISS::Iron::cmfe_Field_ParameterSetDataGet call for a field that is specified with an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetdatarestorelobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, parameters, err) |
Restores the specified field variable parameter set local logical array that was obtained with an OpenCMISS::Iron::cmfe_Field_ParameterSetDataGet call for a field that is specified with an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetconstantintgnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set an integer value for the specified constant of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetconstantintgobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set an integer value for the specified constant of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetconstantspnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a single precision value for the specified constant of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetconstantspobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a single precision value for the specified constant of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetconstantdpnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a double precision value for the specified constant of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetconstantdpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a double precision value for the specified constant of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetconstantlnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a logical value for the specified constant of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetconstantlobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a logical value for the specified constant of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetdatapointintgnumberi (parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a integer value for the specified data point of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetdatapointintgnumberr (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a integer value for the specified data point of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetdatapointintgobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a integer value for the specified constant of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetdatapointspnumberi (parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a single precision value for the specified data point of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetdatapointspnumberr (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a single precision value for the specified data point of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetdatapointspobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a single precision value for the specified constant of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetdatapointdpnumberi (parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a double precision value for the specified data point of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetdatapointdpnumberr (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a double precision value for the specified data point of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetdatapointdpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a double precision value for the specified constant of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetdatapointlnumberi (parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a logical value for the specified data point of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetdatapointlnumberr (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a logical value for the specified data point of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetdatapointlobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a logical value for the specified constant of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetelementintgnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set an integer value for the specified element of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetelementintgobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set an integer value for the specified element of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetelementspnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a single precision value for the specified element of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetelementspobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a single precision value for the specified element of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetelementdpnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a double precision value for the specified element of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetelementdpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a double precision value for the specified element of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetelementlnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a logical value for the specified element of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetelementlobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a logical value for the specified element of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetnodeintgnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set an integer value for the specified node and derivative of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetnodeintgobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set an integer value for the specified node and derivative of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetnodespnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a single precision value for the specified node and derivative of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetnodespobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a single precision value for the specified node and derivative of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetnodedpnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a double precision value for the specified node and derivative of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetnodedpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a double precision value for the specified node and derivative of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetnodelnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a logical value for the specified node and derivative of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetnodelobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a logical value for the specified node and derivative of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetgausspointdpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, gaussPointNumber, userElementNumber, componentNumber, VALUE, err) |
Returns from the given parameter set a double precision value for the specified element of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdateconstantintgnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given integer value for the constant of the field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdateconstantintgobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given integer value for the constant of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdateconstantspnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given single precision value for the constant of the field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdateconstantspobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given single precision value for the constant of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdateconstantdpnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given double precision value for the constant of the field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdateconstantdpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given double precision value for the constant of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdateconstantlnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given logical value for the constant of the field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdateconstantlobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given logical value for the constant of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatedatapointintgnumberi (parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Update the given parameter set a integer value for the specified data point of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatedatapointintgnumberr (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Update the given parameter set a integer value for the specified data point of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatedatapointintgobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Update the given parameter set a integer value for the specified constant of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatedatapointspnumberi (parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Update the given parameter set a single precision value for the specified data point of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatedatapointspnumberr (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Update the given parameter set a single precision value for the specified data point of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatedatapointspobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Update the given parameter set a single precision value for the specified constant of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatedatapointdpnumberi (parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Update the given parameter set a double precision value for the specified data point of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatedatapointdpnumberr (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Update the given parameter set a double precision value for the specified data point of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatedatapointdpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Update the given parameter set a double precision value for the specified constant of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatedatapointlnumberi (parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Update the given parameter set a logical value for the specified data point of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatedatapointlnumberr (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Update the given parameter set a logical value for the specified data point of a field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatedatapointlobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, userDataPointNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Update the given parameter set a logical value for the specified constant of a field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdateelementintgnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given integer value for the element of the field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdateelementintgobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given integer value for the element of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdateelementspnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given single precision value for the element of the field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdateelementspobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given single precision value for the element of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdateelementdpnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given double precision value for the element of the field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdateelementdpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given double precision value for the element of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdateelementlnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given logical value for the element of the field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdateelementlobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given logical value for the element of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdateelementdatapointdpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, elementNumber, dataPointIndex, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given double precision value for the element data point of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatefinishnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, err) |
Finishes the parameter set update for a field variable for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatefinishobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, err) |
Finishes the parameter set update for a field variable for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatenodeintgnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given integer value for the node and derivative of the field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatenodeintgobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given integer value for the node and derivative of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatenodespnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given single precision value for the node and derivative of the field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatenodespobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given single precision value for the node and derivative of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatenodedpnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given double precision value for the node and derivative of the field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatenodedpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given double precision value for the node and derivative of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatenodelnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given logical value for the node and derivative of the field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatenodelobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given logical value for the node and derivative of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatelocaldofsdpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, values, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given values for all local dofs of the field variable identified by an object.. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdategausspointintgnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, gaussPointNumber, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given integer value for the element Gauss point of the field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdategausspointintgobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, gaussPointNumber, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given integer value for the element Gauss point of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdategausspointspnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, gaussPointNumber, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given single precision value for the element Gauss point of the field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdategausspointspobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, gaussPointNumber, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given single precision value for the element Gauss point of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdategausspointdpnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, gaussPointNumber, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given double precision value for the element Gauss point of the field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdategausspointdpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, gaussPointNumber, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given double precision value for the element Gauss point of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdategausspointlnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, gaussPointNumber, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given logical value for the element Gauss point of the field variable component for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdategausspointlobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, gaussPointNumber, userElementNumber, componentNumber, value, err) |
Updates the given parameter set with the given logical value for the element Gauss point of the field variable component for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetinterpolatesinglexidpnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, derivativeNumber, userElementNumber, xi, values, err) |
Interpolates the given parameter set at a specified xi location for the specified element and derviative and returns double precision values for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetinterpolatesinglexidpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, derivativeNumber, userElementNumber, xi, values, err) |
Interpolates the given parameter set at a specified xi location for the specified element and derviative and returns double precision values for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetinterpolatemultiplexidpnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, derivativeNumber, userElementNumber, xi, values, err) |
Interpolates the given parameter set at a specified set of xi locations for the specified element and derviative and returns double precision values for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetinterpolatemultiplexidpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, derivativeNumber, userElementNumber, xi, values, err) |
Interpolates the given parameter set at a specified set of xi locations for the specified element and derviative and returns double precision values for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetinterpolatesinglegaussdpnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, derivativeNumber, userElementNumber, quadratureScheme, GaussPoint, values, err) |
Interpolates the given parameter set at a specified Gauss point for the specified element and derviative and returns double precision values for a or a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetinterpolatesinglegaussdpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, derivativeNumber, userElementNumber, quadratureScheme, GaussPoint, values, err) |
Interpolates the given parameter set at a specified Gauss point for the specified element and derviative and returns double precision values for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetinterpolatemultiplegaussdpnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, derivativeNumber, userElementNumber, quadratureScheme, GaussPoints, values, err) |
Interpolates the given parameter set at a specified set of Gauss points for the specified element and derviative and returns double precision values for a or a field identified by a user number. If no Gauss points are specified then all Gauss points are interpolated. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetinterpolatemultiplegaussdpobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, derivativeNumber, userElementNumber, quadratureScheme, GaussPoints, values, err) |
Interpolates the given parameter set at a specified set of Gauss points for the specified element and derviative and returns double precision values for a field identified by an object. If no Gauss points are specified then all Gauss points are interpolated. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatestartnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, fieldSetType, err) |
Starts the parameter set update for a field variable for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetupdatestartobj (field, variableType, fieldSetType, err) |
Starts the parameter set update for a field variable for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parameterstofieldparameterscomponentcopynumber (fromRegionUserNumber, fromFieldUserNumber, fromVariableType, fromParameterSetType, fromComponentNumber, toRegionUserNumber, toFieldUserNumber, toVariableType, toParameterSetType, toComponentNumber, err) |
Copy the parameters from the parameter set of a component of a field variable to the paramters of a parameter set of a component of another field variable, where both fields are identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parameterstofieldparameterscomponentcopyobj (fromField, fromVariableType, fromParameterSetType, fromComponentNumber, toField, toVariableType, toParameterSetType, toComponentNumber, err) |
Copy the parameters from the parameter set of a component of a field variable to the paramters of a parameter set of a component of another field variable, where both fields are objects. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_scalingtypegetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, scalingType, err) |
Returns the scaling type for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_scalingtypegetobj (field, scalingType, err) |
Returns the scaling type for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_scalingtypesetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, scalingType, err) |
Sets/changes the scaling type for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_scalingtypesetobj (field, scalingType, err) |
Sets/changes the scaling type for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_typegetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, fieldType, err) |
Returns the field type for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_typegetobj (field, fieldType, err) |
Returns the type for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_typesetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, fieldType, err) |
Sets/changes the field type for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_typesetobj (field, fieldType, err) |
Sets/changes the type for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_variablelabelgetcnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, label, err) |
Returns the character string label for a field variable for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_variablelabelgetcobj (field, variableType, label, err) |
Returns the character string label for a field variable for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_variablelabelgetvsnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, label, err) |
Returns the varying string label for a field variable for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_variablelabelgetvsobj (field, variableType, label, err) |
Returns the varying string label for a field variable for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_variablelabelsetcnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character string label for a field variable for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_variablelabelsetcobj (field, variableType, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character string label for a field variable for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_variablelabelsetvsnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, label, err) |
Sets/changes the varying string label for a field variable for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_variablelabelsetvsobj (field, variableType, label, err) |
Sets/changes the varying string label for a field variable for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_variabletypesgetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableTypes, err) |
Returns the field variable types for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_variabletypesgetobj (field, variableTypes, err) |
Returns the variable types for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_variabletypessetnumber (regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableTypes, err) |
Sets/changes the field variable types for a field identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_variabletypessetobj (field, variableTypes, err) |
Sets/changes the variable types for a field identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fields_elementsexportccobj (fields, fileName, method, err) |
Export element information for fields set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fields_elementsexportvscobj (fields, fileName, method, err) |
Export element information for fields set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fields_elementsexportcvsobj (fields, fileName, method, err) |
Export element information for fields set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fields_elementsexportvsvsobj (fields, fileName, method, err) |
Export element information for fields set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fields_nodesexportccobj (fields, fileName, method, err) |
Export nodal information for fields set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fields_nodesexportvscobj (fields, fileName, method, err) |
Export nodal information for fields set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fields_nodesexportcvsobj (fields, fileName, method, err) |
Export nodal information for fields set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fields_nodesexportvsvsobj (fields, fileName, method, err) |
Export nodal information for fields set identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_basisgetnumber (regionUserNumber, generatedMeshUserNumber, basisUserNumbers, err) |
Returns the basis for a generated mesh on a region identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_basisgetobj (generatedMesh, bases, err) |
Returns the basis for a generated mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_basissetnumber0 (regionUserNumber, generatedMeshUserNumber, basisUserNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the basis for a generated mesh on a region identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_basissetnumber1 (regionUserNumber, generatedMeshUserNumber, basisUserNumbers, err) |
Sets/changes the basis for a generated mesh on a region identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_basissetobj0 (generatedMesh, basis, err) |
Sets/changes the basis for a generated mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_basissetobj1 (generatedMesh, bases, err) |
Sets/changes the basis for a generated mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_basevectorssetnumber (regionUserNumber, generatedMeshUserNumber, baseVectors, err) |
Sets/changes the base vectors for a generated mesh on a region identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_basevectorssetobj (generatedMesh, baseVectors, err) |
Sets/changes the base vectors for a generated mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_createfinishnumber (regionUserNumber, generatedMeshUserNumber, meshUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the creation of a generated mesh on a region identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_createfinishobj (generatedMesh, meshUserNumber, mesh, err) |
Finishes the creation of a generated mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_createstartnumber (generatedMeshUserNumber, regionUserNumber, err) |
Starts the creation of a generated mesh on a region identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_createstartinterfaceobj (generatedMeshUserNumber, interface, generatedMesh, err) |
Starts the creation of a generated mesh on an interface identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_createstartregionobj (generatedMeshUserNumber, region, generatedMesh, err) |
Starts the creation of a generated mesh on a region identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_destroynumber (regionUserNumber, generatedMeshUserNumber, err) |
Destroys a generated mesh on a region identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_destroyobj (generatedMesh, err) |
Destroys a generated mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_extentgetnumber (regionUserNumber, generatedMeshUserNumber, extent, err) |
Returns the extent for a generated mesh on a region identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_extentgetobj (generatedMesh, extent, err) |
Returns the extent for a generated mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_extentsetnumber (regionUserNumber, generatedMeshUserNumber, extent, err) |
Sets/changes the extent for a generated mesh on a region identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_extentsetobj (generatedMesh, extent, err) |
Sets/changes the extent for a generated mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_numberofelementsgetnumber (regionUserNumber, generatedMeshUserNumber, numberOfElements, err) |
Returns the number of elements for a generated mesh on a region identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_numberofelementsgetobj (generatedMesh, numberOfElements, err) |
Returns the number of elements for a generated mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_numberofelementssetnumber (regionUserNumber, generatedMeshUserNumber, numberOfElements, err) |
Sets/changes the number of elements for a generated mesh on a region identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_numberofelementssetobj (generatedMesh, numberOfElements, err) |
Sets/changes the number of elements for a generated mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_origingetnumber (regionUserNumber, generatedMeshUserNumber, origin, err) |
Returns the origin of a generated mesh on a region identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_origingetobj (generatedMesh, origin, err) |
Returns the origin of a generated mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_originsetnumber (regionUserNumber, generatedMeshUserNumber, origin, err) |
Sets/changes the origin of a generated mesh on a region identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_originsetobj (generatedMesh, origin, err) |
Sets/changes the origin of a generated mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_typegetnumber (regionUserNumber, generatedMeshUserNumber, generatedMeshType, err) |
Returns the type of a generated mesh on a region identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_typegetobj (generatedMesh, generatedMeshType, err) |
Returns the type of a generated mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_typesetnumber (regionUserNumber, generatedMeshUserNumber, generatedMeshType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of a generated mesh on a region identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_typesetobj (generatedMesh, generatedMeshType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of a generated mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_geometricparameterscalculatenumber (regionUserNumber, generatedMeshUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, err) |
Calculates and sets the geometric field parameters for a generated mesh identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_geometricparameterscalculateobj (generatedMesh, field, err) |
Calculates and sets the geometric field parameters for a generated mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_surfacegetnumber0 (regionUserNumber, generatedMeshUserNumber, surfaceType, surfaceNodes, normalXi, err) |
Returns a list of the nodes belonging to a surface, and their normal xi direction, of a generated mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_surfacegetnumber1 (regionUserNumber, meshComponent, generatedMeshUserNumber, surfaceType, surfaceNodes, normalXi, err) |
Returns a list of the nodes belonging to a surface, and their normal xi direction, of a generated mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_surfacegetobj0 (generatedMesh, surfaceType, surfaceNodes, normalXi, err) |
Returns a list of the nodes belonging to a surface, and their normal xi direction, of a generated mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generatedmesh_surfacegetobj1 (generatedMesh, meshComponent, surfaceType, surfaceNodes, normalXi, err) |
Returns a list of the nodes belonging to a surface, and their normal xi direction, of a generated mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshembedding_initialise (meshEmbedding, err) |
Initialises a EmbeddedMeshType object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshembedding_createnumber (regionOneUserNumber, regionTwoUserNumber, meshEmbedding, parentMeshUserNumber, childMeshUserNumber, err) |
Creates a mesh embedding. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshembedding_createobj (meshEmbedding, parentMesh, childMesh, err) |
Creates a mesh embedding. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshembedding_setchildnodepositionobj (meshEmbedding, elementNumber, nodeNumbers, xiCoords, err) |
Sets the embedded nodes for one parent element. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshembedding_pushdataobj (meshEmbedding, parentField, parentComponent, childField, childComponent, err) |
Pushes data to embedded mesh. Will generally be used at library and not API level. /TODO: Parameter set etc, function name? More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshembedding_setgausspointdataobj (meshEmbedding, parentElementNumber, gaussPointNumber, parentXiCoords, childElementNumber, childXiCoords, err) |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshembedding_pullgausspointdataobj (meshEmbedding, parentField, parentComponent, childField, childComponent, err) |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_parametersetgetgausspointcoordobj (meshEmbedding, componentNumber, numberOfGaussPoints, coords, err) |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_createfinishnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the creation of an interface identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_createfinishobj (interface, err) |
Finishes the creation of an interface identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_createstartnumber (interfaceUserNumber, regionUserNumber, err) |
Starts the creation of an interface identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_createstartobj (interfaceUserNumber, region, interface, err) |
Starts the creation of an interface identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_coordinatesystemsetnumber (parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, coordinateSystemUserNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the coordinate system for an interface identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_coordinatesystemsetobj (interface, coordinateSystem, err) |
Sets/changes the coordinate system for an interface identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_coordinatesystemgetnumber (parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, coordinateSystemUserNumber, err) |
Returns the coordinate system for an interface identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_coordinatesystemgetobj (Interface, CoordinateSystem, err) |
Returns the coordinate system for an interface identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_destroynumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, err) |
Destroys an interface identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_destroyobj (interface, err) |
Destroys an interface identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_labelgetcnumber (parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, label, err) |
Returns the character string label for an interface identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_labelgetcobj (interface, label, err) |
Returns the character string label for an interface identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_labelgetvsnumber (parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, label, err) |
Returns the varying string label for an interface identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_labelgetvsobj (interface, label, err) |
Returns the varying string label for an interface identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_labelsetcnumber (parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character string label for an interface identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_labelsetcobj (interface, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character string label for an interface identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_labelsetvsnumber (parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the varying string label for an interface identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_labelsetvsobj (interface, label, err) |
Sets/changes string label for an interface identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_nodesgetobj (interface, nodes, err) |
Returns the nodes for a interface identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_meshaddnumber (interfaceRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, meshRegionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, meshIndex, err) |
Adds a mesh to be coupled in an interface identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_meshaddobj (interface, mesh, meshIndex, err) |
Adds a mesh to be coupled in an interface identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_createfinishnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the creation of an interface coupled mesh connectivity identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_createfinishobj (interfaceMeshConnectivity, err) |
Finishes the creation of an interface meshes connectivity identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_createstartnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, meshNumber, err) |
Starts the creation of an interface meshes connectivity identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_createstartobj (interface, interfaceMesh, interfaceMeshConnectivity, err) |
Starts the creation of an interface meshes connectivity identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_elementnumbersetnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceElementNumber, coupledMeshIndexNumber, coupledMeshElementNumber, err) |
Sets the connectivity between an element in a coupled mesh to an element in the interface mesh. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_elementnumbersetobj (interfaceMeshConnectivity, interfaceElementNumber, coupledMeshIndexNumber, coupledMeshElementNumber, err) |
Sets the connectivity between an element in a coupled mesh to an element in the interface mesh. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_nodenumbersetnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceElementNumber, coupledMeshIndexNumber, coupledMeshElementNumber, err) |
Sets the connectivity between an element in a coupled mesh to an element in the interface mesh. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_nodenumbersetobj (interfaceMeshConnectivity, interfaceNodeNumbers, firstCoupledMeshIndexNumber, firstCoupledMeshNodeNumbers, secondCoupledMeshIndexNumber, secondCoupledMeshNodeNumbers, err) |
Sets the connectivity between nodes in coupled meshes to nodes in the interface mesh. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_elementxisetnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceElementNumber, coupledMeshIndexNumber, coupledMeshElementNumber, interfaceMeshLocalNodeNumber, interfaceMeshComponentNodeNumber, xi, err) |
Sets the mapping from an xi position of a coupled mesh element to a node of an interface mesh element. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_elementxisetobj (interfaceMeshConnectivity, interfaceElementNumber, coupledMeshIndexNumber, coupledMeshElementNumber, interfaceMeshLocalNodeNumber, interfaceMeshComponentNodeNumber, xi, err) |
Sets the mapping from an xi position of a coupled mesh element to a node of an interface mesh element. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_basissetnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceBasisNumber, err) |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_basissetobj (interfaceMeshConnectivity, interfaceMappingBasis, err) |
Sets the basis for the mesh connectivity. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_destroynumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, err) |
Destroys an interface meshes connectivity identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacemeshconnectivity_destroyobj (interfaceMeshConnectivity, err) |
Destroys an interface meshes connectivity identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_createfinishnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the creation of an interface coupled mesh points connectivity identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_createfinishobj (interfacePointsConnectivity, err) |
Finishes the creation of an interface meshes connectivity identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_createstartnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, MeshNumber, err) |
Starts the creation of an interface points connectivity identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_createstartobj (interface, interfaceMesh, interfacePointsConnectivity, err) |
Starts the creation of an interface points connectivity identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_destroynumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, err) |
Destroys an interface points connectivity identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_destroyobj (interfacePointsConnectivity, err) |
Destroys an interface points connectivity identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_elementnumbergetnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceDataPointIndexNumber, coupledMeshIndexNumber, meshComponentNumber, coupledMeshElementNumber, err) |
Gets coupled mesh element number that the data point in the interface is connected to. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_elementnumbergetobj (interfacePointsConnectivity, interfaceDataPointIndexNumber, coupledMeshIndexNumber, meshComponentNumber, coupledMeshElementNumber, err) |
Gets coupled mesh element number that the data point in the interface is connected to. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_elementnumbersetnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceDataPointIndexNumber, coupledMeshIndexNumber, coupledMeshElementNumber, meshComponentNumber, err) |
Sets coupled mesh element number that the data point in the interface is connected to. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_elementnumbersetobj (interfacePointsConnectivity, interfaceDataPointIndexNumber, coupledMeshIndexNumber, coupledMeshElementNumber, meshComponentNumber, err) |
Sets coupled mesh element number that the data point in the interface is connected to. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_pointxigetnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceDataPointIndexNumber, coupledMeshIndexNumber, xi, err) |
Gets the xi coordinate mapping between the data points in interface and xi coordinates in a coupled region mesh. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_pointxigetobj (interfacePointsConnectivity, interfaceDataPointIndexNumber, coupledMeshIndexNumber, xi, err) |
Gets the xi coordinate mapping between the interface data points and xi coordinates in a coupled region mesh. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_pointxisetnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceDataPointIndexNumber, coupledMeshIndexNumber, xi, err) |
Sets the xi coordinate mapping between the data points in interface and xi coordinates in a coupled region mesh. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_pointxisetobj (interfacePointsConnectivity, interfaceDataPointIndexNumber, coupledMeshIndexNumber, xi, err) |
Sets the xi coordinate mapping between the interface data points and xi coordinates in a coupled region mesh. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_updatefromprojectionrnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, dataPointsRegionUserNumber, dataProjectionUserNumber, coupledMeshIndex, err) |
Update points connectivity with projection results, data projection identified by region user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_updatefromprojectioninumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, dataPointsRegionUserNumber, dataPointsInterfaceUserNumber, dataProjectionUserNumber, coupledMeshIndex, err) |
Update points connectivity with projection results, data projection identified by interface user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacepointsconnectivity_updatefromprojectionobj (pointsConnectivity, dataProjection, coupledMeshIndex, err) |
Update points connectivity with projection results, data projection identified by object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_createfinishnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceConditionUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the creation of an interface condition identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_createfinishobj (interfaceCondition, err) |
Finishes the creation of an interface condition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_createstartnumber (interfaceConditionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, geometricFieldUserNumber, err) |
Starts the creation of an interface condition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_createstartobj (interfaceConditionUserNumber, interface, geometricField, interfaceCondition, err) |
Starts the creation of an interface condition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_dependentvariableaddnumber (interfaceRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceConditionUserNumber, meshIndex, equationsSetRegionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, variableType, err) |
Adds a dependent variable to an interface condition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_dependentvariableaddobj (interfaceCondition, meshIndex, equationsSet, variableType, err) |
Adds a dependent field variable to an interface condition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_destroynumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceConditionUserNumber, err) |
Destroys an interface condition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_destroyobj (interfaceCondition, err) |
Destroys an interface condition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_equationscreatefinishnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceConditionUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the creation of equations for an interface condition identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_equationscreatefinishobj (interfaceCondition, err) |
Finishes the creation of interface equations for an interface condition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_equationscreatestartnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceConditionUserNumber, err) |
Starts the creation of interface equations for an interface condition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_equationscreatestartobj (interfaceCondition, interfaceEquations, err) |
Starts the creation of interface equations for an interface condition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_equationsdestroynumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceConditionUserNumber, err) |
Destroys interface equations for an interface condition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_equationsdestroyobj (interfaceCondition, err) |
Destroys the interface equations for an interface condition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_integrationtypegetnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceConditionUserNumber, interfaceConditionIntegrationType, err) |
Returns the integration type for an interface condition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_integrationtypegetobj (interfaceCondition, interfaceConditionIntegrationType, err) |
Gets the integration type for an interface condition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_integrationtypesetnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceConditionUserNumber, interfaceConditionIntegrationType, err) |
Sets/changes the integration type for an interface condition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_integrationtypesetobj (interfaceCondition, interfaceConditionIntegrationType, err) |
Sets/changes the integration type for an interface condition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_lagrangefieldcreatefinishnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceConditionUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the creation of a Lagrange Multiplier Field for an interface condition identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_lagrangefieldcreatefinishobj (interfaceCondition, err) |
Finishes the creation of a Lagrange multiplier field for an interface condition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_lagrangefieldcreatestartnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceConditionUserNumber, lagrangeFieldUserNumber, err) |
Starts the creation of a Lagrange multiplier field for an interface condition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_lagrangefieldcreatestartobj (interfaceCondition, lagrangeFieldUserNumber, lagrangeField, err) |
Starts the creation of a Lagrange multiplier field for an interface condition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_penaltyfieldcreatefinishnumber (RegionUserNumber, InterfaceUserNumber, InterfaceConditionUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the creation of a penalty Field for an interface condition identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_penaltyfieldcreatefinishobj (InterfaceCondition, err) |
Finishes the creation of a penalty field for an interface condition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_penaltyfieldcreatestartnumber (RegionUserNumber, InterfaceUserNumber, InterfaceConditionUserNumber, PenaltyFieldUserNumber, err) |
Starts the creation of a penalty field for an interface condition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_penaltyfieldcreatestartobj (InterfaceCondition, PenaltyFieldUserNumber, PenaltyField, err) |
Starts the creation of a penalty field for an interface condition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_methodgetnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceConditionUserNumber, interfaceConditionMethod, err) |
Returns the method for an interface condition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_methodgetobj (interfaceCondition, interfaceConditionMethod, err) |
Gets the method for an interface condition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_methodsetnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceConditionUserNumber, interfaceConditionMethod, err) |
Sets/changes the method for an interface condition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_methodsetobj (interfaceCondition, interfaceConditionMethod, err) |
Sets/changes the method for an interface condition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_operatorgetnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceConditionUserNumber, interfaceConditionOperator, err) |
Returns the operator for an interface condition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_operatorgetobj (interfaceCondition, interfaceConditionOperator, err) |
Gets the operator for an interface condition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_operatorsetnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceConditionUserNumber, interfaceConditionOperator, err) |
Sets/changes the operator for an interface condition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacecondition_operatorsetobj (interfaceCondition, interfaceConditionOperator, err) |
Sets/changes the operator for an interface condition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfaceequations_outputtypegetnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceConditionUserNumber, outputType, err) |
Returns the output type for an interface equations identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfaceequations_outputtypegetobj (interfaceEquations, outputType, err) |
Gets the output type for an interface equations identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfaceequations_outputtypesetnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceConditionUserNumber, outputType, err) |
Sets/changes the output type for an interface equations identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfaceequations_outputtypesetobj (interfaceEquations, outputType, err) |
Sets/changes the output type for an interface equations identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfaceequations_sparsitygetnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceConditionUserNumber, sparsityType, err) |
Returns the sparsity type for an interface equations identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfaceequations_sparsitygetobj (interfaceEquations, sparsityType, err) |
Gets the sparsity type for an interface equations identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfaceequations_sparsitysetnumber (regionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceConditionUserNumber, sparsityType, err) |
Sets/changes the sparsity type for an interface equations identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfaceequations_sparsitysetobj (interfaceEquations, sparsityType, err) |
Sets/changes the sparsity type for an interface equations identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_createfinishnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, decompositionUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the creation of a domain decomposition for a decomposition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_createfinishobj (decomposition, err) |
Finishes the creation of a domain decomposition for a decomposition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_topologydataprojectioncalculateobj (decomposition, err) |
Calculates the decomposition topology for data points. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_topologyelementdatapointlocalnumbergetobj (decomposition, elementNumber, dataPointIndex, dataPointLocalNumber, err) |
Gets the local data point number for data points projected on an element. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_topologyelementdatapointusernumbergetobj (decomposition, elementNumber, dataPointIndex, dataPointUserNumber, err) |
Gets the user data point number for data points projected on an element. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_topologynumberofelementdatapointsgetobj (decomposition, elementNumber, numberOfDataPoints, err) |
Gets the number of data points projected on an element. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_createstartnumber (decompositionUserNumber, regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, err) |
Starts the creation of a domain decomposition for a decomposition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_createstartobj (decompositionUserNumber, mesh, decomposition, err) |
Starts the creation of a domain decomposition for a decomposition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_destroynumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, decompositionUserNumber, err) |
Destroys a decomposition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_destroyobj (decomposition, err) |
Destroys a decomposition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_elementdomaincalculatenumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, decompositionUserNumber, err) |
Calculates the element domains for a decomposition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_elementdomaincalculateobj (decomposition, err) |
Calculates the element domains for a decomposition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_elementdomaingetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, decompositionUserNumber, elementUserNumber, domain, err) |
Returns the domain for a given element in a decomposition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_elementdomaingetobj (decomposition, elementUserNumber, domain, err) |
Returns the domain for a given element in a decomposition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_elementdomainsetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, decompositionUserNumber, elementUserNumber, domain, err) |
Sets/changes the domain for a given element in a decomposition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_elementdomainsetobj (decomposition, elementUserNumber, domain, err) |
Sets/changes the domain for a given element in a decomposition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_meshcomponentgetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, decompositionUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, err) |
Returns the mesh component number used for the decomposition of a mesh for a decomposition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_meshcomponentgetobj (decomposition, meshComponentNumber, err) |
Returns the mesh component number used for the decomposition of a mesh for a decomposition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_meshcomponentsetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, decompositionUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the mesh component number used for the decomposition of a mesh for a decomposition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_meshcomponentsetobj (decomposition, meshComponentNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the mesh component number used for the decomposition of a mesh for a decomposition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_numberofdomainsgetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, decompositionUserNumber, numberOfDomains, err) |
Returns the number of domains for a decomposition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_numberofdomainsgetobj (decomposition, numberOfDomains, err) |
Returns the number of domains for a decomposition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_numberofdomainssetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, decompositionUserNumber, numberOfDomains, err) |
Sets/changes the number of domains for a decomposition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_numberofdomainssetobj (decomposition, numberOfDomains, err) |
Sets/changes the number of domains for a decomposition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_typegetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, decompositionUserNumber, decompositionType, err) |
Returns the type of a decomposition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_typegetobj (decomposition, decompositionType, err) |
Returns the type of a decomposition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_typesetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, decompositionUserNumber, decompositionType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of a decomposition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_typesetobj (decomposition, decompositionType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of a decomposition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_calculatelinessetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, decompositionUserNumber, calculateLinesFlag, err) |
Sets whether lines should be calculated. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_calculatelinessetobj (decomposition, calculateLinesFlag, err) |
Sets whether lines should be calculated. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_calculatefacessetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, decompositionUserNumber, calculateFacesFlag, err) |
Sets whether faces should be calculated. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_calculatefacessetobj (decomposition, calculateFacesFlag, err) |
Sets whether faces should be calculated. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_nodedomaingetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, decompositionUserNumber, nodeUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, domain, err) |
Returns the domain for a given node in a decomposition identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_nodedomaingetobj (decomposition, nodeUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, domain, err) |
Returns the domain for a given node in a decomposition identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_createfinishnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the creation of a mesh for a mesh identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_createfinishobj (mesh, err) |
Finishes the creation of a mesh for a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_createstartnumber (meshUserNumber, regionUserNumber, numberOfDimensions, err) |
Starts the creation of a mesh for a mesh identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_createstartobj (meshUserNumber, region, numberOfDimensions, mesh, err) |
Starts the creation of a mesh for a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_createstartinterfaceobj (meshUserNumber, interface, numberOfDimensions, mesh, err) |
Starts the creation of a mesh for a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_destroynumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, err) |
Destroys a mesh identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_destroyobj (mesh, err) |
Destroys a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_numberofcomponentsgetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, numberOfComponents, err) |
Returns the number of components in a mesh identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_numberofcomponentsgetobj (mesh, numberOfComponents, err) |
Returns the number of components in a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_numberofcomponentssetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, numberOfComponents, err) |
Sets/changes the number of components in a mesh identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_numberofcomponentssetobj (mesh, numberOfComponents, err) |
Sets/changes the number of components in a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_surroundingelementscalculatesetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, surroundingElementsCalculateFlag, err) |
Sets/changes the surrounding elements calculate flag. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_surroundingelementscalculatesetobj (mesh, surroundingElementsCalculateFlag, err) |
Sets/changes the surrounding elements calculate flag. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_numberofelementsgetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, numberOfElements, err) |
Returns the number of elements in a mesh identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_numberofelementsgetobj (mesh, numberOfElements, err) |
Returns the number of elements in a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_numberofelementssetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, numberOfElements, err) |
Sets/changes the number of elements in a mesh identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_numberofelementssetobj (mesh, numberOfElements, err) |
Sets/changes the number of elements in a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_topologydatapointscalculateprojectionregionnumber (regionUserNumber, MeshUserNumber, DataProjection, err) |
Calculate mesh data points topology in a region identified by a user number based on projection. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_topologydatapointscalculateprojectioninterfacenumber (parentRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, MeshUserNumber, DataProjection, err) |
Calculate mesh data points topology in an interface identified by a user number based on projection. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_topologydatapointscalculateprojectionobj (Mesh, DataProjection, err) |
Calculate mesh data points topology identified by object based on projection. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_createfinishnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, err) |
Finishes creating elements for a mesh component of a mesh identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_createfinishobj (meshElements, err) |
Finishes creating elements for a mesh component of a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_createstartnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, basisUserNumber, err) |
Starts creating elements for a mesh component of a mesh identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_createstartobj (mesh, meshComponentNumber, basis, meshElements, err) |
Starts creating elements for a mesh component of a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_elementsgetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, meshElements, err) |
Returns the mesh elements for a mesh component on a mesh identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_elementsgetobj (mesh, meshComponentNumber, meshElements, err) |
Returns the mesh elements for a mesh component on a mesh identified by an. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_basisgetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, globalElementNumber, basisUserNumber, err) |
Returns the basis for an element in a mesh identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_basisgetobj (meshElements, globalElementNumber, basis, err) |
Returns the basis for an element in a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_basissetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, globalElementNumber, basisUserNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the basis for an element in a mesh identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_basissetobj (meshElements, globalElementNumber, basis, err) |
Sets/changes the basis for an element in a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_adjacentelementgetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, globalElementNumber, adjacentElementXi, adjacentElement, err) |
Returns the adjacent element number of a mesh identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_adjacentelementgetobj (meshElements, globalElementNumber, adjacentElementXi, adjacentElement, err) |
Returns the adjacent element number of a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_nodesgetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, globalElementNumber, elementUserNodes, err) |
Returns the element nodes for an element in a mesh identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_nodesgetobj (meshElements, globalElementNumber, elementUserNodes, err) |
Returns the element nodes for an element in a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_nodessetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, globalElementNumber, elementUserNodes, err) |
Sets/changes the element nodes for an element in a mesh identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_nodessetobj (meshElements, globalElementNumber, elementUserNodes, err) |
Sets/changes the element nodes for an element in a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_usernodeversionsetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, globalElementNumber, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, meshComponentNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the element nodes for an element in a mesh identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_usernodeversionsetobj (meshElements, globalElementNumber, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the element nodes for an element in a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_localelementnodeversionsetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, globalElementNumber, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, localElementNodeNumber, meshComponentNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the element nodes for an element in a mesh identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_localelementnodeversionsetobj (meshElements, globalElementNumber, versionNumber, derivativeNumber, localElementNodeNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the element nodes for an element in a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_usernumbergetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, elementGlobalNumber, elementUserNumber, err) |
Returns the user number for an element in a mesh identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_usernumbergetobj (meshElements, elementGlobalNumber, elementUserNumber, err) |
Returns the element user number for an element in a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_usernumbersetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, elementGlobalNumber, elementUserNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the user number for an element in a mesh identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_usernumbersetobj (meshElements, elementGlobalNumber, elementUserNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the element user number for an element in a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_usernumbersallsetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, elementUserNumbers, err) |
Sets/changes the user numbers for all elements in a mesh identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshelements_usernumbersallsetobj (meshElements, elementUserNumbers, err) |
Sets/changes the element user numbers for all elements in a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_nodeexistsnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, nodeUserNumber, nodeExists, err) |
Checks if the given node exists on the given mesh component. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_nodeexistsobj (mesh, meshComponentNumber, nodeUserNumber, nodeExists, err) |
Checks if the given node exists on the given mesh component. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_elementexistsnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, elementUserNumber, elementExists, err) |
Checks if the given element exists on the given mesh component. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_elementexistsobj (mesh, meshComponentNumber, elementUserNumber, elementExists, err) |
Checks if the given element exists on the given mesh component. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_nodesgetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, meshNodes, err) |
Returns the mesh nodes for a mesh component on a mesh identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_mesh_nodesgetobj (mesh, meshComponentNumber, meshNodes, err) |
Returns the mesh nodes for a mesh component on a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshnodes_numberofnodesgetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, numberOfNodes, err) |
Returns the number of nodes at a node in a mesh identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshnodes_numberofnodesgetobj (meshNodes, numberOfNodes, err) |
Returns the number of derivatives for a node in a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshnodes_numberofderivativesgetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, userNodeNumber, numberOfDerivatives, err) |
Returns the number of derivatives at a node in a mesh identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshnodes_numberofderivativesgetobj (meshNodes, userNodeNumber, numberOfDerivatives, err) |
Returns the number of derivatives for a node in a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshnodes_derivativesgetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, userNodeNumber, derivatives, err) |
Returns the derivatives at a node in a mesh identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshnodes_derivativesgetobj (meshNodes, userNodeNumber, derivatives, err) |
Returns the derivatives for a node in a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshnodes_numberofversionsgetnumber (regionUserNumber, meshUserNumber, meshComponentNumber, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, numberOfVersions, err) |
Returns the number of version at a derivative for a node in a mesh identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_meshnodes_numberofversionsgetobj (meshNodes, derivativeNumber, userNodeNumber, numberOfVersions, err) |
Returns the number of versions for an node in a mesh identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedmatrix_storagetypegetobj (matrix, storageType, err) |
Get the storage type for a distributed matrix. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedmatrix_datatypegetobj (matrix, dataType, err) |
Get the data type of a distributed matrix. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedmatrix_dimensionsgetobj (matrix, m, n, err) |
Get the dimensions of a distributed matrix on this computational node. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedmatrix_storagelocationsgetobj (matrix, rowIndices, columnIndices, err) |
Get the row indices and column indices for a sparse matrix. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedmatrix_datagetintgobj (matrix, data, err) |
Get the data array for this matrix on this computational node. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedmatrix_datarestoreintgobj (matrix, data, err) |
Restore the data array for this matrix once it has finished being used. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedmatrix_datagetdpobj (matrix, data, err) |
Get the data array for this matrix on this computational node. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedmatrix_datarestoredpobj (matrix, data, err) |
Restore the data array for this matrix once it has finished being used. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedmatrix_datagetspobj (matrix, data, err) |
Get the data array for this matrix on this computational node. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedmatrix_datarestorespobj (matrix, data, err) |
Restore the data array for this matrix once it has finished being used. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedmatrix_datagetlobj (matrix, data, err) |
Get the data array for this matrix on this computational node. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedmatrix_datarestorelobj (matrix, data, err) |
Restore the data array for this matrix once it has finished being used. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedvector_datatypegetobj (vector, dataType, err) |
Get the data type of a distributed vector. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedvector_datagetintgobj (vector, data, err) |
Get the data array for this vector on this computational node. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedvector_datarestoreintgobj (vector, data, err) |
Restore the data array for this vector once it has finished being used. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedvector_datagetdpobj (vector, data, err) |
Get the data array for this vector on this computational node. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedvector_datarestoredpobj (vector, data, err) |
Restore the data array for this vector once it has finished being used. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedvector_datagetspobj (vector, data, err) |
Get the data array for this vector on this computational node. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedvector_datarestorespobj (vector, data, err) |
Restore the data array for this vector once it has finished being used. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedvector_datagetlobj (vector, data, err) |
Get the data array for this vector on this computational node. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_distributedvector_datarestorelobj (vector, data, err) |
Restore the data array for this vector once it has finished being used. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_createfinishnumber (regionUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the process of creating nodes in a region for nodes identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_createfinishobj (nodes, err) |
Finishes the creation of a nodes in a region for nodes identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_createstartnumber (regionUserNumber, numberOfNodes, err) |
Starts the process of creating nodes in a region for nodes identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_createstartobj (region, numberOfNodes, nodes, err) |
Starts the creation of a nodes in a region for nodes identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_createstartinterfaceobj (interface, numberOfNodes, nodes, err) |
Starts the creation of a nodes in a region for nodes identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_destroynumber (regionUserNumber, err) |
Destroys the nodes in a region for nodes identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_destroyobj (nodes, err) |
Destroys the nodes in a region for nodes identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_numberofnodesgetnumber (regionUserNumber, numberOfNodes, err) |
Returns the number of nodes. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_numberofnodesgetobj (nodes, numberOfNodes, err) |
Returns the number of nodes. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_labelgetcnumber (regionUserNumber, nodeGlobalNumber, label, err) |
Returns the character label for a node in a set of nodes identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_labelgetcobj (nodes, nodeGlobalNumber, label, err) |
Returns the character label for a node in a set of nodes identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_labelgetvsnumber (regionUserNumber, nodeGlobalNumber, label, err) |
Returns the varying string label for a node in a set of nodes identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_labelgetvsobj (nodes, nodeGlobalNumber, label, err) |
Returns the varying string label for a node in a set of nodes identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_labelsetcnumber (regionUserNumber, nodeGlobalNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character label for a node in a set of nodes identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_labelsetcobj (nodes, nodeGlobalNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character label for a node in a set of nodes identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_labelsetvsnumber (regionUserNumber, nodeGlobalNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the varying string label for a node in a set of nodes identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_labelsetvsobj (nodes, nodeGlobalNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the varying string label for a node in a set of nodes identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_usernumbergetnumber (regionUserNumber, nodeGlobalNumber, nodeUserNumber, err) |
Returns the user number for a node in a set of nodes identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_usernumbergetobj (nodes, nodeGlobalNumber, nodeUserNumber, err) |
Returns the user number for a node in a set of nodes identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_usernumbersetnumber (regionUserNumber, nodeGlobalNumber, nodeUserNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the user number for a node in a set of nodes identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_usernumbersetobj (nodes, nodeGlobalNumber, nodeUserNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the user number for a node in a set of nodes identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_usernumbersallsetnumber (regionUserNumber, nodeUserNumbers, err) |
Sets/changes the user numbers for a set of nodes identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_nodes_usernumbersallsetobj (nodes, nodeUserNumbers, err) |
Sets/changes the user numbers for a set of nodes identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_cellmlequationscreatefinishnumber (problemUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the process of creating CellML equations for a problem identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_cellmlequationscreatefinishobj (problem, err) |
Finishes the creation of CellML equations for problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_cellmlequationscreatestartnumber (problemUserNumber, err) |
Starts the process of creating CellML equations for a problem identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_cellmlequationscreatestartobj (problem, err) |
Starts the creation of CellML equations for problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_cellmlequationsgetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, CellMLEquations, err) |
Returns the CellML equations from a problem identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_cellmlequationsgetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, CellMLEquations, err) |
Returns the CellML equations from a problem identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_cellmlequationsgetobj0 (problem, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, CellMLEquations, err) |
Returns the CellML equations from a problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_cellmlequationsgetobj1 (problem, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, CellMLEquations, err) |
Returns the CellML equations from a problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_createfinishnumber (problemUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the process of a problem identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_createfinishobj (problem, err) |
Finishes the creation of a problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_createstartnumber (problemUserNumber, problemSpecification, err) |
Starts the process of a problem identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_createstartobj (problemUserNumber, problemSpecification, problem, err) |
Starts the creation of a problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_controlloopcreatefinishnumber (problemUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the process of creating a control loop for a problem identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_controlloopcreatefinishobj (problem, err) |
Finishes the creation of a control loop on a problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_controlloopcreatestartnumber (problemUserNumber, err) |
Starts the process of creating a control loop for a problem identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_controlloopcreatestartobj (problem, err) |
Starts the creation of a control loop on a problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_controlloopdestroynumber (problemUserNumber, err) |
Destroys the control loops for a problem identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_controlloopdestroyobj (problem, err) |
Destroys the control loops on a problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_controlloopgetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, controlLoop, err) |
Returns a control loop from a problem identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_controlloopgetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, controlLoop, err) |
Returns a control loop from a problem identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_controlloopgetobj0 (problem, controlLoopIdentifier, controlLoop, err) |
Returns a control loop from a problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_controlloopgetobj1 (problem, controlLoopIdentifiers, controlLoop, err) |
Returns a control loop from a problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_destroynumber (problemUserNumber, err) |
Destroys a problem identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_destroyobj (problem, err) |
Destroys a problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solvenumber (problemUserNumber, err) |
Solves a problem identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solveobj (problem, err) |
Solves a problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solvergetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, solver, err) |
Returns a solver from a problem identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solvergetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, solver, err) |
Returns a solver from a problem identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solvergetobj0 (problem, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, solver, err) |
Returns a solver from a problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solvergetobj1 (problem, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, solver, err) |
Returns a solver from a problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_boundaryconditionsanalyticnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, err) |
Set boundary conditions for solver equations according to the analytic equations for solver equations identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_boundaryconditionsanalyticnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, err) |
Set boundary conditions for solver equations according to the analytic equations for solver equations identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_boundaryconditionsanalyticobj (solverEquations, err) |
Set boundary conditions for solver equations according to the analytic equations. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverequationscreatefinishnumber (problemUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the process of creating solver equations for a problem identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverequationscreatefinishobj (problem, err) |
Finishes the creation of solver equations for problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverequationscreatestartnumber (problemUserNumber, err) |
Starts the process of creating solver equations for a problem identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverequationscreatestartobj (problem, err) |
Starts the creation of solver equations for problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverequationsdestroynumber (problemUserNumber, err) |
Destroys the solver equations for a problem identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverequationsdestroyobj (problem, err) |
Destroys the solver equations for problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverequationsgetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, solverEquations, err) |
Returns the solver equations from a problem identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverequationsgetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, solverEquations, err) |
Returns the solver equations from a problem identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverequationsgetobj0 (problem, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, solverEquations, err) |
Returns the solver equations from a problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverequationsgetobj1 (problem, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, solverEquations, err) |
Returns the solver equations from a problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverscreatefinishnumber (problemUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the process of creating solvers for a problem identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverscreatefinishobj (problem, err) |
Finishes the creation of solvers for problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverscreatestartnumber (problemUserNumber, err) |
Starts the process of creating solvers for a problem identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solverscreatestartobj (problem, err) |
Starts the creation of solvers for problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solversdestroynumber (problemUserNumber, err) |
Destroys the solvers for a problem identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_solversdestroyobj (problem, err) |
Destroys the solvers for problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_specificationgetnumber (problemUserNumber, problemSpecification, err) |
Returns the specification array for a problem identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_specificationgetobj (problem, problemSpecification, err) |
Returns the specification array for a problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_specificationsizegetnumber (problemUserNumber, specificationSize, err) |
Returns the size of the specification array for a problem identified by a user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_specificationsizegetobj (problem, specificationSize, err) |
Returns the size of the specification array for a problem identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_coordinatesystemgetnumber (regionUserNumber, coordinateSystemUserNumber, err) |
Returns the coordinate system for a region identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_coordinatesystemgetobj (region, coordinateSystem, err) |
Returns the coordinate system for a region identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_coordinatesystemsetnumber (regionUserNumber, coordinateSystemUserNumber, err) |
Sets/changes the coordinate system for a region identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_coordinatesystemsetobj (region, coordinateSystem, err) |
Sets/changes the coordinate system for a region identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_createfinishnumber (regionUserNumber, err) |
Finishes the process of creating a region identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_createfinishobj (region, err) |
Finishes the creation of a region identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_createstartnumber (regionUserNumber, parentRegionUserNumber, err) |
Starts the process creating a region identified by user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_createstartobj (regionUserNumber, parentRegion, region, err) |
Starts the creation of a region identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_destroynumber (regionUserNumber, err) |
Destroys a region identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_datapointsgetobj (region, dataPoints, err) |
Returns the data points for a region identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_destroyobj (region, err) |
Destroys a region identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_labelgetcnumber (regionUserNumber, label, err) |
Returns the character string label for a region identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_labelgetcobj (region, label, err) |
Returns the character string label for a region identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_labelgetvsnumber (regionUserNumber, label, err) |
Returns the varying string label for a region identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_labelgetvsobj (region, label, err) |
Returns the varying string label for a region identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_labelsetcnumber (regionUserNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character string label for a region identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_labelsetcobj (region, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character string label for a region identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_labelsetvsnumber (regionUserNumber, label, err) |
Sets/changes the varying string label for a region identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_labelsetvsobj (region, label, err) |
Sets/changes string label for a region identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_region_nodesgetobj (region, nodes, err) |
Returns the nodes for a region identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellmlequations_cellmladdnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, CellMLIndex, err) |
Adds a CellML environment to CellML equations identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellmlequations_cellmladdnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, regionUserNumber, CellMLUserNumber, CellMLIndex, err) |
Adds a CellML environment to CellML equations identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellmlequations_cellmladdobj (CellMLEquations, CellML, CellMLIndex, err) |
Adds a CellML environment to CellML equations identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_cellmlequationsgetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, CellMLEquations, err) |
Returns the CellML equations for a solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_cellmlequationsgetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, CellMLEquations, err) |
Returns the CellML equations for a solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_cellmlequationsgetobj (solver, CellMLEquations, err) |
Returns the CellML equations for a solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daeeulersolvertypegetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, DAEEulerSolverType, err) |
Returns the solve type for an Euler differential-algebraic equation solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daeeulersolvertypegetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, DAEEulerSolverType, err) |
Returns the solve type for an Euler differential-algebraic equation solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daeeulersolvertypegetobj (solver, DAEEulerSolverType, err) |
Returns the solve type for an Euler differential-algebraic equation solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daeeulersolvertypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, DAEEulerSolverType, err) |
Sets/changes the solve type for an Euler differential-algebraic equation solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daeeulersolvertypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, DAEEulerSolverType, err) |
Sets/changes the solve type for an Euler differential-algebraic equation solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daeeulersolvertypesetobj (solver, DAEEulerSolverType, err) |
Sets/changes the solve type for an Euler differential-algebraic equation solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daesolvertypegetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, DAESolverType, err) |
Returns the solve type for an differential-algebraic equation solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daesolvertypegetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, DAESolverType, err) |
Returns the solve type for an differential-algebraic equation solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daesolvertypegetobj (solver, DAESolverType, err) |
Returns the solve type for an differential-algebraic equation solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daesolvertypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, DAESolverType, err) |
Sets/changes the solve type for an differential-algebraic equation solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daesolvertypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, DAESolverType, err) |
Sets/changes the solve type for an differential-algebraic equation solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daesolvertypesetobj (solver, DAESolverType, err) |
Sets/changes the solve type for an differential-algebraic equation solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daetimessetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, startTime, endTime, err) |
Sets/changes the times for an differential-algebraic equation solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daetimessetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, startTime, endTime, err) |
Sets/changes the times for an differential-algebraic equation solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daetimessetobj (solver, startTime, endTime, err) |
Sets/changes the times for an differential-algebraic equation solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daetimestepsetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, timeStep, err) |
Sets/changes the (initial) time step for an differential-algebraic equation solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daetimestepsetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, timeStep, err) |
Sets/changes the (initial) time step for an differential-algebraic equation solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_daetimestepsetobj (solver, timeStep, err) |
Sets/changes the (initial) time step for an differential-algebraic equation solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicdegreegetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, degree, err) |
Returns the degree of the polynomial used to interpolate time for a dynamic solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicdegreegetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, degree, err) |
Returns the degree of the polynomial used to interpolate time for a dynamic solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicdegreegetobj (solver, degree, err) |
Returns the degree of the polynomial used to interpolate time for a dynamic solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicdegreesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, degree, err) |
Sets/changes the degree of the polynomial used to interpolate time for a dynamic solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicdegreesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, degree, err) |
Sets/changes the degree of the polynomial used to interpolate time for a dynamic solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicdegreesetobj (solver, degree, err) |
Sets/changes the degree of the polynomial used to interpolate time for a dynamic solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamiclinearitytypegetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, linearityType, err) |
Returns the linearity type for a dynamic solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamiclinearitytypegetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, linearityType, err) |
Returns the linearity type for a dynamic solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamiclinearitytypegetobj (solver, linearityType, err) |
Returns the linearity type for a dynamic solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicnonlinearsolvergetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, nonlinearSolverIndex, err) |
Returns the nonlinear solver associated with a nonlinear dynamic solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicnonlinearsolvergetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, nonlinearSolverIndex, err) |
Returns the nonlinear solver associated with a nonlinear dynamic solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicnonlinearsolvergetobj (solver, nonlinearSolver, err) |
Returns the nonlinear solver associated with a nonlinear dynamic solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamiclinearsolvergetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, linearSolverIndex, err) |
Returns the linear solver associated with a linear dynamic solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamiclinearsolvergetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, linearSolverIndex, err) |
Returns the linear solver associated with a linear dynamic solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamiclinearsolvergetobj (solver, linearSolver, err) |
Returns the linear solver associated with a linear dynamic solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicschemesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, scheme, err) |
Sets/changes the scheme for a dynamic solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicschemesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, scheme, err) |
Sets/changes the scheme for a dynamic solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicschemesetobj (solver, scheme, err) |
Sets/changes the scheme for a dynamic solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicthetasetnumber00 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, theta, err) |
Sets/changes the theta value for a dynamic solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicthetasetnumber01 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, thetas, err) |
Sets/changes the theta value for a dynamic solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicthetasetnumber10 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, theta, err) |
Sets/changes the theta for a dynamic solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicthetasetnumber11 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, thetas, err) |
Sets/changes the theta for a dynamic solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicthetasetobj0 (solver, theta, err) |
Sets/changes the theta for a dynamic solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamicthetasetobj1 (solver, thetas, err) |
Sets/changes the theta for a dynamic solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamictimessetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, currentTime, timeIncrement, err) |
Sets/changes the times for a dynamic solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamictimessetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, currentTime, timeIncrement, err) |
Sets/changes the times for a dynamic solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamictimessetobj (solver, currentTime, timeIncrement, err) |
Sets/changes the times for a dynamic solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationarbitrarypathsetnumber (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, arbitraryPath, err) |
Sets the arbitrary path logical for a geometric transformation identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationarbitrarypathsetobj (solver, arbitraryPath, err) |
Sets the arbitrary path logical for a geometric transformation solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationclearnumber (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, err) |
Clear transformation a geometric transformation identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationclearobj (solver, err) |
Clear transformation for a geometric transformation solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationfieldsetnumber (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, regionUserNumber, fieldUserNumber, variableType, err) |
Sets the field for a geometric transformation identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationfieldsetobj (solver, field, variableType, err) |
Sets the field for a geometric transformation solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationmatrixsetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, matrix, err) |
Sets the full transformation matrix for a geometric transformation identified by an user number, default to be the 1st load increment. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationmatrixsetobj0 (solver, matrix, err) |
Sets the full transformation matrix for a geometric transformation solver identified by an object, default to be the 1st load increment. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationmatrixsetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, matrix, loadIncrementIdx, err) |
Sets the full transformation matrix at a specific increment for a geometric transformation identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationmatrixsetobj1 (solver, matrix, loadIncrementIdx, err) |
Sets the full transformation matrix vector at a specific load increment for a geometric transformation solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationnoloadincrementssetnumber (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, numberOfIncrements, err) |
Sets the arbitrary path logical for a geometric transformation identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationnoloadincrementssetobj (solver, numberOfIncrements, err) |
Sets the arbitrary path logical for a geometric transformation solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationrotationsetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, pivotPoint, axis, angle, err) |
Sets the rotation for a geometric transformation identified by an user number, default to be the 1st load increment. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationrotationsetobj0 (solver, pivotPoint, axis, angle, err) |
Sets the rotation for a geometric transformation solver identified by an object, default to be the 1st load increment. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationrotationsetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, pivotPoint, axis, angle, loadIncrementIdx, err) |
Sets the rotation at a specific increment for a geometric transformation identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationrotationsetobj1 (solver, pivotPoint, axis, angle, loadIncrementIdx, err) |
Sets the rotation at a specific load increment for a geometric transformation solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationscalingssetnumber (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, scalings, err) |
Sets the scalings for a geometric transformation identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationscalingssetobj (solver, scalings, err) |
Sets the scalings for a geometric transformation solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationtranslationsetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, translation, err) |
Sets the translation for a geometric transformation identified by an user number, default to be the 1st load increment. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationtranslationsetobj0 (solver, translation, err) |
Sets the translation vector for a geometric transformation solver identified by an object, default to be the 1st load increment. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationtranslationsetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, translation, loadIncrementIdx, err) |
Sets the translation at a specific increment for a geometric transformation identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_geometrictransformationtranslationsetobj1 (solver, translation, loadIncrementIdx, err) |
Sets the translation vector at a specific load increment for a geometric transformation solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_labelgetcnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, label, err) |
Returns the character string label for a solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_labelgetcnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, label, err) |
Returns the character string label for a solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_labelgetcobj (solver, label, err) |
Returns the character string label for a solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_labelgetvsnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, label, err) |
Returns the varying string label for a solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_labelgetvsnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, label, err) |
Returns the varying string label for a solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_labelgetvsobj (solver, label, err) |
Returns the varying string label for a solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_labelsetcnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character string label for a solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_labelsetcnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character string label for a solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_labelsetcobj (solver, label, err) |
Sets/changes the character string label for a solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_labelsetvsnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, label, err) |
Sets/changes the varying string label for a solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_labelsetvsnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, label, err) |
Sets/changes the varying string label for a solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_labelsetvsobj (solver, label, err) |
Sets/changes string label for a solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_librarytypegetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, libraryType, err) |
Returns the type of library for a solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_librarytypegetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, libraryType, err) |
Returns the library type for a solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_librarytypegetobj (solver, libraryType, err) |
Returns the library type for a solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_librarytypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, libraryType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of library for a solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_librarytypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, libraryType, err) |
Sets/changes the library type for a solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_librarytypesetobj (solver, libraryType, err) |
Sets/changes the library type for a solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineardirecttypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, directSolverType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of direct linear solver for a solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineardirecttypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, directSolverType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of direct linear solver for a solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineardirecttypesetobj (solver, directSolverType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of direct linear solver for a solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_mumpsseticntl (solver, icntl, ivalue, err) |
Sets/changes the MUMPS ICNTL(icntl)=ivalue integer control parameters through the PETSc-MUMPS interface. Must be called after the boundary conditions have been set up. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_mumpssetcntl (solver, icntl, val, err) |
Sets/changes the MUMPS CNTL(icntl)=val real/complex control parameters through the PETSc-MUMPS interface. Must be called after the boundary conditions have been set up. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativeabsolutetolerancesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, absoluteTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum absolute tolerance for an iterative linear solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativeabsolutetolerancesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, absoluteTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum absolute tolerance for an iterative linear solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativeabsolutetolerancesetobj (solver, absoluteTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum absolute tolerance for an iterative linear solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativedivergencetolerancesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, divergenceTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum divergence tolerance for an iterative linear solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativedivergencetolerancesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, divergenceTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum divergence tolerance for an iterative linear solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativedivergencetolerancesetobj (solver, divergenceTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum divergence tolerance for an iterative linear solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativegmresrestartsetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, GMRESRestart, err) |
Sets/changes the GMRES restart value for a GMRES iterative linear solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativegmresrestartsetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, GMRESRestart, err) |
Sets/changes the GMRES restart value for a GMRES iterative linear solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativegmresrestartsetobj (solver, GMRESRestart, err) |
Sets/changes the GMRES restart value for a GMRES iterative linear solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativemaximumiterationssetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, maximumIterations, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum number of iterations for an iterative linear solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativemaximumiterationssetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, maximumIterations, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum number of iterations for an iterative linear solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativemaximumiterationssetobj (solver, maximumIterations, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum number of iterations for an iterative linear solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativepreconditionertypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, preconditionerType, err) |
Sets/changes the preconditioner type for an iterative linear solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativepreconditionertypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, preconditionerType, err) |
Sets/changes the preconditioner type for an iterative linear solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativepreconditionertypesetobj (solver, preconditionerType, err) |
Sets/changes the preconditioner type for an iterative linear solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativerelativetolerancesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, relativeTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum relative tolerance for an iterative linear solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativerelativetolerancesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, relativeTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum relative tolerance for an iterative linear solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativerelativetolerancesetobj (solver, relativeTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum relative tolerance for an iterative linear solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativetypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, iterativeSolverType, err) |
Sets/changes the type for an iterative linear solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativetypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, iterativeSolverType, err) |
Sets/changes the type for an iterative linear solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineariterativetypesetobj (solver, iterativeSolverType, err) |
Sets/changes the type for an iterative linear solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineartypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, linearSolverType, err) |
Sets/changes the type for a linear solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineartypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, linearSolverType, err) |
Sets/changes the type for a linear solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lineartypesetobj (solver, linearSolverType, err) |
Sets/changes the type for a linear solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonabsolutetolerancesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, absoluteTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the absolute tolerance for an Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonabsolutetolerancesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, absoluteTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the absolute tolerance for a Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonabsolutetolerancesetobj (solver, absoluteTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the absolute tolerance for a Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchmonitoroutputsetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, monitorLinesearchFlag, err) |
Enables/disables output monitoring for a nonlinear Newton line search solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchmonitoroutputsetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, monitorLinesearchFlag, err) |
Enables/disables output monitoring for a nonlinear Newton line search solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchmonitoroutputsetobj (solver, monitorLinesearchFlag, err) |
Enables/disables output monitoring for a nonlinear Newton line search solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonjacobiancalculationtypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, jacobianCalculationType, err) |
Sets/changes the Jacobian calculation type for an Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonjacobiancalculationtypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, jacobianCalculationType, err) |
Sets/changes the Jacobian calculation type for a Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonjacobiancalculationtypesetobj (solver, jacobianCalculationType, err) |
Sets/changes the Jacobian calculation type for a Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinearsolvergetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, linearSolverIndex, err) |
Returns the linear solver associated with a Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinearsolvergetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, linearSolverIndex, err) |
Returns the linear solver associated with a Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinearsolvergetobj (solver, linearSolver, err) |
Returns the linear solver associated with a Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtoncellmlsolvergetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, CellMLSolverIndex, err) |
Returns the CellML solver associated with a Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtoncellmlsolvergetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, CellMLSolverIndex, err) |
Returns the CellML solver associated with a Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtoncellmlsolvergetobj (solver, CellMLSolver, err) |
Returns the CellML solver associated with a Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonconvergencetesttypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, convergenceTestType, err) |
Sets/changes the convergence test type for an Newton linesearch solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonconvergencetesttypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, convergenceTestType, err) |
Sets/changes the convergence test type for a Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonconvergencetesttypesetobj (solver, convergenceTestType, err) |
Sets/changes the convergence test type for a Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchalphasetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, alpha, err) |
Sets/changes the line search alpha for an Newton linesearch solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchalphasetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, alpha, err) |
Sets/changes the line search alpha for a Newton line search solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchalphasetobj (solver, alpha, err) |
Sets/changes the line search alpha for a Newton line search solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchmaxstepsetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, maxStep, err) |
Sets/changes the line search maximum step for an Newton linesearch solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchmaxstepsetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, maxStep, err) |
Sets/changes the line search maximum step for a Newton line search solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchmaxstepsetobj (solver, maxStep, err) |
Sets/changes the line search maximum step for a Newton line search solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchsteptolsetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, stepTol, err) |
Sets/changes the line search step tolerance for an Newton linesearch solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchsteptolsetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, stepTol, err) |
Sets/changes the line search step tolerance for a Newton line search solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchsteptolsetobj (solver, stepTol, err) |
Sets/changes the line search step tolerance for a Newton line search solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchtypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, lineSearchType, err) |
Sets/changes the line search type for an Newton linesearch solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchtypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, lineSearchType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of line search for a Newton line search solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonlinesearchtypesetobj (solver, lineSearchType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of line search for a Newton line search solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonmaximumfunctionevaluationssetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, maximumFunctionEvaluations, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum number of function evaluations for an Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonmaximumfunctionevaluationssetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, maximumFunctionEvaluations, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum number of function evaluations for a Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonmaximumfunctionevaluationssetobj (solver, maximumFunctionEvaluations, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum number of function evaluations for a Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonmaximumiterationssetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, maximumIterations, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum number of iterations for an Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonmaximumiterationssetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, maximumIterations, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum number of iterations for a Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonmaximumiterationssetobj (solver, maximumIterations, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum number of iterations for a Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonrelativetolerancesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, relativeTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the relative tolerance for an Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonrelativetolerancesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, relativeTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the relative tolerance for a Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonrelativetolerancesetobj (solver, relativeTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the relative tolerance for a Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonsolutiontolerancesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, solutionTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the solution tolerance for an Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonsolutiontolerancesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, solutionTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the solution tolerance for a Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtonsolutiontolerancesetobj (solver, solutionTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the solution tolerance for a Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtontrustregiondelta0setnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, delta0, err) |
Sets/changes the delta0 for a Newton trust region solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtontrustregiondelta0setnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, delta0, err) |
Sets/changes the delta0 for a Newton trust region solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtontrustregiondelta0setobj (solver, delta0, err) |
Sets/changes the delta0 for a Newton trust region solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtontrustregiontolerancesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, tolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the tolerance for a Newton trust region solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtontrustregiontolerancesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, tolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the tolerance for a Newton trust region solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtontrustregiontolerancesetobj (solver, tolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the tolerance for a Newton trust region solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtontypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, newtonSolveType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of a Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtontypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, newtonSolveType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of a Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newtontypesetobj (solver, newtonSolveType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of a Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonabsolutetolerancesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, absoluteTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the absolute tolerance for an Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonabsolutetolerancesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, absoluteTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the absolute tolerance for a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonabsolutetolerancesetobj (solver, absoluteTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the absolute tolerance for a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinesearchmonitoroutputsetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, monitorLinesearchFlag, err) |
Enables/disables output monitoring for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton line search solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinesearchmonitoroutputsetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, monitorLinesearchFlag, err) |
Enables/disables output monitoring for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton line search solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinesearchmonitoroutputsetobj (solver, monitorLinesearchFlag, err) |
Enables/disables output monitoring for a nonlinear Quasi-Newton line search solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonjacobiancalculationtypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, jacobianCalculationType, err) |
Sets/changes the Jacobian calculation type for an Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonjacobiancalculationtypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, jacobianCalculationType, err) |
Sets/changes the Jacobian calculation type for a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonjacobiancalculationtypesetobj (solver, jacobianCalculationType, err) |
Sets/changes the Jacobian calculation type for a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinearsolvergetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, linearSolverIndex, err) |
Returns the linear solver associated with a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinearsolvergetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, linearSolverIndex, err) |
Returns the linear solver associated with a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinearsolvergetobj (solver, linearSolver, err) |
Returns the linear solver associated with a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtoncellmlsolvergetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, CellMLSolverIndex, err) |
Returns the CellML solver associated with a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtoncellmlsolvergetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, CellMLSolverIndex, err) |
Returns the CellML solver associated with a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtoncellmlsolvergetobj (solver, CellMLSolver, err) |
Returns the CellML solver associated with a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonconvergencetesttypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, convergenceTestType, err) |
Sets/changes the convergence test type for an Quasi-Newton linesearch solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonconvergencetesttypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, convergenceTestType, err) |
Sets/changes the convergence test type for a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonconvergencetesttypesetobj (solver, convergenceTestType, err) |
Sets/changes the convergence test type for a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinesearchmaxstepsetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, maxStep, err) |
Sets/changes the line search maximum step for an Quasi-Newton linesearch solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinesearchmaxstepsetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, maxStep, err) |
Sets/changes the line search maximum step for a Quasi-Newton line search solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinesearchmaxstepsetobj (solver, maxStep, err) |
Sets/changes the line search maximum step for a Quasi-Newton line search solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinesearchsteptolsetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, stepTol, err) |
Sets/changes the line search step tolerance for an Quasi-Newton linesearch solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinesearchsteptolsetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, stepTol, err) |
Sets/changes the line search step tolerance for a Quasi-Newton line search solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinesearchsteptolsetobj (solver, stepTol, err) |
Sets/changes the line search step tolerance for a Quasi-Newton line search solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinesearchtypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, lineSearchType, err) |
Sets/changes the line search type for an Quasi-Newton linesearch solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinesearchtypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, lineSearchType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of line search for a Quasi-Newton line search solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonlinesearchtypesetobj (solver, lineSearchType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of line search for a Quasi-Newton line search solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonmaximumfunctionevaluationssetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, maximumFunctionEvaluations, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum number of function evaluations for an Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonmaximumfunctionevaluationssetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, maximumFunctionEvaluations, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum number of function evaluations for a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonmaximumfunctionevaluationssetobj (solver, maximumFunctionEvaluations, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum number of function evaluations for a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonmaximumiterationssetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, maximumIterations, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum number of iterations for an Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonmaximumiterationssetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, maximumIterations, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum number of iterations for a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonmaximumiterationssetobj (solver, maximumIterations, err) |
Sets/changes the maximum number of iterations for a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonrelativetolerancesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, relativeTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the relative tolerance for an Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonrelativetolerancesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, relativeTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the relative tolerance for a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonrelativetolerancesetobj (solver, relativeTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the relative tolerance for a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonsolutiontolerancesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, solutionTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the solution tolerance for an Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonsolutiontolerancesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, solutionTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the solution tolerance for a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonsolutiontolerancesetobj (solver, solutionTolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the solution tolerance for a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtontrustregiondelta0setnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, delta0, err) |
Sets/changes the delta0 for a Quasi-Newton trust region solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtontrustregiondelta0setnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, delta0, err) |
Sets/changes the delta0 for a Quasi-Newton trust region solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtontrustregiondelta0setobj (solver, delta0, err) |
Sets/changes the delta0 for a Quasi-Newton trust region solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtontrustregiontolerancesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, tolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the tolerance for a Quasi-Newton trust region solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtontrustregiontolerancesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, tolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the tolerance for a Quasi-Newton trust region solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtontrustregiontolerancesetobj (solver, tolerance, err) |
Sets/changes the tolerance for a Quasi-Newton trust region solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonrestartsetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, quasiNewtonRestart, err) |
Sets/changes the restart of a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonrestartsetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, quasiNewtonRestart, err) |
Sets/changes the restart of a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonrestartsetobj (solver, quasiNewtonRestart, err) |
Sets/changes the restart of a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonrestarttypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, quasiNewtonRestartType, err) |
Sets/changes the restart type of a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonrestarttypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, quasiNewtonRestartType, err) |
Sets/changes the restart type of a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonrestarttypesetobj (solver, quasiNewtonRestartType, err) |
Sets/changes the restart type of a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonscaletypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, quasiNewtonScaleType, err) |
Sets/changes the scale type of a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonscaletypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, quasiNewtonScaleType, err) |
Sets/changes the scale type of a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonscaletypesetobj (solver, quasiNewtonScaleType, err) |
Sets/changes the scale type of a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonsolvetypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, quasiNewtonSolveType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonsolvetypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, quasiNewtonSolveType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtonsolvetypesetobj (solver, quasiNewtonSolveType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtontypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, quasiNewtonType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtontypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, quasiNewtonType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasinewtontypesetobj (solver, quasiNewtonType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of a Quasi-Newton solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_nonlineartypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, nonlinearSolveType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of a nonlinear solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_nonlineartypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, nonlinearSolveType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of a nonlinear solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_nonlineartypesetobj (solver, nonlinearSolveType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of a nonlinear solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_outputtypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, outputType, err) |
Sets/changes the output type for a solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_outputtypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, outputType, err) |
Sets/changes the type of output for a solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_outputtypesetobj (solver, outputType, err) |
Sets/changes the output type for a solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_solverequationsgetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, solverEquations, err) |
Returns the solver equations for a solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_solverequationsgetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, solverEquations, err) |
Returns the solver equations for a solver identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_solverequationsgetobj (solver, solverEquations, err) |
Returns the solver equations for a solver identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_equationssetaddnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, equationsSetIndex, err) |
Adds equations sets to solver equations identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_equationssetaddnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, regionUserNumber, equationsSetUserNumber, equationsSetIndex, err) |
Adds equations sets to solver equations identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_equationssetaddobj (solverEquations, equationsSet, equationsSetIndex, err) |
Adds equations sets to solver equations identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_interfaceconditionaddnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, interfaceRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceConditionUserNumber, interfaceConditionIndex, err) |
Adds an interface condition to solver equations identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_interfaceconditionaddnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, interfaceRegionUserNumber, interfaceUserNumber, interfaceConditionUserNumber, interfaceConditionIndex, err) |
Adds an interface condition to solver equations identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_interfaceconditionaddobj (solverEquations, interfaceCondition, interfaceConditionIndex, err) |
Adds an interface condition to solver equations identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacematrices_timedependencetypeset (interfaceCondition, interfaceMatrixIndex, hasTranspose, timeDependenceTypes, Err) |
Set the time dependence type of interface matrices. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interfacematrices_timedependencetypeget (interfaceCondition, interfaceMatrixIndex, hasTranspose, timeDependenceTypes, Err) |
Get the time dependence type of interface matrices. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_sparsitytypesetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, sparsityType, err) |
Sets/changes the sparsity type for solver equations identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_sparsitytypesetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, sparsityType, err) |
Sets/changes the sparsity type for solver equations identified by an user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_sparsitytypesetobj (solverEquations, sparsityType, err) |
Sets/changes the sparsity type for solver equations identified by an object. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_boundaryconditionscreatefinishnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, err) |
Finish the creation of the boundary conditions for the solver equations identified by the user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_boundaryconditionscreatefinishnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, err) |
Finish the creation of the boundary conditions for the solver equations identified by the user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_boundaryconditionscreatefinishobj (solverEquations, err) |
Finish the creation of the boundary conditions for the solver equations. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_boundaryconditionscreatestartnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, err) |
Start the creation of boundary conditions for solver equations identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_boundaryconditionscreatestartnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, err) |
Start the creation of boundary conditions for solver equations identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_boundaryconditionscreatestartobj (solverEquations, boundaryConditions, err) |
Start the creation of the boundary conditions for the solver equations. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_boundaryconditionsgetnumber0 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifier, solverIndex, boundaryConditions, err) |
Get the boundary conditions for solver equations identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_boundaryconditionsgetnumber1 (problemUserNumber, controlLoopIdentifiers, solverIndex, boundaryConditions, err) |
Get the boundary conditions for solver equations identified by user numbers. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_boundaryconditionsgetobj (solverEquations, boundaryConditions, err) |
Get the boundary conditions for solver equations. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_numberofmatricesget (solverEquations, numberOfMatrices, err) |
Get the number of solver matrices for the solver equations. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_matrixget (solverEquations, matrixIndex, matrix, err) |
Get a solver matrix from the solver equations matrices. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_jacobianmatrixget (solverEquations, matrix, err) |
Get the Jacobian matrix from the solver equations matrices for nonlinear solver equations. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_vectorget (solverEquations, matrixIndex, vector, err) |
Get the vector assiciated with a solver matrix from the solver equations matrices. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_residualvectorget (solverEquations, residualVector, err) |
Get the residual vector from the solver equations for nonlinear problems. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solverequations_rhsvectorget (solverEquations, rhsVector, err) |
Get the right hand side vector from the solver equations. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_usernumbergetregion (region, userNumber, err) |
Get the user number of the given region. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_usernumbergetmesh (mesh, userNumber, err) |
Get the user number of the given mesh. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_usernumbergetbasis (basis, userNumber, err) |
Get the user number of the given basis. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_bioelectricsfiniteelasticity_updategeometricfield (controlLoop, calcClosestGaussPoint, err) |
Update the bioelectrics geometric field by interpolating the finite elasticity geometric field. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputcreatefromfilevs (filename, fieldml, err) |
Initialise the given FieldML context using the given FieldML XML file. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputcreatefromfilec (filename, fieldml, err) |
Initialise the given FieldML context using the given FieldML XML file. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputmeshcreatestartobjvs (fieldml, meshArgumentName, mesh, meshNumber, region, err) |
Creates a mesh using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputmeshcreatestartnumbervs (fieldml, meshArgumentName, meshNumber, regionNumber, err) |
Creates a mesh with the given user number using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputmeshcreatestartobjc (fieldml, meshArgumentName, mesh, meshNumber, region, err) |
Creates a mesh using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputmeshcreatestartnumberc (fieldml, meshArgumentName, meshNumber, regionNumber, err) |
Creates a mesh with the given user number using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputcoordinatesystemcreatestartobjvs (fieldml, evaluatorName, coordinateSystem, userNumber, err) |
Create a coordinate system using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputcoordinatesystemcreatestartnumbervs (fieldml, evaluatorName, userNumber, err) |
Create a coordinate system using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputcoordinatesystemcreatestartobjc (fieldml, evaluatorName, coordinateSystem, userNumber, err) |
Create a coordinate system using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputcoordinatesystemcreatestartnumberc (fieldml, evaluatorName, userNumber, err) |
Create a coordinate system using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputbasiscreatestartnumbervs (fieldml, evaluatorName, userNumber, err) |
Create a basis using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputbasiscreatestartobjvs (fieldml, evaluatorName, userNumber, basis, err) |
Create a basis using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputbasiscreatestartnumberc (fieldml, evaluatorName, userNumber, err) |
Create a basis using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputbasiscreatestartobjc (fieldml, evaluatorName, userNumber, basis, err) |
Create a basis using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputnodescreatestartnumbervs (fieldml, nodesArgumentName, regionNumber, nodes, err) |
Creates a region's nodes using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputnodescreatestartobjvs (fieldml, nodesArgumentName, region, nodes, err) |
Creates a region's nodes using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputnodescreatestartnumberc (fieldml, nodesArgumentName, regionNumber, nodes, err) |
Creates a region's nodes using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputnodescreatestartobjc (fieldml, nodesArgumentName, region, nodes, err) |
Creates a region's nodes using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputcreatemeshcomponentobjvs (fieldml, mesh, componentNumber, evaluatorName, err) |
Use the given FieldML evaluator as a template to create a component on the given mesh. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputcreatemeshcomponentnumbervs (fieldml, regionNumber, meshNumber, componentNumber, evaluatorName, err) |
Use the given FieldML evaluator as a template to create a component on the mesh identified by the given user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputcreatemeshcomponentobjc (fieldml, mesh, componentNumber, evaluatorName, err) |
Use the given FieldML evaluator as a template to create a component on the given mesh. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputcreatemeshcomponentnumberc (fieldml, regionNumber, meshNumber, componentNumber, evaluatorName, err) |
Use the given FieldML evaluator as a template to create a component on the mesh identified by the given user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputfieldcreatestartobjvs (fieldml, region, decomposition, fieldNumber, field, variableType, evaluatorName, err) |
Create a field using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputfieldcreatestartnumbervs (fieldml, regionNumber, meshNumber, decompositionNumber, fieldNumber, variableType, evaluatorName, err) |
Create a field with the given user number using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputfieldcreatestartobjc (fieldml, region, decomposition, fieldNumber, field, variableType, evaluatorName, err) |
Create a field using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputfieldcreatestartnumberc (fieldml, regionNumber, meshNumber, decompositionNumber, fieldNumber, variableType, evaluatorName, err) |
Create a field with the given user number using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputfieldparametersupdateobjvs (fieldml, field, evaluatorName, variableType, setType, err) |
Update the DOF parameters of the given field, using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputfieldparametersupdatenumbervs (fieldml, regionNumber, fieldNumber, evaluatorName, variableType, setType, err) |
Update the DOF parameters of field with the given user number, using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputfieldparametersupdateobjc (fieldml, field, evaluatorName, variableType, setType, err) |
Update the DOF parameters of the given field, using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_inputfieldparametersupdatenumberc (fieldml, regionNumber, fieldNumber, evaluatorName, variableType, setType, err) |
Update the DOF parameters of field with the given user number, using the given FieldML evaluator. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputwritevs (fieldml, filename, err) |
Write the FieldML document managed by the given context to a file with the given name. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputwritec (fieldml, filename, err) |
Write the FieldML document managed by the given context to a file with the given name. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputaddfieldnotypeobjvs (fieldml, baseName, dofFormat, field, variableType, setType, err) |
Add the given field to the given FieldML context. The FieldML type will be inferred. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputaddfieldnotypenumbervs (fieldml, baseName, dofFormat, regionNumber, fieldNumber, variableType, setType, err) |
Add the field with the given user number to the given FieldML context. The FieldML type will be inferred. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputaddfieldwithtypeobjvs (fieldml, baseName, dofFormat, field, variableType, setType, typeHandle, err) |
Add the given field to the given FieldML context, using the given FieldML type. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputaddfieldwithtypenumbervs (fieldml, baseName, dofFormat, regionNumber, fieldNumber, variableType, setType, typeHandle, err) |
Add the given field to the given FieldML context, using the given FieldML type. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputaddfieldnotypeobjc (fieldml, baseName, dofFormat, field, variableType, setType, err) |
Add the given field to the given FieldML context. The FieldML type will be inferred. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputaddfieldnotypenumberc (fieldml, baseName, dofFormat, regionNumber, fieldNumber, variableType, setType, err) |
Add the field with the given user number to the given FieldML context. The FieldML type will be inferred. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputaddfieldwithtypeobjc (fieldml, baseName, dofFormat, field, variableType, setType, typeHandle, err) |
Add the given field to the given FieldML context, using the given FieldML type. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputaddfieldwithtypenumberc (fieldml, baseName, dofFormat, regionNumber, fieldNumber, variableType, setType, typeHandle, err) |
Add the given field to the given FieldML context, using the given FieldML type. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputcreateobjvs (mesh, location, baseName, connectivityFormat, fieldml, err) |
Initialise the given FieldML context using the given mesh. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputcreatenumbervs (regionNumber, meshNumber, location, baseName, connectivityFormat, fieldml, err) |
Initialise the given FieldML context using the mesh with the given user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputcreateobjc (mesh, location, baseName, connectivityFormat, fieldml, err) |
Initialise the given FieldML context using the given mesh. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputcreatenumberc (regionNumber, meshNumber, location, baseName, connectivityFormat, fieldml, err) |
Initialise the given FieldML context using the mesh with the given user number. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputaddfieldcomponentsobjvs (fieldml, typeHandle, baseName, dofFormat, field, fieldComponentNumbers, variableType, setType, err) |
Add the given field to the current FieldML context, only including the given components. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputaddfieldcomponentsnumbervs (fieldml, typeHandle, baseName, dofFormat, regionNumber, fieldNumber, fieldComponentNumbers, variableType, setType, err) |
Add the field with the given user number to the current FieldML context, only including the given components. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputaddfieldcomponentsobjc (fieldml, typeHandle, baseName, dofFormat, field, fieldComponentNumbers, variableType, setType, err) |
Add the given field to the current FieldML context, only including the given components. More... | |
subroutine | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputaddfieldcomponentsnumberc (fieldml, typeHandle, baseName, dofFormat, regionNumber, fieldNumber, fieldComponentNumbers, variableType, setType, err) |
Add the field with the given user number to the current FieldML context, only including the given components. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldml_outputaddimport (fieldml, name, handle, err) |
Import a FieldML object from the library into the current session. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldmlio_finalise (fieldml, err) |
Finalises a Fieldml context. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldmlio_initialise (fieldml, err) |
Initialises a Fieldml context. More... | |
subroutine, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_fieldmlio_getsession (fieldml, sessionHandle, err) |
Get the session handle from a Fieldml context. More... | |
Variables | |
type(varying_string) | opencmiss_iron::error |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_all_diag_type = ALL_DIAG_TYPE |
Type for setting diagnostic output in all routines. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_in_diag_type = IN_DIAG_TYPE |
Type for setting diagnostic output in one routine. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_from_diag_type = FROM_DIAG_TYPE |
Type for setting diagnostic output in one routine downwards. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_all_timing_type = ALL_TIMING_TYPE |
Type for setting timing output in all routines. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_in_timing_type = IN_TIMING_TYPE |
Type for setting timing output in one routine. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_from_timing_type = FROM_TIMING_TYPE |
Type for setting timing output from one routine downwards. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_lagrange_hermite_tp_type = BASIS_LAGRANGE_HERMITE_TP_TYPE |
Lagrange-Hermite tensor product basis type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_simplex_type = BASIS_SIMPLEX_TYPE |
Simplex basis type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_serendipity_type = BASIS_SERENDIPITY_TYPE |
Serendipity basis type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_auxilliary_type = BASIS_AUXILLIARY_TYPE |
Auxillary basis type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_b_spline_tp_type = BASIS_B_SPLINE_TP_TYPE |
B-spline basis type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_fourier_lagrange_hermite_tp_type = BASIS_FOURIER_LAGRANGE_HERMITE_TP_TYPE |
Fourier-Lagrange tensor product basis type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_extended_lagrange_tp_type = BASIS_EXTENDED_LAGRANGE_TP_TYPE |
Extendend Lagrange tensor product basis type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_linear_lagrange_interpolation = BASIS_LINEAR_LAGRANGE_INTERPOLATION |
Linear Lagrange interpolation specification. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadratic_lagrange_interpolation = BASIS_QUADRATIC_LAGRANGE_INTERPOLATION |
Quadratic Lagrange interpolation specification. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_cubic_lagrange_interpolation = BASIS_CUBIC_LAGRANGE_INTERPOLATION |
Cubic Lagrange interpolation specification. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_cubic_hermite_interpolation = BASIS_CUBIC_HERMITE_INTERPOLATION |
Cubic Hermite interpolation specification. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadratic1_hermite_interpolation = BASIS_QUADRATIC1_HERMITE_INTERPOLATION |
Quadratic Hermite (no derivative at xi=0) interpolation specification. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadratic2_hermite_interpolation = BASIS_QUADRATIC2_HERMITE_INTERPOLATION |
Quadratic Hermite (no derivative at xi=1) interpolation specification. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_linear_simplex_interpolation = BASIS_LINEAR_SIMPLEX_INTERPOLATION |
Linear Simplex interpolation specification. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_quadratic_simplex_interpolation = BASIS_QUADRATIC_SIMPLEX_INTERPOLATION |
Quadratic Simplex interpolation specification. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_cubic_simplex_interpolation = BASIS_CUBIC_SIMPLEX_INTERPOLATION |
Cubic Simplex interpolation specification. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_default_quadrature_scheme = BASIS_DEFAULT_QUADRATURE_SCHEME |
Identifier for the default quadrature scheme. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_low_quadrature_scheme = BASIS_LOW_QUADRATURE_SCHEME |
Identifier for a low order quadrature scheme. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_mid_quadrature_scheme = BASIS_MID_QUADRATURE_SCHEME |
Identifier for a mid order quadrature scheme. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_high_quadrature_scheme = BASIS_HIGH_QUADRATURE_SCHEME |
Identifier for a high order quadrature scheme. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_gauss_legendre_quadrature = BASIS_GAUSS_LEGENDRE_QUADRATURE |
Gauss-Legendre quadrature. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_gauss_laguerre_quadrature = BASIS_GAUSS_LAGUERRE_QUADRATURE |
Gauss-Laguerre quadrature. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_guass_hermite_quadrature = BASIS_GUASS_HERMITE_QUADRATURE |
Gauss-Hermite quadrature. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_adaptive_gauss_legendre_quadrature = BASIS_ADAPTIVE_GAUSS_LEGENDRE_QUADRATURE |
Adaptive Gauss-Legendre quadrature. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_gauss_simplex_quadrature = BASIS_GAUSS_SIMPLEX_QUADRATURE |
Gauss-Legendre for Simplex elements quadrature. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_xi_collapsed = BASIS_XI_COLLAPSED |
The Xi direction is collapsed. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_collapsed_at_xi0 = BASIS_COLLAPSED_AT_XI0 |
The Xi direction at the xi=0 end of this Xi direction is collapsed. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_collapsed_at_xi1 = BASIS_COLLAPSED_AT_XI1 |
The Xi direction at the xi=1 end of this Xi direction is collapsed. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_basis_not_collapsed = BASIS_NOT_COLLAPSED |
The Xi direction is not collapsed. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_free = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_FREE |
The dof is free. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_fixed = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_FIXED |
The dof is fixed as a boundary condition. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_fixed_wall = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_FIXED_WALL |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_fixed_inlet = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_FIXED_INLET |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_fixed_outlet = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_FIXED_OUTLET |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_moved_wall = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_MOVED_WALL |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_moved_wall_incremented = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_MOVED_WALL_INCREMENTED |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_free_wall = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_FREE_WALL |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_neumann_point = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_NEUMANN_POINT |
Specify the normal derivative at a node, which is then integrated to find the nodal load term. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_neumann_point_incremented = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_NEUMANN_POINT_INCREMENTED |
Specify the normal derivative at a node, which is then integrated to find the nodal load term. The value is incremented inside a load incremented control loop. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_neumann_integrated = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_NEUMANN_INTEGRATED |
Set the integrated right hand side load value directly. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_dirichlet = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_DIRICHLET |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_cauchy = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_CAUCHY |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_robin = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_ROBIN |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_fixed_incremented = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_FIXED_INCREMENTED |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_pressure = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_PRESSURE |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_pressure_incremented = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_PRESSURE_INCREMENTED |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_correction_mass_increase = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_CORRECTION_MASS_INCREASE |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_impermeable_wall = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_IMPERMEABLE_WALL |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_neumann_integrated_only = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_NEUMANN_INTEGRATED_ONLY |
A Neumann integrated boundary condition, and no point values will be integrated over a face or line that includes this dof. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_fixed_fitted = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_FIXED_FITTED |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_fixed_nonreflecting = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_FIXED_NONREFLECTING |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_fixed_cellml = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_FIXED_CELLML |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_sparse_matrices = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_SPARSE_MATRICES |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_boundary_condition_full_matrices = BOUNDARY_CONDITION_FULL_MATRICES |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_errors_return_error_code = CMFE_RETURN_ERROR_CODE |
Just return the error code. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_errors_output_error = CMFE_OUTPUT_ERROR |
Output the error traceback and return the error code. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_errors_trap_error = CMFE_TRAP_ERROR |
Trap the error by outputing the error traceback and stopping the program. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_models_field = CELLML_MODELS_FIELD |
CellML models field type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_state_field = CELLML_STATE_FIELD |
CellML state field type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_intermediate_field = CELLML_INTERMEDIATE_FIELD |
CellML intermediate field type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_cellml_parameters_field = CELLML_PARAMETERS_FIELD |
CellML parameters field type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_integer_type = INTEGER_TYPE |
Integer data type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_short_integer_type = SHORT_INTEGER_TYPE |
Short integer data type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_long_integer_type = LONG_INTEGER_TYPE |
Long integer data type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_single_real_type = SINGLE_REAL_TYPE |
Single precision real data type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_double_real_type = DOUBLE_REAL_TYPE |
Double precision real data type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_quadrauple_real_type = QUADRUPLE_REAL_TYPE |
Quadruple precision real data type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_character_type = CHARACTER_TYPE |
Character data type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_logical_type = LOGICAL_TYPE |
Logical data type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_single_complex_type = SINGLE_COMPLEX_TYPE |
Single precision complex data type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_double_complex_type = DOUBLE_COMPLEX_TYPE |
Double precision complex data type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_quadruple_complex_type = QUADRUPLE_COMPLEX_TYPE |
Quadruple precision complex data type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_no_global_deriv = NO_GLOBAL_DERIV |
No global derivative i.e., u. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_global_deriv_s1 = GLOBAL_DERIV_S1 |
First global derivative in the s1 direction i.e., du/ds1. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_global_deriv_s2 = GLOBAL_DERIV_S2 |
First global derivative in the s2 direction i.e., du/ds2. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_global_deriv_s1_s2 = GLOBAL_DERIV_S1_S2 |
Global Cross derivative in the s1 and s2 direction i.e., d^2u/ds1ds2. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_global_deriv_s3 = GLOBAL_DERIV_S3 |
First global derivative in the s3 direction i.e., du/ds3. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_global_deriv_s1_s3 = GLOBAL_DERIV_S1_S3 |
Global Cross derivative in the s1 and s3 direction i.e., d^2u/ds1ds3. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_global_deriv_s2_s3 = GLOBAL_DERIV_S2_S3 |
Global Cross derivative in the s2 and s3 direction i.e., d^2u/ds2ds3. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_global_deriv_s1_s2_s3 = GLOBAL_DERIV_S1_S2_S3 |
Cross derivative in the s1, s2 and s3 direction i.e., d^3u/ds1ds2ds3. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_control_loop_node = CONTROL_LOOP_NODE |
The identifier for a each "leaf" node in a control loop. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_control_loop_no_output = CONTROL_LOOP_NO_OUTPUT |
No output from the control loop. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_control_loop_progress_output = CONTROL_LOOP_PROGRESS_OUTPUT |
Progress output from the control loop. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_control_loop_timing_output = CONTROL_LOOP_TIMING_OUTPUT |
Timing output from the control loop. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinate_rectangular_cartesian_type = COORDINATE_RECTANGULAR_CARTESIAN_TYPE |
Rectangular Cartesian coordinate system type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinate_cylindrical_polar_type = COORDINATE_CYLINDRICAL_POLAR_TYPE |
Cylindrical polar coordinate system type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinate_spherical_polar_type = COORDINATE_SPHERICAL_POLAR_TYPE |
Spherical polar coordinate system type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinate_prolate_spheroidal_type = COORDINATE_PROLATE_SPHEROIDAL_TYPE |
Prolate spheroidal coordinate system type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinate_oblate_spheroidal_type = COORDINATE_OBLATE_SPHEROIDAL_TYPE |
Oblate spheroidal coordinate system type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinate_no_radial_interpolation_type = COORDINATE_NO_RADIAL_INTERPOLATION_TYPE |
No radial interpolation. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinate_radial_interpolation_type = COORDINATE_RADIAL_INTERPOLATION_TYPE |
r radial interpolation More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinate_radial_squared_interpolation_type = COORDINATE_RADIAL_SQUARED_INTERPOLATION_TYPE |
r^2 radial interpolation More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_coordinate_radial_cubed_interpolation_type = COORDINATE_RADIAL_CUBED_INTERPOLATION_TYPE |
r^3 radial interpolation More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_data_projection_boundary_lines_projection_type = DATA_PROJECTION_BOUNDARY_LINES_PROJECTION_TYPE |
The boundary line projection type for data projection, only projects to boundary lines of the mesh. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_data_projection_boundary_faces_projection_type = DATA_PROJECTION_BOUNDARY_FACES_PROJECTION_TYPE |
The boundary face projection type for data projection, only projects to boundary faces of the mesh. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_data_projection_all_elements_projection_type = DATA_PROJECTION_ALL_ELEMENTS_PROJECTION_TYPE |
The element projection type for data projection, projects to all elements in mesh. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_no_output = EQUATIONS_NO_OUTPUT |
No output from the equations. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_timing_output = EQUATIONS_TIMING_OUTPUT |
Timing information output. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_matrix_output = EQUATIONS_MATRIX_OUTPUT |
All below and equation matrices output. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_element_matrix_output = EQUATIONS_ELEMENT_MATRIX_OUTPUT |
All below and element matrices output. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_nodal_matrix_output = EQUATIONS_NODAL_MATRIX_OUTPUT |
All below and nodal matrices output. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_sparse_matrices = EQUATIONS_SPARSE_MATRICES |
Use sparse matrices for the equations. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_full_matrices = EQUATIONS_FULL_MATRICES |
Use fully populated matrices for the equations. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_unlumped_matrices = EQUATIONS_UNLUMPED_MATRICES |
The equations matrices are not lumped. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_lumped_matrices = EQUATIONS_LUMPED_MATRICES |
The equations matrices are "mass" lumped. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_linear = EQUATIONS_LINEAR |
The equations are linear. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_nonlinear = EQUATIONS_NONLINEAR |
The equations are non-linear. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_nonlinear_bcs = EQUATIONS_NONLINEAR_BCS |
The equations have non-linear boundary conditions. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_static = EQUATIONS_STATIC |
The equations are static and have no time dependence. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_quasistatic = EQUATIONS_QUASISTATIC |
The equations are quasi-static. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_first_order_dynamic = EQUATIONS_FIRST_ORDER_DYNAMIC |
The equations are first order dynamic. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_second_order_dynamic = EQUATIONS_SECOND_ORDER_DYNAMIC |
The equations are a second order dynamic. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_time_stepping = EQUATIONS_TIME_STEPPING |
The equations are for time stepping. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_no_class = EQUATIONS_SET_NO_CLASS |
No equations set class. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_elasticity_class = EQUATIONS_SET_ELASTICITY_CLASS |
Elasticity equations set class. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_fluid_mechanics_class = EQUATIONS_SET_FLUID_MECHANICS_CLASS |
Fluid Mechanics equations set class. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_electromagnetics_class = EQUATIONS_SET_ELECTROMAGNETICS_CLASS |
Electromagnetics equations set class. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_classical_field_class = EQUATIONS_SET_CLASSICAL_FIELD_CLASS |
Classical Field equations set class. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_bioelectrics_class = EQUATIONS_SET_BIOELECTRICS_CLASS |
Bioelectrics equations set class. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_modal_class = EQUATIONS_SET_MODAL_CLASS |
Modal equations set class. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_fitting_class = EQUATIONS_SET_FITTING_CLASS |
Fitting equations set class. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_optimisation_class = EQUATIONS_SET_OPTIMISATION_CLASS |
Optimisation equations set class. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_multi_physics_class = EQUATIONS_SET_MULTI_PHYSICS_CLASS |
Multi Physics equations set class. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_no_type = EQUATIONS_SET_NO_TYPE |
No equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_linear_elasticity_type = EQUATIONS_SET_LINEAR_ELASTICITY_TYPE |
Linear elasticity equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_finite_elasticity_type = EQUATIONS_SET_FINITE_ELASTICITY_TYPE |
Finite elasticity equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_stokes_equation_type = EQUATIONS_SET_STOKES_EQUATION_TYPE |
Stokes equation equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_navier_stokes_equation_type = EQUATIONS_SET_NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION_TYPE |
Navier-Stokes equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_darcy_equation_type = EQUATIONS_SET_DARCY_EQUATION_TYPE |
Darcy equation equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_darcy_pressure_equation_type = EQUATIONS_SET_DARCY_PRESSURE_EQUATION_TYPE |
Darcy pressure equation equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_poiseuille_equation_type = EQUATIONS_SET_POISEUILLE_EQUATION_TYPE |
Poiseuille equation equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_burgers_equation_type = EQUATIONS_SET_BURGERS_EQUATION_TYPE |
Burgers equation equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_characteristic_equation_type = EQUATIONS_SET_CHARACTERISTIC_EQUATION_TYPE |
Characteristic equation equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_electrostatic_type = EQUATIONS_SET_ELECTROSTATIC_TYPE |
Electrostatic equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_magnetostatic_type = EQUATIONS_SET_MAGNETOSTATIC_TYPE |
Magnetostatic equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_maxwells_equations_type = EQUATIONS_SET_MAXWELLS_EQUATIONS_TYPE |
Maxwells equation equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_laplace_equation_type = EQUATIONS_SET_LAPLACE_EQUATION_TYPE |
Laplace equation equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_poisson_equation_type = EQUATIONS_SET_POISSON_EQUATION_TYPE |
Poisson equation equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_helmholtz_equation_type = EQUATIONS_SET_HELMHOLTZ_EQUATION_TYPE |
Helmholtz equation equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_wave_equation_type = EQUATIONS_SET_WAVE_EQUATION_TYPE |
Wave equation equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_diffusion_equation_type = EQUATIONS_SET_DIFFUSION_EQUATION_TYPE |
Diffusion equation equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_advection_equation_type = EQUATIONS_SET_ADVECTION_EQUATION_TYPE |
Advection-Diffusion equation equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_advection_diffusion_equation_type = EQUATIONS_SET_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_EQUATION_TYPE |
Advection-Diffusion equation equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_reaction_diffusion_equation_type = EQUATIONS_SET_REACTION_DIFFUSION_EQUATION_TYPE |
Reaction-Diffusion equation equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_biharmonic_equation_type = EQUATIONS_SET_BIHARMONIC_EQUATION_TYPE |
Biharmonic equation equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_monodomain_equation_type = EQUATIONS_SET_MONODOMAIN_EQUATION_TYPE |
Monodomain equation equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_bidomain_equation_type = EQUATIONS_SET_BIDOMAIN_EQUATION_TYPE |
Bidomain equation equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_linear_elastic_modal_type = EQUATIONS_SET_LINEAR_ELASTIC_MODAL_TYPE |
Linear elasticity modal equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_data_fitting_equation_type = EQUATIONS_SET_DATA_FITTING_EQUATION_TYPE |
Galerkin projection equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_finite_elasticity_darcy_type = EQUATIONS_SET_FINITE_ELASTICITY_DARCY_TYPE |
Finite Elasticity Darcy equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_finite_elasticity_stokes_type = EQUATIONS_SET_FINITE_ELASTICITY_STOKES_TYPE |
Finite Elasticity Stokes equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_finite_elasticity_navier_stokes_type = EQUATIONS_SET_FINITE_ELASTICITY_NAVIER_STOKES_TYPE |
Finite Elasticity Navier Stokes equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_diffusion_diffusion_type = EQUATIONS_SET_DIFFUSION_DIFFUSION_TYPE |
Diffusion Diffusion equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_diffusion_advection_diffusion_type = EQUATIONS_SET_DIFFUSION_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_TYPE |
Diffusion Advection Diffusion equations set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_monodomain_strang_splitting_equation_type = EQUATIONS_SET_MONODOMAIN_STRANG_SPLITTING_EQUATION_TYPE |
Monodomain equation equations Strang Splitting set type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_no_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_NO_SUBTYPE |
No equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_three_dimensional_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_THREE_DIMENSIONAL_SUBTYPE |
Three dimensional linear elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_two_dimensional_plane_stress_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_TWO_DIMENSIONAL_PLANE_STRESS_SUBTYPE |
Plane stress linear elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_two_dimensional_plane_strain_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_TWO_DIMENSIONAL_PLANE_STRAIN_SUBTYPE |
Plane strain linear elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_one_dimensional_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_ONE_DIMENSIONAL_SUBTYPE |
One dimensional linear elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_plate_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_PLATE_SUBTYPE |
Plate linear elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_shell_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_SHELL_SUBTYPE |
Shell linear elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_mooney_rivlin_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_MOONEY_RIVLIN_SUBTYPE |
Mooney-Rivlin constitutive law for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_incompressible_mooney_rivlin_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_INCOMPRESSIBLE_MOONEY_RIVLIN_SUBTYPE |
Incompressible Mooney-Rivlin constitutive law for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_nearly_incompressible_mooney_rivlin_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_NEARLY_INCOMPRESSIBLE_MOONEY_RIVLIN_SUBTYPE |
Nearly Incompressible Mooney-Rivlin constitutive law for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_mooney_rivlin_activecontraction_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_MOONEY_RIVLIN_ACTIVECONTRACTION_SUBTYPE |
Mooney-Rivlin constitutive law with steady-state active contraction for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_stvenant_kirchoff_activecontraction_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_STVENANT_KIRCHOFF_ACTIVECONTRACTION_SUBTYPE |
St Venant Kirchoff constitutive law with steady-state active contraction for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_activecontraction_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_ACTIVECONTRACTION_SUBTYPE |
Active contraction/costa-based law with quasistatic time loop for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_isotropic_exponential_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_ISOTROPIC_EXPONENTIAL_SUBTYPE |
Isotropic exponential constitutive law for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_transverse_isotropic_exponential_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_TRANSVERSE_ISOTROPIC_EXPONENTIAL_SUBTYPE |
Transverse isotropic exponential constitutive law for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_transverse_isotropic_active_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_TRANSVERSE_ISOTROPIC_ACTIVE_SUBTYPE |
Transverse isotropic, active-contraction constitutive law for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_trans_isotropic_active_transition_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_TRANS_ISOTROPIC_ACTIVE_TRANSITION_SUBTYPE |
Transverse isotropic, active-contraction material-transition constitutive law for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_orthotropic_material_costa_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_ORTHOTROPIC_MATERIAL_COSTA_SUBTYPE |
Orthotropic Costa constitutive law for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_compressible_finite_elasticity_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_COMPRESSIBLE_FINITE_ELASTICITY_SUBTYPE |
Compressible version for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_compressible_activecontraction_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_COMPRESSIBLE_ACTIVECONTRACTION_SUBTYPE |
Compressible version for finite elasticity equations set with active contraction subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_transverse_isotropic_guccione_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_TRANSVERSE_ISOTROPIC_GUCCIONE_SUBTYPE |
Transverse isotropic Guccione constitutive law for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_active_strain_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_ACTIVE_STRAIN_SUBTYPE |
Isotropic active strain constitutive law based on multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_multiscale_active_strain_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_MULTISCALE_ACTIVE_STRAIN_SUBTYPE |
Isotropic active strain constitutive law based on multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient and the cellular model of Razumova et al. (2000) subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_reference_state_mooney_rivlin_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_REFERENCE_STATE_MOONEY_RIVLIN_SUBTYPE |
Determine the reference configuration using Mooney-Rivlin constitutive law for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_guccione_activecontraction_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_GUCCIONE_ACTIVECONTRACTION_SUBTYPE |
Transverse isotropic Guccione constitutive law with active contraction subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_incompress_finite_elasticity_darcy_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_INCOMPRESSIBLE_FINITE_ELASTICITY_DARCY_SUBTYPE |
Incompressible version for finite elasticity coupled with Darcy equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_elasticity_darcy_inria_model_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_ELASTICITY_DARCY_INRIA_MODEL_SUBTYPE |
INRIA Model for finite elasticity coupled with Darcy equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_elasticity_multi_comp_darcy_inria_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_ELASTICITY_MULTI_COMPARTMENT_DARCY_INRIA_SUBTYPE |
Multi Compartment Darcy INRIA Model coupled with finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_incompress_elasticity_driven_darcy_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_INCOMPRESSIBLE_ELASTICITY_DRIVEN_DARCY_SUBTYPE |
Incompressible finite elasticity with Darcy flow driven by solid hydrostatic pressure. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_incompressible_elasticity_driven_mr_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_INCOMPRESSIBLE_ELASTICITY_DRIVEN_MR_SUBTYPE |
Incompressible finite elasticity with Darcy flow driven by solid hydrostatic pressure, formulated in terms of modified invariants. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_incompress_elast_multi_comp_darcy_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_INCOMPRESSIBLE_ELAST_MULTI_COMP_DARCY_SUBTYPE |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_membrane_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_MEMBRANE_SUBTYPE |
Compressible version for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_orthotropic_holzapfel_ogden_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_ORTHOTROPIC_MATERIAL_HOLZAPFEL_OGDEN_SUBTYPE |
Orthotropic Holzapfel-Ogden constitutive law for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_holzapfel_ogden_activecontraction_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_HOLZAPFEL_OGDEN_ACTIVECONTRACTION_SUBTYPE INTEGER(INTG) |
integer(intg), parameter | opencmiss_iron::parameter |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_elasticity_fluid_pres_static_inria_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_ELASTICITY_FLUID_PRESSURE_STATIC_INRIA_SUBTYPE |
Static finite elasticity coupled with fluid pressure set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_elasticity_fluid_pres_holmes_mow_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_ELASTICITY_FLUID_PRESSURE_HOLMES_MOW_SUBTYPE |
Holmes and Mow's poroelastic constitutive relation subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_elasti_fluid_pres_holmes_mow_active_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_ELASTICITY_FLUID_PRES_HOLMES_MOW_ACTIVE_SUBTYPE |
Holmes and Mow's poroelastic constitutive relation subtype with active contraction. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_transverse_isotropic_polynomial_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_TRANSVERSE_ISOTROPIC_POLYNOMIAL_SUBTYPE |
Transverse isotropic constitutive law for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_anisotropic_polynomial_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_ANISOTROPIC_POLYNOMIAL_SUBTYPE |
Anisotropic polynomial constitutive law for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_anisotropic_polynomial_active_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_ANISOTROPIC_POLYNOMIAL_ACTIVE_SUBTYPE |
Anisotropic polynomial active constitutive law for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_transverse_isotropic_humphrey_yin_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_TRANSVERSE_ISOTROPIC_HUMPHREY_YIN_SUBTYPE |
Humphrey and Yin transversely isotropic constitutive relation subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_static_stokes_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_STATIC_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Static Stokes equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_laplace_stokes_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_LAPLACE_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Laplace type Stokes equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_transient_stokes_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_TRANSIENT_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Transient Stokes equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_ale_stokes_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_ALE_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
ALE Stokes equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_pgm_stokes_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_PGM_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
PGM Stokes equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_optimised_stokes_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_OPTIMISED_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Optimised Stokes equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_static_navier_stokes_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_STATIC_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Static Navier-Stokes equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_laplace_navier_stokes_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_LAPLACE_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Laplace type Navier-Stokes equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_transient_navier_stokes_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_TRANSIENT_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Transient Navier-Stokes equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_transient_rbs_navier_stokes_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_TRANSIENT_RBS_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Transient residual-based stabilisation Navier-Stokes equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_static_rbs_navier_stokes_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_STATIC_RBS_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Transient residual-based stabilisation Navier-Stokes equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_multiscale3d_navier_stokes_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_MULTISCALE3D_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Transient stabilised 3D Navier-Stokes equations set with coupled multiscale boundaries subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_constitutive_mu_navier_stokes_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_CONSTITUTIVE_MU_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Transient stabilised 3D Navier-Stokes equations set with coupled constitutive model for non-Newtonian viscosity. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_transient1d_navier_stokes_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_TRANSIENT1D_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
TRANSIENT1D Navier-Stokes equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_transient1d_adv_navier_stokes_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_TRANSIENT1D_ADV_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
TRANSIENT1D Navier-Stokes equations set subtype with coupled Advection. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_characteristic_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_CHARACTERISTIC_SUBTYPE |
Static Characteristics equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_coupled1d0d_navier_stokes_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_COUPLED1D0D_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Coupled 1D-0D Navier-Stokes equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_coupled1d0d_adv_navier_stokes_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_COUPLED1D0D_ADV_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Coupled 1D-0D Navier-Stokes equations set subtype with coupled Advection. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_stree1d0d_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_STREE1D0D_SUBTYPE |
Coupled 1D-0D Navier-Stokes equations set subtype with coupled Advection. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_stree1d0d_adv_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_STREE1D0D_ADV_SUBTYPE |
Coupled 1D-0D Navier-Stokes equations set subtype with coupled Advection. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_ale_navier_stokes_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_ALE_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
ALE Navier-Stokes equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_pgm_navier_stokes_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_PGM_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
PGM Navier-Stokes equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_optimised_navier_stokes_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_OPTIMISED_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Optimised Navier-Stokes equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_standard_darcy_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_STANDARD_DARCY_SUBTYPE |
Standard Darcy equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_quasistatic_darcy_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_QUASISTATIC_DARCY_SUBTYPE |
Quasistatic Darcy equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_ale_darcy_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_ALE_DARCY_SUBTYPE |
ALE Darcy equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_transient_darcy_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_TRANSIENT_DARCY_SUBTYPE |
Transient Darcy equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_transient_ale_darcy_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_TRANSIENT_ALE_DARCY_SUBTYPE |
Transient ALE Darcy equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_multi_compartment_darcy_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_MULTI_COMPARTMENT_DARCY_SUBTYPE |
Multi Compartment Darcy equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_burgers_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_BURGERS_SUBTYPE |
Burgers equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_generalised_burgers_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_GENERALISED_BURGERS_SUBTYPE |
Generalised Burgers equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_static_burgers_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_STATIC_BURGERS_SUBTYPE |
Static Burgers equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_inviscid_burgers_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_INVISCID_BURGERS_SUBTYPE |
Inviscid Burgers equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_standard_laplace_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_STANDARD_LAPLACE_SUBTYPE |
Standard Laplace equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_generalised_laplace_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_GENERALISED_LAPLACE_SUBTYPE |
Generalised Laplace equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_moving_mesh_laplace_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_MOVING_MESH_LAPLACE_SUBTYPE |
Moving mesh Laplace equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_static_poiseuille_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_STATIC_POISEUILLE_SUBTYPE |
Static Poiseuille equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_dynamic_poiseuille_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_DYNAMIC_POISEUILLE_SUBTYPE |
Dynamic Poiseuille equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_linear_pressure_poisson_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_LINEAR_PRESSURE_POISSON_SUBTYPE |
Vector source Poisson equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_nonlinear_pressure_poisson_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_NONLINEAR_PRESSURE_POISSON_SUBTYPE |
Vector source Poisson equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_ale_pressure_poisson_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_ALE_PRESSURE_POISSON_SUBTYPE |
Vector source Poisson equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_fitted_pressure_poisson_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_FITTED_PRESSURE_POISSON_SUBTYPE |
Vector source Poisson equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_constant_source_poisson_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_CONSTANT_SOURCE_POISSON_SUBTYPE |
Constant source Poisson equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_extracellular_bidomain_poisson_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_EXTRACELLULAR_BIDOMAIN_POISSON_SUBTYPE |
Poisson equations set subtype, that is the extracellular bidomain equation. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_linear_source_poisson_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_LINEAR_SOURCE_POISSON_SUBTYPE |
Linear source Poisson equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_quadratic_source_poisson_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_QUADRATIC_SOURCE_POISSON_SUBTYPE |
Quadratic source Poisson equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_exponential_source_poisson_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_EXPONENTIAL_SOURCE_POISSON_SUBTYPE |
Exponential source Poisson equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_standard_helmholtz_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_STANDARD_HELMHOLTZ_SUBTYPE |
No source Helmholtz equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_generalised_helmholtz_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_GENERALISED_HELMHOLTZ_SUBTYPE |
No source Helmholtz equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_no_source_diffusion_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_NO_SOURCE_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
No source diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_constant_source_diffusion_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_CONSTANT_SOURCE_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Constant source diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_linear_source_diffusion_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_LINEAR_SOURCE_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Linear source diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_quadratic_source_diffusion_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_QUADRATIC_SOURCE_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Quadratic source diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_exponential_source_diffusion_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_EXPONENTIAL_SOURCE_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Exponential source diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_no_source_ale_diffusion_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_NO_SOURCE_ALE_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
No source diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_constant_source_ale_diffusion_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_CONSTANT_SOURCE_ALE_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Constant source diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_linear_source_ale_diffusion_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_LINEAR_SOURCE_ALE_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Linear source diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_quadratic_source_ale_diffusion_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_QUADRATIC_SOURCE_ALE_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Quadratic source diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_exponential_source_ale_diffusion_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_EXPONENTIAL_SOURCE_ALE_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Exponential source diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_multi_comp_transport_diffusion_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_MULTI_COMP_TRANSPORT_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Multi-compartment transport diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_advection_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_ADVECTION_SUBTYPE |
advection equations set subtype More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_no_source_advection_diffusion_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_NO_SOURCE_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
No source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_constant_source_advection_diffusion_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_CONSTANT_SOURCE_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Constant source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_linear_source_advection_diffusion_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_LINEAR_SOURCE_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Linear source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_quadratic_source_advec_diff_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_QUADRATIC_SOURCE_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Quadratic source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_exponential_source_advec_diff_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_EXPONENTIAL_SOURCE_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Exponential source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_constitutive_law_in_cellml_evaluate_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_CONSTITUTIVE_LAW_IN_CELLML_EVALUATE_SUBTYPE |
In CellML evaluated incompressible material law for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_constit_and_growth_law_in_cellml_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_CONSTITUTIVE_AND_GROWTH_LAW_IN_CELLML_SUBTYPE |
CellML evaluated growth and constituative material law for finite elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_no_source_ale_advection_diffusion_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_NO_SOURCE_ALE_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
No source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_constant_source_ale_advec_diff_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_CONSTANT_SOURCE_ALE_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Constant source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_linear_source_ale_advec_diff_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_LINEAR_SOURCE_ALE_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Linear source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_quadratic_source_ale_advec_diff_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_QUADRATIC_SOURCE_ALE_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Quadratic source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_exp_source_ale_advection_diffusion_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_EXP_SOURCE_ALE_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Exponential source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_no_source_static_advec_diff_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_NO_SOURCE_STATIC_ADVEC_DIFF_SUBTYPE |
No source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_constant_source_static_advec_diff_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_CONSTANT_SOURCE_STATIC_ADVEC_DIFF_SUBTYPE |
Constant source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_linear_source_static_advec_diff_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_LINEAR_SOURCE_STATIC_ADVEC_DIFF_SUBTYPE |
Linear source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_no_source_advection_diff_supg_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_NO_SOURCE_ADVECTION_DIFF_SUPG_SUBTYPE |
No source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_constant_source_advection_diff_supg_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_CONSTANT_SOURCE_ADVECTION_DIFF_SUPG_SUBTYPE |
Constant source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_linear_source_advection_diff_supg_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_LINEAR_SOURCE_ADVECTION_DIFF_SUPG_SUBTYPE |
Linear source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_quad_source_advection_diff_supg_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_QUAD_SOURCE_ADVECTION_DIFF_SUPG_SUBTYPE |
Quadratic source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_exp_source_advection_diff_supg_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_EXP_SOURCE_ADVECTION_DIFF_SUPG_SUBTYPE |
Exponential source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_no_source_ale_advection_diff_supg_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_NO_SOURCE_ALE_ADVECTION_DIFF_SUPG_SUBTYPE |
No source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_constant_source_ale_advec_diff_supg_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_CONSTANT_SOURCE_ALE_ADVECTION_DIFF_SUPG_SUBTYPE |
Constant source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_linear_source_ale_advec_diff_supg_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_LINEAR_SOURCE_ALE_ADVECTION_DIFF_SUPG_SUBTYPE |
Linear source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_quad_source_ale_advection_diff_supg_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_QUAD_SOURCE_ALE_ADVECTION_DIFF_SUPG_SUBTYPE |
Quadratic source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_exp_source_ale_advection_diff_supg_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_EXP_SOURCE_ALE_ADVECTION_DIFF_SUPG_SUBTYPE |
Exponential source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_no_source_static_advec_diff_supg_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_NO_SOURCE_STATIC_ADVEC_DIFF_SUPG_SUBTYPE |
No source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_const_source_static_advec_diff_supg_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_CONSTANT_SOURCE_STATIC_ADVEC_DIFF_SUPG_SUBTYPE |
Constant source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_lin_source_static_advec_diff_supg_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_LINEAR_SOURCE_STATIC_ADVEC_DIFF_SUPG_SUBTYPE |
Linear source advection diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_coupled_source_diffusion_advec_diff_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_COUPLED_SOURCE_DIFFUSION_ADVEC_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Coupled source diffusion & advection-diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_multi_comp_transport_advec_diff_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_MULTI_COMP_TRANSPORT_ADVEC_DIFF_SUBTYPE |
Multi-component transport advection-diffusion equations set. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_mult_comp_transport_advec_diff_supg_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_MULTI_COMP_TRANSPORT_ADVEC_DIFF_SUPG_SUBTYPE |
Multi-component transport advection-diffusion equations set using SUPG scheme. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_cellml_reac_split_reac_diff_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_CELLML_REAC_SPLIT_REAC_DIFF_SUBTYPE |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_cellml_reac_no_split_reac_diff_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_CELLML_REAC_NO_SPLIT_REAC_DIFF_SUBTYPE |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_constant_reac_diff_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_CONSTANT_REAC_DIFF_SUBTYPE |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_monodomain_buenoorovio_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_MONODOMAIN_BUENOOROVIO_SUBTYPE |
First monodomain equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_monodomain_tentusscher06_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_MONODOMAIN_TENTUSSCHER06_SUBTYPE |
First monodomain equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_first_bidomain_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_FIRST_BIDOMAIN_SUBTYPE |
First bidomain equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_second_bidomain_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_SECOND_BIDOMAIN_SUBTYPE |
Second bidomain equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_standard_data_fitting_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_STANDARD_DATA_FITTING_SUBTYPE |
Standard Galerkin Projection equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_generalised_data_fitting_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_GENERALISED_DATA_FITTING_SUBTYPE |
Generalised Galerkin Projection equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_mat_properties_data_fitting_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_MAT_PROPERTIES_DATA_FITTING_SUBTYPE |
Material Properties Galerkin Projection equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_mat_prop_inria_model_data_fitting_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_MAT_PROPERTIES_INRIA_MODEL_DATA_FITTING_SUBTYPE |
Material Properties INRIA Model Galerkin Projection equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_vector_data_fitting_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_VECTOR_DATA_FITTING_SUBTYPE |
Standard Galerkin Projection equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_divfree_vector_data_fitting_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_DIVFREE_VECTOR_DATA_FITTING_SUBTYPE |
Standard Galerkin Projection equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_data_point_vector_static_fitting_subtype = EquationsSet_DataPointVectorStaticFittingSubtype |
Standard static Galerkin Projection using data points subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_data_pt_vector_quasistatic_fitting_subtype = EquationsSet_DataPointVectorQuasistaticFittingSubtype |
Standard quasistatic Galerkin Projection using data points subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_vector_data_pre_fitting_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_VECTOR_DATA_PRE_FITTING_SUBTYPE |
Standard Galerkin Projection equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_divfree_vector_data_pre_fitting_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_DIVFREE_VECTOR_DATA_PRE_FITTING_SUBTYPE |
Standard Galerkin Projection equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_standard_elasticity_darcy_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_STANDARD_ELASTICITY_DARCY_SUBTYPE |
Standard Elasticity Darcy equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_coupled_source_diffusion_diffusion_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_COUPLED_SOURCE_DIFFUSION_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Coupled source diffusion-diffusion equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_standard_monodomain_elasticity_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_STANDARD_MONODOMAIN_ELASTICITY_SUBTYPE |
Standard Monodomain Elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_1d3d_monodomain_elasticity_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_1D3D_MONODOMAIN_ELASTICITY_SUBTYPE |
Coupled 1D Monodomain 3D Elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_monodomain_elasticity_w_titin_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_MONODOMAIN_ELASTICITY_W_TITIN_SUBTYPE |
Coupled 1D Monodomain 3D Elasticity equations set subtype with titin. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_monodomain_elasticity_velocity_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_MONODOMAIN_ELASTICITY_VELOCITY_SUBTYPE |
Coupled 1D Monodomain 3D Elasticity equations set subtype with force-velocity relation. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_1d3d_monodomain_active_strain_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_1D3D_MONODOMAIN_ACTIVE_STRAIN_SUBTYPE |
Coupled 1D Monodomain 3D Elasticity equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_finite_elasticity_navier_stokes_ale_subtype = EQUATIONS_SET_FINITE_ELASTICITY_NAVIER_STOKES_ALE_SUBTYPE |
Finite Elasticity Navier Stokes ALE equations set subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_fem_solution_method = EQUATIONS_SET_FEM_SOLUTION_METHOD |
Finite Element Method solution method. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_bem_solution_method = EQUATIONS_SET_BEM_SOLUTION_METHOD |
Boundary Element Method solution method. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_fd_solution_method = EQUATIONS_SET_FD_SOLUTION_METHOD |
Finite Difference solution method. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_fv_solution_method = EQUATIONS_SET_FV_SOLUTION_METHOD |
Finite Volume solution method. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_gfem_solution_method = EQUATIONS_SET_GFEM_SOLUTION_METHOD |
Grid-based Finite Element Method solution method. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_gfd_solution_method = EQUATIONS_SET_GFD_SOLUTION_METHOD |
Grid-based Finite Difference solution method. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_gfv_solution_method = EQUATIONS_SET_GFV_SOLUTION_METHOD |
Grid-based Finite Volume solution method. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_derived_strain = EQUATIONS_SET_DERIVED_STRAIN |
Strain tensor field output. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_derived_stress = EQUATIONS_SET_DERIVED_STRESS |
Stress tensor field output. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_evaluate_deformation_gradient_tensor = EQUATIONS_SET_EVALUATE_DEFORMATION_GRADIENT_TENSOR |
Deformation gradient tensor. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_evaluate_r_cauchy_green_deformation_tensor = EQUATIONS_SET_EVALUATE_R_CAUCHY_GREEN_DEFORMATION_TENSOR |
Right Cauchy-Green deformation field. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_evaluate_green_lagrange_strain_tensor = EQUATIONS_SET_EVALUATE_GREEN_LAGRANGE_STRAIN_TENSOR |
Green-Lagrange strain tensor. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_evaluate_cauchy_stress_tensor = EQUATIONS_SET_EVALUATE_CAUCHY_STRESS_TENSOR |
Cauchy-stress tensor. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_evaluate_second_pk_stress_tensor = EQUATIONS_SET_EVALUATE_SECOND_PK_STRESS_TENSOR |
Second Piola Kirchhoff-stress tensor. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_matrix_stiffness =EQUATIONS_MATRIX_STIFFNESS |
A stiffness matrix (multiplies displacement values) More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_matrix_damping =EQUATIONS_MATRIX_DAMPING |
A damping matrix (multiplies velocity values) More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_matrix_mass =EQUATIONS_MATRIX_MASS |
A mass matrix (multiplies acceleration values) More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_laplace_equation_two_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_LAPLACE_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_1 |
u=x**2+2*x*y-y**2 More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_laplace_equation_two_dim_2 = EQUATIONS_SET_LAPLACE_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_2 |
u=cos(x)cosh(y) More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_laplace_equation_three_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_LAPLACE_EQUATION_THREE_DIM_1 |
u=x**2-2*y**2+z**2 More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_laplace_equation_three_dim_2 = EQUATIONS_SET_LAPLACE_EQUATION_THREE_DIM_2 |
u=cos(x)*cosh(y)*z More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_helmholtz_equation_two_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_HELMHOLTZ_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_1 |
u=cos(sqrt(2)*k*x)*sin(sqrt(2)*k*y) More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_poiseuille_equation_two_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_POISEUILLE_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_1 |
u=ln(4/(x+y+1^2)) More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_poisson_equation_two_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_POISSON_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_1 |
u=ln(4/(x+y+1^2)) More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_poisson_equation_two_dim_2 = EQUATIONS_SET_POISSON_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_2 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_poisson_equation_two_dim_3 = EQUATIONS_SET_POISSON_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_3 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_poisson_equation_three_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_POISSON_EQUATION_THREE_DIM_1 |
u=ln(6/(x+y+z+1^2)) More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_poisson_equation_three_dim_2 = EQUATIONS_SET_POISSON_EQUATION_THREE_DIM_2 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_poisson_equation_three_dim_3 = EQUATIONS_SET_POISSON_EQUATION_THREE_DIM_3 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_pressure_poisson_three_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_PRESSURE_POISSON_THREE_DIM_1 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_pressure_poisson_three_dim_2 = EQUATIONS_SET_PRESSURE_POISSON_THREE_DIM_2 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_diffusion_equation_one_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_DIFFUSION_EQUATION_ONE_DIM_1 |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_diffusion_equation_two_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_DIFFUSION_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_1 |
u=exp(-kt)*sin(sqrt(k)*(x*cos(phi)+y*sin(phi))) More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_diffusion_equation_three_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_DIFFUSION_EQUATION_THREE_DIM_1 |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_linear_source_diffusion_three_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_LINEAR_SOURCE_DIFFUSION_EQUATION_THREE_DIM_1 |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_quadratic_source_diffusion_one_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_QUADRATIC_SOURCE_DIFFUSION_EQUATION_ONE_DIM_1 |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_exponential_source_diffusion_one_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_EXPONENTIAL_SOURCE_DIFFUSION_EQUATION_ONE_DIM_1 |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_multi_comp_diffusion_two_comp_two_dim = EQUATIONS_SET_MULTI_COMP_DIFFUSION_TWO_COMP_TWO_DIM |
Prescribed solution, using a source term to correct for error - 2D with 2 compartments. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_multi_comp_diffusion_two_comp_three_dim = EQUATIONS_SET_MULTI_COMP_DIFFUSION_TWO_COMP_THREE_DIM |
Prescribed solution, using a source term to correct for error - 3D with 2 compartments. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_multi_comp_diffusion_three_comp_three_dim = EQUATIONS_SET_MULTI_COMP_DIFFUSION_THREE_COMP_THREE_DIM |
Prescribed solution, using a source term to correct for error - 3D with 3 compartments. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_multi_comp_diffusion_four_comp_three_dim = EQUATIONS_SET_MULTI_COMP_DIFFUSION_FOUR_COMP_THREE_DIM |
Prescribed solution, using a source term to correct for error - 3D with 3 compartments. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_advection_diffusion_equation_two_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_1 |
u=exp(-kt)*sin(sqrt(k)*(x*cos(phi)+y*sin(phi))) More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_stokes_equation_two_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_STOKES_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_1 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_stokes_equation_two_dim_2 = EQUATIONS_SET_STOKES_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_2 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_stokes_equation_two_dim_3 = EQUATIONS_SET_STOKES_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_3 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_stokes_equation_two_dim_4 = EQUATIONS_SET_STOKES_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_4 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_stokes_equation_two_dim_5 = EQUATIONS_SET_STOKES_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_5 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_stokes_equation_three_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_STOKES_EQUATION_THREE_DIM_1 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_stokes_equation_three_dim_2 = EQUATIONS_SET_STOKES_EQUATION_THREE_DIM_2 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_stokes_equation_three_dim_3 = EQUATIONS_SET_STOKES_EQUATION_THREE_DIM_3 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_stokes_equation_three_dim_4 = EQUATIONS_SET_STOKES_EQUATION_THREE_DIM_4 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_stokes_equation_three_dim_5 = EQUATIONS_SET_STOKES_EQUATION_THREE_DIM_5 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_navier_stokes_equation_two_dim_poiseuille = EQUATIONS_SET_NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_POISEUILLE |
fully developed 2D channel flow (parabolic) More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_navier_stokes_equation_two_dim_taylor_green = EQUATIONS_SET_NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_TAYLOR_GREEN |
2D dynamic nonlinear Taylor-Green vortex decay More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_navier_stokes_equation_flowrate_aorta = EQUATIONS_SET_NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION_FLOWRATE_AORTA |
A fourier decomposed flow waveform for boundary conditions. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_navier_stokes_equation_sinusoid = EQUATIONS_SET_NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION_SINUSOID |
A sinusoidal flow waveform. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_navier_stokes_equation_splint_from_file = EQUATIONS_SET_NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION_SPLINT_FROM_FILE |
Spline integration of dependent values specified in a file. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_navier_stokes_equation_two_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_1 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_navier_stokes_equation_two_dim_2 = EQUATIONS_SET_NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_2 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_navier_stokes_equation_two_dim_3 = EQUATIONS_SET_NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_3 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_navier_stokes_equation_two_dim_4 = EQUATIONS_SET_NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_4 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_navier_stokes_equation_two_dim_5 = EQUATIONS_SET_NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_5 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_navier_stokes_equation_three_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION_THREE_DIM_1 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_navier_stokes_equation_three_dim_2 = EQUATIONS_SET_NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION_THREE_DIM_2 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_navier_stokes_equation_three_dim_3 = EQUATIONS_SET_NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION_THREE_DIM_3 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_navier_stokes_equation_three_dim_4 = EQUATIONS_SET_NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION_THREE_DIM_4 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_navier_stokes_equation_three_dim_5 = EQUATIONS_SET_NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION_THREE_DIM_5 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_darcy_equation_two_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_DARCY_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_1 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_darcy_equation_two_dim_2 = EQUATIONS_SET_DARCY_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_2 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_darcy_equation_two_dim_3 = EQUATIONS_SET_DARCY_EQUATION_TWO_DIM_3 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_darcy_equation_three_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_DARCY_EQUATION_THREE_DIM_1 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_darcy_equation_three_dim_2 = EQUATIONS_SET_DARCY_EQUATION_THREE_DIM_2 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_darcy_equation_three_dim_3 = EQUATIONS_SET_DARCY_EQUATION_THREE_DIM_3 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_incomp_elast_darcy_analytic_darcy = EQUATIONS_SET_INCOMP_ELAST_DARCY_ANALYTIC_DARCY |
this is a solution where the finite elasticity solve is skipped to allow easy analytic testing of the mass increase & velocity solve step of incompressible poromechanical model More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_burgers_equation_one_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_BURGERS_EQUATION_ONE_DIM_1 |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_generalised_burgers_equation_one_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_GENERALISED_BURGERS_EQUATION_ONE_DIM_1 |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_generalised_burgers_equation_one_dim_2 = EQUATIONS_SET_GENERALISED_BURGERS_EQUATION_ONE_DIM_2 |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_static_burgers_equation_one_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_STATIC_BURGERS_EQUATION_ONE_DIM_1 |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_linear_elasticity_one_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_LINEAR_ELASTICITY_ONE_DIM_1 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_linear_elasticity_two_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_LINEAR_ELASTICITY_TWO_DIM_1 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_linear_elasticity_two_dim_2 = EQUATIONS_SET_LINEAR_ELASTICITY_TWO_DIM_2 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_linear_elasticity_three_dim_1 = EQUATIONS_SET_LINEAR_ELASTICITY_THREE_DIM_1 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_linear_elasticity_three_dim_2 = EQUATIONS_SET_LINEAR_ELASTICITY_THREE_DIM_2 |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_set_finite_elasticity_cylinder = EQUATIONS_SET_FINITE_ELASTICITY_CYLINDER |
u=tbd More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_finite_elasticity_analytic_cylinder_param_pin_idx = FINITE_ELASTICITY_ANALYTIC_CYLINDER_PARAM_PIN_IDX |
Inner pressure parameter index. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_finite_elasticity_analytic_cylinder_param_pout_idx = FINITE_ELASTICITY_ANALYTIC_CYLINDER_PARAM_POUT_IDX |
Outer pressure parameter index. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_finite_elasticity_analytic_cylinder_param_lambda_idx = FINITE_ELASTICITY_ANALYTIC_CYLINDER_PARAM_LAMBDA_IDX |
Lambda parameter index. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_finite_elasticity_analytic_cylinder_param_tsi_idx = FINITE_ELASTICITY_ANALYTIC_CYLINDER_PARAM_TSI_IDX |
Tsi parameter index. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_finite_elasticity_analytic_cylinder_param_rin_idx = FINITE_ELASTICITY_ANALYTIC_CYLINDER_PARAM_RIN_IDX |
Inner radius parameter index. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_finite_elasticity_analytic_cylinder_param_rout_idx = FINITE_ELASTICITY_ANALYTIC_CYLINDER_PARAM_ROUT_IDX |
Outer radius parameter index. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_finite_elasticity_analytic_cylinder_param_c1_idx = FINITE_ELASTICITY_ANALYTIC_CYLINDER_PARAM_C1_IDX |
c1 parameter index More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_finite_elasticity_analytic_cylinder_param_c2_idx = FINITE_ELASTICITY_ANALYTIC_CYLINDER_PARAM_C2_IDX |
c2 parameter index More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_independent_type = FIELD_INDEPENDENT_TYPE |
Independent field type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dependent_type = FIELD_DEPENDENT_TYPE |
Dependent field type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_scalar_dimension_type = FIELD_SCALAR_DIMENSION_TYPE |
Scalar field. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_vector_dimension_type = FIELD_VECTOR_DIMENSION_TYPE |
Vector field. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_tensor_dimension_type = FIELD_TENSOR_DIMENSION_TYPE |
Tensor field. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_geometric_type = FIELD_GEOMETRIC_TYPE |
Geometric field. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_fibre_type = FIELD_FIBRE_TYPE |
Fibre field. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_general_type = FIELD_GENERAL_TYPE |
General field. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_material_type = FIELD_MATERIAL_TYPE |
Material field. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_geometric_general_type = FIELD_GEOMETRIC_GENERAL_TYPE |
Geometric general field. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_constant_interpolation = FIELD_CONSTANT_INTERPOLATION |
Constant interpolation. One parameter for the field. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_element_based_interpolation = FIELD_ELEMENT_BASED_INTERPOLATION |
Element based interpolation. Parameters are different in each element. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_node_based_interpolation = FIELD_NODE_BASED_INTERPOLATION |
Node based interpolation. Parameters are nodal based and a basis function is used. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_grid_point_based_interpolation = FIELD_GRID_POINT_BASED_INTERPOLATION |
Grid point based interpolation. Parameters are different at each grid point. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_gauss_point_based_interpolation = FIELD_GAUSS_POINT_BASED_INTERPOLATION |
Gauss point based interpolation. Parameters are different at each Gauss point. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_data_point_based_interpolation = FIELD_DATA_POINT_BASED_INTERPOLATION |
Data point based interpolation. Parameters are different at each data point. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_number_of_variable_subtypes = FIELD_NUMBER_OF_VARIABLE_SUBTYPES |
The number of subtypes of a variable - i.e., u, du/dn, du/dt, d^2u/dt^2. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_u_variable_type = FIELD_U_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Standard variable type i.e., u. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_deludeln_variable_type = FIELD_DELUDELN_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Normal derivative variable type i.e., du/dn. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_deludelt_variable_type = FIELD_DELUDELT_VARIABLE_TYPE |
First time derivative variable type i.e., du/dt. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_del2udelt2_variable_type = FIELD_DEL2UDELT2_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Second time derivative variable type i.e., d^2u/dt^2. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_v_variable_type = FIELD_V_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Second standard variable type i.e., v. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delvdeln_variable_type = FIELD_DELVDELN_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Second normal derivative variable type i.e., dv/dn. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delvdelt_variable_type = FIELD_DELVDELT_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Second first time derivative variable type i.e., dv/dt. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_del2vdelt2_variable_type = FIELD_DEL2VDELT2_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Second second time derivative variable type i.e., d^2v/dt^2. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_u1_variable_type = FIELD_U1_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Standard variable type i.e., u. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delu1deln_variable_type = FIELD_DELU1DELN_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Normal derivative variable type i.e., du/dn. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delu1delt_variable_type = FIELD_DELU1DELT_VARIABLE_TYPE |
First time derivative variable type i.e., du/dt. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_del2u1delt2_variable_type = FIELD_DEL2U1DELT2_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Second time derivative variable type i.e., d^2u/dt^2. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_u2_variable_type = FIELD_U2_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Standard variable type i.e., u. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delu2deln_variable_type = FIELD_DELU2DELN_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Normal derivative variable type i.e., du/dn. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delu2delt_variable_type = FIELD_DELU2DELT_VARIABLE_TYPE |
First time derivative variable type i.e., du/dt. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_del2u2delt2_variable_type = FIELD_DEL2U2DELT2_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Second time derivative variable type i.e., d^2u/dt^2. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_u3_variable_type = FIELD_U3_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Standard variable type i.e., u. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delu3deln_variable_type = FIELD_DELU3DELN_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Normal derivative variable type i.e., du/dn. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delu3delt_variable_type = FIELD_DELU3DELT_VARIABLE_TYPE |
First time derivative variable type i.e., du/dt. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_del2u3delt2_variable_type = FIELD_DEL2U3DELT2_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Second time derivative variable type i.e., d^2u/dt^2. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_u4_variable_type = FIELD_U4_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Standard variable type i.e., u. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delu4deln_variable_type = FIELD_DELU4DELN_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Normal derivative variable type i.e., du/dn. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delu4delt_variable_type = FIELD_DELU4DELT_VARIABLE_TYPE |
First time derivative variable type i.e., du/dt. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_del2u4delt2_variable_type = FIELD_DEL2U4DELT2_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Second time derivative variable type i.e., d^2u/dt^2. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_u5_variable_type = FIELD_U5_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Standard variable type i.e., u. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delu5deln_variable_type = FIELD_DELU5DELN_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Normal derivative variable type i.e., du/dn. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delu5delt_variable_type = FIELD_DELU5DELT_VARIABLE_TYPE |
First time derivative variable type i.e., du/dt. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_del2u5delt2_variable_type = FIELD_DEL2U5DELT2_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Second time derivative variable type i.e., d^2u/dt^2. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_u6_variable_type = FIELD_U6_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Standard variable type i.e., u. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delu6deln_variable_type = FIELD_DELU6DELN_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Normal derivative variable type i.e., du/dn. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delu6delt_variable_type = FIELD_DELU6DELT_VARIABLE_TYPE |
First time derivative variable type i.e., du/dt. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_del2u6delt2_variable_type = FIELD_DEL2U6DELT2_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Second time derivative variable type i.e., d^2u/dt^2. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_u7_variable_type = FIELD_U7_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Standard variable type i.e., u. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delu7deln_variable_type = FIELD_DELU7DELN_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Normal derivative variable type i.e., du/dn. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delu7delt_variable_type = FIELD_DELU7DELT_VARIABLE_TYPE |
First time derivative variable type i.e., du/dt. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_del2u7delt2_variable_type = FIELD_DEL2U7DELT2_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Second time derivative variable type i.e., d^2u/dt^2. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_u8_variable_type = FIELD_U8_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Standard variable type i.e., u. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delu8deln_variable_type = FIELD_DELU8DELN_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Normal derivative variable type i.e., du/dn. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delu8delt_variable_type = FIELD_DELU8DELT_VARIABLE_TYPE |
First time derivative variable type i.e., du/dt. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_del2u8delt2_variable_type = FIELD_DEL2U8DELT2_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Second time derivative variable type i.e., d^2u/dt^2. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_u9_variable_type = FIELD_U9_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Standard variable type i.e., u. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delu9deln_variable_type = FIELD_DELU9DELN_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Normal derivative variable type i.e., du/dn. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delu9delt_variable_type = FIELD_DELU9DELT_VARIABLE_TYPE |
First time derivative variable type i.e., du/dt. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_del2u9delt2_variable_type = FIELD_DEL2U9DELT2_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Second time derivative variable type i.e., d^2u/dt^2. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_u10_variable_type = FIELD_U10_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Standard variable type i.e., u. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delu10deln_variable_type = FIELD_DELU10DELN_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Normal derivative variable type i.e., du/dn. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_delu10delt_variable_type = FIELD_DELU10DELT_VARIABLE_TYPE |
First time derivative variable type i.e., du/dt. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_del2u10delt2_variable_type = FIELD_DEL2U10DELT2_VARIABLE_TYPE |
Second time derivative variable type i.e., d^2u/dt^2. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_intg_type = FIELD_INTG_TYPE |
Integer field data type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_sp_type = FIELD_SP_TYPE |
Single precision real field data type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_dp_type = FIELD_DP_TYPE |
Double precision real field data type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_l_type = FIELD_L_TYPE |
Logical field data type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_separated_component_dof_order = FIELD_SEPARATED_COMPONENT_DOF_ORDER |
Field variable component dofs are not contiguous. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_contiguous_component_dof_order = FIELD_CONTIGUOUS_COMPONENT_DOF_ORDER |
Field variable component dofs are contiguous. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_values_set_type = FIELD_VALUES_SET_TYPE |
The parameter set corresponding to the field values (at time T+DT for dynamic problems) More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_boundary_conditions_set_type = FIELD_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_SET_TYPE |
The parameter set corresponding to the field boundary condition values. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_initial_values_set_type = FIELD_INITIAL_VALUES_SET_TYPE |
The parameter set corresponding to the field initial values. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_incremental_values_set_type = FIELD_INCREMENTAL_VALUES_SET_TYPE |
The parameter set corresponding to the field incremental values. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_analytic_values_set_type = FIELD_ANALYTIC_VALUES_SET_TYPE |
The parameter set corresponding to the analytic field values. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_previous_values_set_type = FIELD_PREVIOUS_VALUES_SET_TYPE |
The parameter set corresponding to the previous field values (at time T) More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_mean_predicted_displacement_set_type = FIELD_MEAN_PREDICTED_DISPLACEMENT_SET_TYPE |
The parameter set corresponding to the mean predicited avalues (at time T+DT) More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_velocity_values_set_type = FIELD_VELOCITY_VALUES_SET_TYPE |
The parameter set corresponding to the velocity values (at time T+DT) More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_initial_velocity_set_type = FIELD_INITIAL_VELOCITY_SET_TYPE |
The parameter set corresponding to the initial velocity values for dynamic problems. This is also the previous velocity values. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_previous_velocity_set_type = FIELD_PREVIOUS_VELOCITY_SET_TYPE |
The parameter set corresponding to the previous velocity values (at time T). This is also the initial velocity values for dynamic problems. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_mean_predicted_velocity_set_type = FIELD_MEAN_PREDICTED_VELOCITY_SET_TYPE |
The parameter set corresponding to the mean predicited velocity values (at time T+DT) More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_acceleration_values_set_type = FIELD_ACCELERATION_VALUES_SET_TYPE |
The parameter set corresponding to the acceleration values (at time T+DT) More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_initial_acceleration_set_type = FIELD_INITIAL_ACCELERATION_SET_TYPE |
The parameter set corresponding to the initial acceleration values for dynamic problems. This is also the previous accelearation values. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_previous_acceleration_set_type = FIELD_PREVIOUS_ACCELERATION_SET_TYPE |
The parameter set corresponding to the previous acceleration values (at time T).This is also the initial acceleration values for dynamic problems. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_mean_predicted_acceleration_set_type = FIELD_MEAN_PREDICTED_ACCELERATION_SET_TYPE |
The parameter set corresponding to the mean predicited acceleration values (at time T+DT) More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_pressure_values_set_type = FIELD_PRESSURE_VALUES_SET_TYPE |
The parameter set corresponding to the surface pressure values. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_previous_pressure_set_type = FIELD_PREVIOUS_PRESSURE_SET_TYPE |
The parameter set corresponding to the previous surface pressure values (at time T). More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_impermeable_flag_values_set_type = FIELD_IMPERMEABLE_FLAG_VALUES_SET_TYPE |
The parameter set corresponding to the impermeable flag values. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_integrated_neumann_set_type = FIELD_INTEGRATED_NEUMANN_SET_TYPE |
Stores integrated Neumann values calculated from Neumann point values. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_mesh_displacement_set_type =FIELD_MESH_DISPLACEMENT_SET_TYPE |
The parameter set corresponding to the mesh displacement values for ALE. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_mesh_velocity_set_type =FIELD_MESH_VELOCITY_SET_TYPE |
The parameter set corresponding to the mesh velocity values for ALE. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_no_scaling = FIELD_NO_SCALING |
The field is not scaled. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_unit_scaling = FIELD_UNIT_SCALING |
The field has unit scaling. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_arc_length_scaling = FIELD_ARC_LENGTH_SCALING |
The field has arc length scaling. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_arithmetic_mean_scaling = FIELD_ARITHMETIC_MEAN_SCALING |
The field has arithmetic mean of the arc length scaling. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_geometric_mean_scaling = FIELD_GEOMETRIC_MEAN_SCALING |
The field has geometric mean of the arc length scaling. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_field_harmonic_mean_scaling = FIELD_HARMONIC_MEAN_SCALING |
The field has geometric mean of the arc length scaling. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generated_mesh_regular_mesh_type = GENERATED_MESH_REGULAR_MESH_TYPE |
A regular generated mesh. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generated_mesh_polar_mesh_type = GENERATED_MESH_POLAR_MESH_TYPE |
A polar generated mesh. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generated_mesh_fractal_tree_mesh_type = GENERATED_MESH_FRACTAL_TREE_MESH_TYPE |
A fractal tree generated mesh. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generated_mesh_cylinder_mesh_type = GENERATED_MESH_CYLINDER_MESH_TYPE |
A cylinder generated mesh. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generated_mesh_ellipsoid_mesh_type = GENERATED_MESH_ELLIPSOID_MESH_TYPE |
An ellipsoid generated mesh. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generated_mesh_cylinder_inner_surface = GENERATED_MESH_CYLINDER_INNER_SURFACE |
Cylinder inner surface constant. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generated_mesh_cylinder_outer_surface = GENERATED_MESH_CYLINDER_OUTER_SURFACE |
Cylinder outer surface. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generated_mesh_cylinder_top_surface = GENERATED_MESH_CYLINDER_TOP_SURFACE |
Cylinder top surface constant. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generated_mesh_cylinder_bottom_surface = GENERATED_MESH_CYLINDER_BOTTOM_SURFACE |
Cylinder bottom surface constant. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generated_mesh_ellipsoid_inner_surface = GENERATED_MESH_ELLIPSOID_INNER_SURFACE |
Ellipsoid inner surface constant. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generated_mesh_ellipsoid_outer_surface = GENERATED_MESH_ELLIPSOID_OUTER_SURFACE |
Ellipsoid outer surface constant. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generated_mesh_ellipsoid_top_surface = GENERATED_MESH_ELLIPSOID_TOP_SURFACE |
Ellipsoid top surface constant. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generated_mesh_regular_left_surface = GENERATED_MESH_REGULAR_LEFT_SURFACE |
Regular left surface constant. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generated_mesh_regular_right_surface = GENERATED_MESH_REGULAR_RIGHT_SURFACE |
Regular right surface constant. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generated_mesh_regular_top_surface = GENERATED_MESH_REGULAR_TOP_SURFACE |
Regular top surface constant. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generated_mesh_regular_bottom_surface = GENERATED_MESH_REGULAR_BOTTOM_SURFACE |
Regular bottom surface constant. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generated_mesh_regular_front_surface = GENERATED_MESH_REGULAR_FRONT_SURFACE |
Regular front surface constant. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_generated_mesh_regular_back_surface = GENERATED_MESH_REGULAR_BACK_SURFACE |
Regular back surface constant. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_condition_lagrange_multipliers_method = INTERFACE_CONDITION_LAGRANGE_MULTIPLIERS_METHOD |
Lagrange multipliers interface condition method. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_condition_augmented_lagrange_method = INTERFACE_CONDITION_AUGMENTED_LAGRANGE_METHOD |
Augmented Lagrange multiplers interface condition method. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_condition_penalty_method = INTERFACE_CONDITION_PENALTY_METHOD |
Penalty interface condition method. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_condition_point_to_point_method = INTERFACE_CONDITION_POINT_TO_POINT_METHOD |
Point to point interface condition method. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_condition_field_continuity_operator = INTERFACE_CONDITION_FIELD_CONTINUITY_OPERATOR |
Continuous field operator, i.e., lambda.(u1_gauss-u2_gauss). More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_condition_field_normal_continuity_operator = INTERFACE_CONDITION_FIELD_NORMAL_CONTINUITY_OPERATOR |
Continuous field normal operator, i.e., lambda(u_1.n_1-u_2.n_2). More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_condition_fls_contact_operator = INTERFACE_CONDITION_FLS_CONTACT_OPERATOR |
Frictionless contact operator, i.e., lambda.(x_1.n-x_2.n). More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_condition_fls_contact_reproject_operator = INTERFACE_CONDITION_FLS_CONTACT_REPROJECT_OPERATOR |
Frictionless contact operator, reproject at each newton iteration and has geometric linearisation terms i.e., lambda.(x_1.n-x_2.n). More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_condition_solid_fluid_operator = INTERFACE_CONDITION_SOLID_FLUID_OPERATOR |
Solid fluid operator, i.e., lambda.(v_f-du_s/dt). More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_condition_solid_fluid_normal_operator = INTERFACE_CONDITION_SOLID_FLUID_NORMAL_OPERATOR |
Solid fluid normal operator, i.e., lambda(v_f.n_f-du_s/dt.n_s). More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_condition_gauss_integration =INTERFACE_CONDITION_GAUSS_INTEGRATION |
Gauss points integration type, i.e. Loop over element Gauss points and sum up their contribution. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_condition_data_points_integration =INTERFACE_CONDITION_DATA_POINTS_INTEGRATION |
Data points integration type i.e. Loop over data points and sum up their contribution. More... | |
integer, parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_number_of_interface_matrix_types =NUMBER_OF_INTERFACE_MATRIX_TYPES |
integer, parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_matrix_static =INTERFACE_MATRIX_STATIC |
Interface matrix is of static type. More... | |
integer, parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_matrix_quasi_static =INTERFACE_MATRIX_QUASI_STATIC |
Interface matrix is of quasi-static type. More... | |
integer, parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_matrix_first_order_dynamic =INTERFACE_MATRIX_FIRST_ORDER_DYNAMIC |
Interface matrix is of first order dynamic type. More... | |
integer, parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_interface_matrix_second_order_dynamic =INTERFACE_MATRIX_SECOND_ORDER_DYNAMIC |
Interface matrix is of second order dynamic type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_all_type = DECOMPOSITION_ALL_TYPE |
The decomposition contains all elements. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_calculated_type = DECOMPOSITION_CALCULATED_TYPE |
The element decomposition is calculated by graph partitioning. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_decomposition_user_defined_type = DECOMPOSITION_USER_DEFINED_TYPE |
The user will set the element decomposition. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_matrix_block_storage_type =DISTRIBUTED_MATRIX_BLOCK_STORAGE_TYPE |
Distributed matrix block storage type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_matrix_diagonal_storage_type =DISTRIBUTED_MATRIX_DIAGONAL_STORAGE_TYPE |
Distributed matrix diagonal storage type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_matrix_column_major_storage_type =DISTRIBUTED_MATRIX_COLUMN_MAJOR_STORAGE_TYPE |
Distributed matrix column major storage type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_matrix_row_major_storage_type =DISTRIBUTED_MATRIX_ROW_MAJOR_STORAGE_TYPE |
Distributed matrix row major storage type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_matrix_compressed_row_storage_type =DISTRIBUTED_MATRIX_COMPRESSED_ROW_STORAGE_TYPE |
Distributed matrix compressed row storage type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_matrix_compressed_column_storage_type =DISTRIBUTED_MATRIX_COMPRESSED_COLUMN_STORAGE_TYPE |
Distributed matrix compressed column storage type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_matrix_row_column_storage_type =DISTRIBUTED_MATRIX_ROW_COLUMN_STORAGE_TYPE |
Distributed matrix row-column storage type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_matrix_vector_intg_type =DISTRIBUTED_MATRIX_VECTOR_INTG_TYPE |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_matrix_vector_sp_type =DISTRIBUTED_MATRIX_VECTOR_SP_TYPE |
Single precision real distributed matrix-vector data type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_matrix_vector_dp_type =DISTRIBUTED_MATRIX_VECTOR_DP_TYPE |
Double precision real distributed matrix-vector data type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_matrix_vector_l_type =DISTRIBUTED_MATRIX_VECTOR_L_TYPE |
Logical distributed matrix-vector data type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_no_class = PROBLEM_NO_CLASS |
No problem class. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_elasticity_class = PROBLEM_ELASTICITY_CLASS |
Elasticity problem class. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_fluid_mechanics_class = PROBLEM_FLUID_MECHANICS_CLASS |
Fluid mechanics problem class. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_electromagnetics_class = PROBLEM_ELECTROMAGNETICS_CLASS |
Electromagnetics problem class. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_classical_field_class = PROBLEM_CLASSICAL_FIELD_CLASS |
Classical field problem class. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_bioelectrics_class = PROBLEM_BIOELECTRICS_CLASS |
Bioelectrics problem class. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_modal_class = PROBLEM_MODAL_CLASS |
Modal problem class. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_fitting_class = PROBLEM_FITTING_CLASS |
Fitting problem class. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_optimisation_class = PROBLEM_OPTIMISATION_CLASS |
Optimisation problem class. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_multi_physics_class = PROBLEM_MULTI_PHYSICS_CLASS |
Multi physics problem class. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_no_type = PROBLEM_NO_TYPE |
No problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_linear_elasticity_type = PROBLEM_LINEAR_ELASTICITY_TYPE |
Linear elasticity problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_finite_elasticity_type = PROBLEM_FINITE_ELASTICITY_TYPE |
Finite elasticity problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_linear_elasticity_contact_type = PROBLEM_LINEAR_ELASTICITY_CONTACT_TYPE |
Linear elasticity problem subject to contact contstraint type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_finite_elasticity_contact_type = PROBLEM_FINITE_ELASTICITY_CONTACT_TYPE |
Finite elasticity problem subject to contact constraint type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_stokes_equation_type = PROBLEM_STOKES_EQUATION_TYPE |
Stokes equation problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_navier_stokes_equation_type = PROBLEM_NAVIER_STOKES_EQUATION_TYPE |
Navier-Stokes problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_darcy_equation_type = PROBLEM_DARCY_EQUATION_TYPE |
Darcy equation problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_poiseuille_equation_type = PROBLEM_POISEUILLE_EQUATION_TYPE |
Poiseuille equation problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_burgers_equation_type = PROBLEM_BURGERS_EQUATION_TYPE |
Burgers equation problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_electrostatic_type = PROBLEM_ELECTROSTATIC_TYPE |
Electrostatic problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_magnetostatic_type = PROBLEM_MAGNETOSTATIC_TYPE |
Magnetostatic problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_maxwells_equations_type = PROBLEM_MAXWELLS_EQUATIONS_TYPE |
Maxwell's equations problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_laplace_equation_type = PROBLEM_LAPLACE_EQUATION_TYPE |
Laplace problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_poisson_equation_type = PROBLEM_POISSON_EQUATION_TYPE |
Poisson problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_helmholtz_equation_type = PROBLEM_HELMHOLTZ_EQUATION_TYPE |
Helmholtz problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_wave_equation_type = PROBLEM_WAVE_EQUATION_TYPE |
Wave equation problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_diffusion_equation_type = PROBLEM_DIFFUSION_EQUATION_TYPE |
Diffusion equation problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_advection_diffusion_equation_type = PROBLEM_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_EQUATION_TYPE |
Advection-Diffusion equation problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_reaction_diffusion_equation_type = PROBLEM_REACTION_DIFFUSION_EQUATION_TYPE |
Reaction-Diffusion equation problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_biharmonic_equation_type = PROBLEM_BIHARMONIC_EQUATION_TYPE |
Bi-harmonic equation problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_monodomain_equation_type = PROBLEM_MONODOMAIN_EQUATION_TYPE |
Monodomain equation problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_bidomain_equation_type = PROBLEM_BIDOMAIN_EQUATION_TYPE |
Bidomain equation problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_linear_elastic_modal_type = PROBLEM_LINEAR_ELASTIC_MODAL_TYPE |
Linear elastic modal problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_data_fitting_type = PROBLEM_DATA_FITTING_TYPE |
Galerkin projection problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_finite_elasticity_darcy_type = PROBLEM_FINITE_ELASTICITY_DARCY_TYPE |
Finite Elasticity Darcy problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_finite_elasticity_stokes_type = PROBLEM_FINITE_ELASTICITY_STOKES_TYPE |
Finite Elasticity Stokes problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_finite_elasticity_navier_stokes_type = PROBLEM_FINITE_ELASTICITY_NAVIER_STOKES_TYPE |
Finite Elasticity NavierStokes problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_diffusion_diffusion_type = PROBLEM_DIFFUSION_DIFFUSION_TYPE |
Diffusion Diffusion problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_diffusion_advection_diffusion_type = PROBLEM_DIFFUSION_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_TYPE |
Diffusion Advection Diffusion problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_multi_compartment_transport_type = PROBLEM_MULTI_COMPARTMENT_TRANSPORT_TYPE |
Multi-compartment transport problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_finite_elasticity_fluid_pressure_type = PROBLEM_FINITE_ELASTICITY_FLUID_PRESSURE_TYPE |
Finite elasticity fluid pressure problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_bioelectric_finite_elasticity_type = PROBLEM_BIOELECTRIC_FINITE_ELASTICITY_TYPE |
Monodomain finite elasticity problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_monodomain_strang_splitting_equation_type = PROBLEM_MONODOMAIN_STRANG_SPLITTING_EQUATION_TYPE |
Monodomain equation problem type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_no_subtype = PROBLEM_NO_SUBTYPE |
No problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_static_stokes_subtype = PROBLEM_STATIC_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Static Stokes problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_laplace_stokes_subtype = PROBLEM_LAPLACE_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Laplace type Stokes problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_transient_stokes_subtype = PROBLEM_TRANSIENT_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Transient Stokes problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_ale_stokes_subtype = PROBLEM_ALE_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
ALE Stokes problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_pgm_stokes_subtype = PROBLEM_PGM_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
PGM Stokes problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_optimised_stokes_subtype = PROBLEM_OPTIMISED_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Optimised Stokes problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_static_navier_stokes_subtype = PROBLEM_STATIC_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Static Navier-Stokes problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_laplace_navier_stokes_subtype = PROBLEM_LAPLACE_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Laplace type Navier-Stokes problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_transient_navier_stokes_subtype = PROBLEM_TRANSIENT_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Transient Navier-Stokes problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_transient_rbs_navier_stokes_subtype = PROBLEM_TRANSIENT_RBS_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Transient stabilised Navier-Stokes problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_multiscale_navier_stokes_subtype = PROBLEM_MULTISCALE_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Transient stabilised Navier-Stokes problem with multiscale boundary coupling subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_transient1d_navier_stokes_subtype = PROBLEM_TRANSIENT1D_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
TRANSIENT1D Navier-Stokes problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_coupled1d0d_navier_stokes_subtype = PROBLEM_COUPLED1D0D_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Coupled 1D-DAE Navier-Stokes problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_transient1d_adv_navier_stokes_subtype = PROBLEM_TRANSIENT1D_ADV_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
TRANSIENT1D Navier-Stokes problem subtype with Advection. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_coupled1d0d_adv_navier_stokes_subtype = PROBLEM_COUPLED1D0D_ADV_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Coupled 1D-DAE Navier-Stokes problem subtype with Advection. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_stree1d0d_subtype = PROBLEM_COUPLED1D0D_ADV_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Coupled 1D-DAE Navier-Stokes problem subtype with Advection. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_stree1d0d_adv_subtype = PROBLEM_COUPLED1D0D_ADV_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Coupled 1D-DAE Navier-Stokes problem subtype with Advection. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_ale_navier_stokes_subtype = PROBLEM_ALE_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
ALE Navier-Stokes problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_pgm_navier_stokes_subtype = PROBLEM_PGM_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
PGM Navier-Stokes problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_optimised_navier_stokes_subtype = PROBLEM_OPTIMISED_NAVIER_STOKES_SUBTYPE |
Optimised Navier-Stokes problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_standard_darcy_subtype = PROBLEM_STANDARD_DARCY_SUBTYPE |
Standard Darcy problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_quasistatic_darcy_subtype = PROBLEM_QUASISTATIC_DARCY_SUBTYPE |
Quasistatic Darcy problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_ale_darcy_subtype = PROBLEM_ALE_DARCY_SUBTYPE |
ALE Darcy problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_transient_darcy_subtype = PROBLEM_TRANSIENT_DARCY_SUBTYPE |
Transient Darcy problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_pgm_darcy_subtype = PROBLEM_PGM_DARCY_SUBTYPE |
PGM Darcy problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_pgm_transient_darcy_subtype = PROBLEM_PGM_TRANSIENT_DARCY_SUBTYPE |
PGM Transient Darcy problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_standard_laplace_subtype = PROBLEM_STANDARD_LAPLACE_SUBTYPE |
Standard Laplace problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_generalised_laplace_subtype = PROBLEM_GENERALISED_LAPLACE_SUBTYPE |
Generalised Laplace problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_static_poiseuille_subtype = PROBLEM_STATIC_POISEUILLE_SUBTYPE |
Static Poiseuille problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_dynamic_poiseuille_subtype = PROBLEM_DYNAMIC_POISEUILLE_SUBTYPE |
Static Poiseuille problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_extracellular_bidomain_poisson_subtype = PROBLEM_EXTRACELLULAR_BIDOMAIN_POISSON_SUBTYPE |
Linear source Poisson problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_linear_source_poisson_subtype = PROBLEM_LINEAR_SOURCE_POISSON_SUBTYPE |
Linear source Poisson problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_linear_pressure_poisson_subtype = PROBLEM_LINEAR_PRESSURE_POISSON_SUBTYPE |
Vector source Poisson problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_nonlinear_pressure_poisson_subtype = PROBLEM_NONLINEAR_PRESSURE_POISSON_SUBTYPE |
Vector source Poisson problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_ale_pressure_poisson_subtype = PROBLEM_ALE_PRESSURE_POISSON_SUBTYPE |
Vector source Poisson problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_fitted_pressure_poisson_subtype = PROBLEM_FITTED_PRESSURE_POISSON_SUBTYPE |
Vector source Poisson problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_nonlinear_source_poisson_subtype = PROBLEM_NONLINEAR_SOURCE_POISSON_SUBTYPE |
Nonlinear source Poisson problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_standard_helmholtz_subtype = PROBLEM_STANDARD_HELMHOLTZ_SUBTYPE |
No source Helmholtz problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_generalised_helmholtz_subtype = PROBLEM_GENERALISED_HELMHOLTZ_SUBTYPE |
No source Helmholtz problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_no_source_diffusion_subtype = PROBLEM_NO_SOURCE_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
No source Diffusion problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_linear_source_diffusion_subtype = PROBLEM_LINEAR_SOURCE_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Linear source Diffusion problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_nonlinear_source_diffusion_subtype = PROBLEM_NONLINEAR_SOURCE_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Nonlinear source Diffusion problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_no_source_ale_diffusion_subtype = PROBLEM_NO_SOURCE_ALE_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
No source Diffusion problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_linear_source_ale_diffusion_subtype = PROBLEM_LINEAR_SOURCE_ALE_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Linear source Diffusion problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_nonlinear_source_ale_diffusion_subtype = PROBLEM_NONLINEAR_SOURCE_ALE_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Nonlinear source Diffusion problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_no_source_advection_diffusion_subtype = PROBLEM_NO_SOURCE_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
No source advection-Diffusion problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_linear_source_advection_diffusion_subtype = PROBLEM_LINEAR_SOURCE_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Linear source advection-Diffusion problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_nonlinear_source_advection_diffusion_subtype = PROBLEM_NONLINEAR_SOURCE_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Nonlinear source advection-Diffusion problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_no_source_ale_advection_diffusion_subtype = PROBLEM_NO_SOURCE_ALE_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
No source advection-Diffusion problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_linear_source_ale_advection_diffusion_subtype = PROBLEM_LINEAR_SOURCE_ALE_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Linear source advection-Diffusion problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_nonlinear_source_ale_advection_diffusion_subtype = PROBLEM_NONLINEAR_SOURCE_ALE_ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Nonlinear source advection-Diffusion problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_no_source_static_advec_diff_subtype = PROBLEM_NO_SOURCE_STATIC_ADVEC_DIFF_SUBTYPE |
No source advection-Diffusion problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_linear_source_static_advec_diff_subtype = PROBLEM_LINEAR_SOURCE_STATIC_ADVEC_DIFF_SUBTYPE |
Linear source advection-Diffusion problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_nonlinear_source_static_advec_diff_subtype = PROBLEM_NONLINEAR_SOURCE_STATIC_ADVEC_DIFF_SUBTYPE |
Nonlinear source advection-Diffusion problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_static_burgers_subtype = PROBLEM_STATIC_BURGERS_SUBTYPE |
static Burgers problem subtype More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_dynamic_burgers_subtype = PROBLEM_DYNAMIC_BURGERS_SUBTYPE |
dynamic Burgers problem subtype More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_cellml_reac_integ_reac_diff_strang_split_subtype = PROBLEM_CELLML_REAC_INTEG_REAC_DIFF_STRANG_SPLIT_SUBTYPE |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_cellml_reac_eval_reac_diff_no_split_subtype = PROBLEM_CELLML_REAC_EVAL_REAC_DIFF_NO_SPLIT_SUBTYPE |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_constant_reac_diff_no_split_subtype = PROBLEM_CONSTANT_REAC_DIFF_NO_SPLIT_SUBTYPE |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_standard_data_fitting_subtype = PROBLEM_STANDARD_DATA_FITTING_SUBTYPE |
Standard Galerkin projection problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_vector_data_fitting_subtype = PROBLEM_VECTOR_DATA_FITTING_SUBTYPE |
Standard Galerkin projection problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_div_free_vector_data_fitting_subtype = PROBLEM_DIV_FREE_VECTOR_DATA_FITTING_SUBTYPE |
Standard Galerkin projection problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_data_point_vector_static_fitting_subtype = Problem_DataPointVectorStaticFittingSubtype |
Standard static Galerkin projection problem using data points subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_data_pt_vector_quasistatic_fitting_subtype = Problem_DataPointVectorQuasistaticFittingSubtype |
Standard quasistatic Galerkin projection problem using data points subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_vector_data_pre_fitting_subtype = PROBLEM_VECTOR_DATA_PRE_FITTING_SUBTYPE |
Standard Galerkin projection problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_div_free_vector_data_pre_fitting_subtype = PROBLEM_DIV_FREE_VECTOR_DATA_PRE_FITTING_SUBTYPE |
Standard Galerkin projection problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_generalised_data_fitting_subtype = PROBLEM_GENERALISED_DATA_FITTING_SUBTYPE |
Generalised Galerkin projection problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_mat_properties_data_fitting_subtype = PROBLEM_MAT_PROPERTIES_DATA_FITTING_SUBTYPE |
Material Properties Galerkin projection problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_standard_elasticity_darcy_subtype = PROBLEM_STANDARD_ELASTICITY_DARCY_SUBTYPE |
Standard Elasticity Darcy problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_pgm_elasticity_darcy_subtype = PROBLEM_PGM_ELASTICITY_DARCY_SUBTYPE |
PGM Elasticity Darcy problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_quasistatic_elasticity_transient_darcy_subtype = PROBLEM_QUASISTATIC_ELASTICITY_TRANSIENT_DARCY_SUBTYPE |
Quasistatic Elasticity Transient Darcy problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_quasistatic_elast_trans_darcy_mat_solve_subtype = PROBLEM_QUASISTATIC_ELAST_TRANS_DARCY_MAT_SOLVE_SUBTYPE |
Quasistatic Elasticity Transient Darcy Material Solve problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_coupled_source_diffusion_diffusion_subtype = PROBLEM_COUPLED_SOURCE_DIFFUSION_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Coupled source diffusion-diffusion problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_coupled_source_diffusion_advec_diffusion_subtype = PROBLEM_COUPLED_SOURCE_DIFFUSION_ADVEC_DIFFUSION_SUBTYPE |
Coupled source diffusion & advection-diffusion problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_standard_multi_compartment_transport_subtype = PROBLEM_STANDARD_MULTI_COMPARTMENT_TRANSPORT_SUBTYPE |
Standard multi-compartment transport problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_standard_elasticity_fluid_pressure_subtype = PROBLEM_STANDARD_ELASTICITY_FLUID_PRESSURE_SUBTYPE |
Standard elasticity fluid pressure problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_gudunov_monodomain_simple_elasticity_subtype = PROBLEM_GUDUNOV_MONODOMAIN_SIMPLE_ELASTICITY_SUBTYPE |
Transient monodomain simple elasticity problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_gudunov_monodomain_1d3d_elasticity_subtype = PROBLEM_GUDUNOV_MONODOMAIN_1D3D_ELASTICITY_SUBTYPE |
Transient monodomain simple elasticity problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_monodomain_elasticity_w_titin_subtype = PROBLEM_MONODOMAIN_ELASTICITY_W_TITIN_SUBTYPE |
Transient monodomain simple elasticity problem subtype with titin. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_monodomain_elasticity_velocity_subtype = PROBLEM_MONODOMAIN_ELASTICITY_VELOCITY_SUBTYPE |
Transient monodomain simple elasticity problem subtype with force-velocity relation. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_monodomain_1d3d_active_strain_subtype = PROBLEM_MONODOMAIN_1D3D_ACTIVE_STRAIN_SUBTYPE |
Transient monodomain active strain elasticity problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_finite_elasticity_navier_stokes_ale_subtype = PROBLEM_FINITE_ELASTICITY_NAVIER_STOKES_ALE_SUBTYPE |
Coupled Finite Elasticity Navier Stokes moving mesh subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_quasistatic_finite_elasticity_subtype = PROBLEM_QUASISTATIC_FINITE_ELASTICITY_SUBTYPE |
Quasistatic finite elasticity subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_finite_elasticity_cellml_subtype = PROBLEM_FINITE_ELASTICITY_CELLML_SUBTYPE |
Quasistatic finite elasticity subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_multiscale_finite_elasticity_subtype = PROBLEM_MULTISCALE_FINITE_ELASTICITY_SUBTYPE |
Multiscale finite elasticity subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_finite_elasticity_with_growth_cellml_subtype = PROBLEM_FINITE_ELASTICITY_WITH_GROWTH_CELLML_SUBTYPE |
Quasistatic finite elasticity subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_monodomain_gudunov_split_subtype = PROBLEM_MONODOMAIN_GUDUNOV_SPLIT_SUBTYPE |
Monodomain Gudunov split problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_monodomain_strang_split_subtype = PROBLEM_MONODOMAIN_STRANG_SPLIT_SUBTYPE |
Monodomain Gudunov split problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_bidomain_gudunov_split_subtype = PROBLEM_BIDOMAIN_GUDUNOV_SPLIT_SUBTYPE |
Bidomain Gudunov split problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_bidomain_strang_split_subtype = PROBLEM_BIDOMAIN_STRANG_SPLIT_SUBTYPE |
Bidomain Gudunov split problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_monodomain_buenoorovio_subtype = PROBLEM_MONODOMAIN_BUENOOROVIO_SUBTYPE |
Generalised Laplace problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_monodomain_tentusscher06_subtype = PROBLEM_MONODOMAIN_TENTUSSCHER06_SUBTYPE |
Generalised Laplace problem subtype. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_le_contact_transform_reproject_subtype =PROBLEM_LE_CONTACT_TRANSFORM_REPROJECT_SUBTYPE |
linear elasticity problem subject to contact constraint, transform field at load increments and reproject at Newton iterations More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_le_contact_transform_subtype =PROBLEM_LE_CONTACT_TRANSFORM_SUBTYPE |
linear elasticity problem subject to contact constraint, transform field at load increments More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_le_contact_reproject_subtype =PROBLEM_LE_CONTACT_REPROJECT_SUBTYPE |
linear elasticity problem subject to contact constraint, reproject at Newton iterations More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_fe_contact_transform_reproject_subtype =PROBLEM_FE_CONTACT_TRANSFORM_REPROJECT_SUBTYPE |
linear elasticity problem subject to contact constraint, transform field at load increments and reproject at Newton iterations More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_fe_contact_transform_subtype =PROBLEM_FE_CONTACT_TRANSFORM_SUBTYPE |
finear elasticity problem subject to contact constraint, transform field at load increments More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_fe_contact_reproject_subtype =PROBLEM_FE_CONTACT_REPROJECT_SUBTYPE |
finear elasticity problem subject to contact constraint, reproject at Newton iterations More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_control_simple_type = PROBLEM_CONTROL_SIMPLE_TYPE |
Simple, one iteration control loop. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_control_fixed_loop_type = PROBLEM_CONTROL_FIXED_LOOP_TYPE |
Fixed iteration control loop. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_control_time_loop_type = PROBLEM_CONTROL_TIME_LOOP_TYPE |
Time control loop. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_control_while_loop_type = PROBLEM_CONTROL_WHILE_LOOP_TYPE |
While control loop. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_problem_control_load_increment_loop_type = PROBLEM_CONTROL_LOAD_INCREMENT_LOOP_TYPE |
Load increment control loop. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_linear_type = SOLVER_LINEAR_TYPE |
A linear solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_nonlinear_type = SOLVER_NONLINEAR_TYPE |
A nonlinear solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_type = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_TYPE |
A dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dae_type = SOLVER_DAE_TYPE |
A differential-algebraic equation solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_eigenproblem_type = SOLVER_EIGENPROBLEM_TYPE |
A eigenproblem solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_optimiser_type = SOLVER_OPTIMISER_TYPE |
An optimiser solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solvercellmlevaluatortype = SOLVER_CELLML_EVALUATOR_TYPE |
A CellML evaluator solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_cmiss_library = SOLVER_CMISS_LIBRARY |
CMISS (internal) solver library. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_petsc_library = SOLVER_PETSC_LIBRARY |
PETSc solver library. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_mumps_library = SOLVER_MUMPS_LIBRARY |
MUMPS solver library. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_superlu_library = SOLVER_SUPERLU_LIBRARY |
SuperLU solver library. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_spooles_library = SOLVER_SPOOLES_LIBRARY |
SPOOLES solver library. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_umfpack_library = SOLVER_UMFPACK_LIBRARY |
UMFPACK solver library. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lusol_library = SOLVER_LUSOL_LIBRARY |
LUSOL solver library. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_essl_library = SOLVER_ESSL_LIBRARY |
ESSL solver library. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_lapack_library = SOLVER_LAPACK_LIBRARY |
LAPACK solver library. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_tao_library = SOLVER_TAO_LIBRARY |
TAO solver library. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_hypre_library = SOLVER_HYPRE_LIBRARY |
Hypre solver library. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_pastix_library = SOLVER_PASTIX_LIBRARY |
PaStiX solver library. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_linear_direct_solve_type = SOLVER_LINEAR_DIRECT_SOLVE_TYPE |
Direct linear solver type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_linear_iterative_solve_type = SOLVER_LINEAR_ITERATIVE_SOLVE_TYPE |
Iterative linear solver type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_direct_lu = SOLVER_DIRECT_LU |
LU direct linear solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_direct_cholesky = SOLVER_DIRECT_CHOLESKY |
Cholesky direct linear solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_direct_svd = SOLVER_DIRECT_SVD |
SVD direct linear solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_iterative_richardson = SOLVER_ITERATIVE_RICHARDSON |
Richardson iterative solver type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_iterative_chebyshev = SOLVER_ITERATIVE_CHEBYSHEV |
Chebychev iterative solver type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_iterative_conjugate_gradient = SOLVER_ITERATIVE_CONJUGATE_GRADIENT |
Conjugate gradient iterative solver type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_iterative_biconjugate_gradient = SOLVER_ITERATIVE_BICONJUGATE_GRADIENT |
Bi-conjugate gradient iterative solver type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_iterative_gmres = SOLVER_ITERATIVE_GMRES |
Generalised minimum residual iterative solver type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_iterative_bicgstab = SOLVER_ITERATIVE_BiCGSTAB |
Stabalised bi-conjugate gradient iterative solver type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_iterative_conjgrad_squared = SOLVER_ITERATIVE_CONJGRAD_SQUARED |
Conjugate gradient squared iterative solver type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_iterative_no_preconditioner = SOLVER_ITERATIVE_NO_PRECONDITIONER |
No preconditioner type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_iterative_jacobi_preconditioner = SOLVER_ITERATIVE_JACOBI_PRECONDITIONER |
Jacobi preconditioner type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_iterative_block_jacobi_preconditioner = SOLVER_ITERATIVE_BLOCK_JACOBI_PRECONDITIONER |
Iterative block Jacobi preconditioner type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_iterative_sor_preconditioner = SOLVER_ITERATIVE_SOR_PRECONDITIONER |
Successive over relaxation preconditioner type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_iterative_incomplete_cholesky_preconditioner = SOLVER_ITERATIVE_INCOMPLETE_CHOLESKY_PRECONDITIONER |
Incomplete Cholesky preconditioner type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_iterative_incomplete_lu_preconditioner = SOLVER_ITERATIVE_INCOMPLETE_LU_PRECONDITIONER |
Incomplete LU preconditioner type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_iterative_additive_schwarz_preconditioner = SOLVER_ITERATIVE_ADDITIVE_SCHWARZ_PRECONDITIONER |
Additive Schwrz preconditioner type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_nonlinear_newton = SOLVER_NONLINEAR_NEWTON |
Newton nonlinear solver type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_nonlinear_bfgs_inverse = SOLVER_NONLINEAR_BFGS_INVERSE |
BFGS inverse nonlinear solver type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_nonlinear_sqp = SOLVER_NONLINEAR_SQP |
Sequential Quadratic Program nonlinear solver type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_nonlinear_quasi_newton = SOLVER_NONLINEAR_QUASI_NEWTON |
Quasi-Newton nonlinear solver type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasi_newton_linesearch =SOLVER_QUASI_NEWTON_LINESEARCH |
Quasi-Newton line search nonlinear solver type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasi_newton_trustregion =SOLVER_QUASI_NEWTON_TRUSTREGION |
Quasi-Newton trust region nonlinear solver type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasi_newton_lbfgs =SOLVER_QUASI_NEWTON_LBFGS |
LBFGS Quasi-Newton type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasi_newton_goodbroyden =SOLVER_QUASI_NEWTON_GOODBROYDEN |
"Good" Broyden Quasi-Newton type More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasi_newton_badbroyden =SOLVER_QUASI_NEWTON_BADBROYDEN |
"Bad" Broyden Quasi-Newton type More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasi_newton_linesearch_basic =SOLVER_QUASI_NEWTON_LINESEARCH_BASIC |
Simple damping line search. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasi_newton_linesearch_l2 =SOLVER_QUASI_NEWTON_LINESEARCH_L2 |
Secant line search over the L2 norm of the function. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasi_newton_linesearch_cp =SOLVER_QUASI_NEWTON_LINESEARCH_CP |
Critical point secant line search. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasi_newton_restart_none =SOLVER_QUASI_NEWTON_RESTART_NONE |
Never restart. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasi_newton_restart_powell =SOLVER_QUASI_NEWTON_RESTART_POWELL |
Restart based upon descent criteria. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasi_newton_restart_periodic =SOLVER_QUASI_NEWTON_RESTART_PERIODIC |
Restart after a fixed number of iterations. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasi_newton_scale_none =SOLVER_QUASI_NEWTON_SCALE_NONE |
Don't scale the problem. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasi_newton_scale_shanno =SOLVER_QUASI_NEWTON_SCALE_SHANNO |
Use Shanno scaling. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasi_newton_scale_linesearch =SOLVER_QUASI_NEWTON_SCALE_LINESEARCH |
Scale based upon line search lambda. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_quasi_newton_scale_jacobian =SOLVER_QUASI_NEWTON_SCALE_JACOBIAN |
Scale by inverting a previously computed Jacobian. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newton_linesearch = SOLVER_NEWTON_LINESEARCH |
Newton line search nonlinear solver type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newton_trustregion = SOLVER_NEWTON_TRUSTREGION |
Newton trust region nonlinear solver type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newton_linesearch_linear = SOLVER_NEWTON_LINESEARCH_LINEAR |
Linear line search for Newton line search nonlinear solves. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newton_linesearch_quadratic = SOLVER_NEWTON_LINESEARCH_QUADRATIC |
Quadratic search for Newton line search nonlinear solves. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newton_linesearch_cubic = SOLVER_NEWTON_LINESEARCH_CUBIC |
Cubic search for Newton line search nonlinear solves. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newton_jacobian_not_calculated = SOLVER_NEWTON_JACOBIAN_NOT_CALCULATED |
The Jacobian values will not be calculated for the nonlinear equations set. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newton_jacobian_equations_calculated = SOLVER_NEWTON_JACOBIAN_EQUATIONS_CALCULATED |
The Jacobian values will be calculated analytically for the nonlinear equations set. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newton_jacobian_fd_calculated = SOLVER_NEWTON_JACOBIAN_FD_CALCULATED |
The Jacobian values will be calcualted using finite differences for the nonlinear equations set. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newton_convergence_petsc_default = SOLVER_NEWTON_CONVERGENCE_PETSC_DEFAULT |
Newton solver Petsc default convergence test type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newton_convergence_energy_norm = SOLVER_NEWTON_CONVERGENCE_ENERGY_NORM |
Newton solver energy norm convergence test type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_newton_convergence_differentiated_ratio = SOLVER_NEWTON_CONVERGENCE_DIFFERENTIATED_RATIO |
Newton solver Sum of differentiated ratios of unconstrained to constrained residuals convergence test type. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_first_order = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_FIRST_ORDER |
Dynamic solver has first order terms. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_second_order = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_SECOND_ORDER |
Dynamic solver has second order terms. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_linear = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_LINEAR |
Dynamic solver has linear terms. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_nonlinear = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_NONLINEAR |
Dynamic solver has nonlinear terms. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_first_degree = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_FIRST_DEGREE |
Dynamic solver uses a first degree polynomial for time interpolation. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_second_degree = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_SECOND_DEGREE |
Dynamic solver uses a second degree polynomial for time interpolation. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_third_degree = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_THIRD_DEGREE |
Dynamic solver uses a third degree polynomial for time interpolation. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_euler_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_EULER_SCHEME |
Euler (explicit) dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_backward_euler_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_BACKWARD_EULER_SCHEME |
Backward Euler (implicit) dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_crank_nicolson_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_CRANK_NICOLSON_SCHEME |
Crank-Nicolson dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_galerkin_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_GALERKIN_SCHEME |
Galerkin dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_zlamal_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_ZLAMAL_SCHEME |
Zlamal dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_second_degree_gear_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_SECOND_DEGREE_GEAR_SCHEME |
2nd degree Gear dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_second_degree_liniger1_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_SECOND_DEGREE_LINIGER1_SCHEME |
1st 2nd degree Liniger dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_second_degree_liniger2_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_SECOND_DEGREE_LINIGER2_SCHEME |
2nd 2nd degree Liniger dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_newmark1_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_NEWMARK1_SCHEME |
1st Newmark dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_newmark2_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_NEWMARK2_SCHEME |
2nd Newmark dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_newmark3_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_NEWMARK3_SCHEME |
3rd Newmark dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_third_degree_gear_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_THIRD_DEGREE_GEAR_SCHEME |
3rd degree Gear dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_third_degree_liniger1_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_THIRD_DEGREE_LINIGER1_SCHEME |
1st 3rd degree Liniger dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_third_degree_liniger2_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_THIRD_DEGREE_LINIGER2_SCHEME |
2nd 3rd degree Liniger dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_houbolt_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_HOUBOLT_SCHEME |
Houbolt dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_wilson_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_WILSON_SCHEME |
Wilson dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_bossak_newmark1_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_BOSSAK_NEWMARK1_SCHEME |
1st Bossak-Newmark dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_bossak_newmark2_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_BOSSAK_NEWMARK2_SCHEME |
2nd Bossak-Newmark dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_hilbert_hughes_taylor1_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_HILBERT_HUGHES_TAYLOR1_SCHEME |
1st Hilbert-Hughes-Taylor dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_hilbert_hughes_taylor2_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_HILBERT_HUGHES_TAYLOR2_SCHEME |
1st Hilbert-Hughes-Taylor dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dynamic_user_defined_scheme = SOLVER_DYNAMIC_USER_DEFINED_SCHEME |
User specified degree and theta dynamic solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dae_differential_only = SOLVER_DAE_DIFFERENTIAL_ONLY |
Differential equations only. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dae_index_1 = SOLVER_DAE_INDEX_1 |
Index 1 differential-algebraic equation. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dae_index_2 = SOLVER_DAE_INDEX_2 |
Index 2 differential-algebraic equation. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dae_index_3 = SOLVER_DAE_INDEX_3 |
Index 3 differential-algebraic equation. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dae_euler = SOLVER_DAE_EULER |
Euler differential-algebraic equation solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dae_crank_nicolson = SOLVER_DAE_CRANK_NICOLSON |
Crank-Nicolson differential-algebraic equation solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dae_runge_kutta = SOLVER_DAE_RUNGE_KUTTA |
Runge-Kutta differential-algebraic equation solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dae_adams_moulton = SOLVER_DAE_ADAMS_MOULTON |
Adams-Moulton differential-algebraic equation solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dae_bdf = SOLVER_DAE_BDF |
General BDF differential-algebraic equation solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dae_rush_larson = SOLVER_DAE_RUSH_LARSON |
Rush-Larson differential-algebraic equation solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dae_external = SOLVER_DAE_EXTERNAL |
External (e.g., CellML generated) differential-algebraic equation solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dae_euler_forward = SOLVER_DAE_EULER_FORWARD |
Forward Euler differential equation solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dae_euler_backward = SOLVER_DAE_EULER_BACKWARD |
Backward Euler differential equation solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_dae_euler_improved = SOLVER_DAE_EULER_IMPROVED |
Improved Euler differential equation solver. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_solution_initialise_zero = SOLVER_SOLUTION_INITIALISE_ZERO |
Initialise the solution by zeroing it before a solve. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_solution_initialise_current_field = SOLVER_SOLUTION_INITIALISE_CURRENT_FIELD |
Initialise the solution by copying in the current dependent field values. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_solution_initialise_no_change = SOLVER_SOLUTION_INITIALISE_NO_CHANGE |
Do not change the solution before a solve. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_no_output = SOLVER_NO_OUTPUT |
No output from the solver routines. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_progress_output = SOLVER_PROGRESS_OUTPUT |
Progress output from solver routines. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_timing_output = SOLVER_TIMING_OUTPUT |
Timing output from the solver routines plus below. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_solver_output = SOLVER_SOLVER_OUTPUT |
Solver specific output from the solver routines plus below. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_matrix_output = SOLVER_MATRIX_OUTPUT |
Solver matrices output from the solver routines plus below. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_sparse_matrices = SOLVER_SPARSE_MATRICES |
Use sparse solver matrices. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_solver_full_matrices = SOLVER_FULL_MATRICES |
Use fully populated solver matrices. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_jacobian_finite_difference_calculated = EQUATIONS_JACOBIAN_FINITE_DIFFERENCE_CALCULATED |
Evaluate Jacobian matrix using finite differences. More... | |
integer(intg), parameter, public | opencmiss_iron::cmfe_equations_jacobian_analytic_calculated = EQUATIONS_JACOBIAN_ANALYTIC_CALCULATED |
Evaluate Jacobian matrix using analytic expressions. More... | |
The top level OpenCMISS Iron module.
Definition in file opencmiss_iron.f90.